Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 562 One, two, three, go!

The Japanese deputy grenadier would carry as many as 12 grenades during war. Tang Dao put half of them in his bag, plus a grenade responsible for detonating it.

That power is unbelievable.

Even in these three seconds, the Japanese soldier who was the first to kick off the fishing line and trigger the mechanism had already run seven or eight meters away, and was hit by the air blast caused by the airburst bomb hanging three meters high above his head, which was no less powerful than a mountain artillery shell. It was thrown several meters away.

Being hit by such an air wave is almost 100% guaranteed to end your life. The surface of the body seems to be intact, but the inside is completely shattered. From this point on, like a lone goose with broken wings, there is no movement after falling from the sky. You can know that he is already dead and cannot die again.

But there is still a whole body.

The real unlucky guy was the three Japanese soldiers who were following him to guard the two wings and behind him.

Because they were at least five or six meters away from their companions, they were right in the center of the explosion. After the strong fire and smoke, these three people disappeared on the spot, and this was probably what they were talking about.

Not to mention the large artificial bomb made by Tang Dao, it blew up three Japanese soldiers to pieces. The loud sound caused a dozen Japanese soldiers dozens of meters away to cover their ears in pain. If nothing else, Tang Dao now Even if they strode away, they wouldn't hear any sound.

Even Gu Xishui and others who heard the faint sound of explosions more than 1,000 meters away and began to move towards the small village began to run wildly. The huge explosions made them sure that there was a battle here, and this was where Tang Dao was. Area.

"Kill the chickens!" Tomohiro Araki held up the pistol that had just killed two wounded soldiers and started shooting in the direction of the explosion.

The huge fireball that illuminated half of the village made it clear to the infantry team leader, who had considerable combat experience, that the infantry team in that direction was doomed. No one could survive an explosion of this magnitude, but this could also make He determined that the enemy was in that position.

Maybe you haven't seen his shadow yet, but he also has a light machine gun and a grenade. Taking advantage of the firepower, a blind cat or a mouse can kill him.

The most important thing is that he doesn't have much time to waste. Such a huge explosion will definitely alert the nearby Chinese, if the Chinese also deploy enough mobile sentries behind their defense lines.

The probability is higher than 70 percent.

The Chinese army they faced had been fighting against the imperial army for nearly twenty days since the Battle of Songjiang. Although they continued to retreat, everyone knew that this Chinese army was different from what they had in North China. The Chinese troops we encountered were all different, they were very strong.

If it weren't for the greater strength of the empire and the support of heavy artillery and bombers, the grassroots officers of the Japanese army had even reached a tacit consensus that they would not be able to defeat the Chinese army with infantry alone.

This is an extremely frustrating realization, but it is the truth.

From the moment the Major, who was seeing him off, forced a smile and promised to promote Araki Tomohiro, Araki knew that at least at the level of Major Captain, the usual harassment and reconnaissance tactics behind enemy lines had lost their former value. Confidence.

Although no sound could be heard, the officer's hands-on shooting movements and the flames from the muzzle had already taken the lead. The main machine gun shooter in the small courtyard followed closely and fired, and the grenade launcher also resolutely fired the weapon he had prepared. The grenade is stuffed into the grenade and fired.

The Japanese infantrymen who were frightened and lying on the ground in the other two directions also roared and fired bullets into that area according to the guidance of the machine gun trajectory.

In the morning light, the fiery red trajectory visible to the naked eye and the continuous explosions completely submerged the forty to fifty meters radius where the explosion had just occurred.

It's a pity that Tang Dao, who deliberately exposed his body to lure the Japanese army to chase him and trigger his mechanism, had already guessed the tactical move that the Japanese army was about to execute at the previous moment.

"If you are poor, you will strike with precision; if you are rich, you will have firepower coverage!" The Japanese infantry knew this well and would never waste the advantages of more troops and stronger firepower in the limited time.

Therefore, after the explosion, Tang Dao, who had his ears plugged, picked up the rifle that had been thrown away by the Japanese soldiers, jumped into a small courtyard, and left through the wall on the other side, like a flexible wild cat. , a distance of more than ten meters, it took more than three seconds.

This is of course also due to his current height of 1.8 meters. If he had the short legs and arms of the Japanese army, no matter how strong and agile he was, he would never be able to reach the level of Tang Dao.

To put it bluntly, this comes from innate advantages.

