Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 6: real bait

Chapter 6 The real bait

"Lei Xiong, what do you think?" the Army Lieutenant Colonel asked in a low voice as he looked at Tang Dao's back that had disappeared into the darkness in the distance.

 “What a powerful guy!” Lei Xiong’s eyes flashed with surprise as he gave his own evaluation.

 “Is it because of his individual skills and tactics?” The Army Lieutenant Colonel was noncommittal.

“No, no, when it comes to individual soldier skills and tactics, that is beyond our reach. But on such a battlefield, how can an individual be so powerful and yet so useless?

The Japanese were bombarded with artillery fire, and not even gods could withstand it. "Lei Xiong shook his head, with a bit of bitterness on his face. "The best thing about him is his scheming! "

"How do you say it?" a slightly younger captain on the other side asked curiously.

“Remember that before he started, he asked the regimental deputy if he was not afraid of the Japanese knowing that we were here?” Lei Xiong asked.

"Remember, you are saying that he already knows that we have laid out fortifications and minefields, and is not afraid of the Japanese army at all?" The captain took a breath. "This guy's brain is pretty good!"

“It’s not just that.” Lei Xiong shook his head.

“Even if he doesn’t shoot, after we complete the layout, we will make noise to alert the Japanese troops and let them know that we are here.

If the Japanese army is arrogant and comes rashly, we can give them a hard blow before dawn and collect some interest.

By tomorrow morning, when the Japanese army has sufficient observation field, it may not be so easy. "

"Guessing the regimental deputy's next plan is only second. His four consecutive gunshots were the shots of a single-shot rifle. In that case, no more than a small detachment of Japanese troops would be attracted to search here.

With such a force and the strength he just demonstrated, he will not be in a desperate situation. In this way, he not only fully demonstrated his strength and brains, but also completed the proof that the regimental deputy asked him to do, killing three birds with one stone! "

Lei Xiong's eyes were full of admiration, and he turned to look at the Army Lieutenant Colonel: "If this guy can come back alive, regimental deputy, my platoon commander was killed in battle the day before yesterday, and he can just take over."

 A group of officers were collectively shocked.

Although Tang Dao's performance just now was extremely astonishing, if you want to enter the direct line of the Royal Forest Army such as the 88th Division, you don't have to be very powerful to enter, especially for officers. In order to do so, you must have an officer above the school level as a guarantor, and a major general level nod for permission. Just sign it.

Although Lei Xiong's military rank is only captain, Major Jin is basically a sure thing. Hearing what he said, he actually wanted to use his military position as a guarantee to accept this sergeant from the Sichuan Army and serve as his machine gun company platoon leader.

This price is too high. If there is anything wrong with that Tang Dao, even if Lei Xiong dies in battle, all his benefits will be deprived.

“Just for your unclear analysis just now, no!” The Army Lieutenant Colonel snorted, and then sighed slightly. "You still underestimate him."

 In the light of the fire, the lieutenant colonel’s gaze looking into the distance was even colder.

"He just used the sound of gunshots as bait to lure a small group of Japanese troops to come to prove to us that he is fearless. But in fact, the most important thing is to use the upcoming small group of Japanese troops as bait to lure more Japanese troops to come. I came from Sihang Warehouse."

Under the moonlight, the Army Lieutenant Colonel’s eyes were so cold that it made people feel chilling:

“Without the corpses of more than ten Japanese soldiers to stimulate the proud commanders of the Imperial Japanese Army, how could they attack our small fortress at night without the support of aircraft and heavy artillery?

If you want to fish, you can’t be stingy with the bait! "

“Vice-General, you mean that he just showed his strength, not to scare us, but to tell us that he has the ability to kill more than ten Japanese soldiers?” Lei Xiong took a breath.

"It's not too stupid. If your cannon battery can kill 30 Japanese tonight, then I can consider your application." A smile appeared on the face of the Army Lieutenant Colonel.

“Go to two people and send them 100 rounds of ammunition and 8 grenades. Follow him and report to me how he killed the Japanese when he comes back.”

Before Lei Xiong could speak, the white-faced captain from before turned his eyes slightly, pointed at the old soldier Youzi and the superior soldier and said: "Li Jijin and Yang Xiaoshan, you two get to know him better, you go."

Then he turned around and shouted to the surrounding soldiers: "Brothers in the first company, don't be stunned, continue to strengthen the fortifications, wait until the Japanese devils don't come, if they do come, aim and hit them."

Also, the regimental deputy has spoken. Whoever can kill 30 Japanese will be rewarded. My reward, Shangguan Yun, is to find you a powerful platoon leader. Give me some credit, don't let the **** from the cannon company take advantage of you. "

 “How dare you, a Shangguan pretty boy, to steal someone I like!” Lei Xiong reacted and couldn’t help but jump to his feet and cursed. "Ouch! No, just rob someone, but you're going to scold me for being a **** with a machine gun."

