Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 608 The real intention?

In fact, the fighting on the battlefield was lackluster.

The Japanese army used the old trick of feinting, but that doesn't mean they really did nothing and lay down 300 meters away waiting for the Chinese to take action.

The Chinese side is the defenders. They are on the defensive and naturally they will take advantage of every move. If the Japanese army can't even make a move, they will use a stupid move!

The Japanese infantry still had to move forward, even if the Chinese heavy machine guns remained silent.

On Highlands No. 1 and No. 2, there is an independent battalion and an infantry company. The Sichuan Army infantry company is basically a reserve force. Only one infantry platoon is sent. The three infantry platoons located in the first and second line trenches have at least 10 shell guns and 6 Rod submachine gun configuration.

Not to mention the heavy machine guns that stayed silent in the bunker, even the light machine guns located throughout the position were not used. They could suppress the Japanese troops who launched a feint attack within a range of more than 100 meters without even raising their heads.

Highland No. 3, which is located at the far side and rear, is purely composed of two Sichuan infantry companies from the Shameless Regiment. However, before entering the battlefield, Tang Dao also temporarily allocated 10 submachine guns and 10 shell guns from the guard platoon to strengthen them. .

That made Second Lieutenant Wei Donglai, the first commander of Highland 3, so happy that he personally numbered each submachine gun and designated the soldiers who would use these weapons and their successors.

People can die, but weapons and equipment cannot break. Wei Donglai even assigned a third successor to each gun.

With submachine guns and shell guns, Highland No. 3 became the easiest place for the Japanese army to attack in the first round of feints.

As the masters of Japanese soldiers like the Jing'an Army, the Japanese troops at Highland No. 1 and No. 2 naturally had a much higher combat effectiveness than the Japanese soldiers. Both individual soldiers' tactical literacy and skills were much better.

When the opponent's firepower is not suppressed enough, even if they have no advantage in the terrain, they can still crawl on the ground one to two hundred meters away and carry out precise attacks. If the bodies of Chinese soldiers in the trenches are too exposed, they will be killed by them from a distance. , this is also one of the reasons why they dare to feign an attack to find the defender's heavy firepower point.

The personality of the commander determines the different battlefield situations.

Highland No. 1 is occupied by Lei Xiong and Leng Feng. Their fighting style is tough. 150 meters is the bottom line. As long as the Japanese army dares to make any changes, they will beat you without negotiation.

The rifles and grenade launchers in the trenches are all aimed at areas where the Japanese troops are moving. So what if your shooting accuracy is high? I still have the protection of the trenches, but you just lie down and think that my marksmanship is vegetarian?

That's also a marksmanship that was honed in bloody battles on the Songjiang and Jiaxing front lines. Even if it's not as good as yours, I'm still within my hitting range from a distance of more than 100 meters.

Even the weakest soldiers of the Songjiang Security Group survived out of 3,000 people. They were no longer the rookies who were so frightened that they almost peed their pants when they heard gunshots before the Battle of Songjiang. They took advantage of the terrain and the Japanese troops to come and go. , and fired at them without any fuss, even if the brothers beside him fell silently on the fighting position and never moved again, it did not stop them from firing the bullets in the barrel.

They have experienced too many separations, and they know that if they want to survive, they can't put the increasingly cold heads of their comrades on their chests in grief.

Instead, kill the enemy!

Only by killing as many enemies as possible can more people, including yourself, survive.

The dead have completed their duties, and the living will continue until they die.

The head-on confrontation on Highland No. 1 turned the Japanese army's feint attack into a brutal exchange of fire.

In the Chinese trenches, the medical soldiers bent over and carried away the injured and dead soldiers. The Japanese soldiers on the battlefield were not treated so well. They could only be dragged down the hillside, whether they were dead or alive. . :.

But on Highland 2, what the Japanese army encountered was obviously a different opponent than on Highland 1.

They kept crawling forward on the slope, and even reached within 100 meters, but the Chinese officers and soldiers in the trenches ignored them at all. No matter how hard they tried to "seduce", the position on the hillside was also quiet, which made the Japanese soldiers feel quite at ease. The feeling of being punched hard into cotton.

