Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 490 Killing a New Year Pig!

These three "dark" uncles definitely have good vision.

In the eyes of the Japanese, the most valuable property of the unfortunate Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade is of course the more than 100 heavy artillery pieces, but this thing is too heavy. Not to mention that the Chinese army on the Jiashan front cannot afford it, even the Japanese themselves have trouble.

So although Cheng Tieshou was very distressed, he still blew up all the heavy artillery according to Tang Dao's military order, causing the Japanese army who went to the heavy artillery brigade's position during the day to completely become a rag picker.

But apart from these heavy artillery pieces, it cannot be said that the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade has nothing else.

In the words of Zhuang Shisan, a guy with an extremely gifted talent for overall planning: Pigs are creatures that are dirty and smelly, but they are delicious to eat, and they are full of treasures. Now, we have slaughtered a super fat pig.

Let's not talk about any heavy weapons. There are more than 800 Type 14 Nambu pistols collected on the battlefield, not to mention those that were damaged. There were even more bullets. They were thrown into the empty oil barrels without counting them. There should be 10,000 or 20,000 rounds.

Why are there so many? It should be because the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade is basically composed of artillery, which is also one of the main weapons of the remnants of the Japanese army against the advance group on the battlefield.

In the city, there are many buildings and alleys. Pistols, which have an effective range of no more than 50 meters, may still be useful, but on the field battlefield

It is conceivable how miserable the Japanese artillerymen felt at the time, otherwise it would not have taken only two hours for 7,000 to 8,000 people to be killed by more than 1,000 people in the advance group.

This kind of Nambu 14 pistol Tangdao, which will be called the Turtle Box in the future, is not valued at all, but it does not mean that his group of Chinese officers and soldiers who are used to suffering are not valued.

Especially those machine gunners, gunners, and ammunition handlers who were not originally equipped with short weapons, are simply like treasures. In the past, once they had used up all their bullets, they could only stare blankly, or once the Japanese approached, they could only be slaughtered by bayonets. Now with this thing, they have enough power to fight back.

The main infantry had submachine guns and Mauser pistols and looked down on this, but they didn't mind it. One was not enough, so they had two! Anyway, it was not heavy.

Not to mention them, the doctors and nurses in the medical team also had one. Even so, there were more than 300 more, all thrown into hollow oil barrels and transported back as free gifts.

The main rifle of the Japanese army, the Type 38 rifle, was less than the Turtle Box. On the one hand, it was because the Japanese artillerymen were not equipped with many, and on the other hand, Cheng Tieshou was too fierce. He controlled the 150 heavy artillery to bombard the most determined Japanese positions in a flat shooting manner, and blew people and guns into big hemp flowers.

But even so, more than 700 guns were found that could still be used. This gun is a good gun. Even if it is a Tang sword, it dare not be thrown away easily.

There is no way, just grit your teeth! In addition to food to survive, the soldiers who were not injured had an extra rifle.

This was probably the happiest worry for the soldiers at that time. On the battlefield, they had to grit their teeth and kill the enemy desperately. Who knew that after killing the enemy, they had to grit their teeth and carry heavy loads.

Fortunately, the army led by Tang Dao was not only in good health and determined, but also had a higher level of food treatment than ordinary troops. These were the basic conditions for them to march long distances and fight to win.

Otherwise, how could they be called elite?

Moreover, before setting off, Tang Dao personally ordered that each person eat two cans of beef and give each person ten milk candies. Sufficient energy supply also ensured the huge output of physical consumption this time.

The Japanese army's guarantee of bullet supply was simply a luxury for Chinese soldiers! There were 100 bullets in the bullet box equipped by a single soldier. And ordinary Chinese soldiers, despite the two belts on the left and right, actually only had about 40 bullets, less than half of the Japanese army.

And only a small amount of bullet boxes were consumed, and about 800 were found. Tens of thousands of yellow-orange rifle bullets almost blinded a group of "elite" eyes, so they had to be taken.

Fortunately, the infantry squadron outside the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade's position was equipped with a total of six light machine guns and four heavy machine guns, most of which were blown to pieces by mortars, leaving only three light machine guns and one heavy machine gun available, which was considered to have reduced some of the burden on the officers and soldiers of the advance regiment. Otherwise, if they were forced to throw away any gun due to limited load-bearing capacity, they would feel a strong sense of guilt.

Grenade launchers were even rarer, mainly because the Japanese grenade launchers posed a great threat to the firepower points, so whether it was mortars or machine guns, they focused on attacking this kind of firepower group hiding in the dark, basically killing people and "tubes" together.

On the entire battlefield, there were only four grenade launchers "picked up" in total.

Of course, these light weapons are only a small part of the weapons seized this time, compared to the captured Japanese 25mm machine guns.

The 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade, which was equipped with a total of 18 25mm twin machine guns for air defense, was completely used as a transport brigade this time, and 12 machine guns were seized by the advance group.

Although the overall performance of the twin machine guns weighing more than 200 kilograms is not as good as the most equipped Surotong machine guns in the Chinese army, its firepower output is definitely stronger than the single-barrel 20mm Oerlikon machine guns currently equipped by the 67th Army.

