Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 549: Old Friend of Wolong

Yes! The Northeast Army is now unattended. Comrade Wu is already the second-in-command of the Northeast Army, but Guo and Gu are only forwards in the Sichuan and Hunan factions, and each has two big guys behind them.

The two looked at each other and calmed down.

But Lieutenant General Wu once again looked at the wilderness outside the headquarters, with a chill in his eyes.

If the Army Lieutenant General had some struggles with Tang Dao's proposal before, it was completely wiped out after the fiercely worded telegram from the theater headquarters.

His telegram was sent at seven in the morning, but the reply from the theater headquarters was almost two hours later. Obviously, there was time for back and forth. The authority of the theater headquarters is already very large, and it is self-evident who else can be consulted.

The current situation faced by the Jiaxing army, of course, is not unknown to that person. The three infantry divisions sound like a lot of troops, but what about the Japanese army? The troops came in two directions, and their total strength was much greater than that of the defenders. Not only was the heavy firepower on the ground much stronger, but there were also fighter planes in the sky to help. Since the last attack of the Chinese Air Force more than ten days ago, there has been no news of them flying into the blue sky.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this battle has already failed. What the top leaders need to do is to redeploy troops and accumulate strength for a decisive battle with the Japanese army.

For the Jiaxing army, retreating, even if it is to retreat to the direction of Jinling and enter the hilly and mountainous areas in Guangde, there is still a glimmer of hope, but in his eyes, the lives of more than 20,000 soldiers are not as important as the so-called perseverance.

If they treat everyone equally, it would be fine. Fighting for the country and the people, 20,000 Chinese men will die! But his direct army was clearly required to retreat with all their strength three days ago.

This kind of unfair thought is just like the opening remarks of Lieutenant General Guo: "It's chilling!"

Leave this battlefield, go to Pengcheng, use the secret arsenal built ten years ago, replenish troops, restore combat effectiveness, and fight the Japanese army again! Lieutenant General Wu, who looked into the distance silently, made the final decision.

Perhaps he could not have thought that because of the rotten situation on the front line, his order to stick to the army would push this heroic army further away from him. Maybe they would still fight under him because of the fate of the country, but when the foreign enemy is gone one day, it would be extremely difficult to get them to point their guns at their own people.

Not to mention, in the northwest, the second-in-command of the Northeast Army actually maintained a good relationship with that army.

In the afternoon, Guo and Wu each received a similar reply from their own big boss behind the scenes: more than half of your casualties have been lost and you are no longer able to fight. Now I order your troops to find an opportunity to leave the battlefield and fight again after replenishing the troops!

In the past, the 128th Division had 7,000 soldiers. After seven days of bloody battles in Jiashan, 3,000 soldiers were killed or wounded. The nearly 50% casualty rate was basically a cripple and was eventually forced to withdraw from the battlefield.

Although the 67th and 43rd Armies helped this time, they faced a more fierce attack from the Japanese Army. In order to consolidate the defense line, they launched continuous night attacks. The casualties were not much less than before. The casualties of more than 2,000 people were also shocking.

With such a casualty rate, coupled with the support of the Jiashan frontline, the Hunan boss could naturally roll up his sleeves and scold the Songhu War Zone Command, which was about to be abolished, even if it was a veiled curse, because the upcoming Jinling Defense War would require several other divisions of the Hunan Army to arrive, and a group of generals and lieutenant generals could only listen with their noses pinched.

As for the 43rd Army, the Sichuan King who was recuperating in Jiangxia had sufficient reasons. An infantry division was reduced to only one-tenth of its troops on the Songhu battlefield. What's the matter, you immortals are not satisfied? Do you have to put all the 200,000 good men I sent out of Sichuan into the pit you guys dug to make me happy?

This guy is even more arrogant. He simply ignored a command organization that was about to be abolished and went directly to the head of the Military and Political Department, Commander He, and asked him to leave some seeds for the 43rd Army so that this infantry army that had achieved excellent results in the Battle of Songhu could recover its vitality and fight the Japanese army again in the future.

