Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 589 Blood!

The Jing'an Army's attack was resolute enough, charging almost on the edge of the artillery fire.

However, Li Jijin's second company was more determined and entered the trenches despite artillery fire.

The pace of more than 400 Jingan troops stopped 50 meters in front of the front line trench.

The dense rain of bullets composed of submachine guns, shell guns and rifles was only one of the reasons. The Chinese mortars suddenly began to lob fire at the infantry queue in front of the battlefield, which was the death of the Jing'an army.

You may be able to escape the hail of bullets by lying down, but the mortar shells falling from the sky don't care how standard your lying posture is. As long as you are within its killing range, you will overturn people and guns together. If you want to move forward, The bullet net composed of submachine guns and shell guns is simply not comparable to bolt-fire rifles. Every meter forward, someone will pay the price with their life.

In order to avoid hurting the front-line infantry, the artillery fire of the Jingan Army had to stop, leaving only light and heavy machine guns and grenade launchers to provide cover for the infantry.

To put it bluntly, both sides began to fight for consumption.

Not only ammunition is consumed, but also human lives. It depends on who can't bear this consumption first.

Li Shoushan's eyelids were twitching, and Shidu Yingjie's palms were sweating. This was the best that the First Brigade of the Jingan Army could do at present. :.

This round of artillery preparations alone has consumed one-third of the artillery shells carried by the Jingan Army, but this is only the first day of fighting outside Guangde City. If the battle drags on for another two days, the Jingan Army will All of the brigade's artillery will become a display.

Even with the help of artillery, the battle is like this. What if there is no artillery? The Japanese army major and hardcore traitor simply couldn't imagine it.

Therefore, they can only hold on until the Chinese commander cannot bear the consumption of ammunition or casualties.

Even though they knew very well in their hearts that there were trenches and fortifications on the Chinese side, the casualty ratio of such pure bullets was much smaller than that of their own infantry without cover.

At this time, Li Shoushan finally showed his ruthlessness. Not only did he send the last infantry battalion of his 2nd regiment to the battlefield, he also used his own guard troops to serve as the supervising team.

Ten light machine guns were set up 500 meters behind the entire position. Anyone who does not obey military orders and retreats will be killed!

Even an infantry company captain who was forced to turn back for help due to heavy losses was mercilessly killed on the spot by the supervising team.

No matter how the First Brigade of the Jing'an Army was the foundation for his livelihood, he had to fight this battle well in front of his Japanese master. Who allowed him to boast proudly in front of Major General Kunozaki because of his victory in the Battle of Si'an? It will definitely become the first imperial army to enter Guangde County. For this reason, Kunizaki, who was laughing and laughing, gave him all his guns.

Li Shoushan knew that it was both encouragement and a spur in disguise. If he could not fulfill his promise, the pistol with the ivory handle might have a bullet left for him.

Li Shoushan went crazy, and Li Jijin in the frontline trenches also gritted his teeth.

This defensive battle should be the most difficult battle he has encountered since the formation of the Second Company. A group of Japanese soldiers were actually tougher than the regular Japanese army. Hundreds of people lay on the ground under the cover of their light and heavy machine guns and grenade launchers. On the ground, we relied on some bomb craters, stones, and wooden piles as bunkers and fired at the second company in the trenches.

All kinds of light and heavy firearms in the trenches, as well as mortars, heavy machine guns, and grenade launchers outside the trenches were all firing at it. Visible to the naked eye, the opponent lost more than a quarter in half an hour of fierce fighting. Even the Japanese army, when After the battle damage exceeds 20%, they will retreat first, bombard them with artillery, and then attack.

Unexpectedly, the Japanese did not know what kind of medicine they had given to their dogs. The hardness of these dogs' heads was even stronger than that of their owners, and they would not retreat.

The three infantry platoons under the second company had lost more than 20 people by this time, which meant that each infantry squad had more than 2 casualties.

It doesn’t matter if the casualties are high, the close combat firepower of submachine guns and shell guns is very fierce, and the consumption is much faster than that of rifles. Even if an order has been given before, submachine guns and shell guns are not allowed to fire continuously unless it is absolutely necessary, and the bullet consumption is also extremely high. , many submachine guns have only their last magazine left.

After the artillery fire first subsided, the Sichuan Army camp that re-entered the second-line trenches had already called for battle twice. Li Jijin, who could not bear the consumption of ammunition, finally ordered the five infantry platoons of the Sichuan Army to enter the first-line trenches, leaving only one infantry platoon to hold the place. In addition, the remaining two infantry platoons retreated to the second-line trenches for slight repairs.

It can not only allow the soldiers to drink some water and eat something to restore their strength, but also temporarily save some ammunition. If the war situation is urgent, they can quickly enter the front-line trenches.

