Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 451 The Devil's Respect

The battle was paused for 10 minutes.

The battle on the other side of the hillside was also paused because of the huge explosion that resounded throughout the wilderness.

The violent air wave even rushed more than 100 meters away, sweeping several Japanese infantrymen who were caught off guard down the hillside.

Nearly 400 Japanese soldiers from two infantry squadrons attacked desperately under strict military orders, but ended up with two-thirds of their casualties. One of the infantry squadrons had only more than 20 people left, completely losing their combat capability.

This news reached Kanda Masatane in the temporary command post in the rear, and almost made the already exhausted 36th Infantry Brigade's front-line commander burst with anger.

He could understand that the Chinese would hold on to their positions, because they had no way to retreat, and retreating would mean death!

But why were these idiots from the 47th Infantry Regiment so stupid that they took half an hour to achieve such a record with the help of two infantry squads and all the artillery of the brigade.

Are they pigs?

"Order, send the last two infantry squadrons of the 6th Infantry Battalion. Since 500 people are not enough, add another 500 people." The Japanese army colonel, who was stunned for a full minute, gave a cold order. "In addition, notify the army captain who suffered the most casualties. He will serve as the vanguard commander in the next battle. Tell him that after he dies in battle, I will report his bravery to the brigade commander and even the commander!"

As the Japanese army regrouped and mobilized, the Japanese artillery covered the entire "Guling" again.

At this moment, even Tang Dao, who had expected the battle to be extremely tragic, would not know that the ratio of Chinese and Japanese forces in this silent battle on a small hill in southeastern China would reach an unprecedented 1 to 6.

And it happened with the assistance of more than 20 artillery pieces used by the Japanese army.

If they were not defeated, the Chinese soldiers would be possessed by the gods of war.

Yes, even if the gods came down to earth, they would be wiped out in the shrapnel of nearly a thousand shells thrown by the Japanese army!

Besides, Chinese officers and soldiers are mortals.

One hour later!

The hill of ‘Guling’ was full of khaki shadows.

However, they still did not stand on the top of the hill waving swords and guns and their flags and shouting victory as the Japanese commander imagined.

Because they had not won yet, even though they had invested a terrible 1,000 troops and 20 artillery pieces, 15 heavy machine guns and nearly 30 grenade launchers.

The Chinese used facts to explain what it meant to be a "copper pea that can't be steamed, cooked, pounded, or fried, and it doesn't make a loud noise." They still occupied a small position on the top of the hill.

It was a position with an area of ​​no more than 300 square meters. From time to time, there were gunshots from the Type 38 rifle. Although the shooting was not accurate, the Japanese infantry who had already determined that they could win the final victory did not want to die in the darkness before dawn.

For a while, no one dared to go up.

They could also retreat a hundred meters and notify the mountain artillery in the rear to continue bombarding the position.

Unfortunately, the 36th Infantry Brigade was also exhausted at this point in the battle. The artillery reserves that could have been used to support a two-day battle intensity were consumed by 80% in just one and a half hours.

The artillery battalion of the division artillery regiment, which was supposed to arrive at the battlefield an hour ago, had its wheels stuck in the mud because of a misreading of the map, and was still struggling with the mud six kilometers away.

To put it bluntly, the 36th Infantry Brigade was like a strong man who had exhausted all his strength. As a result, although the Japanese infantry on the lonely mausoleum knew that the opponent was extremely weak, they did not have the ability or even enough courage to launch the final attack.

Of course, this was also a psychological change brought about by the victory that was within reach. No one wanted to be threatened with death when they could taste the sweet fruits.

There were enough deaths, so many that people were numb to fear.

The number of Japanese infantrymen who can still move on the hill is definitely no more than 450, which means that more than 600 Japanese infantrymen have fallen on this damned position...

However, there are actually only two people on the 300-square-meter position.

One is Major Scar, and the other is the young soldier who stabbed Lieutenant Katori Asuka to death with one knife.

The rest are either lying on the position below or on the edge of this small position.

The first company of the 108th Division Guard Battalion is gone.

Including the captain, the company commander, there are only one corporal and the highest commander of the guard battalion left out of the entire company of 150 people.

Four machine guns and four heavy machine guns, as well as the people who operated the equipment, are also gone.

The circular fortifications built with huge manpower and material resources could not stop the horror of probability. The dense bombardment of thousands of shells, even if one percent hit them, would result in the destruction of the guns and the death of people.

The ammunition handlers or auxiliary shooters who had lost their equipment but were not dead were also added to the trenches, and then died with the infantrymen of the guard battalion.

