Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 499: There are always hidden dangers in the foreshadowing

"Wang Gongyu agreed? This old fox is really decisive!" The two big bosses in the headquarters, Wolong and Phoenix, regained their composure after a brief surprise.

Based on their experience, they certainly knew that Tang Dao had paid a sufficient price for his clever words and deception, otherwise Commissioner Wang would not have given up his army so easily.

However, although the two of them were extremely itchy, no one asked what price Tang Dao paid to persuade the old fox in their mouths.

This is not a military rule, but it is one of the bottom lines for equal interactions.

Yes, in the subconscious of the two of them, Tang Dao, whose military rank was far below them, already had the basis to communicate with them on an equal footing.

Otherwise, there would not have been the one versus three drinking game last night.

"Your Si Xing Battalion plus the Security Battalion originally had nearly a thousand troops. Even if it was damaged after this battle, there are still 500 or 600 troops. Add in the 500 troops of the Security Group, and the strength will be over a thousand. ! Good fellow, many of my regiment commanders are not as strong as you, Commander Tang Dao." Lieutenant General Wu glanced at Tang Dao angrily. "Why, Commander Tang, you are still here. Do you need me to give you a slap in the face to congratulate you?"

"How about, Brother Guo, let's give Battalion Commander Tang a strong slap in the face together! Congratulations on his baby being a brave man who only eats but doesn't poop!" Wolong was a little bit weird at the moment, and he didn't have the demeanor of a first commander.

To be honest, one cannot blame Comrade Lao Wu for being "narrow-minded" and ridiculing Tang Dao who got what he wanted.

I really watched Tang Dao being so proud of himself, he wanted people and guns, but the "Hongmen Banquet" that the three uncles put up shamelessly was overturned by Tang Dao on his own, and they didn't get anything. For nothing, this kid Tang Dao was holding back his laughter. As a lieutenant general commanding tens of thousands of troops, how could Wolong not hold back his breath?

This is all because Comrade Wu is big-hearted, otherwise he would have had a heart attack long ago.

"No, no, Commander-in-Chief, please don't make fun of me." Tang Dao waved his hand quickly. "I'm here, in addition to requesting a military order from the two commanders-in-chief to allow the remnants of the Songjiang Security Regiment that are already capable of combat to be transferred to our independent battalion, I am here to report to the two commanders-in-chief the captured equipment that our unit intends to hand over to the headquarters."

Crouching dragon and phoenix chick looked at each other!

The sun comes out in the west? Yesterday, the two brothers almost drank and vomited blood, and Tang Dao didn't see Tang Dao take the initiative to hand over a gun and equipment. What happened now? Could it be that Tang Dao's reflex arc was too long and he was drunk and dizzy just now?

But obviously, this possibility is close to zero!

"Okay, tell me what equipment you plan to hand over. If it's just some ammunition, then your independent battalion should keep it for your own use. We don't have that many Type 38 rifles!" Lieutenant General Wu composed himself and took care of himself. He lit a cigarette and pretended to be very casual.

In fact, it was a reminder to Tang Dao both inside and outside the words, don't play tricks on me, your son, if you want to hand it over, bring something real, don't fool me!

"The most seized items by our department this time were Type 38 rifles. Master Zhuang made a careful inventory last night and found that a total of 2,236 Type 38 rifles and more than 80,000 rounds of 6.5mm Tomosaka ammunition were seized. After discussion, 400 of them were retained. The Type 38 rifles and 30,000 rounds of ammunition are for our own use, and the remaining 1,836 Type 38 rifles and more than 50,000 rounds of ammunition are all handed over to the headquarters.”

Lieutenant General Wu took a long puff of cigarette and almost choked himself! If he didn't have enough lung capacity.

This is more than 1,800 38 rifles, which is more than enough to equip an infantry regiment. Even if they are evenly distributed, each of the three infantry divisions can be allocated 600 rifles. The help to the army with a large number of damaged weapons is obvious.

The first wave of weapons that Tang Dao took out were not just foolproof, they could even be said to be generous. There were a few bullets, but each gun could drop an average of thirty bullets, which was pretty good.

