Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 619 The only thing we can do

"You idiot, help me up!" Cai Yongguan, covered in blood, kept the same posture and suddenly spoke.

Potato reacted and quickly dropped his gun to support the heavy body of the bandit captain who had just shown his power.

It turned out that the majestic knife that broke the gun and the man had completely drained all of Cai Yongguan's energy. He was sore all over, not to mention swinging the knife again. He was strong enough to stand up.

If the two fleeing Jing'an soldiers had been braver, they might have harvested the life of this brave infantry lieutenant.

Unfortunately, they were scared by the bloody scene just now.

Escape was the only thought in their minds.

The reason for this extreme exhaustion was that the battle situation was urgent, which prompted him to swing a knife far beyond his personal ability. If he could swing 50% of the power of this knife, he would be blessed by the Three Pure Ones...

"You idiot, there's nothing to be afraid of about the second devil. He has a gun and you have a gun too. Pull the trigger and fuck him." After half a minute, Cai Yongguan, who had recovered his breath, stared at Potato with bloodshot eyes.

In this kind of battlefield, any hesitation will kill, and the furious Cai Yongguan doesn't care about the age of the soldiers in front of him.

Potato's head was pounding with shame!

It was the first time for him to face the glaring bayonet, so he was a little confused and swore silently in his heart that he would never do it again next time.

In such a situation again, what he should do most is to hold the gun and pull the trigger, and then bravely face it.

This is the inevitable bumps and bruises in growth.

If everything goes smoothly, it actually means that what grows up in the end is just a mediocre thing.

Just like snow lotus, it will not grow in a greenhouse, but will stand proudly on the snowy plateau.

This may not only be the case for Potato, but also for all Sichuan troops on the high ground.

In the face-to-face shooting, although the troops were slightly inferior, fortunately, there were trench fortifications that could block bullets, and there were continuous firepower such as submachine guns and Mauser pistols. The Sichuan troops paid at least thirty casualties, but temporarily stabilized the situation.

This not only prevented the Jing'an Army from crossing the line, but also pushed its main force back to more than thirty meters away.

This distance is much safer than the just twenty-meter mutual shooting and even throwing grenades and hand grenades at each other.

Although the battle just lasted only two or three minutes, more than sixty bodies fell in front of the position, and thirty people fell in the trenches. Most of them did not die under bullets, but in the shrapnel splashed after the explosion of grenades and hand grenades.

Can you imagine that scene?

Knowing that they might be cut into sieves by shrapnel in the next moment, they still had to stand up and try their best to shoot bullets or throw grenades into the distance.

They couldn't hide, and they didn't dare to hide!

Soldiers from both China and Japan knew that hiding would only make them die faster.

They all gritted their teeth and stood firm!

The screams even overwhelmed the fierce gunshots and explosions, and the smell of blood had replaced the choking smell of gunpowder.

Death is the main theme of the battlefield!

The Sichuan Army, which was forced into a desperate situation, temporarily won this extremely short but bloody confrontation.

However, this does not mean that the Jing'an Army will retreat. The Jing'an Army's attack is more determined than expected.

Although they suffered huge losses in this almost face-to-face shooting and retreated more than ten meters, they still stubbornly waited for an opportunity dozens of meters in front of the position.

If the strong attack failed, it would be their turn to support the firepower.

The firepower of the light machine guns deployed on both wings behind more than 200 infantrymen suddenly increased, and the Chinese infantrymen in the trenches naturally could not fire without scruples.

At the moment when the breeze blew away the gunpowder smoke, the dozen grenade launchers deployed by the Jing'an Army behind them, hiding 200 meters away, also began to bombard the light machine gun firepower points that dared to fire on the positions.

On the Chinese side, the infantry counterattacked in the hail of bullets and suppressed the Jing'an Army infantry so that they could not rush into the trenches. The two mortars deployed in the second trench in the mountaintop area began to counterattack, and their focus was naturally the grenade launchers and light machine guns placed in the distance by the Jing'an Army.

But the Japanese grenade launchers were very cunning. After a grenade launcher group was blown up by a volley of mortars, they changed places after firing a shot, which made the two mortars have no good way for a while. They could only bombard the light machine gun firepower points of the Jing'an Army and try their best to relieve the pressure on the positions. :.

However, the firepower of the Jing'an Army still suppressed several light machine gun fire points in the trenches. The suppressed Jing'an Army was ready to move again. After throwing dozens of grenades in succession, they began to move closer to the main position little by little.

