Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 510: Is it a test for the team or for the individual?

This time, the gambler didn't just make a few random bets.

He was actually not betting on Qian Dazhu, but Tang Dao.

Tang Dao had never disappointed Lao Suanpan. From the Sihang Warehouse to here, although people kept falling on the road, what Tang Dao brought them was victory! Continuous victory!

Qian Dazhu was the company commander recognized by Tang Dao, so he must have enough ability. This was Lao Suanpan's little idea.

Most people, including Li Jiujin, still stayed on Qian Dazhu, and only Yang Xiaoshan and Xia Dayu, who trusted Tang Dao to the bone, resolutely bet two dollars in the opposite direction.

Tang Dao also heard about the gambling here and couldn't deny it.

He was not a stubborn person. The soldiers had just experienced continuous battles and walked around the edge of life and death. They ate well and slept well in the past two days to recover from physical fatigue, but they were still in a tense state mentally. This was also a kind of relaxation, temporarily forgetting the blood and fire on the battlefield.

But this time, he couldn't participate in person. It's not that as the highest commander of the independent battalion, he must practice not to participate in this poisonous "entertainment", but if he went, no matter which side he voted for, he would invisibly change the rules of the game.

This is the effect of status! The backbone of the independent battalion is all his direct troops. Who can sing against him?

The hillside was bustling, and the third company below the hillside had already started their assessment.

The assessment content was as expected, there were three items: cross-country marching, bayonet fighting, and shooting!

The cross-country march was fully armed for ten miles, which was to circle the entire garrison five times;

The bayonet fighting naturally couldn't be done with real swords and guns. If there was no wooden gun for training, then a real gun would be used. However, the bayonet of the real gun was removed, and a piece of cloth dipped in white lime was tied to the muzzle. The cloth was tied to the size of a fist. Although it would not hurt people, it would also make people blue and purple;

Shooting was much simpler. A wooden target was tied 200 meters away, and the number of target paper rings was the winner. Although there was no target paper, there was a wooden board. You could draw a few circles on it with white lime and then paint a red heart with red paint. It could barely be used as a target.

Lei Xiong gave all the preparations to the medical team of the special forces company.

Not everyone in the third company participated in the assessment. Qian Dazhu gave everyone the opportunity to sign up voluntarily.

Armed cross-country and bayonet fighting were combined to calculate the scores, each accounting for 50%, and shooting was calculated separately.

The purpose of doing this is obvious. Positions such as squad leaders and deputy squad leaders require strength, agility and bravery, but they do not necessarily require high shooting skills. You can be a good infantry squad leader without being a sharpshooter.

But the most important thing for a precision shooter is, of course, shooting skills.

Precision shooters are not a new term. At this time, they are set up in the infantry squads of various troops. Their role is to hunt down enemy grenade launchers, machine gunners and low-level officers on the battlefield. Without sufficiently accurate shooting skills, that's nonsense!

Therefore, almost all precision shooters should be selected from the third shooting assessment.

Not many people dare to sign up for the precision shooter test. It was already 4pm. After the cross-country run and the bayonet fight, it would definitely be after 5:30pm. By then, the sky had begun to darken.

Even if they were all veterans, not many people dared to guarantee that they could hit the target 200 meters away under such lighting conditions. If they missed the target, wouldn’t they become the joke of the whole army?

In the end, there were only 20 soldiers who were confident in participating in the shooting test.

But there were 90 officers and soldiers of the third company who participated in the fully armed cross-country run and bayonet fight.

In addition to all the veterans of the Fourth Camp and the Guard Camp in the third company, 18 soldiers from the original Songjiang Security Corps also signed up.

Obviously, although they were once militiamen, they also looked like soldiers after fighting a few battles.

So competitive! What's wrong with veterans? Even if I can't beat them, I have to participate. Who knows, I can do it too?

Qian Dazhu nodded at the registration result. This was better than he expected. If there were only a few soldiers in the Songjiang Security Corps, or even no soldiers at all, he would be disappointed with these "militiamen" who accounted for 40% of the total number.

It doesn't matter if you are weak in physical fitness, skills and tactics, but if you are weak in spirit, you will be inferior to others for the rest of your life.

"All the rest of you who are not participating in the assessment, stand here and stand at attention until all the assessments are over!" Qian Dazhu frowned and shouted at the soldiers who didn't even dare to sign up. "Think about why you are standing here!"

After that, he ignored the remaining dozens of ashamed soldiers and turned around to arrange the first assessment.

