Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 420 Rabbits and dogs are both suffering!

"We can't move forward lightly. The main force can't send people to support us. The Japanese army has transferred an infantry regiment. Perhaps that infantry regiment has already set up a defense line on the road that our troops must pass. What should we do?" Zhou Dunhou's eyes were filled with despair, and his voice was even a little hoarse.

Facing the almost desperate roar of his comrade, Lei Xiong didn't know how to answer him.

Because he could only see the current situation, but didn't know how to break it.

A dead end!

As for the previous bet between the two, it was just a momentary dispute of will. At such a moment, naturally no one would mention it again.

Everyone turned their eyes to Tang Dao. Would this young man who had created a miracle with them once be able to create it again?

However, no one dared to be sure whether their commander could have the best plan.

The situation was really too complicated and critical. If they were not careful, they would be caught in the attack of more than 10,000 Japanese troops.

That would be a disaster.

The school officers looked at their top commander with hope, while Tang Dao looked back with a firm gaze, "Major Lei Xiong's analysis just now is good, and the situation you are worried about is also true. If nothing unexpected happens, the infantry regiment transferred by the 18th Division should be coming for us.

In fact, the 18th Division's two-day crazy attack forced our main force to retreat to the second line of defense, and also to compress the strategic maneuvering space of our main force. It not only achieved the goal of conquering the Jiashan front, but also made our advance regiment farther and farther away from our main force. Even if it is as close as 20 kilometers, under the blockade of one of its infantry regiments, our army can only be far away. Reachable. ”

Tang Dao pointed to a place on the west side of Jiashan, “If our advance group wants to successfully join the main force, it is naturally impossible to pass through the entire war zone and enter from the east. The west is where our army must go. If I were Ushijima Sadao, the infantry regiment of more than 3,000 people would definitely dig field trenches here and wait for our army to arrive.

At that time, let alone 3,000 people, even if it was 1,000 people, how could our exhausted army attack their defense line? No matter how fearless we are, there will be a river of blood in front of the position.

And if our army does not dare to attack and continues to detour to the west, it will also be trapped in a desperate situation. ”

“Why?” Zhou Dunhou asked blankly.

"Because the headquarters has already sent me a telegram, if we advance another five kilometers, we will completely enter Jiashan County, which is a land of fish and rice, with fertile fields and crisscrossing water systems. If we leave the main road and enter the fields, all the vehicles and horses will be trapped in them.

If it weren't for this geographical environment, the 128th Division would have repeatedly organized night attacks at night, and the Japanese 18th Division might have broken through the defense line two days ago. Do you think their heavy artillery brigade with more than 30 heavy artillery pieces is vegetarian?"

"What if the main force of our army also sent infantry to attack that infantry regiment?" someone asked.

"The Japanese army would be more than happy to do so. Within the established defense line, the casualties caused by heavy artillery can be tolerated. If they were in the wild, they would definitely die!" Lei Xiong, who answered him, also had a tense face.

At this time, the clearer the situation was, the more painful and desperate he felt.

"We will die if we go forward, and we will die if we don't. Damn it, why don't we build a position here and fight the Japanese behind us." Zhou Dunhou's eyes were filled with despair, his cheeks were bulging, and his expression became a little ferocious.

However, his thoughts should represent the vast majority of people.

"Yes, sir, why don't we fight them here!"

"That's right, we still have at least two hours to build a position. Even if we die, we have to make the devil pay a sufficient price!"

"I think it's better to leave a part to block the Japanese invaders, and the rest of the personnel will leave with the wounded, and we will take as many as we can."...

For a while, several anxious officers expressed their opinions.

This is also an emergency response when people are in a critical moment, and it has nothing to do with respecting Tang Dao as the commander.

Of course, this also reflects that they have no confidence in Tang Dao anymore, and they are more willing to "fight to the death"!

In this regard, the disciplined Imperial Guards showed much stronger qualities. Even when facing the death situation of the Sihang Warehouse, there was basically only one voice, the voice of Xie Jinyuan, the supreme commander, and the rest just followed orders.

This is what a strong army must have. Abandoning personal heroism, the supreme commander is the only brain. The whole army dares not disobey the military order, even if his decision is wrong.

"Enough, are you the commander, or is it Commander Tang?" Gong Shaoxun, who had not spoken much, shouted. "Listen to Commander Tang. He said how we should fight, and we should fight the same way. Why have so many opinions?"

Gong Shaoxun is the commander of the cavalry battalion directly under the military headquarters. Although his rank is also a major, as a trusted and beloved general of Lieutenant General Wu, his status is much higher than that of several guard battalion commanders. Usually, whoever sees him must put on a smile. Seeing him angry, several school officers who were just expressing their opinions passionately immediately became quiet.