"Yoshi, General Li, the Chinese can't hold on any longer. Keep sending troops and try to take the position in this attack. Your Excellency the detachment commander can't wait any longer." A Japanese colonel in the field trench at the foot of the mountain, which was no more than 600 meters away from the front position, smiled at Li Shoushan.

This was Takeuchi Yunshan, a regiment commander under the Kunisaki detachment. In name, he was the tactical guide of Li Shoushan's troops, but in fact he was a role like a military supervisor. Li Shoushan and Takeuchi Yunshan knew this very well.

"Colonel Takeuchi is right!" Li Shoushan nodded slightly, and turned to the messenger on his side and ordered: "Order the two companies of the third battalion to join the battle immediately, and tell Chen Shaokun that Colonel Takeuchi and I are waiting for their good news here. If we capture the enemy's position, all the spoils will belong to them, and there will be a big reward for the whole army!"

More than 200 Jing'an troops approached the battlefield. In the end, the number of Jing'an infantry in front of the position was as high as more than 400 people, with more than 20 light machine guns and more than 20 grenade launchers for cover. These made the already extremely stressful position even more exhausted. If it weren't for the concern that there were submachine guns and Mauser pistols on the Chinese position, it is estimated that the hundreds of Jing'an infantry crawling on the hillside only 40 to 50 meters away from the position would dare to charge again at full speed.

But although the Mauser pistols and submachine guns have fierce firepower, they need a lot of ammunition to maintain firepower output.

Although Tang Dao had prepared tens of thousands of 9mm bullets for each high ground before the battle, it was not endless. If it was used in such a long-term offensive and defensive battle, it would be impossible to maintain such firepower intensity.

Those who could use such firearms were all veterans, and they still understood this principle. Basically, they used short bursts to suppress the fire.

Fortunately, the rifles that the Sichuan Army lacked on the position had been fully replenished before going to the high ground. In order to prevent the infantry firepower from being unable to maintain due to damage, each infantry company prepared 20 spare rifles. In addition to the individual ammunition left by the soldiers who were injured in the previous battle, the firepower intensity of the infantry could still be maintained.

The most abundant may still be grenades. The 145th Division, which did not go to the high ground to participate in the battle, contributed about 8,000 grenades, all of which were distributed by Tang Dao to the three high grounds. Together with the original ones, each soldier could get nearly 12 grenades on average.

Cai Yongguan, who had recovered, took a few muscular soldiers and hid in a deep trench and threw more than 40 bombs again, killing at least 30 Jing'an soldiers. The attack line of the Jing'an Army was forced down at least ten meters.

The two sides faced each other on the top of the slope and the slope that was not too steep, which was a huge torture for both sides in the battle.

One side had fewer troops, but occupied the geographical advantage and had the advantage of close-range continuous firepower; while the other side had weaker continuous firepower, but had enough troops, at least three times the number on the position.

This kind of battle situation is actually like tug-of-war. What determines victory is no longer firepower, troops, or terrain, but will.

A will as strong as steel.

Even if your comrades are right next to you, within a few feet, bleeding and dying quietly, or if they are hit by bullets, although they are not in the vital parts and will not die immediately, they are screaming in pain in front of you, but you can't do anything to help them.

You can neither help him close his eyes, nor press on his wounds to stop the bleeding, because you don't have time.

You need to fire the loaded bullets in your gun chamber at the enemy in the shortest possible time, otherwise, the enemy will rush up and kill you and more of your comrades.

This is the same for both Chinese and Japanese soldiers.

Now they are like two giant beasts with blood-stained eyes, unable to take care of the bloody wounds, just opening their mouths and waving their claws to attack the opponent, and only by killing the opponent can they survive.

This cruelty and suffering is even far beyond face-to-face hand-to-hand combat.

Because there are only two choices of life and death, there will be no third thought in your mind, only to kill the enemy or be killed by the enemy.

But here, you can only listen to the screams of your comrades gradually weakening, but you can't do anything.

Obviously, you can save him.

But, you can't save him!

If you are weak, more people will die!

The only thing the soldiers can do.

With red eyes and gritted teeth, he rushed at the enemy and pulled the trigger!

Just like Tang Dao said in his speech: As soldiers, we cannot decide the victory of war or battlefield, but we can decide to shoot enough bullets at the enemy before we die. Provide you with the fastest update of Rising from Eight Hundred, Chapter 619 The Only Thing We Can Do is free to read. :.

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