The cross-country running assessment is just as many people guessed, 90 people run together, and then score according to the order of arriving at the finish line.

Everyone is the same, with 30 minutes as the dividing line, add one minute, subtract one point, and subtract one minute and add one point.

For example, if a stronger soldier ran in 30 minutes, he would get 30 points; if he ran in 29 minutes, he would get 31 points; if he ran in 31 minutes, he would get 29 points, while if a weaker soldier ran in 40 minutes, he would get only 20 points.

As for whether there would be worse soldiers, it is estimated that after continuous battles, such soldiers have been almost eliminated.

However, before the cross-country run, the second bayonet test was divided into groups. The 90 people who registered were divided into ten groups, each with nine people. Numbers 1 to 9 were the first group, 10 to 19 were the second group, and so on. The numbers "1, 2, 3, 490" were written on the back of each person with white lime.

The personnel distribution in each group is also considered even, with about 8 veterans from the Fourth Battalion and the Guard Battalion, and the remaining two are soldiers from the Security Corps, so there is no problem of who takes advantage of whom.

"Before the cross-country race, the bayonet division was announced. There is a trick in this! I think Qian Dazhu is still a bit of a jerk!" Pang Dahai said with narrowed eyes.

"Hehe, that's not necessarily true. Maybe this kid is deliberately making trouble and finally choosing people based on personal scores! If you want to be a squad leader, you have to be the strongest one, otherwise how can you suppress your subordinates?" Cheng Tieshou pouted and replied.

"What you two said makes sense, but in the end it depends on how the young people make their choice!" Guo Shouzhi, who came over with big strides, interjected.

"Which one do you think is more reliable, Deputy Ying Guo?" The artillery company and the fire support company are both under the charge of Guo Shouzhi. Pang Dahai and Cheng Tieshou are currently his direct subordinates. Naturally, they understand that Guo Shouzhi came to chat with them to get to know each other.

As long as you become an officer, you can learn many skills without a teacher.

"As for me! This time I can stand on the side of Captain Dahai. How about Captain Tietou, let's make a bet? Whoever loses will treat you to canned meat. I know your fire support company is the first to run to collect supplies." Guo Shouzhi said with a smile.

"No bet, no bet. Old Abacus is still a soldier. Deputy Guo Ying, don't hurt me." Cheng Tieshou shook his head.

"Haha!" Guo Shouzhi and Pang Dahai both laughed.

Speaking of which, Cheng Tietou was still guilty. They were all company commanders. Of course, their vision and pattern were different from the past. They all had a plan in their minds. They thought that this assessment method of dividing into groups but scoring separately was definitely not as simple as seeing who could run better.

It was just a little different from what they imagined.

The assessment was in full swing. The sixteen people in the communication platoon that Qian Dazhu borrowed from the battalion headquarters were busy sweating as they recorded the scores of nearly a hundred people. They looked more tired than the soldiers who were running five laps with a rifle, 100 rounds of bullets, four grenades and a five-pound bag of grain.

As a result, Qian Dazhu himself was as fierce as a tiger, but in the end he was very careful. He just looked at everyone's scores after the assessment, which took a full 50 minutes to complete, and then announced: "The bayonet test begins. We will be divided into groups. Group one will face group two, and group three will face group four. Those with white ash on their chests and abdomens will be judged as losers and will be eliminated! The one with the most people left after three minutes will win. The loser will be given ten points if he is uninjured, and five points if he is injured but does not need to be eliminated. The same applies to the winning group, and each person will be given an extra five points!"

Whether it was the veterans or the security group soldiers, they all wailed!

It doesn't matter how the scores are calculated. What's important is that after running five laps fully armed, I felt like my life was about to end. How could I still have the energy to do bayonet fighting?

Perhaps only those officers with serious eyes know that this is an assessment close to actual combat.

Actual combat is like this. Don’t say that you will be exhausted after marching for ten miles, even if you are exhausted after marching for twenty miles, the battle has already begun, so you have to fight. The enemy will not give you any time to rest.

The young recruit Danzi company commander is very ambitious. He is not only selecting squad leaders through assessments, but also testing the combat effectiveness of the veterans and recruits under his command...

PS: I recommend a new historical article "Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms from Raising Chickens" by the same author. The protagonist is reborn as a tenant of Zhang Fei. The entry point is relatively novel. Interested book friends can take a look. Also, the subscription suddenly declined. Everyone, please support the genuine version! Thank you!

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