Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 522: Thoughts from our seniors!

Compared with the seriousness of the lieutenant generals, major generals, and colonels at the headquarters of the 18th Division, the atmosphere in the Chinese Jiashan Defense Line Headquarters was obviously much more relaxed.

Unlike Ushijima Sadao, who suffered repeated setbacks, the two lieutenant generals, Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Hina, were in a very good mood these two days, although they were dug up a lot by Tang Dao's hoe and shovel.

Under the violent attack of a reorganized division of the 18th Division and a heavy artillery brigade, these two men led two nominal infantry corps. In fact, they only had three infantry divisions with a strength of less than 30,000 people. Not only did it hold back for a week, creating one of the few achievements in the history of China's war with Japan, but it also relied on the vanguard left behind - the advance group, and directly smashed the opponent's largest weapon, the heavy artillery brigade, with a backhand blow. .

Such a record, not only will be remembered in history, but will definitely be written into the military academies' battle examples in the future.

In fact, in the battle between the Chinese defenders of Songjiang and the Japanese Tenth Army, the classic example of 30,000 Chinese people escaping while being chased and intercepted by the Japanese Tenth Army and naval fleet fighter formations will be remembered in the future. Not only was it recorded in the textbooks of the Chinese military academy, but even the face-conscious Japanese included it in the world's classic army combat cases decades later.

The reason why the most famous night attack battle on the Jiashan defense line was not taken as the core is because that night was just a part of this classic 'retreat' battle. Although it was brilliant enough, it was not enough compared to the entire battlefield. A true pinnacle moment.

However, the two lieutenant generals, Wolong and Fengchu, could not predict the future. The reason why they were in a good mood at the moment was that in addition to their previous results being extremely good, the troops also received enough supplies to last for 15 days.

What pleased them most was that the field hospital transported up to 2,600 wounded soldiers in the past two days and successfully arrived at the Jiaxing defense line. This solved most of their worries. As long as the Japanese army remained silent for one more day, they could evacuate all soldiers. Medical staff and the wounded, by that time, the entire Jiashan Defense Line army can leave if they want, and there will no longer be the worry of being chased by the 18th Division.

There is no heavy artillery brigade in the 18th Division now. Who can be retained by just relying on dozens of small-caliber guns?

In contrast, Tang Dao only took away some potatoes and gave him a golden doll.

"This boy Tang Dao is really a lucky general! Ever since I met him in Songjiang, I have finally been able to catch my breath. I didn't want to expose the entire family as I thought." Lieutenant General Guo reached out and took it from the plate in front of the two of them. Put a fragrant fried soybean into your mouth and enjoy it beautifully.

Apart from anything else, without the thing that Tang Dao snatched from the Japanese, he, a dignified army lieutenant general, could only eat baked potatoes if he wanted to satisfy his craving.

It's okay to have a black mouth. The key is that when he thinks about the taste of potatoes, Comrade Guo, who has been eating this stuff for almost a week, feels sick.

Of course, when eating beans, he doesn’t forget the person who gave them to him, right?

"That guy turned out to be a soldier under your command, Brother Guo! Why did he look like a different person when he joined the 88th Division? Brother Guo, do you have to reflect on yourself?" Lieutenant General Wu was obviously in a good mood at this moment. It was rare for him to make a joke about his colleague who was a few years older than him.

"Haha, Commander-in-Chief, if you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten it. I really want to thank General Sun for this. If it wasn't for him running too fast, the little guy Tang Dao would not have been taken away by him. Fortunately, he went around and gave me old Guo sent it back, didn't he?" Lieutenant General Guo didn't feel dissatisfied when he heard his colleagues' teasing. On the contrary, he was happy.

"Brother Guo, you are a typical example of someone who behaves well after getting an advantage! Maybe Mr. Sun is scolding me behind his back! Not only did you pry away the Tang Dao, but you also took away nearly a hundred elite soldiers! Then Lei Xiong and Leng Feng, which one is a good candidate for the battalion commander in the ordinary army? It turns out that they are just the deputy battalion commander and infantry company commander." Lieutenant General Wu pointed his finger at Comrade Guo, who was a little carried away. There is a sour smell in it.

