Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 456 Tragic Battle

It was destined to be a tragic battle.

In the words of Tang Dao, who later rushed to the battlefield, "They retreated not because they were not brave enough, because this encounter was enough to prove everything."

The retreating Chinese army had no suppressive firepower, and each person had only one rifle and only five bullets.

The Japanese army had grenade launchers and machine guns, and the Japanese veterans' shooting skills were also extremely accurate, which was an overwhelming advantage almost from the beginning.

The most important thing for the Chinese officers and soldiers who were ordered to retreat at this moment was to turn around and evacuate immediately, before the Japanese infantry had figured out the situation and took out their habitual central breakthrough and two-wing outflanking.

They only needed to retreat 600 meters to get fire support from their own defense line. Although they were pushed back to the battlefield full of crises, they didn't have to die on the spot.

Or, throw away all the equipment on your body, use the cover of the night, and escape lightly. Most people will die under the guns of the Japanese army, but there will always be survivors. What if that lucky person is yourself?

No matter which choice you make, there will always be a glimmer of hope.

However, under the leadership of the second lieutenant who had once been weak because of his parents, a total of 80 soldiers did not leave the battlefield.

Perhaps, they had already left once, although only 1,000 meters. No one knows the inner torment they suffered during this short 1,000-meter journey.

No matter how they obeyed the order, the fact is that they abandoned their comrades, and hundreds of comrades would use their lives to build a defense line to cover their departure.

Just like the complexity in the eyes of the second lieutenant of the army who temporarily served as the highest commander of the retreating team because of his highest rank when he encountered the Japanese army.

First, he was stunned, then panicked, then painful, and finally, relieved.

The surprise was naturally because he would encounter the Japanese invaders here; panicked, as an artillery platoon leader, he did not have much experience in infantry command; painful, in addition to his 80 infantrymen, he also had 40 seriously injured and 14 medical staff, including 3 female nurses.

If something happened to the wounded and female nurses here, he would feel guilty even if he died in battle.

But in the end, they were relieved.

Can't they go back after all? Whether they are weak or strong, the Japanese invaders will not let them go.

There is no way, they can only die.

Yes, the existence of the wounded and the medical team destined this retreating army to fight the Japanese army in front of them, even if they were annihilated.

Otherwise, the names of all of them will be nailed on the pillar of shame in history.

Of course, for these big soldiers, they don't care about history or not, but they have recognized the fact that they are men, Chinese men after the war has been fought to this point.

If you are a man, you have to stand up even if you die.

Retreat is a military order, for the future, they are not cowards!

This is actually created by the environment.

After several consecutive bloody battles and countless separations of life and death, the iron-blooded spirit of generals, officers, and comrades who never retreat before death has actually quietly penetrated into everyone's bones.

After being unable to abandon, the Chinese soldiers who quickly spread out their formation and fired at the Japanese army reached an agreement in a very short time, fought with the Japanese, and covered the medical team's retreat.

Unfortunately, the Japanese commander was far more cunning than they imagined, and it took only two or three minutes to see through the weakness of the small Chinese force in front of them, which was almost the same size as theirs.

More than 40 Japanese soldiers from three squads quickly bypassed the two wings, because they had to carry several wounded soldiers, but the medical team of more than a dozen people was forced to retreat before they walked more than 100 meters.

Here, at least there are dozens of infantrymen to protect them. If they move forward and are caught up by the Japanese infantry, the medical team and the wounded can only be slaughtered by the Japanese army.

The firepower intensity of five bullets per person is naturally unable to fight against the Japanese army.

Ten minutes after the battle broke out, while the front-line positions in the rear were still stubbornly firing at the Japanese army that was constantly attacking the defense line, the retreating army had already engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the approaching Japanese army.

The Japanese officer leading the team was ecstatic.

Since entering the battlefield in southeast China, they have never had the opportunity to show their unparalleled bravery in bayonet skills.

Whether it is under the city of Songjiang or in the wilderness chasing the Chinese army, the cunning Chinese always hold various short guns with fierce firepower and sweep them at a distance of more than ten meters.