While everyone was shocked, more than 90% of the officers grinned happily. No one expected that the first company commander Shangguan Yun, who came from an academic school and had a bit of a bookish temperament, would actually do something like this. Was this because he was looking heroic and exposed his true nature?

However, seeing Lei Huhu, who always likes to eat and occupy more, being so angry by the scholar captain, the other two infantry company commanders didn't know why. Why are they so happy?

Shangguan Yun, who ordered his subordinates not to forget to hurt his colleagues, had already rushed into the warehouse like a gust of wind.

 He had to arrange his machine gun fire points and cold gun firing points on the first floor.

  After all, it is not that easy to kill 30 Japanese soldiers.

Fighting in Songhu for three months, nearly 700,000 troops fought **** battles with 300,000 Japanese troops. The total number of Japanese casualties was only 40,000 to 50,000.

This is at the battle level. If it were placed in one division and one regiment, it would be even less. The 88th Division had more than 10,000 men killed and wounded on the front-line battlefield, and the number of Japanese soldiers killed and wounded would never exceed 3,000, and that was already a strong military exploit. .

Of course, the army captain who was busy making arrangements to rob people would not have thought about what kind of history their lone army would create.

In the past, the arrogant Japanese army also suffered a **** blow in front of this strong fortress.

Now, the little butterfly came through the sky and flapped his wings gently.

  . . . . . . . . .

Tang Dao seemed to have guessed that someone would follow him, and stopped in the darkness, waiting for the two veterans, Youzi, who were carrying bullet bags and grenades.

However, Tang Dao did not pick up the bullet bag and grenades. Instead, he only took two magazines and put them in his purse and said domineeringly: "Follow me, keep a distance of fifteen meters."

The two people who had already been impressed by Tang Dao's fierce and inhuman single-soldier skills and tactics were not surprised at all. They were originally observers, and now it was nothing to act as a mobile arsenal. Naturally, Tang Dao followed the lead.

 The three of them disappeared into the darkness, one in front and two in back.

  . . . . . . . . .

On a dilapidated street 800 meters away from Sihang Warehouse, a group of about fifteen Japanese soldiers in small groups were searching along the bank of the Suzhou River under the leadership of a Japanese soldier, Captain Cao, who was holding a flashlight.

Under the moonlight, the leader of the group, holding a flashlight, saw the swollen-faced Japanese soldier, Cao, looking as if he had just eaten two big lumps, which were still warm.

Having no sleep at night and having to work, it seems to be a 007 work rhythm. Who wants to be in a good mood is going to be weird.

As the captain of a squad of fifteen people, Mitsuo Inoue, who has served in the army for more than six years, is already in an extremely low mood.

It was hard to fight the Chinese after being soaked in cold muddy water for dozens of days, but what really wore away his courage was watching the corpses of his colleagues being stuffed into body bags and transported to the rear. Several of his friends from the same hometown.

Those people can no longer see the gorgeous cherry blossoms in their hometown.

  After finally waiting for the stubborn Chinese to retreat, he finally no longer had to soak in the cold muddy water and watch his colleagues wailing one after another and being placed in the fortifications, and then died helplessly and became smelly like salted fish.

However, the repairs only lasted a few hours. Due to the sound of several gunshots in the distance, the squadron leader kicked up his boots and led his team to search this hell-like battlefield.

 It’s nothing more than the defeat of a few Chinese troops! Can they turn the world upside down? What if we search again during the day?

Thinking that the rest of his colleagues were already fast asleep beside the warm bonfire, but he still had to feel the fear of death in the dark, Inoue Mitsuo wanted to stuff the head of his stupid squadron leader into a manure pit, eat shit, you bastard. !

In front of a relatively intact building, Inoue Mitsuo suddenly raised his hand to signal the team to stop advancing.

The Japanese troops, who had two meters between individual soldiers and stretched the team to a length of more than 30 meters, stopped in a disciplined manner and spread out to find a suitable position to guard.

Although they are all very painful, this is still a battlefield after all. If not, there will be cold shots. The Japanese infantry who are suffering from pain do not hope that there will be no chance of pain in the future.

  . . . . . . . .

PS: The contract status has not been changed yet, it is estimated to be Friday. If you have children’s boots that you want to reward, please wait until the weekend or next week! Also, it’s not that Fengyue has no manuscripts, she worked hard to save 40 chapters during the New Year! Just wait for recommendations. Before that, I posted one update after another, pressing down on the word count, in order to eat more and recommend to get better grades, Fengyue could only do this!

 (End of this chapter)

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