Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 526 That was all preparation

"General, think twice before you kill me! Many of the wines you drank were sold by me!" Tang Dao blinked and said this.

"This..." Feng Chu couldn't help but twitch his lips slightly.

This idiot, is he afraid that others don't know that your father gave me a gift?

"Haha!" Lieutenant General Wu, who was also in a very good mood, laughed out loud.

After a while, he stopped laughing and waved Tang Dao away: "Okay, I and the 67th Army have accepted your favor, and you don't have to talk nonsense here. Go back and rest quickly. If things go wrong tomorrow, the Japanese will come over. We have to give this old guy Sadao Ushijima a few more sticks so that he won't dare to chase us so closely when we leave."

"Sir, I came here today, actually I have another idea." Tang Dao took advantage of the fact that Wolong and Feng Chu were happy and hurried to report.

"You say!" Lieutenant General Wu agreed subconsciously.

Soon, he regretted it.

When will Tang Dao change his bad behavior?

"It's like this, I hope the headquarters will assign me a heavy mortar battalion!" Tang Dao said with a frown.

"Get lost!" Wolong's eyes almost popped out of his sockets. He punched Tang Dao with two hooks on the left and right, and his mother didn't recognize him.

No wonder he was sending porridge and chicken and offering advice in the middle of the night. It turned out that he wanted to poach people, and he was so greedy that he wanted to poach a heavy mortar battalion. Although he didn't want to poach people, he would definitely poach people.

"Sir, it's not what you think. I just want them to cooperate with me for one night, just one night, I promise." Tang Dao hurriedly comforted Lieutenant General Wu, whose eyes were about to pop out and beat people.

That look was really very attractive. Especially when Tang Dao said it was just one night, those who didn't know him would think he was a pervert.

"Give you 30 seconds!" Wolong felt a pain in his teeth, but he couldn't really beat Tang, who had been laying the groundwork for a long time.

Lieutenant General Guo's face turned red.

He is the commander of the independent battalion, and he is a very talented person. He is very patient in the foreplay before poaching people, and he has aroused his colleagues who are always bold.

"I think so..." Tang Dao quickly reported his thoughts at the fastest speed.

The two lieutenant generals of the army fell into deep thought.

Tang Dao's idea was far less earth-shattering than his previous preparations, but it still had a sense of fantasy.

The 18th Division on the opposite side lost the heavy artillery brigade, but it still had more than 20,000 troops, and also added a 36th Infantry Brigade. If they did not have the fortifications of the Jiashan National Defense Line, they would have launched a mad attack long ago. Why would they stop for two or three days?

In the past, the 128th Division did constantly harass at night, but the number of troops dispatched each time was not large, and they mainly harassed. It was not like what Tang Dao said, that they would stab them hard before leaving, stabbing them to the bone and then running away.

"Then do what you want to do to the Japanese!" Lieutenant General Wu finally made a decision.

There is a saying on the battlefield that the first to strike is the strongest, and the last to strike will suffer. Moreover, Tang Dao has the approximate coordinates of the Japanese artillery regiment in his hand. What if it succeeds?

Even if it fails, with Tang Dao's ability, it will not be a big problem to withdraw, and there is still a heavy mortar battalion following them! In the middle of the night, the Japanese artillery and aircraft can't play a role.

When Tang Dao returned to the independent battalion station with satisfaction, he immediately ordered the whole army to prepare for battle.

Yes, the first battle of the independent battalion will not be in the fortifications or trenches, but in the wilderness.

He is going to sneak attack the Japanese artillery regiment. Even if he can't really achieve major results like attacking the unprepared Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade, scaring this artillery regiment away will also help the upcoming retreat in the next two days, right?

Others do not know the location of the artillery regiment of the 18th Division of the Japanese Army, but Tang Dao, who has studied the history of war in the military academy, knows that the 18th Division of the Japanese Army divides its artillery regiment into three places with artillery battalions as units, located in the left, middle and right directions of the Jiashan defense line. Because its location is behind the entire infantry front, only an infantry squadron is responsible for its defense.

As for whether the defense of its artillery unit will be strengthened because the 18th Division suffered a major blow in this time and space, that is not something Tang Dao can know.

So, this is a military adventure.

But, the military is a "trick"! The Japanese may have thought about being attacked at night, but they would never have thought that the Chinese were so bold that they dared to bypass the infantry front and attack the artillery behind it.

