Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 431 Crazy Artillery

Death may also give way to madness.

200 meters, for the cavalry charging at full speed, is only a matter of a dozen seconds.

The time left for the Japanese army is only a dozen seconds, but in these dozen seconds, they are enough to fire 30 machine gun shells and countless machine rifle bullets.

More than 30 cavalrymen fell on the way of charging.

However, there are still 200 cavalrymen who attacked the position of this wave of Japanese troops from the battlefield 300 meters wide.

Lv Sanjiang, who was leading the way, rode across the trench, and the saber in his hand mercilessly cut through the neck of a Japanese machine gunner. With the high speed and the strength of his arms, the sharp saber cut off most of the Japanese neck. The whole head drooped strangely on the human body, and the blood in the neck cavity sprayed a dazzling blood flower under the afterglow of the flare.

But this was just the prelude to the death of the gunners of the Japanese anti-aircraft artillery regiment. Like the heavy artillery gunners, they were hardly equipped with any long guns. The Type 14 Nambu pistol was their only weapon in close combat.

But this small pistol with low power and easy jamming was not enough to deal with infantry, let alone the cavalry moving at high speed.

The cavalry who went crazy because of the death of their comrades sometimes didn't even use a knife. Facing any human body blocking in front of them, they directly drove the warhorse to hit it. After increasing the speed, the kinetic energy of hundreds of kilograms of warhorses was comparable to that of a small car. If they were hit, they would break their bones and muscles. If they were stepped on by the warhorse, they would be dead. That could only be the possession of Amaterasu.

As a commander, Gong Shaoxun did not participate in the killing of the Japanese machine gunners. He was looking for the machine guns that caused terrible casualties to his cavalry, and thus saw the semi-finished machine guns that the Japanese were assembling.

In an instant, he broke out in a sweat.

He knew that if he had hesitated just now, perhaps when the infantry came up, what awaited them would be six terrible machine guns, and by then, perhaps the number of casualties would be far greater than now.

It was lucky to capture this anti-aircraft artillery position with only one-third of its strength at the cost of nearly fifty cavalrymen.

Yes, the Chinese cavalrymen captured a heavy firepower point of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade at an acceptable price, which was a great luck, but if it were not for Gong Shaoxun's courage and determination to die on the battlefield, this kind of luck would never fall on the heads of Chinese soldiers.

The so-called luck will always only favor those who work hard enough.

Compared with the cavalrymen who sacrificed their lives for victory, it was easier for the infantrymen who followed the cavalry to attack the two wings.

As the vanguard of the entire army, the Sihangying Camp was not idle after opening the passage for the entire army to enter the Japanese heavy artillery brigade.

As the supreme commander, Tang Dao needed to command the entire army and follow the guard battalion with Erya and Xia Dayu.

Lei Xiong led the Fourth Battalion and the 67th Army Guard Battalion to attack the left wing of the heavy artillery brigade, where there was also a heavy artillery position and some Japanese infantry.

So, they also encountered the Japanese anti-aircraft artillery regiment.

But with the experience of cavalry encountering machine guns, Lei Xiong, who was well prepared, ordered the entire army to lie down at the first time.

The cavalry can use speed to minimize the damage value of machine guns, but the infantry can't. I don't know how many infantrymen will die in these two or three hundred meters.

"Iron Head, it's up to you, bomb the dog to death for me!" Lei Xiong roared and ordered.

"Deputy Battalion Officer, you wait, kill them immediately."

Mortars are a must-have for the Fourth Battalion. Three Type 82 mortars helped the Fourth Battalion eliminate countless Japanese firepower points. The three groups of mortar gunners are also the best protected valuable resources of the Fourth Battalion.

No matter how difficult the battlefield was, the infantrymen always stood in front of the mortarmen, because they firmly believed that as long as there were mortars, the Japanese machine guns would be destroyed.

This time, the few gunners of the Fourth Battalion did not disappoint them either.

But this time, the gunners of the Fourth Battalion were even more brutal than their infantry brothers thought.

They actually abandoned their beloved mortars and gathered in front of a 150 heavy artillery.

The 150 howitzer, the most equipped artillery of the Japanese heavy artillery brigade, had a total of thirty guns, and just over ten of them were within the attack range of the infantrymen.

