Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 587: Fight for 24 hours for you

"Haha! Good kill! This man almost caused thousands of brothers of our 145th Division to be annihilated. I am very fond of Commander Tang's move." Lieutenant General of the Sichuan Army, who is worthy of being the commander of a division, quickly recovered from his shock. Calm down and laugh.

"I will send a telegram to the group army headquarters in the name of our 145th Division Headquarters later, saying that Liu Ruzhai led his troops to escape from the formation and committed a heinous crime. Our ministry will apply and the defense area supervision team will be responsible for the execution. This deserter will be punished on the spot! Tang Tang What do you think, battalion commander?" said the Sichuan Army Lieutenant General who took the initiative to shake hands with Tang Dao.

This can be regarded as a return gift from Lieutenant General Tang Dao of the Sichuan Army.

However, this gift was not taken lightly, as you can tell by looking at the solemn expressions of the generals and colonels of the 145th Division.

He was placing more than half of the responsibility for offending a certain general and deputy commander on his own shoulders, lest Tang Dao, a young colonel, could not bear it alone.

"Hehe, this is the responsibility assigned to me by the theater headquarters to supervise the team. Sir Rao, you'd better not interfere, otherwise it will be difficult for Tang Dao to do it." Tang Dao responded with a chuckle.

"Okay! He is indeed a hero who has fought in the Four Elements and Songjiang. He is brave enough!" Lieutenant General of the Sichuan Army looked at Tang Dao, who was neither humble nor arrogant. Reward flashed in his eyes, and he waved his hand in the direction of his headquarters: "Please!"

Undoubtedly, Lieutenant General Tang Dao of the Sichuan Army had a very good impression of him after meeting him for the first time.

Because the left-wing position was not lost, and the main position in Jiebei Village was defended by two infantry battalions, the Jing'an Army attacked violently and then retreated. However, due to changes in the left-wing position, the Sichuan Army Lieutenant General's strategy of taking the initiative to attack on the right could only be temporarily frustrated. , the two armies are now in a state of confrontation.

A group of generals who had just returned to the division headquarters for a combat meeting met with Tang Dao and introduced themselves to each other before they all left and returned to their respective positions. In the blink of an eye, only Lieutenant General Tang Dao and Sichuan Army Lieutenant General were left in the headquarters.

Although the war was urgent, the Sichuan Army Lieutenant General still maintained the unique hospitality enthusiasm of Sichuan people and asked the orderlies to boil hot water and make tea to serve Tang Dao.

Tang Dao was not polite. After running for a long time, his throat was so thirsty that he drank two bowls in one go.

Until the Sichuan Army Lieutenant General asked in a solemn voice: "Commander Tang, you have dealt with the Japanese army many times. What do you think of our 23rd Group Army's Guangde operation?"

"The battle of Guangde will be lost!" Tang Dao put down his tea bowl and said simply.

"Commander Tang, you dare to tell the truth!" Lieutenant General of the Sichuan Army said with a wry smile.

"Although our army in Guangde has about 60,000 troops, they all came after a long journey and rushed into the defense line before replenishing armaments. On the other hand, the Japanese army included the 1st Brigade of the Jingan Army, the Kunozaki Detachment, and the 18th Division. We are well-equipped with hundreds of artillery pieces of various types. How will our army fight?

Even if our entire army has the courage to fight to the death and fights the enemy fiercely with flesh and blood based on the terrain of Guangde, there is always a limit to 60,000 lives. However, the current Japanese army has complete supplies. If the artillery shells are gone, they can be used at any time. With giant transport ships hundreds of miles away to supplement it, how can we not be defeated in this battle? "Tang Dao said bluntly.

"According to what Battalion Commander Tang said, since this battle is bound to be defeated, it's okay not to fight. We, the entire Guangde army, will retreat and look for opportunities to fight again." The Sichuan Army Lieutenant General lowered his eyebrows and blew the hot water from the bowl in his hand slightly. The heat coming out of the tea was very calm.

Perhaps only people like Tang Dao, who has extremely keen battlefield intuition, can feel the strong murderous intent emanating from his body.

Although Tang Dao also knew that his murderous intention was not necessarily against himself, but rather because he was quite sad about the current predicament, and most of the people he wanted to kill were Japanese invaders, but if he really agreed with him and said the words of retreat, this murderous intention would probably Just aim at him. :.

He knew he would lose, but he still had to fight, because behind Guangde was Jinling, and there were hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Jinling City. He couldn't retreat. This was the only reason why he had to fight.

"Otherwise! When the Japanese invaders come this time, they have already formulated tactics to surround our city of Jinling. Jinling is our capital of China. We can lose it, but we cannot lose it without a fight. Otherwise, the morale of our entire Chinese people and army will be greatly reduced.

This time it is a national war. What does it matter if you lose the first battle, the second battle, and the third battle? Our country is now inferior to Japan in both military and civil affairs. Defeat is in line with the fundamental logic of how everything in the world operates. However, Japan's national power is far behind that of Western countries!

Conquering North and Southeast China is their limit. If they destroy China in March according to the slogan of the little devils base camp, let alone this time span is absolutely impossible, even if they really swallow it, their bellies will burst.

Therefore, for me, the Chinese, we are not afraid of defeat. What we are afraid of is that our national beliefs will be discarded. We will be frightened by the seemingly powerful military front of the little devils and choose to become a slave to the subjugation of the country.

