Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 459 It’s still too late (double monthly tickets, please give me monthly tickets!)

The battlefield is so cruel.

In addition to the infantryman who died after insisting on confessing his regrets, the cavalry found several wounded soldiers who were still breathing.

However, they were all injured by sharp blades and were difficult to treat. They had relied on their vitality to hold on to their last breath, but after seeing their own people coming, they finally lost their breath.

The stingy major who was fighting in the front would never have thought that the seeds he gave up and left behind would be wiped out in this encounter.

As Tan Tai Ming Yue said in his battlefield diary after staying up all night that day: "The country and the world are proud of this last battle of Songhu. In this battle, our army annihilated thousands of the enemy's 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade, defeated thousands of the enemy's 36th Infantry Brigade, and fought against tens of thousands of the Japanese 18th Division. The whole country cheered for such achievements! They were amazed by the generals' strategic planning and praised them with all kinds of flattering words!

However, how many people would think about the soldiers who died for the country, and how sad their families would be?

To achieve such a great victory, the generals' strategic planning may only be one of the factors! In Ming Yue's view, the sacrifice of the soldiers is the key factor in the victory of this battle.

Only in the battlefield where the 36th Infantry Brigade was blocked, our army had almost all positions in two places!"

The two places mentioned by Tan Tai Ming Yue, one is "Gu Ling" and the other is this place.

How much pain Tan Tai Ming Yue felt when she set foot in these two places can actually be seen from the descriptions in her battlefield diary.

In the battlefield diary, which records the real scenes of the battlefield and is used to inspire the morale of the army and civilians across the country, there are only four words "there are two places" to describe these two positions where the entire army was killed.

It is not that Tan Tai Ming Yue could not suppress her inner grief and depict the tragic grandeur of these two positions in front of the world, but that Tan Tai Ming Yue did not want to tear open the bloody wounds of the families of the fallen soldiers.

If they knew that their sons, husbands, and fathers were on the battlefield where death was exchanged for death, the words published nationwide would become the most deadly weapon for them, and every time they read it, they would tear the wounds that have not yet healed again.

The pain will never heal throughout their lives.

But Tan Tai Ming Yue recorded these sorrows in her personal diary. She hoped that the sorrows recorded in these words would not be forgotten by the millions of descendants of the Chinese people. They would not forget that the land under their feet was built with the flesh and blood of their ancestors whose names they never knew.

"Mom, I'm sorry!" This was the title Tan Tai Ming Yue gave to her personal diary after she saw the remains of the fallen soldiers in the night, and she burst into tears.

That might be the last attachment of all the fallen soldiers!

But this was not the case for a weak female medical soldier.

Gu Xishui, who was frantically searching on the battlefield, found it.

He found his beloved girl.

But she had already fallen into the dust.

That was the place with the most corpses on the battlefield.

A full 30 Chinese soldiers, surrounded by a crescent shape, fell in the wilderness.

Accompanying them were a similar number of Japanese soldiers.

Only those who rushed here understood why so many soldiers died on this battlefield.

Because this is the last line of defense for Chinese soldiers. Nearly 40 seriously wounded soldiers were protected by them at the back of the battlefield, and there were also a large number of medical soldiers.

Yes, in this last battlefield, the medical soldiers also chose to fight. Male medical soldiers who fell to the ground and were killed by bayonets and bullets were everywhere.

Although they have received military training, the gap between non-professionals and professionals is too huge.

Even, most of them have no guns in their hands, only a fist-sized stone.

The stones stained with blood and scattered not far from the remains proved the final bravery of the medical soldiers.

They failed and all died in battle.

But they also succeeded. The seriously wounded soldiers who were dying and could only be slaughtered by the Japanese bayonets waited for the arrival of reinforcements.

The Japanese army, which originally planned to find their own wounded soldiers and then torture the wounded who had no threat ability, missed the best time to expand the results of the war.

The Chinese cavalry finally arrived, and the last dozens of Japanese infantry who were eager to escape did not care to sprinkle salt on the opponent's wounds.

This is stupid, but it is lucky for Chinese soldiers.

Most of the seriously injured soldiers placed in the middle of the battlefield actually survived, which was really a miracle.

"Alive, they are still alive!" The cavalrymen who entered this area with grief cheered after discovering this miracle.

The wounded survived miraculously because of the bravery of the infantry and medical soldiers. That was the most beautiful flower given to the cavalrymen in grief.

Only Lu Sanjiang did not smile.

He saw Gu Xishui's sad back.

Because Gu Xishui knelt down in front of his beloved girl.

The small body almost merged with the soil.

