Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 486 Can we all be more ‘sincere’?

"You bastard, negotiate terms with me! You have the guts!" Lieutenant General Wu shouted softly.

But there was no annoyance in his eyes.

"How can you? Sir, you ask, as long as the brothers on the front line don't feel unfair, Tang Dao will tell you everything he knows!" Tang Daopai said with a smile on his face.

Lieutenant General Wu...

"With this meat, the whole army can last at least two more days!" Lieutenant General Guo on the side was just happy when he heard this amount, and he didn't care whether Tang Dao was negotiating terms.

For an army with three infantry divisions, even just two days of rations is not as easy as ordinary people imagine.

There are more than 20,000 cans of meat, enough for one person. If you eat it with a few potatoes, it will definitely provide an adult with enough energy for two days.

Even if Tang Dao is really like the bearded uncle, his eyes are full of "this kid is not a good person"!

Of course Tang Dao cannot be a 'good person'.

Whether it was the battlefield in the past or the war he was currently in, a 'good guy' in the ordinary sense could only be a plate of baked potatoes - easily roasted and eaten clean with the skin on.

Facing the enemy, he must become more ferocious than tigers and wolves, and more cunning than foxes. His gentleness and kindness will only be given to the people he loves.

As for the three lieutenant generals, Tang Dao knew from the moment he was invited to enter the headquarters and saw a table of "potatoes meeting potatoes" that this was an unusual "celebration banquet."

He couldn't tell whether Tiehanhan and the bearded uncle were acting actors because he had little contact with them, but those two were definitely acting.

If you are not familiar with Lieutenant General Guo, you will definitely be fooled by his emotional performance that is based on real events. Just look at Tantai Mingyue's tears and you will know that Oscar definitely owes Lieutenant General Guo a statuette.

Who is Lieutenant General Guo? The person who came to power in Sichuan Province after nearly 20 years of factional struggle has probably seen more dead people than Tang Dao and Tantai Mingyuejia have seen together. His personality is calm and calm, and can even be called cold.

Without this kind of character, how could he command the only infantry division under his command and lose nearly 85% of the entire army in the battle of Dachang Town?

In order to achieve tactical goals, he constantly drives his soldiers onto the battlefield where death is certain, wave after wave, until the entire army is nearly exhausted. What a strong nerve it is.

At least, among the senior generals Tang Dao had seen in this time and space, no one could surpass him in this respect.

Neither can Lieutenant General Wu, who has a violent personality. He may be able to accompany his soldiers to death on the battlefield, but he will never be able to exhaust his troops as calmly and cruelly as Lieutenant General Guo.

Of course, this does not mean that Lieutenant General Guo does not cherish his subordinates. Their personalities are different, the battle conditions at the time are also different, and the choices they make must also be different.

Lieutenant General Guo Dazhong, who had faced such a life and death separation, might have been moved to tears when he saw the miserable scene of the refugees, but if he could still be so emotional when talking about the matter again after a week, Tang Dao would not believe it anyway.

Such a painful drama is naturally meant to win sympathy.

What qualifications does Tang Dao, a young colonel, have to let two army lieutenant generals not hesitate to show off their acting skills? Lieutenant General Wu even almost choked to death on potatoes in order to be more realistic. After thinking about it, I can only think that Tang Dao is still relatively rich this time. The spoils of war.

However, before the Battle of Songjiang, Lieutenant General Wu, in order to boost morale, had already stated that in this battle against Japan, no matter which unit, except for the captured weapons, equipment and ammunition, they must be handed over to the headquarters for unified distribution in a 50-50 ratio. All seizures shall belong to the troops at all levels.

In other words, except for guns and bullets that can kill people, whether it is food, drink or property carried by the Japanese army, if you find it, even the brigade commander cannot order you to hand it over.

When this military order was promulgated, everyone didn't take it too seriously at first. After all, the Japanese Tenth Army had 100,000 people, and they only had more than 30,000 people. Whether they could survive or not was one thing. They needed food, drink and supplies. And the property has a use!

Unexpectedly, as the battlefield progressed, everyone suddenly discovered that the Japanese were just like that. Once the artillery failed, they would still have to bite the bullet and charge, and they would die.

The Japanese soldiers died outside the city. No matter how brave the soldiers were, they would not foolishly go to search for supplies where they would die. But once the Japanese soldiers entered the city and started fighting in the streets, the soldiers saw an opportunity to make a fortune.

The Japanese army's corpse collection teams often discovered painfully that many of the corpses they found were naked, even stripped of their military uniforms.

