Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 580 The Logic of Traitors

This is not the first time that the Jing'an Army and the 145th Division have faced each other.

The two armies had already fought in the Battle of Si'an. In that battle, the Sichuan Army fought bravely and tenaciously, leaving a deep impression on the Jing'an Army. However, even in the first battle when the Sichuan Army suddenly appeared and caught the Jing'an Army off guard, it had never caused such heavy casualties to the Jing'an Army as now.

Two infantry companies, even before a round of fighting, were completely defeated.

The Japanese Army Major with the title of military adviser felt his head buzzing, not to mention Li Shoushan, a big traitor who was on the list of all Chinese.

After hugging the thigh of the Japanese, this man slaughtered anti-Japanese patriots in the three northeastern provinces.

And it was an extremely cruel act of this guy that put him on the blacklist of most Chinese people to kill. In an operation to encircle and suppress the anti-Japanese guerrillas, this guy used a large army to surround hundreds of guerrillas active in the mountains and besieged them until they ran out of ammunition and food, and captured dozens of them.

If the two armies each served their respective masters, it would be fine if the anti-Japanese patriots who were loyal to their own country and nation died on the battlefield, because they died bravely for their ideals. But in order to show his loyalty to Japan, this man actually issued so-called life and death lot to the prisoners, with a total of 20 lotteries, and the anti-Japanese patriots who were drawn were beheaded by his subordinates with a guillotine by the traitor.

In order to wag his tail for his Japanese master, Li Shoushan did not hesitate to use this cruel behavior that broke the bottom line of human beings. After the incident was exposed, the whole of China hated him to the bone.

Of course, the traitor Li also knew that his behavior had angered the public, so he clung to the Japanese thighs even more tightly, and his cruelty became even worse in the following years.

However, as cruel and cunning as Li Shoushan was, he also knew why the Japanese reused his dog. That was because he had people under his command. An infantry brigade had 5,000 people, who were well-trained and well-equipped. If they were released, they would be a fierce wolf-blue.

But what if one day the fierce wolf-blue had its legs or spine broken? Li Shoushan knew that he would not be qualified to be a dog.

To put it bluntly, the First Brigade of the Jing'an Army was Li Shoushan's biggest reliance for being a dog. He was more concerned about the casualties of his subordinates than the military adviser Ishiwata Yingjie.

The casualties of the 300 men and horses were like a club hitting him head-on. He stared blankly at the front and came back to his senses after a while.

However, unexpectedly, Li Shoushan did not immediately order a retreat, but issued an order in the opposite direction: "Order the first and second battalions to continue the attack with follow-up forces, and speed up the left and right wings. The Chinese are just a spent force. Order the front-line troops to bring back the wounded and the bodies of the soldiers left on the front line. Bring back a wounded person, and reward ten yuan, bring back a body, and reward five yuan."

The signalman took the order and left.

This guy is not crazy! The Chinese have heavy machine guns and mortars. Shouldn't they withdraw first and wait for the arrival of the next wave of naval fighter formations before attacking again?

Moreover, what's the point of bringing back those wounded and even more useless corpses? He, Li Shoushan, even used people's hearts as a snack, when did he become such a kind-hearted man?

The Japanese Army Major had a black question mark face!

Facing the puzzled face of Ishiwata Yingjie, Li Shoushan's face was ugly, but he explained calmly: "Ishiwata Jun, I am not sorry for the casualties of our soldiers. I have carefully observed this Chinese army in the Battle of Si'an. Their fighting will is still tenacious, but their equipment is really too simple. In terms of heavy weapons, the old-fashioned 30-section heavy machine gun is not worth mentioning. The only thing that can threaten our army is this 82-caliber mortar."

"Yes, although China is the enemy of the empire, from the perspective of a soldier, the Chinese army we encountered is worthy of admiration. In such severe cold weather, they are still wearing straw sandals and summer clothes. This kind of mental will is not even comparable to the Imperial Army." Ishiwata Yingjie nodded and evaluated the opponent who had just dealt them a heavy blow from the same objective perspective.

"And this is why I ordered the soldiers to continue the attack." Li Shoushan continued. "The ones standing in front of the imperial army are the 23rd Army from Sichuan Province. The reason why they are still wearing summer clothes is that they set out in late August. Seeing that they didn't even have time to change their clothes before coming to Guangde to fight, you can imagine how they rushed into the battle.

Ishiwata-kun, you said, how much ammunition reserves can they have in such a hurry? And just now, they fired at least nearly a hundred shells."