The female nurse, who was covered in mud and even the red cross cuffs she was wearing were almost invisible, was shot in the back. The bullet of the Type 38 rifle pierced her spine and heart.

She lay quietly on the wet soil without struggling, as if she had already accepted the coming of the hideous god of death.

Because that was her own choice.

If she hadn't rushed out to participate in the battle, she might not have died.

Needless to say, the cavalrymen, who were rich in combat experience, could imagine the two female nurses who were found by the cavalrymen under a ridge, buried in the mud with only a slight gap showing for breathing.

Yes, the reason why the phrase "the whole army was wiped out" was not used to describe this battlefield was because there were still two female nurses who survived.

At the moment when the medical team with the wounded was forced back by the Japanese army that was circling on both wings, the second lieutenant in charge of the team made a decision to bury the three female soldiers, including "Yao Mei'er", with mud in a hidden place, leaving only a very small breathing hole.

This was the best arrangement that the army second lieutenant could give to the three female soldiers. If they could fight to the last moment and inflict the greatest damage to the Japanese army, the angry Japanese army would only vent their anger on the bodies of the soldiers still on the battlefield, even the wounded, and would ignore the female soldiers who were so bold as to hide under their noses.

Of course, the extremely dark night was the most important protection. As long as the Japanese army did not deliberately look for them, the three of them had a 70% chance of survival.

Through the descriptions of the two trembling female nurses who had survived by chance, Lu Sanjiang finally knew why the woman who had stopped breathing in Gu Xishui's arms died alone.

Because, that second lieutenant.

The artillery second lieutenant was going to die.

Just five meters in front of her.

The Japanese captain commander was very powerful. He used only a few bayonet strikes to knock the rifle of the artillery lieutenant who had only one arm left.

Perhaps to show his strength, or perhaps the tragic battlefield aroused his ferocity, the Japanese captain actually threw away his rifle, put away his command knife, and attacked the Chinese lieutenant officer he recognized with his bare hands.

The lieutenant, whose arm was already injured, was no match for him at all, and was pressed down by him in a few strikes.

The Japanese army captain ferociously grabbed his neck with both hands, trying to strangle him to death.

Just a few meters away from the hiding place of "Yao Mei'er", he strangled the artillery lieutenant to death.

If Yao Mei'er had not appeared, his intention might have been realized. The bravery of strangling an enemy with bare hands could allow Captain Aso to brag for a long time.

The artillery lieutenant's face was already purple, but he did not look at the area where the three female soldiers were hiding.

He did not want his comrades to see his ferocious appearance after death, and he did not want them to feel guilty about it.

‘Little sister’ came out.

She had been holding a sharp stone in her hand, which was the last self-defense weapon she had left for herself.

The female soldier who suddenly jumped out of the mud was like a cheetah that had been lurking for a long time. Not only was the Japanese captain caught off guard, but even a Japanese infantryman who was raiding the battlefield for his superior did not expect it.

The Chinese women who could walk thousands of miles to follow the army in this chaotic world not only had a strong enough heart, but since the attack was fatal, it was the real reason for the weak women to survive.

Even if the cats living in the wild cannot match the beasts, they can also make the strong enemies feel awe.

The Japanese army captain who threw away his helmet for the convenience of hand-to-hand combat was hit by the female nurse and his brain was directly burst.

The sharp stone tip was at least three centimeters embedded in the temple of the Japanese army captain, and it still stays on the forehead of the Japanese army captain until now, as if the stone grew out of his head.

This attack took the life of the highest commander of the Japanese army here, and also took her own life.

The panicked Japanese infantry opened fire, but the distance of ten meters allowed him to accurately hit the vital points of "Little Sister".

The rescued second lieutenant of the army finally avenged the brave female nurse with the rifle left by the Japanese captain, and finally died on the battlefield.

Here, anyone who can fight has died.

"I'm late, late!" Gu Xishui hugged his beloved girl and murmured to himself in a low voice.

It's too late, that's the heart-wrenching voice of the young sergeant at this moment.

He has exhausted all his strength.

But it's still too late!

The brightness of life is gone! ...

PS: Perhaps many book friends know that when I wrote about "Little Sister" in the previous chapter, it was destined to be a tragedy.

The young Chinese female soldier died, and the love of young Gu Xishui also died. That was a microcosm of some young people who loved each other but had to devote themselves to the country in that era.

Fengyue wrote a very regrettable love!

But don't be too sad, the story of Gu Xishui and Yao Mei'er will not end here, they will meet again in Feng Yue's future extra story. Feng Yue is very good at time travel.

I hope you and I who are reading and writing books can meet the most beautiful love! You and I who were born in a peaceful world, try not to leave regrets!

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