Everyone once again cast their eyes on Tang Dao, who had already lit a cigarette and squinted his eyes at the map.

Light blue smoke enveloped Tang Dao's young face, making it a little unpredictable.

Although they all knew that Tang Dao would make a decision, no one knew what decision he would make.

Where would he lead these 3,000 isolated soldiers? In the situation of being chased and intercepted by nearly 11,000 Japanese troops

Seven kilometers away, the headquarters of the 36th Infantry Brigade of the Japanese Army.

The advance regiment stopped to rest, and the 36th Infantry Brigade also stopped to rest.

A man in ordinary Japanese military uniform sat down under a big tree in the woods without any image, drinking water from a military canteen.

If there were not two staff officers in ordinary Japanese military uniforms around him who respectfully called him "Your Excellency the Brigade Commander", it would be hard for anyone to believe that this guy sitting in the wild without any image, with sweat on his face and his discipline buttons unbuttoned to reveal his white shirt, was actually the Major General of the 36th Infantry Brigade, Mitsuru Ushijima, who was known as the most rigorous soldier in the 6th Division.

Yes, after chasing the advance regiment for six days, he was constantly shot and shot, and never slept well at night. For safety, the Japanese Army Major General, who gave up the three major kits of pretending to be cool, could not ride a horse and could only walk like an ordinary infantryman.

Ushijima Mitsuru, who usually lives a life of luxury, has suffered a lot these days. He walks so much that he is covered in sweat and wants to vomit when he smells the smell. His feet are rubbed with a row of blisters by the ordinary leather military boots. Even so, if he can still maintain the so-called military demeanor as usual, the goddess Amaterasu will probably give him a thumbs up.

It is not just the major general who is in such a mess. The Japanese officers and soldiers of the 36th Infantry Brigade are not much better. After the repair order, no one digs simple trenches according to the army regulations. They all find a dry place to sit anywhere, and there are not a few who lie down completely.

The khaki military uniform does not look too gray, but if you take a slight pat, the gray mouse characteristics are reflected.

If seen by an uninformed person, they may think that the 36th Infantry Brigade is the one being chased!

"Your Excellency, the commander of the 18th Division, Ushijima Sadao, sent a telegram. His Omura Infantry Regiment has set out in the morning to set up a defense line in the designated area. If the enemy we are pursuing continues to maintain the current direction, they will be killed!" A Japanese staff officer respectfully reported to Ushijima Mitsuru, who had just finished drinking water and had a breath.

"Yoshi! The Chinese are trapped. I will reply to Ushijima Sadao and thank you for your full assistance. After this battle, the 36th Infantry Brigade will not forget the friendship of the 18th Division. If you have any requests in the future, all officers and soldiers of the 36th Infantry Brigade will be there even if they are far away." Ushijima Mitsuru showed a smile on his tired face, and regained some vitality.

At this time, Ushijima Mitsuru no longer simply hated the "biting rabbit" seven kilometers away, but hated it to the bone.

Because of that army, he had become a big joke of the entire Japanese navy and army in Songhu.

After chasing for six days, the Chinese army miraculously survived, and the 36th Infantry Brigade lost two lieutenant colonels, three majors and more than 200 imperial officers and soldiers.

He couldn't hide these, because the loss of lieutenant-level officers must be reported to the Tenth Army Headquarters and the North China Expeditionary Force Headquarters. The Navy dispatched reconnaissance planes every day, and knew the whereabouts of the 36th Infantry Brigade better than the Army.

Under the deliberate propaganda of the Navy's horse-drawn soldiers, the story of an Imperial Army with 8,000 troops chasing a Chinese army with far fewer troops than them in the southeastern wilderness of China for almost a week, not to mention that it had spread in the Japanese army sequence in the Songhu War Zone, even North China, 2,000 kilometers away, knew about it.

Yanagawa Heisuke couldn't stand the pressure from the North China Expeditionary Force Headquarters, and sent telegrams for several consecutive days asking him when he could catch up with the Chinese.

If this army cannot be annihilated, this shameful mark will not only be nailed on the 36th Infantry Brigade, but also on the entire North China Expeditionary Force.

For this reason, he could only lower his proud head and ask for help from the 18th Division as a subordinate, and even made a lot of promises.

"Order the entire army to rest for half an hour and then continue to advance. I want to hang all those damn Chinese in this damn wilderness." Ushijima Mitsuru gave the order in a low voice.

"Hi!" The two communication staff officers bowed their heads at the same time.

There was also a sense of relief on their faces. This damn pursuit war was finally coming to an end.

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