"Oh! Yoshi! General Li, you really deserve to be the number one general of Manchukuo!" Ishiwata Yingjie suddenly realized and offered his compliments without hesitation.

Details determine success or failure. Through clothes and previous battlefields, he calculated the opponent's ammunition reserves and decisively implemented tactics based on this. At this moment, Li Shoushan is definitely worthy of such praise in the eyes of the Japanese Army Major.

Li Shoushan is cunning enough.

He almost got it right.

If it was the Sichuan Army led by the damned Liu Ruzhai, maybe one hundred rounds of artillery shells would not really exhaust the entire regiment's artillery shells, but it would not be a problem to consume 60 to 70 percent of them.

Suddenly, eight mortars concentrated their fire and blew up six heavy machine guns, forcing another heavy machine gun position to move. However, the vigilant Jing'an Army heavy machine gun group would disperse more in the next wave of battle to cover the infantry, and the positions they chose would be more away from the mortar's firing range.

Although the mortar, which relies on parabolic artillery shells to throw shells, has a large curved firing range, it does not mean that it has 360-degree coverage without dead angles.

Even if the Chinese army still has a certain amount of artillery shells, as long as it cannot form an overwhelming suppression on the heavy machine guns like just now, the heavy machine guns can continue to suppress the Chinese trenches with firepower, and the infantry can continue to move forward.

Even if it is not possible to really capture the position in one fell swoop, it is feasible to snatch back the wounded who are still wailing in the blood pool on the front line.

This is Li Shoushan's logic. He can be as cruel as a wolf to the anti-Japanese patriots who resist the Japanese, but he attaches great importance to his subordinates who can maintain his position in the hearts of the Japanese.

At least, he is using this method to prove to his subordinates that he will not treat those who work for him badly.

Not only can he show his determination to capture the position in front of the Japanese military advisers, but he can also gain the loyalty of his subordinates. The card carefully played by Li Shoushan, the big traitor, is not a bad card.

Unfortunately, he miscalculated after all.

His opponent had already changed.

Since Tang Dao dared to come here with an infantry company, he would never be a "stupid boy sleeping on a cold kang - relying on strong firepower", but relying on strong firepower.

A fire support platoon carried 150 artillery shells and 10,000 heavy machine gun bullets. Not to mention fighting with the Jing'an Army this afternoon, even if they fought another day tomorrow, this ammunition reserve was enough. In addition to the original artillery shell storage of the Sichuan Army, there were more than 350 artillery shells on this position.

With the same degree of concentrated fire and artillery bombardment as just now, they are fully capable of doing it three more times.

This card played by Li Shoushan with one move is destined to hit a wall.

If he plays well, it will be like he imagined, and he will get along with both sides, but if he is hit by the iron plate and bleeds, then, in the eyes of his Japanese master, it will be synonymous with "stupid and useless", and the so-called gaining loyalty from his subordinates is even more impossible. Those who are not dead will only think that he is a fool who treats them as cannon fodder.

"Platoon leader, those damned second devils are still shouting, why don't those brothers shoot them?" Seeing that the front-line trenches lived up to expectations and won a great victory, Di Gua asked his platoon leader for help.

This should also be the fastest growth process for a new soldier on the battlefield. If you don't understand, just ask. Anyway, he is a teenager under 16 years old, and there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

"I don't know much about it." The second lieutenant thought about it and scratched his head.

If it were him, of course, he would take advantage of the stunned enemy before launching the second wave of attack to organize people to use rifles to call out the wounded soldiers who were still moving one by one.

At this time, the smoke has also dissipated a lot. At a distance of dozens of meters, it is not too easy for a group of infantry to hit those wounded soldiers who have lost their ability to move. It's just like shooting a target!

Of course, the main purpose of this is not to kill the enemy, but those Type 38 rifles left on the battlefield by the Jing'an Army look too tempting.

The Hanyang rifle in his hand looked old, but it was not weak. A 7.92mm bullet would make a big hole in the body. As long as he hit a Japanese, most of his life would be gone.

However, this did not mean that the remaining 30 brothers in his platoon all had such a good rifle. Just like the idiot Digua, he was still holding a "bird gun" used for training!

Only after killing those wounded soldiers of the Jing'an Army could he organize manpower and sneak out of the position to get seven or eight rifles back. If he could pick up some bullets and Japanese grenades, it would be even better.

The pattern was too small!

Soon, the Jing'an Army that re-entered the battlefield and the changes on the battlefield made this absolutely brave Sichuan Army second lieutenant platoon leader realize the gap between himself and the group of soldiers who were also considered Sichuan Army.

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