Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 461 It’s Not Too Late (Part 2)

"Order Major Saito on the flank to break through in the shortest possible time! Otherwise, there will be more trouble!" Kanda Masatane, who was on the front battlefield, looked at the lights rising continuously in the distance, and a layer of haze floated in his heart.

The light flashed behind the Chinese position, which meant that the infantry sent out to make a detour finally arrived and exchanged fire with the Chinese.

But the continuous rise of flares proved that the battle was fierce.

The Chinese on the front battlefield were tenacious, but their troops were not many. This was also in line with the previous conjecture of the brigade commander Ushijima Mitsuru. The main force of the Chinese must be attacking the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade, and this was just a detachment.

They were so short of troops for the front and flank defenses, how could they put a special force in the rear that could rival an infantry squadron?

Did the Chinese have reinforcements? Or was the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade finished, and the main force of the Chinese had returned to support? Continuous questions arose in the mind of the Japanese Army Colonel.

But no matter which one it was, it was an unacceptable conjecture.

At this point in the battle, all the Japanese officers present knew that the mission of assisting the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade was a thing of the past. Their only victory could only be the Chinese troops in front of them. Only by completely swallowing them up could the 10th Army get a chess piece in this almost exchanged battle.

Otherwise, this night would be a shameful battle for the entire 10th Army and even the entire North China Expeditionary Force.

A heavy artillery brigade was lost, and they got nothing.

As the protagonist in this war, the resignation of several senior officials of the 36th Infantry Brigade was the best result imaginable.

In other words, killing all the Chinese here is the fig leaf of the entire 10th Army.

It has to be said that fate is so wonderful. At the moment when Tang Dao arrived, the battlefield he faced was the last fig leaf of a big boss in Jinling City, and half a month later, a small battlefield led by him became a fig leaf for a group of Japanese generals.

Kanda Masatane's premonition was correct, and the response he made was also fine.

If the 200 Japanese troops commanded by a major in the flank battlefield could defeat the Chinese infantry, whose combat effectiveness had fallen to the bottom of less than 60 people, in the shortest time, they could completely take care of all the Chinese soldiers here, leaving no one alive.

Even if the more than 400 elite troops, including the famous Sihangying, who came to support with the Tang Dao Order, were like meat buns hitting dogs, they would never return.

Because there were as many as 5,000 Japanese troops here.

But there are no ifs.

Under the strict order of their highest commander, the 200 Japanese troops crawled close in just 2 minutes and launched a "board charge" at a distance of about 40 meters between the two sides.

This time, there were no light or heavy machine guns, machine guns, or even submachine guns that could form a deadly firepower network. Rifles and a few Mauser pistols were powerless to stop them.

60 soldiers of the guard company chose to fight to the death under the leadership of their captain, but they were powerless to stop the decline. The empty Mauser pistols could only be thrown as projectiles at the moment of close combat. Less than 60 Chinese soldiers could not even have a rifle each. More and more Japanese soldiers rushed into a muddy position.

Pang Dahai is here.

He rushed over with nearly 100 soldiers from the fire support company.

The captain with a round face and a smile on his face showed an unknown side at this moment.


Very fierce!

The army captain holding a single-soldier engineer shovel did not dodge, and rushed to the Japanese who stabbed him in the chest with a rifle and "split Huashan".

That means, if you stab me through the heart, I will also split your head with a shovel.

The Japanese-style single-soldier engineer shovel is a must-have for Japanese infantry. Although it is just a digging tool, the Japanese with flexible minds have also found other functions. For example, two round holes were opened on the engineer shovel, which is used as a protective mask on the battlefield. That is, the soldier can use the engineer shovel to cover his face and only expose two eyes to observe the battlefield.

A shovel that can block the impact of bullets, can the steel quality be bad?

In addition, a tall and fat guy chopped down so recklessly, even if the two sides of the engineer shovel were not sharpened, it would be a chilling thing.

What's more, it hurts more to chop meat with a blunt knife.

The Japanese infantry, who had already felt that he had the upper hand, instantly became timid and changed from stabbing to blocking, hoping to block this round first. At most, he would call two more companions to kill the fat guy in front of him.

According to the current battle situation, there is nothing wrong with thinking so, but the Japanese underestimated the strength of his opponent in front of him.

There was a loud "clang" sound, and the sound even spread a hundred meters away.