That’s not sour! The 67th Army and the 43rd Army are now fighting as one, but when they withdraw to Jinling, one is the Sichuan Army and the other is the Northeastern Army. As a result, they will inevitably part ways. No matter how strong Tang Dao and the Independent Battalion were, they would eventually fall under the command of the 43rd Army. As the commander of the 67th Army, he could only watch helplessly.

"It's not me, it's us! Although Tang Dao and the Independent Battalion are nominally under our 43rd Army, who in the world doesn't know that now your 67th Army and our 43rd Army are like one body, with one being prosperous and the other suffering?" How smart is Lieutenant General Guo? The man instantly sensed the slight injustice of his colleague and immediately expressed relief.

The smile also faded in time, and his voice became a little faint: "Commander-in-Chief, have you ever thought about this question? Even if all our troops on the Jiashan frontline can withdraw to Jinling, will the Japanese stop their attack?"

Hearing what Lieutenant General Guo said, Lieutenant General Wu, who was throwing fried soybeans into his mouth, paused slightly and couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

After a long time, he sighed softly: "If I were the commander of the Japanese dispatched troops in Shanghai, I would definitely not give up such a good opportunity. I would definitely use all my strength to conquer Jinling, so as to break the mentality of the top brass of our country to continue to resist."

"Commander-in-Chief, do you think those people will do something that will be remembered for thousands of years?" Lieutenant General Guo's eyes became more solemn.

If it really comes to that day, then hundreds of thousands of his disciples from central Sichuan will go out to fight the war in Sichuan, and tens of thousands of them will die on the Songhu battlefield alone. They will be completely thrown into the torrent of history by weakness, leaving no trace.

More importantly, does he and his nation still have hope?

"That's not that easy." Lieutenant General Wu had a sneer on his face. "The national sentiment of the domestic war of resistance has already arisen, and it cannot be extinguished by one or a few people. Those who dare to make that decision will certainly be nailed to the pillar of shame in history. Moreover, even if the Japanese can really capture Nanjing, what can they do? Japan can swallow up the Northeast and North China, but China is so big that we still have Central China, South China, Sichuan and further west. I don't know how Japan, a tiny country, can swallow it?"

"That's true, but the foreign races more than two hundred years ago were not as good as Japan now, and they still bullied and abused their power on the land of China for many years? Those who are afraid of death and kneel down to survive are like crucian carp crossing the river!" Lieutenant General Guo sighed slightly.

"This is different from the past! I don't know what other people think, but my Northeast Army lost the Northeast because of the order. I have been ashamed for six years. This battle is nothing more than the death of the whole army. Otherwise, I, Wu, would not have traveled thousands of miles to the southeast, knowing that I would die and still go to Songjiang." Lieutenant General Wu said with a cold light in his tiger eyes.

This may be the first time that Lieutenant General Guo heard his colleague speak his mind so frankly. He was moved and took the initiative to stretch out his hands, "Since the 200,000 soldiers of my Sichuan Army have left Sichuan, they have no intention of surviving. No matter how the war goes, I and the 43rd Army are just accompanying the commander-in-chief and the 67th Army on this journey."

"Haha, even if you don't say it, Brother Guo, I know what you mean. Otherwise, your 43rd Army can't dig away so many elites from my command!" Lieutenant General Wu laughed loudly.

The hands of the two lieutenant generals of the army were tightly clasped together in laughter, and their thoughts were unprecedentedly clear.

No matter how the war develops, no matter how bad it will be, it's just a war, even if the whole army is defeated! If they die, there will be people who will continue the war!

Their China has 400 million people!

Standing at the entrance of the command department, Tang Dao, listening to the conversation between the two lieutenant generals in the command department, felt a warm current rushing from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, his eyes sparkling, and he almost cried out of his eye sockets.

Can't help it!

It is a unique tacit understanding between soldiers, it is also a resonance between people with the same blood, and it is also the respect of Tang Dao, a soul from the future, for the unyielding ancestors of this era.

Every Chinese who chooses to stand and die rather than kneel and live in this war, their names should be engraved on the monument standing in the square...

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