In the words of the infantry company commander: "Brothers, the Japanese came to China and robbed so many good things! We have to snatch these back. If we don't have time to search, we will take the uniforms back to me. After sorting them out, the uniforms can still be used as A fire starter."

Don't tell me, the Japanese infantry really has a lot of good things.

No matter it was the Sixth Division or the Kunisaki detachment of the Fifth Division, there was no good bird. They burned, killed and looted along the way, and they really robbed countless supplies.

Although the Japanese soldiers look fierce, in fact, if you look carefully at their backgrounds, they are just a bunch of farmers and fishermen. Before joining the army, they were all poor people who lived on dirt. Coming to China to make a fortune is also an important reason why they are promoted to join the army.

The majority of the supplies that were grabbed must be the officers and soldiers above, but the soldiers could still drink some soup if they couldn't eat meat. Some didn't have more, but some still had some.

Like gold bracelets, gold necklaces, gold rings, etc., many Japanese soldiers secretly hid one or two pieces.

This thing must be hidden close to the body. If it is placed in the garrison, who will benefit from it?

As for who will be the owner of the dead, most of them will still belong to the officers above. It's just that this time, they were transported thousands of miles to southeast China and handed over to the Songjiang army.

Otherwise, the street fighting was so fierce, and the defenders fought to the death and fought bravely? That squad got a few gold bracelets, and that squad collected a lot of gold rings. These are one of the reasons that stimulated the soldiers to fight the Japanese desperately.

Human beings, from the day they were born, are organisms driven by various interests.

Just wanting to rely on slogans to drive the spirit without material incentives, it can only be supported for a while. It is necessary to grasp both spiritual civilization and material civilization. The guidelines from the future are applicable to almost all times.

Even those people with extremely high ideals and beliefs on the Loess Plateau in the north, who are willing to use their lives to light the spark, are they not telling those poor people that you will get land and living materials, and you will become the real masters of this land?

This was the case during the Battle of Songjiang, not to mention the advance regiment that was responsible for being the bait?

From the time of the division, the headquarters ordered that all the captured items of the advance regiment could be distributed by themselves, and the headquarters would not interfere.

The two lieutenant general commanders would certainly not go back on their words.

However, Tang Dao knew that the two big guys had been regretting since morning, the kind of regret that broke their hearts.

Because the returning advance regiment was too spectacular.

Not to mention that all the carts of the baggage camp originally assigned to them were full, there were even many more carts carrying wounded soldiers and hundreds of pack horses.

In the words of Comrade Lao Wang, who was the first to greet Tang Dao: Fuck him, this is not a team that is running away in a hurry, this is completely a bandit who came down the mountain to rob the rich!

As long as you are not stupid, you can imagine that the advance regiment killed the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade, not only killing them all, but also robbing them all.

However, it was difficult for these two lieutenant generals. For the captured materials of Tang Dao and the advance group, they had to play a bitter drama.

Among them, perhaps only the iron-headed bearded uncle was acting in his true colors. His eyes were full of deep guilt, which made Tang Dao doubt his judgment at that moment.

Of course, this also indirectly shows that the living materials of the army have really reached a precarious point.

However, Tang Dao can't be an iron-headed man.

The Japanese may not be a good race, but there are also some outliers with profound thoughts. For example, a guy named Dazai Osamu said this: No matter who is too enthusiastic, it will increase the probability of not being cherished!

Very gloomy, but very true.

Because, this is human nature!

If Tang Dao takes the initiative to offer the captured materials with both hands without even asking for any conditions, sooner or later, it will be regarded as a habit.

And these captured materials were exchanged for the blood and even the lives of Tang Dao and his officers and soldiers. If he does not cherish them, he does not cherish the lives of his officers and soldiers.

If he doesn't cherish it, who will cherish him?

So, of course Tang Dao has to make conditions.

Now it seems that this condition is not bad, even if Tang Dao knows that this military order should have been issued by the Songhu War Zone Command.

But Tang Dao must first express his attitude.

By the way, I also want to tell the two old foxes: You two stop acting, can we be more sincere? If you want something, okay, continue to exchange it with treatment, we are reasonable people.

This is not a fox! It's a silver carp! It's so slippery.

Looking at Tang Dao, who reported the number of canned goods with his head held high but didn't mention other supplies at all, Lieutenant General Wu, who shouted but didn't get a response, looked at Lieutenant General Guo, and the two of them had the same idea in their minds.

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