Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 481 Robbed!

"Brother Gu! Do you feel aggrieved when you see that Tang Dao has not been reused as much as he did this time?" Lieutenant General Guo said with a relaxed expression at this moment.

"That's right! He, the one who made the first contribution, has been promoted to one level just like ordinary officers and soldiers. This has brought great benefits to us. It makes me embarrassed to see him. Isn't this bullying other young people!" Lieutenant General Gu Extremely candid.

"There are so many twists and turns here! There are quite a few." Lieutenant General Guo smiled and handed over a cigarette.

"Actually, when the theater headquarters sent a message in the morning asking about the composition and strength of the Songjiang garrison battalion, I had an omen in my mind. It's just that Tang Dao was from the Sichuan Army, and now he is too closely involved with his colleagues in the 67th Army, which made him worry. They are so angry that they are afraid that if the Si Xing Battalion is upgraded to an infantry regiment according to our suggestion, it will either be swallowed up by the Sichuan Army or assimilated by the 67th Army, and a regiment-level establishment will be lost in vain. "

"What does Brother Guo mean?"

"That one! The person you are worried about is not Tang Dao, but the staff!" Guo Zhongjiang narrowed his eyes. "Although it is the time to use troops now, that person still attaches great importance to the control of military power. In the last round of reorganization, he finally reduced our hundreds of thousands of Sichuan troops to two armies with a total of only 200,000 people. Our 43rd Army only has one division, the 26th Division. How could he so easily send an infantry regiment to our Sichuan Army for nothing? And it is such an elite infantry regiment. Moreover, this also involves the brothers of the 67th Army. ! Let alone a group, just thinking about the Four Elements Battalion getting involved with them makes him feel uncomfortable! "

"Hiss! That seems to make sense!" Lieutenant General Gu took a breath.

No matter how straightforward he is, Army Lieutenant Generals who have been in the army for many years also know that even though Si Xing Battalion is only a battalion-level establishment, there are only 70 or 80 people who can participate in combat, but these 70 or 80 people have experienced countless The backbone of the war.

If we organize them, we will use these 70 or 80 people as skeletons. From the battalion commander to the company commander to the platoon leader, they will all be complete and complete the soldiers. It won't take long to become an elite infantry regiment.

Especially under such a battle situation, if the 67th Army is willing to incorporate the temporarily formed Songjiang Garrison Battalion into the Sixing Battalion, the combat effectiveness will be stronger, and this possibility is almost more than 80%.

No commander would refuse to have one more infantry regiment with such powerful combat capabilities.

But in that case, Tang Dao and his Sixing Battalion are no longer the original Yulin Army. There is almost no objection to saying that they are members of the 67th Army or the 43rd Army.

This is not like what Guo Rudong said, giving these two an infantry regiment for free, and they must also pay military pay.

"So! That person racked his brains and came up with such a trick! The director of the staff department of our frontline command headquarters is a major general. It is reasonable and reasonable for Tang Dao and above to serve as the first deputy director with the rank of colonel. When the military rank is promoted, the official position will also be promoted. , the third-class Baoding Medal is already the highest-level medal that a school officer can obtain. If you want to ask for anything else, you are just greedy!" Lieutenant General Wu said with the same relaxed expression.

"This is also a disguised reminder to us that you can win the war, and your military rank and position can be promoted, but don't even think about the establishment!"

"Haha, that person was thinking about everything, but after all, he was too far away from the front line and missed one thing, which is also the most important thing." Lieutenant General Guo looked pleased. "He thought that Tang Dao was just the chief officer who was ordered to attack the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade at night, but he didn't know that the entire tactical planning came from him. Commander Wu and I only cooperated with him in the whole process. Because it was just a mere A regiment-level organization misses such a good general. I wonder if he will regret it in the future! "

"Tang Dao, he is also the battalion commander of the 88th Division after all!" Lieutenant General Gu shook his head. "Even if he is unwilling to do so, he can't change his stance."

"So, Brother Gu, you are good at fighting, but you are still not ready to serve as an official!" Lieutenant General Guo was smiling, but his eyes were cold. "Since he can do the first grade of junior high school, why can't our army do the fifteenth grade? If they suppress me, they have to compensate me. Otherwise, who will play this game with them?