This was still not enough. The Japanese troops besieging from three sides continued to attack the position like a tide. After one wave of death, another wave came. The Chinese defenders, whose manpower was constantly consumed, could not maintain the three-sided position at all.

The explosives buried on the other two sides had been detonated, but they only blocked the Japanese troops for a few minutes.

As long as one side was breached, it would be a disaster for the other two sides, and they would not even have the opportunity to retreat to the top of the hill.

If it weren't for Major Scar's desperate move, he fired 6 red flares to notify the fire support company on the other side of the trench.

With tears in his eyes, Fatty Dahai of the fire support company gritted his teeth and ordered his last four mortars to shoot at the 'Guling' and fired the last 30 shells in one go, blasting the Japanese and Chinese soldiers who had rushed into the position into the night sky. With the fireworks in the air, the "Guling" position will never have the last stubbornness of the Chinese soldiers.

The 30 rounds of artillery shells that hurt both sides buried at least more than 100 Japanese troops and more than 20 Chinese soldiers. The Japanese troops retreated tens of meters, which also gave the Chinese soldiers on three sides a chance to finally retreat.

Finally, retreat to the top of the hill.

There was no so-called position there, only shell craters left by mountain artillery shells. There were no more than ten people re-building positions in the shell craters.

Ten of them had all been empty of bullets before going to the battlefield. They had no rifles or submachine guns. The only thing they had was the 38-meter rifle they picked up from the battlefield.

Sporadic exchanges of fire killed and wounded the ten soldiers who were already injured, leaving only two people left.

"What's your name?" Major Scar asked himself, the last soldier, half-lying in the shell crater tiredly as one of his arms was gone.

"Reporting to the battalion commander, my name is Dahe, Cheng Dahe!" The young soldier looked at the battalion commander, a major who was already weak in breath, and pursed his lips and said.

"Become a big river, what a name! Your father is a man with ideals." Major Scar asked with a grin. "Dahe, we are going to be finished, are you afraid?"

"Afraid!" The young soldier thought carefully and answered honestly.

"Haha, you're right! I'm not afraid of death." Major Scar suddenly laughed loudly. "I'm also very scared! Especially when I know I'm going to die soon."

"Go and drag over those brothers who are still breathing." Major Scar ordered.

Cheng Dahe nodded, he knew what the officer wanted to do.

Major Scar wants to take the last grenade he has.

Not to die under the bayonet of the Japanese army, this should be the commander's last wish.

Somewhat sadly, he threw away the rifle that had no bullets in his hand. The young soldier groped in the dark and dragged the last three seriously injured people who were still breathing slightly from the other two craters.

Looking at the officer with only one arm, he reluctantly stroked the young face of his comrade who was barely breathing, and murmured to himself: "Brothers, I'm sorry, I can't save you. In order to prevent you from being tortured by the devils, I can only bring you with me." You guys go on the road together, don’t blame me!”

The young soldier couldn't bear to look, lowered his head and turned slightly sideways.


However, he suffered a heavy blow on the back of his head and turned his head in disbelief. The last thing left in the soldier's field of vision was Major Scar retracting his only hand.

In the darkness, he couldn't see his commander's eyes clearly, and he didn't have time to think about why he did what he did. Severe dizziness hit him, and the soldier who survived the battle fell to the ground without a word.

Three minutes after the gunfire stopped.

The Japanese army finally surrounded them.

A major sitting in the shell crater, holding three wounded soldiers who were almost motionless, stared at the surrounding Japanese troops.

"Kill him!" the Japanese commander gritted his teeth.

Obviously, the Japanese army, which also killed red-eyed people, had no intention of catching anyone alive.

The only way to respond to death is death.

A group of Japanese soldiers had just raised their guns.

Blue smoke rose from the major's arms.

He did not shout slogans or curse. The Chinese soldier who had lost his arm just sat quietly hugging his soldier.

His soldiers completed their mission, and now, he, the commander, is also fulfilling his promise to them: "I will always be with you!"

Although there were many delays, this promise was fulfilled.

All Japanese troops retreated.

He looked solemnly at the Chinese officer who closed his eyes.

"Boom!" There was a sound, and blood rain splashed.

There was no smile of victory on the faces of the Japanese infantry. They occupied the position but failed to defeat the army.

Many people lowered their heads slightly to show respect for the fighting method chosen by the last Chinese soldier on the ground.

He used his own flesh and blood to shoot towards his enemy!

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