You know, this thing was originally developed by the Japanese Navy and used as an anti-aircraft gun on warships. The Japanese Army was jealous and copied it directly to make an anti-aircraft version for the Army.

The advance team really killed a pig this time. Many machine gun shells that were not taken out in time were still neatly stacked in the ammunition box. There was no time to count them. Data estimation master Zhuang Shisan estimated that the number of shells reached 15,000.

Even so, it was the result of using part of the stored ammunition on the battlefield. If estimated like this, the Japanese army prepared about 1,000 rounds of ammunition for each machine gun.

The Japanese are really too fat. At that moment, Cheng Tieshou was so envious that he almost cried when he saw that each machine gun under his command had only 100 rounds of ammunition.

Just to transport these big treasures, it took a full fifty pack horses and two carriages.

But this is not the end of the happy troubles.

After spending two or three hours cleaning up the entire battlefield and arriving at the blocking position six kilometers away to join the two guard battalions, the more than a thousand officers and soldiers who were already exhausted and panting had tears in their eyes.

The only things they carried on their backs that were quite impressive were the machine guns, but compared to the mountains of captured items on the blocking position,

the rest were really just dregs.

Have you seen the firewood piles in the rural areas of Northeast China? Here, they were all piled up with Type 38 rifles. There was no time to count them. Soldiers just piled them up. After picking up the items on the battlefield, they found a place to pile them up, and then the piles got bigger and bigger.

There were both good and bad items.

In the end, the squad leaders of each infantry squad had to give orders to pull the bolts and load the bullets, and shoot at the Japanese corpses on the ground. The guns that could shoot were picked up, and the ones that could not shoot were all pulled out of the bolts and thrown away.

Otherwise, these rifles alone could tire the hundreds of people left here to death.

The number of Type 38 rifles was so huge that it was not until the headquarters sent people to receive them that the accurate number was finally given. There were 2,231 rifles, excluding the more than 700 captured by the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade, and more than 1,500 rifles were captured on the battlefield of the blocking position, and that was the result of abandoning many damaged rifles.

The number of captured rifles is enough to prove how many Japanese infantrymen were killed on the blocking position.

Of course, this was also the result of the heavy artillery causing the Japanese army to run away without having time to clean up the battlefield. Otherwise, the Japanese army, who always regarded weapons as life, would not hand over their weapons like this.

Apart from these, there were 6 crooked light machine guns, but the heavy firearms such as the Type 92 heavy machine gun reached a staggering 8.

That was also because the heavy artillery came too fast and too fiercely. The Japanese could still run away with the light machine gun, but it was difficult for the heavy machine gun that required four people to carry. The flying shrapnel and the air wave that swept everything only needed to kill one or two of them. In order to survive, the heavy machine gun had to be abandoned.

In the Japanese army, it is said that weapons and equipment are more important than life, but when it is really necessary to make a choice, the main theme is that equipment is dead and people are alive.

Being a machine gunner is stupid! If you throw away your weapons and go back, you may be executed, but at least you can live a little longer.

In addition, there are two 92 infantry guns that can be pulled by people, which makes a bunch of officers smile.

This thing is definitely a masterpiece of Japanese military industry. The total weight is only 220 kilograms. It can be pushed by manpower or pulled by a horse. It has super mobility.

Direct shooting can hit fortifications, and the penetration power is awesome. Sandbag fortifications can basically be solved with one shot. You can also raise the muzzle to play projectile shooting. Although it is not as high as the mortar, it can also become a nightmare for infantry.

If it is said that Chinese soldiers hate Japanese firearms the most on the battlefield, this 70mm small-caliber artillery equipped to the infantry battalion level can definitely rank in the top three.

In order to drag these things back, the master of coordination Zhuang Shisan was almost scratching his head bald. In the end, Tang Dao had to order all the cavalry to dismount, and the fine war horses became pack horses. Each war horse carried more than 130 kilograms of load, which almost forced the cavalry to collectively "mutine"!

Lu Sanjiang was even more distressed about his war horses. Not only did he "rob" half a bag of soybeans to supplement the nutrition of the war horses, he even carried five rifles for the war horses. Together with his own equipment and other weights, the total weight exceeded 30 kilograms, and he walked more than ten kilometers.

Even so, he still wanted to help Gu Xishui.

He is also a super tough guy!

In other words, after returning to the defense line, the officers and soldiers of the advance regiment had only bulging food bags and rifles with flags on their backs like the actors on the Peking Opera stage.

You say, can the three big guys who saw all this not be "envious" and their eyes almost jump out to grab all those guns back?

Open robbery is not possible, but secret robbery is a foregone conclusion.

Drink! Drink him to death! Drink him to death, hold your fingers and press your handprint on the drafted items, you can't resist even if you want to.

These are the purest thoughts in the hearts of the three "evil-minded" bosses at this time.

What great heroes, what brave generals, are not as important as weapons and equipment at this moment...

PS: I have written some light-hearted things in the last few chapters, mainly because of continuous fighting. Everyone will be a little tired after reading for a long time, so I write some daily things to adjust the appetite, ahem! I'm not deliberately watering it! After this war, there will be a plot of farming development, which is what Fengyue is best at, because Fengyue's first book is a farming article. If it develops well, it will be easier to fight the devils!

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