Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 439 Japanese Courage

The bullet net composed of countless submachine guns, Mauser pistols and rifles was the main force to stop the Japanese infantry from advancing.

The Japanese army had expected this.

The opponent was equipped with short-range firepower weapons, which could only be effective within a distance of 100 meters.

The continuous short-range firepower was indeed fierce, but it also had advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantage of too short range led to a shortened range of their firepower defense.

As long as the imperial infantry rushed through those damn dozens of meters, they could throw countless melon mines and blow up those Chinese in the simple trenches.

Therefore, even though they knew that they would pay a high price, the Japanese infantry still kept charging at full speed.

Their goal was to start throwing bombs after crossing the stream.

The weight of the melon mines was too light, and they could only maintain sufficient accuracy at a distance of more than 30 meters.

The Chinese were very cunning and happened to place their positions more than 30 meters away from the stream.

Then, when the Japanese infantry were still more than ten meters away from throwing bombs, they opened fire.

On the 1,500-meter position, there were about 200 Mauser pistols, 60 submachine guns, and 400 rifles firing.

The dense rain of bullets made the Japanese infantrymen at the forefront look like peach blossoms. In the first wave of rain of bullets, 70 to 80 Japanese soldiers fell down in a twirl on the long charge line.

However, compared with the charge of the four infantry squadrons, the loss of only one-tenth of the troops was still within the tolerance of the Japanese commander.

The people in front fell, and the people behind continued to move forward in the direction where their colleagues fell.

On the road of charge, the Japanese army did not do worse than the Chinese, and even better.

In the process of running, they were not completely motionless. Some soldiers shot while running, and even aimed with their remaining strength.

Although running at high speed, the shooting level of the Japanese army was clearly reflected at this moment, and their bullets still maintained high accuracy.

More than 70% of the bullets were accurately shot at the front of the trench. The splashing mud and the bullet marks whizzing past the helmets made the Chinese soldiers lying on the edge of the trench unable to shoot without scruples.

If you raise your head a little too high, you may die under this rain of bullets that is not dense but accurate.

Seventy or eighty Japanese soldiers fell, and more than a dozen Chinese soldiers in the trenches also fell over.

However, this time no one went to see the wounded.

Everyone bit his back teeth, puffed his cheeks, faced the bullets that could take his life at any time, and shot all the bullets in his gun at the khaki dozens of meters away.

Most people's minds should be blank at that moment.

The only thought is to kill the opponent.

Otherwise, when the opponent rushed across the stream with a bayonet and rushed into the position, it would be a real disaster.

Everyone would die, including the fire support and medical team in the rear, and no one was spared.

This is the answer of courage to courage, and the response of fear to fear.

The real disaster of the Japanese army began ten seconds after the infantrymen fired at each other.

The heavy machine guns and cannons on the hill opened fire.

The Maxim heavy machine guns with a firing rate of 500 rounds per minute suddenly poured out a rain of bullets, which certainly knocked the Japanese infantrymen who had just stepped over the corpses of their companions to their knees. At least 30 Japanese soldiers were hit and fell in the mud.

But the machine gun was the most destructive to people's will.

Just like the Chinese cavalry encountered machine gun shooting, the cigar-sized shells hit people, leaving more than holes, but shattered human tissue.

Real blood and flesh flew together.

Three machine guns shot out a magazine in ten seconds, and the number of Japanese killed by 60 shells was actually far less than that caused by heavy machine guns.

But it was cruel enough.

While running, the head of the companion next to you was gone, or half of the body was smashed, or a shell penetrated an infantryman's chest, leaving a transparent hole as big as a bowl, and the rolling bullet "blew" the thigh of an infantryman behind him.

What kind of psychological experience is this?

No one can know, because the parties involved eventually fell in the mud.

Death is just a matter of time.

Faced with such a brutal attack, the Japanese army did not do nothing. The grenade launcher team more than 300 meters away quickly organized a counterattack.

Dozens of grenades covered the hills where the fiercest firepower erupted, and the small hills were filled with smoke.