Our 43rd Army suffered 80% losses in the First Battle of Songhu, but was still able to hand over the position intact to the succeeding armies. In the First Battle of Songjiang, our 43rd Army was in urgent need of emergency relief. Our 43rd Army went into battle with hundreds of remaining troops. Now the battle situation on the Jiashan front line is critical. If we have a battalion under our command to obey orders, who can say that I, Guo, am acting for my own selfish gain? "

The Lieutenant General of the Hunan Army was silent, but he knew in his heart that this man had really picked up sesame seeds and lost watermelon. A small battle merit allocation, but a strong general was snatched away by others. .

In the evening, a telegram was sent from the Jiashan front line to the theater headquarters.

"Although the enemy's 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade has recently wiped out a heavy blow to the Japanese invaders in front of the defense line, the Japanese invaders' 18th Division has not been damaged and is still watching eagerly. In order to better communicate military orders and keep the enemy out of the defense line, our Jiashan Frontline Command Headquarters After discussion, please temporarily transfer the original 43rd Battalion of the 88th Division to the 43rd Army, which is short of troops, and make it an independent battalion directly under the military headquarters! The war situation is urgent, please let the commanders make a decision! "

. . . . . .

"Guo Rudong is taking advantage of the fire! In order to rob people, Te Liang has even prepared the establishment of an independent battalion. This is impossible!" The 88th Division headquarters received a telegram forwarded by the theater headquarters. It had seen Tang Dao's major general staff officer He almost jumped three feet high.

"Impossible? What can we do? The Jiashan defense line is still blocking the 18th Division at the moment! The Japanese army on the Beijing-Hangzhou Railway has already marched straight into Jinling. If the Japanese army breaks through again, Jinling will be in danger! They just want a battalion to be placed under their direct command, and they are not so far-fetched as to be directly placed under their army." On the contrary, the general and division commander was much calmer and said calmly: "The theater headquarters forwarded his message. , It’s not to ask for our opinions, but it’s just to inform us that the agreement message should have been drawn up!”

This is obviously a smart man, otherwise he would not have reached the position of lieutenant general and commander of the 88th Division, the boss's most trusted one.

As he said, it was just an infantry battalion. In such an emergency during wartime, as long as the frontline generals did not need to supply baggage, they were good people. The Songhu Theater Command directly agreed without even asking for instructions.

Later, because of this military order, the general and deputy commander was almost scolded to death by a certain boss.

Of course, that was because Tang Dao performed extremely brilliantly in the subsequent wars. Now, he is just a small colonel and battalion commander, and he cannot enter the eyes of those in high positions at all.

But that hero didn’t rise from the bottom! Even the hussar general who sealed Langxu Mountain during the Han Dynasty was an illegitimate son whose father didn't even know who he was when he was young!

The two lieutenant generals were so angry because of Tang Dao's awarding of merits that they backhanded Tang Dao and Si Xingying into their own camp. Although they were not completely integrated into the 43rd Army, from then on, Tang Dao's troops almost only followed orders from the 43rd Army. The headquarters of the 88th Division has completely lost its command authority.

"I feel like I was tricked by two old foxes!" Tang Dao was calm enough when he heard the news of his award. Instead, he smiled and complained to Lei Xiong: "I can guarantee that I will not be included in the entire army. The merit list is number one. How can I become the leader of the group? You can also become the deputy leader of the group. "

"Hey! Who told you, Chief Tang, that you are now a hot commodity! All the old foxes want to rob you." Lei Xiong sighed along with him. "Where can I, a lieutenant colonel and deputy battalion commander, go to reason with me?"

"I'm not a fool, I've become a major company commander! I don't know what level military pay is based on." Leng Feng, who rarely showed a smile on his face since his younger brother died in battle, also added.

The saddest one was undoubtedly Yang Xiaoshan, "Stop talking, sirs. I am already a second lieutenant, and I am still just a soldier!"

"Haha!" After waking up and hearing about this, a group of officers from the Four Lines Battalion who were still very angry laughed one after another.

It doesn't matter if you don't become a bigger official, as long as the brothers are still together.

The young people in the war had far simpler thoughts than the big shots.

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