Moreover, Tang Dao was also prepared to run away in case of failure.

All soldiers participating in the night attack, except for the necessary equipment, did not bring any rations and personal belongings, and tried to reduce the weight as much as possible.

Moreover, the heavy mortar battalion borrowed by Lieutenant General Wu, the special forces company, the 4th infantry company, and the artillery company were all at a contact point two kilometers away from the Jiashan defense line.

Even if the Japanese army sent an infantry regiment to pursue, Tang Dao had the ability to guarantee that they would be blocked for half an hour.

As for whether the Japanese army would grit their teeth and send more troops to pursue, they really thought that the other Chinese troops on the Jiashan defense line were dead! When Tang Dao ordered the independent battalion to be ready, at least four infantry regiments should have quietly entered the trenches on the front line of Jiashan.

The risk was great, but the results were extremely tempting.

Without artillery, the attack power of the Japanese army was reduced by at least one third.

The three infantry companies of the independent battalion were the main force in this battle. The first company was led by the company commander Leng Feng. The company had 70 Liao-made Type 13 rifles, 25 submachine guns, 25 Mauser pistols, 20 Nanbu Type 14 pistols, 10 grenade launchers, 10 light machine guns, 2 mortars, and one heavy machine gun.

Rifles were equipped with 40 rounds of ammunition, submachine guns were equipped with 60 rounds of ammunition, Mauser pistols were equipped with 60 rounds of ammunition, grenade launchers were equipped with 5 rounds of ammunition, light machine guns were equipped with 300 rounds of ammunition, and heavy machine guns were equipped with 500 rounds of ammunition. In addition, each soldier carried 4 grenades.

The average weight of each soldier was about 7 kilograms, which was four kilograms lighter than during the war.

Such ammunition reserves were to ensure consumption in battle, and to ensure that they could be considered lightly equipped and run faster during marches and retreats.

The equipment of the second and third companies was not much different from that of the first company. They advanced in an area about 500 meters on both wings of the first company. However, Tang Dao followed the second company, Lei Xiong followed the third company, Guo Shouzhi was responsible for the special agent company and the artillery company to assemble in the designated area, and Cheng Tieshou's fire support company advanced 800 meters behind the three infantry companies.

Zhuang Shisan, the chief of staff, led the baggage company to the garrison, and all members entered the trenches to maintain the defensive strength of the defense line.

It can be said that for this night attack, Tang Dao's independent battalion had already sent out its elite troops. He and Lei Xiong all entered the three major infantry companies to command the operation nearby.

And the baggage company, the weakest company in combat effectiveness, did not feel abandoned because it did not participate in the battle. Tang Dao gave them the task of staying in the garrison. What kind of trust was that? Even the highest commander who stayed in the garrison was Zhuang Shisan, the former battalion commander of the first battalion of the security regiment.

Although it was very tense, all the personnel of the baggage company loaded their guns and retreated into the trenches. If the Japanese army took advantage of the chaos to attack, they would be the only defenders of this 1,000-meter-high defense line.

It was a night with a bright moon and few stars.

The moon was bright, but the night was extremely dark under the cover of dark clouds from time to time. Except for the guides that Tang Dao had found half a day in advance, the villagers who needed to lead the way turned on their flashlights from time to time to observe the environment. The whole army was silent, no sound or light was allowed, and even smoking was strictly prohibited.

From the left wing defense line, they marched continuously for four kilometers and then moved forward. The entire march distance even exceeded 10 kilometers, and it took two hours to run.

This was a rare hillock in the wilderness. Looking at the sweaty soldiers who were jogging all the way with equipment weighing more than ten kilograms, Tang Dao stretched out his palm and waved at the hillock. The old soldier who followed him understood what he meant.

That was five minutes of rest time for the whole company.

The soldiers sat down in the grass on the side of the hill with a sigh of relief, and the rapid breathing gradually subsided.

The "Hammer" who had been lying beside Tang Dao was also desperately sticking out his tongue. The four-kilometer forced march was really exhausting.

Then, the hammer suddenly pricked up his ears.

It seemed that it heard a sound that made it alert.

And it was on the other side of the hill.

Tang Dao, who sensed the change of the hammer, looked slightly cold!

Please remember the domain name of the first release of this book:. _wap.

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