More than a dozen heavy machine guns on the heavy machine gun positions also tried their best to spray bullets to suppress the heavy firepower points on the hills.

Although the three machine guns and four heavy machine guns were surrounded by three layers of sand, the scorching air waves and shrapnel were still frightening. The ten-millimeter steel plate in front of the machine guns even sparked from time to time, which was the result of shrapnel bursting on it.

It can be seen how fierce the Japanese counterattack was.

"Is it adjusted?" On the position of the fire support company 300 meters behind the Chinese position, Captain Pang Dahai's face showed a rare anxiety.

The six mortars under his command were the last heavy firepower on this position. They would not use their precious shells to attack infantry. Only the Japanese heavy machine guns and grenade launchers were their targets.

In the previous few minutes, the mortars had not fired, allowing the Japanese heavy machine guns and grenade launchers to wreak havoc, just waiting for the artillery observer to report the coordinates of the Japanese heavy firepower point in front.

Although Tang Dao left almost 80% of the stockpile to him before leaving, the six mortars only had a reserve of 130 rounds, which meant that he was destined not to be able to play any artillery coverage.

He had to be accurate enough. If he waited a little longer, the Japanese infantry guns might be transported up. By then, the six mortars would no longer have such a comfortable environment.

Fortunately, the fire support company was made up of elite soldiers from various units of the 67th Army. Five minutes allowed them to make all preparations.

The Japanese grenade launchers and heavy machine guns fired desperately for less than 20 seconds.

"Bang, bang, bang!" A series of muffled sounds rang out behind the battlefield where the two armies were fighting fiercely.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Six brilliant shells exploded behind the charging Japanese army.

Although the 4-kilogram projectile has a charge of only 0.5 kilograms and a trigger-type fuse with poor hard-breaking ability, the large amount of fragments formed by the cast iron projectile can be called a nightmare for infantry.

The Japanese army, which rushed into battle, abandoned the army regulations of digging trenches in every battle, whether it was the heavy machine gun position or the grenade launcher soldiers, and just lay down in the field and fired.

In front of the large amount of shrapnel formed by the Type 82 mortar shells, the heavy machine gun and grenade launcher soldiers without any fortifications were like being stripped of all their clothes in the cold winter, leaving the "cold wind" to rage.

Two consecutive rounds of twelve shells killed and wounded the heavy machine gun and grenade launcher soldiers. The survivors did not care about firing and moving their positions in a panic.

As for the infantry who needed their care, the machine gun shooters who were blown up with blood on their faces could not take care of them.

The Japanese infantry who were charging hard could only fight hard.

Use flesh and blood and crazy bullets to fight hard.

But you have to admire the courage of the Japanese soldiers. Even in such a difficult situation, they did not crawl to the ground to avoid the crazy rain of bullets, and naturally it was impossible for them to retreat.

They were still charging.

One wave fell, and the next one followed.

Death seemed to be eclipsed in front of the fearless death.

If this was a flat field, they would have a good chance of success.

There is no need to rush into the position immediately. As long as you rush into the 30-meter range, hundreds of melon grenades will be thrown into the position, and there may be more next time. That is what the Chinese soldiers in the trenches fear the most.

But unfortunately, the 5-meter-wide river slowed down their pace.

The inconspicuous river with a depth of only one meter became a nightmare for the Japanese army.

The speed reduction is only secondary.

What is more terrifying is that the Chinese soldiers fully utilized this favorable terrain and adjusted more than two-thirds of the shooting angles to this small river.

Like an insurmountable natural chasm, no more than ten Japanese infantrymen can rush to the other side through this small river and successfully throw melon grenades.

Ten melon grenades, obviously, are too few.

Compared with the 1,500-meter defense line, the explosion of ten grenades is almost equivalent to setting off ten firecrackers on the Chinese position.

Is it for the Chinese to celebrate?

No one wants to think about this sad topic.

The huge casualties visible to the naked eye have made the two Japanese Army majors dizzy.

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