The Japanese artillerymen around this 150 howitzer, which was located more than 400 meters on the flank of the Japanese anti-aircraft artillery regiment, had run away long before the Chinese infantrymen attacked, and naturally became the infantrymen's spoils.

However, this 3-ton big thing is not a 75-caliber mountain gun, and its shortest firing range is also 1,000 meters. What are the gunners doing with this thing now?

The infantrymen who were crawling on the ground waiting for their own mortars to work were dumbfounded.

"Baga! Shoot, shoot those Chinese to death." A Japanese colonel on the position of the Japanese anti-aircraft artillery regiment was gritting his teeth and roaring.

As the colonel commander of the 3rd Artillery Regiment of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade, Hisashi Komura had never encountered such a battle.

A group of Chinese actually took advantage of the night to rush into the brigade position. Compared with the Chinese's audacity, what was more infuriating was the performance of their own people. The infantry outside the position collapsed in less than three minutes.

This made the colonel commander who climbed out of the field tent in a panic not even have time to put on his shoes, and was dragged by the guards to the position of the anti-aircraft artillery regiment.

That was also the safest area in the entire brigade position that the guards believed was currently the safest area, after all, there were still six anti-aircraft guns there.

Four of the six anti-aircraft guns have been assembled, and the infantry on the outer positions are also reinforcing here. At least four light machine guns and four grenade launchers have been set up, and there are several hundred soldiers. All this makes Xiaocun Shangzhi feel a little relieved.

No matter how strong the Chinese are, it is impossible to break through this position in a short time. At least his life is saved.

Human desires are like this. When you get something, you will want more.

The frightened Japanese artillery colonel now hopes to kill those hateful Chinese, those Chinese who are suppressed by machine guns and machine guns.

As the highest-ranking soldier on this position, regardless of whether the soldiers of the anti-aircraft artillery regiment are under the jurisdiction of Xiaocun Shangzhi, he is now the highest commander, and what he says is of course useful.

Machine guns, machine guns, grenade launchers, and rifles are all firing desperately, and flares are also madly fired into the sky, hitting the hundreds of people crawling on the ground and making them unable to raise their heads.

"Tietou, you bastard, what are you doing? If you don't fire, I'll withdraw you!" In order to avoid the bullets flying overhead, Captain Lei almost buried his face in the mud.

"Deputy Battalion Commander, if you withdraw me, I'll have fun with this thing first." Cheng Tieshou's voice came from afar. "Haha! Little devils, come and taste the taste of my big guy!"

Damn, this guy seems to be driving, this is the thought that emerged in Gu Xishui's mind.

But in an instant, a loud bang wiped out his idea.

A 150 howitzer with a lowered muzzle fired.

No one would use a howitzer with a range of 10,000 meters as an infantry gun. This is almost equivalent to installing a bayonet on the howitzer.

But the Chinese artillerymen did just that, using a winch to lower the muzzle to the lowest level and fired at the Japanese position more than 400 meters away.

The original scale scale was completely useless at this moment, that was the elevation angle that the 150 howitzer had never had before.

"Boom!" A loud noise.

What does it feel like when a shell weighing more than 20 kilograms explodes 20 meters in front of the Japanese position?

No one knows how the Japanese soldiers who have been blown away by the air wave feel, but the Chinese infantrymen more than 200 meters away from the Japanese position feel that the scorching air wave is about to blow them off the ground.

If they had not already suspended their chests and abdomens above the ground, they would even be sure that they would be shocked to vomit blood by the crazy artillerymen's shot.

The two machine guns that were firing desperately were completely silent. The terrible air wave not only twisted the human body into a strange shape and flew more than ten meters away, but also twisted the gun barrel into a twist and flipped it in the trench.

And this is just the edge of the exploding shell.

No one knows what will happen if it hits the position.

"Another shot!" Cheng Tieshou's roar was a little out of tune in the autumn wind.

Only this time, no one heard it, and everyone's ears were temporarily deafened by the power of the cannon.

. . . . . . .

PS: Recommend a friend's new book "Bright Sword: I am Kong Jie", reborn as Kong Jie, starting with an independent regiment, and daily arguing with Li Yunlong will lead a life of cheating.

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