Although the five Sichuan Army platoons of nearly 150 people were large in number, the weapons in their hands were too poor. Soon the Jing'an Army felt that the firepower on the opposite side was much weaker, and they immediately started to move.

But courage is really contagious.

For two consecutive hours, the eyes of the Sichuan soldiers who had been hiding behind and watching the bloody battle of the Second Company had already turned red. They had been deserters, but that was probably because of the request of their superiors, and it did not mean that they were all weak scum.

When the Sichuan Army took the oath to leave Sichuan, the villagers along the way offered glutinous rice balls and rice wine to each other. The straw-shoe soldiers who sang military songs drank up the rice wine, smashed their bowls, and shouted the slogan, "The Japanese pirates will never be exterminated, and I will never return home." The slogans are still in my ears.

The Sichuanese slogan "Brother Pao, don't loose your belt" is deeply rooted in the bones of every Sichuanese.

The guns are no good and they also have grenades.

"Brothers, the Japs are coming, get ready to drop bombs!" The roaring voice of the Sichuan Army second lieutenant who was the first to lead his men into the front-line trenches almost drowned out the blazing gunfire.

Several Jing'an soldiers less than 40 meters away were so scared that they rolled and crawled back.

But that was not enough to scare most of the Jing'an soldiers who were struggling to crawl forward.

For this wave of Jing'an soldiers who were forced to rush to the battlefield by the supervision team, going forward meant death, and retreating also meant death, but if they died going forward, they would still have resettlement allowances, but if they died retreating, it would be a waste of life, and their wives and children might be bullied by those officials.

They knew very well the ruthlessness of the officials in their own army. A second lieutenant platoon leader who was unwilling to order the shooting of innocent people was hung on the gate of the military camp by Li Shoushan himself and froze to death for a day and a night. His newly married wife was also occupied by his colonel commander, and after he got tired of playing with her, she was sold to a brothel.

Brigade commander Li Shoushan also praised his subordinates' behavior, saying that those who disobeyed military orders should end up like this.

The Sichuan soldiers lined up the grenades they carried one by one in the trenches, unscrewed the back covers, and waited for the order to drop the grenades.

"Chengguo, if I die, remember to take care of my baby!" A soldier shouted to the soldiers seven or eight meters away with a bitter face.

"Take care of you, don't say discouraging words to me! Your baby is going to marry my youngest sister, you idiot dare not prepare the bride price?" The soldier replied angrily.

There was not much time for the soldiers to "tell the last things", and with the roar of the second lieutenant platoon leader, "Throw!"

The soldiers instinctively picked up the grenades that had been prepared, pulled the fuse, bent their bodies, twisted their waists, fell forward, and then threw the smoking grenades in their hands with all their strength.

Although they had tried their best to bend their bodies and try not to expose part of their bodies outside the trench, they had to throw far.

The light and heavy machine gun bullets used by the Jing'an Army for cover were as dense as raindrops. In each round of throwing, it was not like getting these "raindrops", relying on luck instead of combat skills.

In the first round of throwing, five or six soldiers fell into the trench with a scream.

Another soldier was even worse. Just as he raised his arm, he hadn't had time to throw the grenade, but his arm was hit by a series of heavy machine gun bullets, and a cloud of blood mist was swept out of his arm, and it broke on the spot, and the grenade fell into the trench.

The soldier who was covering his arm didn't even have time to cry out in pain. He looked at the despair on the faces of other soldiers in the trench, closed his eyes, and threw himself on the grenade at his feet.

"Boom!" The grenade lifted the soldier up like a doll, and his broken body rolled out of the trench.

"It's a pot!" The soldier who was just telling his fellow soldier about his funeral kneeled down and cried bitterly.

The soldier will never see his youngest sister get married.

The Sichuan Army also went crazy. In this way, they threw at least half of the grenades placed in the trench in the rain of bullets.

That was nearly 400 grenades.

No matter how stubborn the Jing'an Army is, it will melt under the flames of explosives.

The Sichuan Army suffered nearly 20 casualties in this wave of bombing under the rain of bullets, but more than 100 Jing'an Army were killed. The more fierce and tenacious, the faster they died.

Li Shoushan's consumption, for the Sichuan Army, which was red-eyed at this time, was four words-'Welcome to consume'.

Sichuan people are not tall and have little strength. Their only hobby is eating chili peppers.

The harsh living environment and the eating habits of chili peppers throughout their lives have long formed the unique personality of Sichuan people, who are hardworking and fearless of difficulties.

With a population of 60 million, the bloodiness of 6 million Sichuan people who choose to go out of the mountains to fight against Japan in the next few years is vividly displayed at this moment. Provide you with the fastest update of Rising from Eight Hundred, Chapter 589 Bloodiness! Free reading. :.

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