Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 475: Alive! (Please give me a monthly pass! Please!)

Because we still have to wait for Cheng Tieshou and his group of artillerymen.

Due to the "inaction" of the 18th Division, the battle situation was not so urgent. The advance group still had four or five hours before dawn.

As soon as Tang Dao arrived here, he ordered the entire army to clean the battlefield and bury the fallen officers and soldiers on the spot. He only ordered to leave the "lone mausoleum" and wait for him to come in person.

Therefore, the burial ceremony of the 200 soldiers on the "Guling" position was attended by Tang Dao, who led the detachment and had important officers.

This is also the last honor that Tang Dao can give to these Chinese troops who fight to the death.

Commendation orders and medals can only be placed after the war, not now.

Those who participated in the excavation of the collective grave were all officers above the rank of lieutenant who could stand here. The only exception was Gu Xishui, who had outstanding performance on the battlefield and was promoted to second lieutenant by Tang Dao himself. He was personally approved by Lei Xiong to return to the battlefield in the rear.

Gu Xishui, who had finished the military salute on the hill, was going to take away his Yaomei'er!

In his words, "Sir, I hope to use all my military exploits for an opportunity to lead people. I will not take up any resources of our army. I will leave with her on my back. Her hometown is in Yunnan and Guizhou, and I will take her with me." His ashes go home with her!”

Lei Xiong couldn't refuse.

That was the only request his sergeant squad leader made to him after entering the battlefield, and he was even willing to exchange the rank of second lieutenant he was about to receive.

With the bright moon in the sky, such a scene also appeared in the queue of the advance group retreating to the defense line.

A sergeant with a fair face, carrying a body wrapped in a military uniform on his back, and his submachine gun hanging around his neck, marched hard in the wilderness.

The body of the lifeless 'Yao Mei'er' was so light that in Gu Xishui's heart, she was like a cloud in the sky.

However, that is just psychological. In reality, even if you are as strong as Tang Dao, you will still be exhausted after walking seven or eight kilometers with a load of tens of kilograms.

But something like spiritual will may seem illusory, but it can really create incredible miracles.

The young sergeant refused the help of Lu Sanjiang, who had been following him on horseback. He did not even have the heavy submachine gun in his hands.

The two female nurses closely following Gu Xishui, the only help they could give him was to wipe away the sweat rolling down his forehead with a handkerchief.

He did it.

A man suddenly, after being exhausted physically and mentally from continuous battles, carried his beloved girl on his back, passed through the Japanese defense line that was completely blasted away by heavy artillery, crossed the muddy wilderness, and returned to the position of the defense line.

The Chinese officers and soldiers who heard about this all looked at the scholar sergeant with solemn eyes, even though he fainted from exhaustion after walking firmly into the fortification.

The tenacious sergeant, even then, fell to the ground in a prostrate posture.

He wouldn't let anyone hurt his girl again, let alone himself.

The female nurse deceived Gu Xishui and left no letter with the medical captain. The female nurse gave him the letter after he woke up.

But 'Yaomeier' didn't lie to him. The letter she left behind actually mentioned Gu Xishui.

"I don't know if it's my imagination, but I can feel you looking at me, with hot and serious eyes. Your eyes are very bright, just like my poor brother. When he was still alive, he looked at me like this too. , even the second before death.

I have long heard of your bravery. Like Commander Tang and Commander Lei, you are the most tenacious and unyielding soldier in China.

But I'm really sorry, I can't respond to you!

If you read this letter, I must be dead! With your wisdom, you should also be able to see that I am not the orphan from central Guizhou as mentioned in my resume. Yes, I have read. Although I have not attended school for a few days, my parents are people who have read many, many books. The uncle who raised me and my younger brother secretly told me that they are the most educated people in this country. A group of people with ideals, but the country is sick and they want to save it.

So, they left, leaving their most beloved children, leaving us only a letter. But I still don’t understand why they are so cruel, even giving up their own children for the sake of the country?

Due to an accident, my uncle was arrested and imprisoned. My younger brother and I lived on the streets. In the end, my younger brother died of hunger and cold due to illness. I decided to find them and ask them about their son's death. They were heartbroken because of their indifference. ?

The reason why I joined the army was that half a year before that, my father, whom I had never met, sent me a letter saying that he was in the north and was going to fight for the country and the nation.

Haha, isn’t it ridiculous? He wanted to fight for his country and nation, but he allowed his son to die of illness on the street. Then I will also join the army. I will die on the battlefield and let them lose their daughter again.

Although I also know that I am willful in doing so. In the past few months of joining the army, I have seen the success of my Sichuan army and I can understand them to a certain extent, but I still hate them and hate them for leaving me and my brother behind.

My younger brother was just a young man and had not yet experienced the excitement of life. He died of illness right in front of my eyes.

Death, I'm not afraid! Really, even I was afraid of the coldness of death! But I'm really not afraid because I can go and spend some time with my poor brother.

Gu Xishui, I don't know if you have a chance to see this letter. If you do, please forgive me for my willfulness. I am dead, but you have to live well. In the future, there will definitely be a beautiful girl washing and cooking for you, and raising children for you. I will silently bless you in heaven.

I can’t tell my father’s name in the letter, but he gave me my name. After writing this, I don’t hate them anymore. I haven’t seen what they look like. I really want to see them!

What a pity, just like I want to put my hand in your palm but I have only imagined it in my heart!

I’m sorry! Gu Xishui! ”

Gu Xishui, who woke up, covered the letter on his chest and cried like a child.

I’m sorry! I can’t love you! But I know your feelings and I am just as happy. This may be the most hurtful and unforgettable love words in the world.

It’s just that two young people passed by each other in the war, and then joined hands again at the distance between life and death.

That was Gu Xishui’s biggest regret in his life, but it also became one of the biggest motivations for him not to die easily.

This letter has been placed on his chest, warmed by body temperature and soaked in sweat, until one day, he will ask the couple with extremely high ideals on behalf of his beloved girl. 'Mian Husband and Wife', do you feel sorry for them?

At this time, they were still young men and women. No matter how they were tempered by the flames of war, they had not yet completely gotten rid of their immaturity.

In the mountains two thousand kilometers away, a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and wearing a gray military uniform looked at the oil lamp, feeling uneasy.

He didn't know that he had lost the treasure of his life. He only knew that he had to defeat the foreign enemy.

But the ideal has never stopped burning.

China, which has not yet completely boiled, needs fuel, even if it is fueled by the lives of himself and his beloved!

. . . . . . .

On the 'Lonely Mausoleum'.

"Damn old Zhao, it doesn't matter if you die. The special ones must leave a living person for your company! Otherwise, how can the company be rebuilt? How can I go to see your division commander and tell him that his guard spearhead company is all finished and can be disbanded?

Damn, you damn, you are disloyal! What can I say! "Stingy old Zhou dug a hole with his hands while muttering to himself and cursing his colleagues who had disappeared long ago.

Suddenly, he froze as if struck by lightning.

Under the soil, he seemed to touch something!

It was a human body!

There seemed to be a trace of warmth in the sense of his fingers.

In the stunned disbelief, the fingers that had been stiffened by the cold soil felt more sensitive than ever before, which was definitely the temperature of the human body.

"There is someone here!" Stingy old Zhou shouted hoarsely, as if he had found a rare treasure.

Including the Tang Dao, everyone gathered around.

The few tall and handsome men in the guard camp who killed the Japanese soldiers without changing their expressions saw the pale face emerging from the soil. The stingy major trembled and put his fingers on his nose, looking around with a smile on his face: "There is still breath!" At that moment.

The collective burst into tears!

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