Those of us who would rather die standing than live on our knees, as long as we keep fighting and losing, and fighting again and again, sooner or later, victory will belong to us. We have been defeated many times and still cannot conquer the country, but we only need to win once and the little devil will be finished. "Tang Dao talked eloquently.

What Tang Dao said is naturally not just talk on paper, it has almost all been proven by history.

In the past time and space, it was precisely the strategy of "repeated battles, repeated defeats, repeated defeats, repeated battles" that turned the entire China into a battlefield swamp, dragging down Japan's 2 million elite army for nearly ten years.

Although some Japanese high-level officials made a fatal mistake and stabbed the American cowboys in the anus and saw the dawn of victory in advance, no one dared not deny the importance of this fighting spirit.

It wasn't China's tenacity on the battlefield that led the ambitious Japanese to find in despair that although China had a vast land and abundant resources, it could not find oil alone. How could they take huge risks to give in to the warmongers and start an undeclared war?

Of course, those who work hard are lucky enough.

Gu/span\u003e Perhaps it is also the blessing of the Chinese ancestors. The Japanese dug holes in the three northeastern provinces for more than ten years, but no oil was found. As a result, it took less than ten years for China to recover the whole territory. In the fertile land of the three northeastern provinces The oil patch was found.

That's just adding salt to the wound. It turned out that the treasure was under my feet without realizing it. I risked the destruction of my country and my species to compete with the warmongers. In the end, I was really beaten into pieces by the warmongers who never talked about martial arts. , he was still kept on a leash for decades after the war.

Tang Dao's remarks, which he summed up while standing on the shoulders of history, are not new ideas for the future, but they are definitely shocking enough for this era.

Lieutenant General of the Sichuan Army's eyes sparkled, and he looked at Tang Dao for a while, with a smile on his face, "Commander Tang is indeed a person that Brother Guo values ​​highly. Not to mention the military exploits he has already achieved, just based on your words of resistance, It's enough to make people sit up and take notice.

Good, very good! Then let me ask you again, how to fight a single-round boundary battle? Now there is only the first brigade of the Jingan Army, and our army is already struggling. If the Japanese regular army behind it supports us, what should our army do? "

"The boundary sign is the east gate of Guangde. If the Japanese invaders want to capture Guangde, they must pass through this place. The Japanese invaders must do whatever it takes." Tang Dao said. "But now, the residents of Guangde have retreated, so why not leave Guangde City to them as an empty city?"

"Keep talking!"

"Our Guangde defense zone is to defend our Jinling rear wing. The Japanese invaders' target is not the small town of Guangde, but the city of Jinling."

"What do you mean?" The Sichuan Army Lieutenant General's eyes flashed, thoughtfully.

"He wants to attack Jinling, and I want to defend Jinling. If it is difficult to stop his troops for a while, then our army will set up defenses layer by layer and block them layer by layer, just like hunting wild boars in the mountains. If you can't kill them with one arrow, just shoot a few more. arrow!"

"Okay! Then where should our army's next blocking point be located?" Lieutenant General of the Sichuan Army fully understood the meaning of Tang Dao, pulled up Tang Dao and walked to the Guangde map.

"Here!" Tang Dao pointed directly to a location several kilometers west of Guangde.

"Mouse Mountain!"

"Most of our independent battalion and the two infantry battalions of the Shameless Regiment have already started to build fortifications and positions there."

"Avenge Group?" The Sichuan Army Lieutenant General's eyes flickered and he already understood Tang Dao's intention in naming him.

The regiment commander who led the escape was executed on the spot, but that doesn't mean that the soldiers who escaped with him could be completely cleared of their guilt. Isn't there an infantry platoon on the left-wing position that didn't escape?

In the name of avenging shame, they want to use their performance on the battlefield to remove the shame of deserting.

"Okay, then I will entrust you with the command of this regiment in the name of Lieutenant General Commander of the 145th Division. Because this regiment left the position without authorization, the previous designation has been revoked. There is no need to call it the Avenging Regiment. It will be called the First, Second and Third Battalions of the Avenging Regiment." Camp, what do you think, Commander Tang?"

"Yes!" Tang Dao also breathed a sigh of relief.

The man in front of me is definitely a smart man. You can tell his intentions directly from the name he chose. Obtaining the command of these thousands of people is not something he can get just by being a war supervisor with Tang Dao and making someone angry. That has to make people feel that he is valuable enough.

Tang Dao wants to build a defensive position in the mountainous area of ​​Mouse Mountain, which is where his value lies.

"Then our whole Jiepai army will stay here for one more day and night and fight for another 24 hours for your whole army. Is that feasible?"

"That's enough!" Tang Dao nodded.

If they hold on until this time tomorrow, the Japanese army will definitely not march rashly at night, which is equivalent to adding another night.

In more than 30 hours, Lei Xiong and more than a thousand people were able to dig all the trenches and pits he planned. They could not carry heavy artillery and aerial bombs, but they could carry small-caliber artillery such as the 75mm mountain gun.

In the two days since he came here, Tang Dao and several deputy battalion-level cadres from the battalion headquarters scratched their heads. He also found several local fellows in Guangde to confirm again and again before choosing the location.

The mountains there are much more dangerous than Jiepai.

That is, this day and night is not easy to guard.

Well, it's a human life in exchange. To provide you with the fastest update of Rise from Eight Hundred, we will fight for you to read Chapter 587 for free for 24 hours. :.

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