Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 591 Boiling Water

The second day of the battle of Jiepai Village was the real test for the 145th Division.

The shadow of the Japanese planes enveloped the green mountains soon after the first ray of sunlight in the morning.

The light and heavy machine guns in the central position and the left and right wing positions did not resist the anti-aircraft shooting.

It was not that they did not dare, but that they had to stay alive until the Japanese infantry rushed over.

If there were no light and heavy firepower points, the rifles in the hands of the infantry would definitely not be able to stop the attack of the Japanese infantry.

On the ground, there was no sound!

Ten fighter planes with red suns painted on their tails dropped bombs recklessly at an altitude of 800 meters above the ground, covering the entire position in the sky with flames and gunpowder.

Li Shoushan, who arrived at the central main position from the left wing position, looked at everything in front of him, and finally showed a satisfied look on his face.

After yesterday's battle, Li Shoushan, who found that the Sichuan Army on the left wing battlefield seemed to have been reborn and had become much stronger, finally decided not to do any new tricks of "two-fist attack" and still used the old trick of two wings to contain the central breakthrough.

The ten bombers that the Japanese Navy took off from the warships were his big move for the central breakthrough.

With Li Shoushan's rank and qualifications, he certainly did not have the ability to call on the Japanese Navy fighters. It was Kunisaki Zheng who asked the Japanese Navy to send fighters to help through Yanagawa Heisuke.

The Japanese Navy itself was a group of auxiliary forces. Although it was defeated twice near Baihe Port in a row, it had been half a month, and its mentality had finally eased. In addition, the Chinese fighters had never been dispatched since that air battle, and they had become bolder. They were more than 200 kilometers away from the aircraft carrier, but they did not send a fighter formation to escort. If the Chinese Air Force gave them another chance at all costs, it would definitely add salt to the wounds of the Japanese Navy.

Unfortunately, Tang Dao knew that it was impossible.

Although the last victory was a great victory, it was the only remaining force of the Air Force, and the top leaders needed the entire Songjiang army to be alive, otherwise, the hundreds of thousands of troops still evacuating would be chased by the crazy Japanese army, and the loss would probably not be just a few future elites of the Air Force.

That was not because of the face of the two Lieutenant Generals Wu and Guo, but because of the strategy of the entire battlefield.

But the small Guangde battlefield was obviously not up to that level, even if those big guys knew very well that if Guangde was lost, Wuhu would be lost, and the retreat of Jinling would be completely cut off, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in the city would have no way to retreat.

However, they still had illusions that the hundreds of thousands of elite troops deployed in and outside Jinling could stop the Japanese army. :.

No one knows what the boss had in mind when he entrusted the important task of city defense to the general commander who "must live and die with the city" but was not very useful. No one knows how the general managed to break the city after only one week of resistance by hundreds of thousands of elite troops. No one knows how they were so cruel to escape alone and leave their subordinates who were still fighting bloody enemies.

That was undoubtedly the most tragic page in the history of Chinese wars, but they really did it.

The Tang Dao and the Independent Battalion and even the thousands of Sichuan troops who were defending Jiepai Village were just a small splash in the raging sea. They were unable to prevent this tragedy from happening. The only thing they could do was to fight.

Fight before you die!

Ten arrogant Japanese naval bombers dived back and forth several times, dropping at least more than two tons of bombs, bombing the defenders' positions into potholes, like hell.

Nagano Tomoyuki was the captain of the bomber formation. Through the telescope, he carefully observed the Chinese position on the mountainside with thick smoke under the wings.

The dense forests and bushes on the position had been stripped away in the bombing and shelling yesterday, and the plane had flown low enough, so he could clearly see the bodies wrapped in black military uniforms scattered everywhere on the ground.

"Yoshi! This bombing was very successful. The army marmots should be very grateful for the efforts of the elites of the Imperial Navy!" The Japanese Navy captain nodded with satisfaction and boasted about himself on the radio station.

"Haha! Captain Nagano, the army marmots should be looking up at the heroic figure of the Imperial Navy in a daze!"

"The army marmots want to thank, but I answer them on behalf of the Imperial Navy with three words, no need!"...

The Japanese Navy pilots who successfully completed the mission expressed their joy on the radio station.

This unchallenging bombing mission was too easy for them, just like a trip at public expense.

But it must be said that China is really too big. It is so big that the Japanese naval pilots, who have never seen such a vast land in their lives, looked down greedily at this fertile land countless times during the flight.

When they thought that this land would belong to them or their descendants in the future, they could not help but feel happy.