Countless brave colleagues fell under the bullets of the Chinese. The tip of the bayonet that fell into the dust still flashed cold light, but it hurt the eyes of countless warriors of the Imperial Japanese Army.

And now, the opportunity has finally come.

The Chinese have no bullets, and they can show the bravery of the Imperial Army without any scruples in this night.

"Shoot flares, let you teach the Chinese a lesson, let them know who is the most powerful army on this planet, I want the Chinese to see their people die under the swords of the Imperial Warriors." Captain Taro Aso, the captain of the Aso Squadron of the 6th Infantry Battalion of the 45th Infantry Regiment of the 36th Infantry Brigade, drew out his command knife under the crescent moon that emerged from the dark clouds and emitted a hazy light, and issued a declaration.

After the Chinese soldiers ran out of ammunition, they chose the only possible hand-to-hand combat in the face of the approaching Japanese infantry.

In order to quickly resolve the battle, complete the tactical goals issued by the regiment, and vent their anger, the Japanese soldiers also chose hand-to-hand combat.

The Chinese and Japanese soldiers who charged at each other with rifles had almost no running start and collided violently.

Blood splattered!

The sudden screams even surpassed the previous battlefield where the gunfire was blazing.

There are Chinese and Japanese.

No matter how strong a warrior is, after the cold blade enters the body and is turned violently, causing the blade to stir between muscles and skeletal nerves, he will scream out because of the huge pain transmitted from the nerve center.

The Japanese are very conceited, but they have the capital to be conceited.

In just the first wave of collisions, more than a dozen Chinese soldiers were stabbed in the chest and abdomen by the bayonets of the Japanese infantry, but they only suffered four or five injuries from the bayonets of the Liao-made Thirteen Rifles. This was mostly because the Chinese soldiers did not dodge. Caused by a style of play that does not avoid the same fate.

Yes, many soldiers made their decision the moment the Japanese infantry rushed over with bayonets in hand.

A life for a life.

The moment the Japanese bayonet stabbed at him with cold light, he obeyed the Japanese infantry's will and bravely faced him with his chest.

If the bayonet pierces the skin, penetrates the muscles and breaks the bones, it will be blocked. Even if it is only 0.5 seconds, the bayonet in the hands of the Chinese soldiers will pierce the Japanese infantry in almost the same position.

This method of hurting oneself first and then the enemy was undoubtedly beyond the expectations of the Japanese infantry. No matter how trapped the beast is, human instinct is to protect one's own life first. Even if you know it is difficult, you still have to struggle, right?

Unlike these Chinese people, their tactics are so crude and they just change things one by one when they come up.

This almost unreasonable tactics caught the Japanese infantry off guard at the beginning. There were four or five pairs of soldiers from both sides who only had one face to face, and they were poking each other, and I was thrusting into you, spitting blood and hatred at each other. See.

But when the Japanese infantry reacted and first avoided its sharp attack and then circled and assassinated, the difference in strength between the two sides was exposed, and Chinese soldiers were stabbed in vital parts one after another.

In order to quickly break the morale of the Chinese soldiers, the Japanese infantry were extremely cruel. They knew clearly that the opponent had lost the ability to resist due to heavy injuries and would die soon after taking out the knife, but they still twisted the rifle body hard so that the blade was in the chest or The abdominal cavity is churning, causing unbearable pain.

However, they miscalculated.

The howl sounded!

"Fuck your grandma!"



The unwilling curses of the Chinese soldiers before they died made the battlefield even more bloody.

Some red-eyed Chinese soldiers were even willing to serve as shields for their comrades. After the Japanese infantry's bayonets pierced their bodies, they immediately threw away their guns and held onto the guns that had stabbed their bodies. All their strength was put into their arms, just to delay the Japanese infantry's bayonets. Draw the knife for a second or two, and let the comrades behind you kill the opponent with one knife.

After the war, it was proved that if it weren't for their exchange of death for death strategy that had appeared from the beginning.

There was no way they could survive ten minutes.

It was only in the last few minutes of the hand-to-hand combat that the Japanese army discovered why these Chinese soldiers who gave them a headache were fighting so hard.

Behind them, there are wounded soldiers, medical staff, and female soldiers!


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