Although the Japanese army knew with their toes that the opponents who almost crippled the first brigade of the Jingan Army in Jiepai Village were definitely not lambs to be slaughtered. They were more ferocious than jackals, tigers and leopards, they just remained motionless, no matter what. Whether it is an infantry bombardment or a heavy machine gun probing attack, even if the infantry bends down and is close to a hundred meters away from which they can charge, they still remain unmoved.

There is a kind of momentum that you can show me again.

But the Japanese infantrymen on the front line really did not dare to advance any further.

But just retreat like this? That's obviously even more impossible.

When did the Imperial Japanese Army become so weak and scumbag, and were scared off by the Chinese who didn't shoot?

If you can't retreat, you can only advance, and the consequences of continuing to move forward are self-evident.

Under the order of the front-line commander, the heavy machine guns deployed by the Japanese army in the mountains were increased from four to eight. The firepower was not fully activated, but it was also an extremely terrifying fire cover.

The four infantry cannons didn't even stop, and bombs exploded in a line of trenches near the top of the mountain.

The Japanese infantry was so inspired that they naturally moved forward.

When the Japanese infantry approached the distance of 70 to 80 meters with anxiety, and saw that they were about to advance another 20 meters before launching a full-scale charge, with the sound of a gunshot, a soldier who had already bent over was so low that his face almost shook. The infantry soldiers who were stuck to the ground still fell to the ground.

Then, they were greeted by a hail of bullets.

Nearly 200 infantrymen in an infantry squadron were almost all knocked to the ground at that moment. They didn't even dare to raise their heads, let alone shoot with their guns.

At such a close distance, the Chinese officers and soldiers in the trenches didn't need to aim at all. They just lay on their positions, lowered their heads as much as possible, pointed the muzzles downwards, and pulled the trigger to fire the bullets. Mauser pistols and submachine guns rely on probability to kill. Most people can't handle precision.

The smoke from the muzzles instantly filled the entire Chinese trench.

The Japanese heavy machine gun positions observed this scene and responded immediately. If 8 heavy machine guns were not enough, then 12 would be used. They opened fire at full power, and the dust in front of the positions was also raised. Although it might not be possible to hit the defenders who didn't show up in the trenches at all, they could still suppress them.

The Japanese grenade launcher team, which was 300 meters away, fired grenades into the trenches without any cost. Even if they could not accurately fire the grenades into the trenches, they would explode not far from the front and back of the trenches, which put a lot of psychological pressure on the defenders.

For a while, the soil in front of the trenches flew and the smoke filled the air.

Seeing that their firepower cover was awesome, some brave Japanese soldiers raised their heads and fired their rifles upwards, trying to cover the other part of the army to continue to move forward.

But such brave guys will soon be accurately hit by bullets flying from nowhere.

Tang Dao, who arrived at Hill No. 2 in person, did not interfere with Zhao Daqiang's command, but he took his gun and walked onto the battlefield again.

Together with the 10 precision shooters of the 4th Company, they participated in the cold gun battle.

The 10 precision shooters led by Tang Dao himself, under the cover of the smoke rising from the position, became the most feared death god for the Japanese infantry on this battlefield.

Needless to say, Tang Dao, the strongest individual soldier from the future, carried a Mosin-Ganna and moved continuously with dazzling flexibility in the four combat positions he had already selected. Whenever a gun was fired, a Japanese infantryman would always crawl in a standard posture.

The accuracy of his shooting made the Chinese soldiers who had not seen his shooting level dumbfounded. In just one minute, more than 8 Japanese soldiers who dared to shoot with rifles died under his gun.

Later, he was no longer satisfied with killing only the Japanese soldiers in front of the 80-meter position, and extended his killing range to 200 meters or even farther. There were six light machine guns and six grenade launcher teams belonging to the attacking Japanese infantry squadron, which put great pressure on the position.

The Japanese grenade launcher veterans could hit a firepower point with three shots at a distance of 500 meters. They were one of the most troublesome arms of the Chinese army. Now they reached a distance of only two or three hundred meters, and the accuracy naturally increased again.