If the Japanese naval pilots who were too proud of themselves had a little more courage and lowered the flight altitude by another 200 meters, they might find that the effect of their bombs might not be as good as they imagined.

It took a night to dig a lot of trenches based on two trenches. The position like a spider web was ravaged by more than 200 pounds of bombs. There were indeed many "corpses" wrapped in the unique black uniforms of the Sichuan Army scattered on the position.

But if you get closer, you will find that there is no blood on those corpses.

That was a "scarecrow" made of branches and straw by Tang Dao, who organized people to put on the Sichuan Army uniforms on the outside and put them on the position in the early morning.

The huge air waves caused by the bombs naturally swept over the battlefield, and these scarecrows in military uniforms were naturally swept all over the battlefield. From the high altitude, it seemed that there were corpses everywhere.

Because the Sichuan Army Lieutenant General had already decided on the "hot pot battle" tactics, there was not even an observation post in the trench, and the entire army had already hidden in the dense forest behind the mountain.

In this round of bombing, except for a dozen soldiers who were injured by the falling rocks from the sky, no one was killed.

As soon as the Japanese bomber group flew away, the soldiers who had been prepared for a long time entered the standby state. As long as they were ordered, they would cross the ridge and enter the position.

The Sichuan Army Lieutenant General did not immediately issue an order to enter the position. He and Tang Dao hid on the ridge and were observing the movements of the Japanese infantry through a telescope. They moved forward very slowly, as if they were waiting for something.

Of course, they were waiting for artillery.

Li Shoushan was cunning enough. Ten minutes after the plane bombing, their artillery group began to roar.

This made the commanders of the Sichuan Army at all levels who were eager to enter the position wipe their cold sweats. If they entered the position in a hurry, they would be hiding in the trenches and being bombarded in vain.

However, the Japanese artillery preparation this time was much shorter than yesterday. In just fifteen minutes, their infantry moved. Three infantry companies and one infantry squadron, the combination of the devils and the second devils, nearly 500 people, rushed to the battlefield.

The signal flares were sent out, and more than a thousand infantry entered their respective positions through the communication trenches.

So far, the most brutal day of the battle of Jiepai Village has really begun.

The Japanese army entered the front-line trenches with almost no resistance.

However, what they have to face seems to be a maze, a maze composed of trenches, with gunshots and resistance everywhere.

No one dared to jump out of the trenches to observe the battlefield. The higher places were occupied by China. At the suggestion of Tang Dao, dozens of veterans with good marksmanship were selected to serve as cold shooters. They hid in high places and killed the Japanese who dared to expose themselves outside the trenches on the battlefield.

If you want to capture a position, you have to occupy trenches one by one and positions one by one.

Artillery and heavy machine guns are not very useful here.

The two sides are fighting hand to hand. There may be enemies in the trenches more than ten meters away. When they hear the movement here, they will throw several grenades or hand grenades in succession, which will take people's lives.

What kind of tactics is this?

The Japanese commander on the front line is a little confused!

And Li Shoushan is still suppressing his joy. With the successful occupation of the front-line trenches, the resistance will of the Chinese defenders will definitely be weakened. Just give more pressure, and maybe they will collapse completely in the next moment.

But with the fierce gunfire on the position, half an hour later, the commander in front sent a signal for help. Li Shoushan and two Japanese majors who were happily drinking tea in the command center finally became less calm.

What you see in the telescope is a battlefield full of smoke, like a pot of boiling water, with fierce fighting everywhere.

The imperial army is attacking resolutely, and the Chinese side is resisting stubbornly, without any signs of collapse.

It seems that this is not the battlefield they imagined.

If they want to support, they can't rely on artillery or heavy machine guns with absolute firepower advantage, but can only send in infantry continuously.

The two warring parties can only continue to add troops in the following time.

The chessboard-like position is like a small meat grinder, which "grinds" the soldiers who are constantly thrown by the commanders of both sides with cold hearts into corpses.

In just one morning, the Japanese side transported more than 500 bodies from the position.

But the Chinese side did not have any.

Because there is no need, this is the front line and the last line of defense. Their lieutenant general division commander is on the ridge more than 200 meters away.

Before this battle, he gave a speech in front of all the officers above the rank of lieutenant in the division: "No matter life or death, before sunset, we will be on this position. The living people will throw bombs and shoot, and the dead people will be left as cover for the brothers." Provide you with the fastest update of Rising from Eight Hundred, Chapter 591 Boiling Water Free Reading. :.

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