Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 472: The Return of the Blasted

Yes, on this late autumn night when the moon was dark and windy first, and then bright, the rumbling sound of artillery resounded for more than three hours on the position of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade of the 10th Army of the Japanese North China Expeditionary Army.

From a distance, the shells that pierced the sky were like meteors streaking in the sky and then falling.

However, the brilliant fireworks after the fall could only be seen by people on the battlefield.

In the words of Lao Wang, who volunteered to lead a 43rd Army infantry company to accompany two infantry regiments to participate in the war: "Damn, I'm so stubborn. If we have this stuff in the future, the devils are nothing!"

The infantry regiment of the 18th Division, which was very resistant, ran away after being ravaged by the second round of artillery fire for half an hour.

In front of heavy artillery, the Japanese army, like their former opponents, fought with their will and body, but finally found that the resistance was ineffective.

There was only one difference from their opponents. Their opponents had no retreat. Retreating would also mean death!

So, the Japanese army ran away!

In the midst of the artillery fire, they were like dogs that had lost their homes, throwing away all the heavy equipment that they could not take away, and moving closer to the main force of the 18th Division.

The two infantry regiments that had retreated three kilometers away did not chase, not because they had to appreciate the power of their own artillery fire, but because they had a more important task, to welcome the advance regiment that was about to break out of the siege back to the defense line.

Although the three commanders Wu, Guo, and Gu were in three battlefields, they all sent telegrams to the commanders of the two infantry regiments belonging to the 108th Division of the 67th Army and the 128th Division of the Hunan Army, ordering them to receive the Tang Dao and the advance regiment. Before they received them, if the Japanese army attacked, they must also defend the road that the advance regiment must pass, even if the two infantry regiments were completely wiped out.

For those 3,000 people, 3,000 or more people had to be sacrificed. This was a paradox in tactical arrangements, but the two army colonels rarely felt resentful, especially after seeing with their own eyes that the almost one and a half hour of non-stop bombardment directly caused a Japanese infantry regiment to abandon its position.

Especially the colonel commander of the 128th Division of the Hunan Army wanted to see the legendary lieutenant colonel commander of the Sihangying Camp with his own eyes, to see whether he had three heads and six arms or a seven-hole heart, otherwise how could he kill a heavy artillery brigade and use heavy artillery to make the Japanese "high and high".

Let alone them, when Lieutenant General Guo handed him a telegram from Tang Dao to the General Command of Jiashan Defense Line, which said, "The goal has been achieved, and the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade has been completely wiped out. Our advance regiment intends to first use the captured heavy artillery to bombard the 36th Infantry Brigade that is blocking our blocking position, and then use heavy artillery to bombard the Japanese invaders to mobilize and intercept our Japanese troops. I hope the commander will provide the accurate coordinates of the Japanese troops. The coordinates of our artillery positions are", and the Lieutenant General of the 128th Division, Gu Jiaqi, who happened to be returning to the headquarters from the front line, was numb at the time.

This is such a great boast!

The complete annihilation of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade is already a miracle. When tomorrow morning comes, China and Japan will certainly be collectively shocked.

As a Lieutenant General of the Hunan Army who has fought against the Japanese invaders together with Wu and Guo on the Jiashan Defense Line for a week, he still has enough understanding of the two colleagues. One has a violent personality, and the other is calm and restrained. The two people with different personalities have one thing in common - pragmatism.

The two generals, who came from the Northeast Army and Sichuan Army respectively, never played pretentious tricks or saved face. Even the death battle between the Jiashan defense line and the Japanese 18th Division was not like what was advertised in the newspapers outside. In order to cover the army retreating from Jiashan, an infantry army of the Northeast Army plus a Sichuan Army division and a Hunan Army division were determined to live and die with the defense line.

From the beginning, these two thought about how to take the first army and two divisions away from here alive and fight the Japanese army to death. They just hoped to use the solid defense line to consume the Japanese army's strength. Otherwise, with the mobility of the 18th Division, only 30,000 people with only a few hundred pack horses would not be able to escape the pursuit of the Japanese army unless they abandoned all their heavy equipment.