With the vigorous shooting of the Japanese army, the sneaking Tang Dao was less than 20 meters away from the Japanese army on his left.

. . . . . . . . '

One two three deep too’ very scared.

As a veteran who has been in China for at least three years and joined the army for six years, "One Two Three Shen Tai" has never been so scared.

He participated in at least thirty battles, annihilating the Chinese rebels in Northeast China, chasing the desperate retreating Chinese troops in North China, attacking Songjiang after landing, and participating in attacks on the Chinese temporary field defense lines in the dark. Some of these were simple and dangerous. of.

His surname of "一二三" may be very casual because of his ancestors, but "一二三深太" will never let himself down because of this weird surname.

From the day he joined the army, he trained hard. With his ambition to never be underestimated, he was brave enough and hardworking enough. His extraordinary courage and superb individual skills and tactics were the main reasons for his survival on these battlefields. .

With one battle after another, he has been promoted from a private to a sergeant. He only needs to be promoted one level to become a sergeant leading a squad or even an acting squad leader of an infantry squad.

Until, he came here.

This nightmare place that may annihilate his dream.

The huge explosion thirty meters away has torn four of his men from the same infantry squadron into pieces, but this is not the reason for the fear of Sergeant ‘One Two Three Deep Too’.

He has two colleagues under him. All of them are elites selected from the infantry squadron. Both of them are senior privates with more than four years of military service. They are strong and accurate in shooting. Not only have they participated in more than a dozen battles in person, but they have also killed several enemies.

Therefore, from the beginning, their three-person team cooperated well. The triangular battle position they always maintained basically ensured that one person could be attacked, and the other two could provide effective support.

Although the distance between the three was a little far, at least six or seven meters, only experienced soldiers would understand that it was to avoid the enemy's grenades. Such a space could at least allow the other two to avoid the attack of shrapnel.

From the moment Lieutenant Araki ordered a covering attack on the enemy, 'One Two Three Shinta' hid himself in the shadow behind the wall, listening to the gunshots fired by his two colleagues from the left and right wings, and carefully observing the darkness covered by houses and trees through the crosshairs. As long as the enemy appeared, he could guarantee a hit with one shot. That was the confidence given by participating in thirty battles and personally killing at least fifteen enemies.

The gunshots were fierce, and the visible fiery red trajectory made the dust fly in the possible positions of the enemy, but there was no reaction from the opponent. 'One Two Three Shinta' was not anxious. He knew that this was just fire suppression, and Lieutenant Araki did not expect to kill the enemy who killed four colleagues with a round of fire attack.

The four people in the other direction should be approaching that area.

The three groups of Japanese soldiers actually cooperated very well. Araki Tomohisa used machine guns and grenade launchers to suppress the enemy's area with main firepower, and a group of Japanese soldiers quickly approached, while the three people headed by '123 Shinta' held one place, waiting for the enemy to show up.

The two infantrymen who kept firing were just superficial forces, and the real fatal blow was '123 Shinta', a six-year military veteran, who was a precise shooter.

Yes, in the 20-man squad, Sergeant '123 Shinta' was the undisputed strongest in precise shooting. At a distance of 400 meters, he had a record of successfully killing Chinese officers three times.

This grouping tactic was discussed and decided by Lieutenant Araki Tomohisa and another sergeant when the vanguard squad was established. Only when there was a sufficiently threatening enemy appeared, would the strongest shooter in his squad open fire and kill with one shot.

The two veterans following him would provide him with adequate protection. Listening to their extremely rhythmic gunfire, the senior Japanese sergeant felt extremely relieved.

He had enough patience to wait for the appearance of prey.

Until he suddenly discovered something.

The gunfire from his companions seemed to have become sparse.

Yes, the fixed rhythm of firing a shot every two or three seconds turned out to be seven or eight seconds.

What was even more terrifying was that thirty seconds ago, it seemed that he paused for a long time. Looking sideways, his long rifle was horizontally exposed in the corner of the wall.

However, the muzzle was slightly tilted up.

For a veteran with four years of military service, this was a huge mistake. It would obviously save more time to turn the muzzle from drooping to horizontal than in this state.

Unless, that was not a companion? Or, that was not what the companion wanted to do.

The moment this thought came to his mind, the clothes on the back of 'One Two Three Shinta' were soaked with cold sweat.

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