Not as straightforward as the Hunan Army boss, he said politely, but as long as he is not a fool, he will understand: I, a Sichuanese, went out of Sichuan to fight the war and never thought of returning home alive, but you can't let me die in vain like you do, right? If you are so unethical, don't blame me for turning my face against you.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid that the person who heard this would not only curse a few times, but also kill chickens and monkeys to scare them a little, but the strategic position of the Sichuan Basin, which is surrounded by natural barriers such as Qinling Mountains and Wushan Mountains, is now completely different from the past.

The group of "elites" who can sit in high positions may not be able to defeat the Japanese because of the layers of interests, but they are definitely smart. With the failure of the Battle of Songhu, Nanjing is in danger, and the plains in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River may be within the range of the aggressive Japanese army. Sichuan Province, which has natural barriers and rich resources, has become the best place to go.

The Japanese tanks and planes can fully exert their strength in the plains, but in front of Sichuan Province, which has only one waterway and a few mountain roads that can only be walked, the Japanese can only put wings on their tanks and cannons.

For such a Sichuan king, his "request", even that person dare not say that he will not give a little face.

Not long after the two lieutenant generals received the calls from their respective bosses behind the scenes, the telegram from the Songhu War Zone Command to the headquarters arrived: "The enemy has come from Taihu Lake, and the rear of Jiaxing's defense line is empty. If the entire Jiaxing army sees that things are impossible, it is advisable to evacuate as soon as possible! Now in the two battles of Songjiang and Jiashan, all the troops have suffered heavy losses. The military and political department ordered that they can go to Jiangbei and other places to rest and wait for the replenishment of troops to fight the Japanese invaders again in the future!"

The Sichuan and Hunan armies must withdraw, and the 67th Army, which has lost more than half of its troops, naturally cannot be forced to stay on the defense line. The Songhu War Zone Command simply went with the flow and drove away the 20,000 people. Anyway, now that hundreds of thousands of troops have withdrawn from Songhu, there is no shortage of troops around Nanjing.

The three people finally let go of their worries. With this military order, whether they choose to fight or retreat, they are no longer constrained by the constraints of the military order.

What they need to worry about now is how to smoothly reach the 500-mile long retreat route from Jiaxing to Wuhu for 20,000 troops.

Once they cross the Yangtze River through Wuhu and reach Jiangbei, the Japanese army will not be able to catch up no matter what. However, no one cares about the replenishment of troops in the telegram of the theater headquarters. Hundreds of thousands of troops that need to defend the surrounding areas of Nanjing are crying for food. How can such a good thing fall on the heads of these miscellaneous troops?

The three lieutenant generals discussed and went to their respective defense zones to convene officers of various divisions for a meeting, which was also a unified thought before the 500-mile long-distance retreat.

Even if they retreat, they can't run around blindly, otherwise they are likely to be wiped out by the Japanese.

Lieutenant General Wu was sitting in the command center and waiting for his generals to report, but a guard ran in first and said that an acquaintance was looking for him, and named him, the army commander, to go out and greet him personally.

If it were someone else, the guards who were armed with guns and experienced in the battlefield would have beaten him out with a barrage of clubs long ago, but this man was so imposing that he was not an ordinary person. The guards did not dare to fight him nor did they dare to agree. They had to run to the lieutenant general to ask for instructions.

The so-called acquaintances were naturally not people in the army. It took some skills to let the guards report without announcing their names.

Lieutenant General Wu, who was slightly relaxed after solving the most important problem of the entire army, could not help but feel curious. He followed the guards out of the command post and walked forward for dozens of meters. He saw a middle-aged man wearing a dark blue cotton robe, a long beard, and a straight figure standing there.

"Haha!" Lieutenant General Wu, who was slightly stunned, couldn't help but smile and laughed out loud.

It was absolutely a very happy thing to meet an old friend in such a chaotic day, and it was an interesting old friend.

Lieutenant General Wu was like this.

For a long time, except for the moment when he received the news that Tang Dao had completely annihilated the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade on the front line, he had not felt so happy and joyful.

Or maybe, it was because of some kind of evil psychology?

Regarding this point, Wolong Juebi would never admit it...

PS: This is an automatically updated chapter. Today, my daughter has a rare day off. I took her out to climb mountains and walk around for most of the day. I will update another chapter when I come back in the evening, around 9 o'clock. You can guess who this is. There will be a prize for those who guess correctly.

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