But without artillery, does the army with only light machine guns still have combat effectiveness? The two lieutenant generals wanted to leave this irreparable battlefield, but they hoped to evacuate, not escape. Although there was only one word difference, it was an essential difference.

But how could such pragmatic people believe such a ridiculous telegram? Seeing that both of them were smiling, Master Gu could tell with his heels that they trusted Tang Dao's telegram.

But this was really too incredible. He didn't know about the surprise attack on the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade until the evening, which made him feel like he was in a dream. Even now, he was fighting to the death with the 18th Division on the opposite side, but he was still worried about that fantastic plan.

As a result, Tang Dao was good. Not only did he say that he had dealt with the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade, he even said that he would control the captured heavy artillery to bombard the Japanese army. Did he think he was leading a group of artillerymen to fight?

"Haha! Brother Gu, I know it's hard for you to believe it for a while, but whether what Tang Dao said is true, you just need to wait and see the telegram your subordinates will give you." Lieutenant General Wu saw that this fierce general brother was stunned after receiving the telegram, and couldn't help but smile. "But I have to remind you, this guy is amazing. Even the Japanese Navy's fighter fleet suffered a great loss at his hands. The number of Japanese Navy bombers in the past few days is not as many as you think, right?"

"What? He has taken down the Japanese planes? That one?"

In order not to stimulate the Japanese navy to go crazy, the military and political department did not report the great air battle that broke out a week ago with great fanfare. That is, each army and division reported the results internally. However, this kind of false reporting of results to boost morale has great impact on the future of the front line. It had been commonplace for a long time, so I didn't take it too seriously, let alone understand that the instigator of this war was a small army lieutenant colonel.

Of course, no one at the Songjiang headquarters or the theater headquarters mentioned Tang Dao's name. The former was out of the mentality of protecting the treasure of Tang Dao, while the latter was because there were too many people who needed to share the military exploits. Army lieutenant colonel is not ranked.

"Hey, otherwise!" Lieutenant General Guo, who was always calm over there, actually made a wisecrack.

The fierce division commander who personally led the escort team to participate in the night attack on the Japanese army was completely petrified.

However, no matter what the two lieutenant generals said, seeing is believing. When the division commander of the Hunan Army, who returned to the front line, received a message from his regimental commander: "Master, our artillery is too powerful!", he stood stunned. After a moment, he replied: "You must guard the return route of the advance team for me. I must see Tang Dao with my own eyes."

It is said that the two translators from the 128th Division Headquarters and the subordinate regiment scratched their heads for a long time in order to correctly translate the two words "Te Liang" that can express the emotions of the officers, and finally miraculously reached a tacit understanding.

The Chinese command received a definite answer in disbelief, and their morale was boosted and they were naturally more determined.

On the Japanese side, Ushijima Sadao, the supreme commander of the Jiashan area, also experienced disbelief and finally accepted it.

The broken message from the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade was on his desk, and the message from the 36th Infantry Brigade and the infantry regiment under his command that it was hit by heavy artillery shelling hit his already extremely fragile nerves like a storm.

But what can Ushijima Sadao do? He only has 20,000 people, and there are also more than 20,000 Chinese people on the opposite side who are determined to bite him. That army can defeat the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade and beat the 36th Infantry Brigade. The combat effectiveness can be imagined. Now that he still has heavy artillery, should he deploy an infantry regiment or an infantry brigade to take the beating?

Everything can only wait until daybreak. The heavy artillery crisis can be solved with the help of air superiority. If the crazy Chinese on the opposite side do not withdraw their defense line, the division's artillery wing can also use artillery to drive them back. By then, he will mobilize his troops. Surround and kill that Chinese army.

Therefore, the exhausted Japanese Army Lieutenant General chose to ignore it for the time being.

Ignore the opponent's heavy artillery, ignore the erosion of several battlefields on your own side, and concentrate on what's ahead.

The explanation of this psychology in modern language is: as long as I don't feel pain, others will suffer.

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