"What else?" Lieutenant General Guo on the side tried to keep his facial expression calm and continued to ask after sipping his tea. "I heard that your department also seized a lot of pistols!"

"Our department has seized a total of about 800 pistols in the south. I handed over 600 pistols and 15,000 rounds of ammunition." Tang Dao said firmly, not showing any distress at all.

Being able to be so generous and throw out three-quarters of the gun in one breath, Tang Dao really dislikes this kind of bastard box that is copied from the German style but only has a similar appearance. The effective range is only thirty or forty meters, and it often jams. After the war, it also received the label of 'the kindest pistol of World War II'.

If it weren't for Yi Qian Kuhaha, the soldiers regarded this junk as a treasure, and even wanted to throw all the Tang Dao to the headquarters, whoever wanted to use it could take it.

"Okay!" The two lieutenant generals couldn't help but smile with joy.

But he still tried his best to suppress his joy. He must not let Tang Dao see it, otherwise he would not take out the treasure at the bottom of the box.

"In addition, our department also seized several Type 96 light machine guns. Since our department mainly uses Czech-type light machine guns, we are planning to use these machine guns." Tang Dao blinked.

"Why are you hesitating? Tell me!" Lieutenant General Guo urged.

"In this series of battles, our light machine guns were seriously damaged, so we need to replenish them urgently. I hope that the command will replenish some Czech light machine guns for our unit. However, we will not let the command replenish them in vain. We will replenish one light machine gun and 500 "Let's fire bullets. Our department handed over two Japanese machine guns and 600 rounds of ammunition. It's really embarrassing to do this, but there's nothing I can do about it. I also asked the two officers, Haihan!" Tang Dao was a little embarrassed.

Fuck! You are still embarrassed. I think you are good at talking about data. These are all carefully calculated. You know that we will definitely agree!

If possible, the two lieutenant generals really want to give this guy a big eye roll.

"Okay, it's settled! Just as you said, two for one, but I won't take advantage of you. I will give you as many bullets as you give me!" Lieutenant General Wu waved his hand to express his agreement.

Although the Japanese machine guns are not as good as the Czech machine guns, it is still a good deal to exchange two for one. Those who are unwilling are idiots. Lieutenant General Wu will not make this low-level mistake for the sake of face.

"However, all the machine guns and anti-aircraft heavy machine guns that I originally allocated to your Fourth Battalion must be returned. Several anti-aircraft battalion commanders have come to me several times. As long as they are there, even if there is only a frame left, you have to return them." After saying this, Lieutenant General Wu got to the point.

The main reason was that they were afraid that if they said it too early, Tang Dao would start to reduce the equipment they would hand over. Now that the big boss had almost said it, they could naturally bring it up.

"No problem, the ten machine guns and ten heavy machine guns allocated to my unit, except for four machine guns and five heavy machine guns that were damaged in battle, all the rest will be returned today. Please notify them to receive them!" Tang Dao was unusually straightforward.

Before Lieutenant General Wu felt pained by the damage to the machine guns and heavy machine guns, Tang Dao continued: "Speaking of machine guns, my unit has seized twelve twin-mounted 25mm machine guns from the Japanese army this time, and there are nearly 10,000 rounds of shells. Except for two for my own use, I also plan to hand over the remaining ten to distribute to various units."

"Ten machine guns" The two lieutenant generals took a breath and looked at each other.

They were all people who had seen the world. Although ten machine guns were awesome, they were not surprised to this extent.

What surprised them was why Tang Dao was so generous all of a sudden. This was completely inconsistent with his Pixiu personality.

Especially what Tang Dao said about distributing to various units.

Yes, for rifles and pistols, Tang Dao said to hand them over to the headquarters, but when it comes to machine guns, they said to distribute them to various units.

Whether it is the performance or Tang Dao's words, it seems that they are full of conspiracy.

What is this guy up to?

Could it be that the good ones still want someone else?

Don't tell me, the old man is so shrewd. Before Tang Dao said anything, Crouching Dragon and Phoenix had already estimated it.

Tang Dao has been laying the groundwork for so long and paid such a high price, isn't it just to want people!

His independent battalion has enough manpower and everything, but it lacks a branch of the army, which is only available in the various units of the 67th Army.

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