After three consecutive rounds of grenade launches, several grenades fell right into the trenches. Fortunately, the trench was built long and curved enough. The sparse arrangement of infantrymen every 10 meters and the curved surface of the trench blocked the flying shrapnel and shock waves, and only two soldiers were slightly injured.

However, at a distance of two or three hundred meters, for Tang Dao, the Mosin-Ganna rifle in his hand with a scope, an effective range of 400 meters and a straight trajectory was enough to become a nightmare for all Japanese light machine gunners and grenade throwers.

Five consecutive shots, one magazine was emptied, two light machine guns misfired, two grenade throwers hiding behind the bushes were killed, and another shot was an unlucky machine gun assistant who saw his colleagues being attacked and took the initiative to look up and observe the position to find the position of the cold shooter to provide it to his main shooter.

Such a sneaky look, Tang Dao naturally could not let it go.

It's not that no one noticed that there was such a killer hidden in the smoke. There were also Japanese infantrymen quietly aiming and patiently waiting for Tang Dao to appear, but Tang Dao never stayed in one position for long. He would move to another place after firing two shots, which was unpredictable. The Japanese army had no way of locating where he would appear next moment.

It was undoubtedly a big joke to use the patience of pure infantry fishing in this era to fish for a king of single soldiers whose skills and tactics were a hundred years ahead of them.

A lot of bait was eaten, but the "simple" fisherman didn't even see a piece of fish scale.

In addition to Tang Dao, the other 10 precision shooters also showed good tactical qualities.

They were not as abnormal as Tang Dao. One person occupied four positions and basically moved in two positions, but they retreated to the trench after firing a shot. The characteristics of never fighting again also made the Japanese army gnashing their teeth but helpless.

For veterans who have experienced several bloody battles, perhaps tactics such as shooting and hand-to-hand combat will not make rapid progress, but the combat concept of saving oneself first in order to better kill the enemy has been deeply rooted in their bones.

However, being able to protect themselves does not mean that their lethality is not strong. Under the continuous fire suppression of their comrades, their efficiency of firing a shot may seem low every one or two minutes, but their lethality is very high. At least everyone has killed or injured a Japanese soldier.

This record may not seem brilliant, but you have to know that "one bullet kills one enemy" is just a song that represents people's good wishes.

In the actual battlefield, this phenomenon may exist, but it is only a very rare example of perversion such as Tang Dao.

Don't look at the other hundreds of people on the battlefield fighting lively. On average, each person fired 20 bullets, and more than 2,000 bullets were fired, and the number of Japanese soldiers killed or injured was definitely no more than ten.

As a result, the 11 accurate shooters led by Tang Dao killed and injured more than 20 Japanese invaders by shooting cold guns.

The front-line Japanese infantry couldn't stand it. It was just a feint attack to find the firepower point of the defenders. How did it turn into a strong attack?

Three infantry squads were deployed at once, and after less than ten minutes of shooting, more than half of them were gone. Moreover, the enemy's heavy firepower point has not appeared so far, and they have not entered the enemy's 60-meter charge area.

Moreover, even if they arrived, the fierce short-range firearms currently displayed by the Chinese did not make them have the courage to stand up and play any board-mounted charge.

The Japanese infantry squadron leader at the forefront must have been so upset that his balls were swollen at this time.

Fortunately, the Japanese infantry battalion leader in the rear should have seen the dilemma of his subordinates. After persisting for a few more minutes, he used the Japanese army's unique hand-cranked alarm to issue a retreat signal.

Seeing that the Japanese army was scared, the Chinese on the position did not pursue the victory, and immediately ceased fire and allowed the Japanese army to retreat.

The battle had just begun, so it was better to save bullets as much as possible.

The Japanese army on Hill No. 1 chose to retreat earlier. In a head-on confrontation, they were killed and wounded for more than 40 people. It would be stupid not to retreat.

But the sound of gunfire was still ringing through the mountains and forests.

It's not from the high ground.

Tang Dao stopped the gunshot and looked to the flank.

It turned out that the Japanese army's feint attack on the front of the high ground was not only to find the heavy firepower point, but also to provide cover!

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