Many people subconsciously turned their heads and looked at the place where the sound came from. An extremely brutal scene appeared.

The material of the Type 38 rifle is very strong. Pang Dahai did not break the rifle with this powerful blow, but perhaps it was because of the strong physique of Shandong people, or perhaps it was trained by carrying heavy things such as shells and gun bodies. Pang Dahai's strength was far beyond the imagination of the Japanese infantry.

The gun was not broken, but a muffled "click" sound appeared, and the Japanese soldier's right arm fell limply, and it was dislocated under the huge force recoil.

"Fuck you!" The Japanese soldiers who lost their strength had no time to react. Pang Dahai roared, picked up the shovel and smashed it again, and smashed it hard on the Japanese infantry helmet together with the gun body.

"Bang!" This time it was steel against steel.

However, the fleshy head under the steel was in trouble.

No one knows what it feels like to be hit on the head by a force of more than 200 kilograms.

Because the Japanese infantrymen who suffered such a heavy blow were killed on the spot.

The stench was pervasive, which was the result of losing muscle control of urination and defecation, and it was also a significant feature of the brain losing control of the body's nerves.

"Kill!" Seeing their company commander so awesome, the morale of the fire support company soldiers behind them increased greatly, and they shouted and rushed into the battlefield.

At this moment, the strength of the Chinese and Japanese forces was roughly the same.

Both sides were veterans who had experienced several battlefields, and they were the best choice in terms of mental will and killing skills.

In fact, the weapons used by the warring parties were almost the same, with the Type 38 rifle accounting for 80%.

The other 20% were the Type 98 individual shovels used by the Japanese army themselves.

For convenience, the handles of individual shovels are generally not long. Logically, they are definitely not the opponent of the Type 38 rifle with a length of 1.7 meters, but a miracle happened.

A single person with a shovel naturally has little chance of winning against a Japanese rifle, but if it is used in conjunction with a rifle of one's own side, it actually produces an incomprehensible chemical reaction.

Because the single-soldier shovel is short, it is more flexible to turn, and the wide shovel surface can also be used as a shield, which can block the sharp blade of the Japanese army that stabs like a venomous snake for companions.

Of course, the most amazing thing is when the anxious Chinese soldiers simply throw a shovel at them regardless of anything.

Yes, we are short and we can't win, I'll throw it out and hit you, right!

The largest "Ming" weapon in the history of war was thus produced.

You can imagine that you are concentrating on dealing with your opponent, thinking about how to stab your opponent with a knife, and suddenly a guy jumps out from the side and throws a one-meter-long big guy with a steel head at you. You have to hide? Don't you have to block?

If you don't hide or block, you are either a fool or a fool. That thing hits you, it's not just painful.

This time he dodged, but he was in trouble. There was a guy holding a rifle and looking at him eagerly!

Do you think that the Chinese soldiers who threw out the engineer shovels are now unarmed? Then you think too much. Rifles are not enough, but the engineer shovels are definitely enough. Before coming, they knew that they would build positions, and the fire support company brought at least 150 engineer shovels, almost all the engineer shovels in the guard camp.

The artillerymen who came to fight each brought two shovels. The quality was not enough, but the quantity was enough. That's what it means.

Moreover, the Chinese did not talk about martial ethics, and gave full play to the characteristics of the engineer shovel. The Japanese soldiers were still staring with their eyes wide open to find the opponent's flaws! The mud and dust shoveled on the ground were splashed on their heads.

Why don't I have the squinting eyes of the clubs! This is probably the most painful imagination of the Japanese infantry at that moment.

It also taught them a lesson, don't open your eyes roundly for no reason, they are not girls, and they don't have high and bulging red cheeks with baby fat.

More than 30 Japanese soldiers died under the bayonet because of avoiding the "exhibition" or being blinded.

The multi-purpose engineer shovel was one of the factors that allowed the battlefield to survive until the arrival of reinforcements.

Yes, until Lei Xiong led the 70 elite soldiers of the Sihang Battalion to run nearly 600 meters to join the battle, the 200 Japanese soldiers still failed to defeat the group of tenacious opponents.

Then, they were defeated.

The Sihang Battalion, which participated in the hand-to-hand combat in front of the Sihang Warehouse, was definitely the king of this battlefield in terms of this skill.

This time, it is not too late!

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