Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 628: Spending a lot of money

Tan Tai Ming Yue stood on the top of a distant mountain, looking at Hill No. 3 from afar.

The tears in her eyes were all over her cheeks, and the pen in her hand was soaked with sweat.

She was ordered by Tang Dao to record the entire battlefield.

But as a great reporter who had written countless passionate words, she didn't know how to write at this moment.

Because, even if she hadn't arrived at the scene, she knew what kind of hell the Chinese officers and soldiers on Hill No. 3 had experienced as a veteran of the battlefield.

There must have been heavy casualties, and corpses were everywhere.

How should she describe this scene!

She couldn't bear to write about sacrifices!

Looking from afar...

Hill No. 3 used to be bald in front, but the top and back of the mountain were still green.

But now, not to mention the green on the top of the mountain has disappeared, even the green on the back of the mountain has disappeared. The whole hill is a scorched earth.

In fact, if she got closer, Tan Tai Ming Yue would find that what was more terrifying than the scorched earth was the smell.

The air of Hill No. 3 was filled with the disgusting smell of heavy gunpowder mixed with burnt flesh.

That was because the bodies of the Japanese and Jing'an troops who were still on the battlefield were basically blown into powder.

The only benefit was that people no longer had to look at the hideous bodies and smell the strong stench of exposed organs.

The Japanese artillery did not stop firing for two hours. In the intervals when the artillery fire gradually stopped, a squadron of Japanese soldiers, under the command of Takeuchi Yunshan, wrapped their heads with white scarves, took off their military uniforms and wore white shirts, and launched a board charge towards the position with a desperate attitude under the cover of six tanks.

The machine gun that had been hidden for a morning was finally used.

Although the machine gun that was treated as a treasure was no longer used in fortifications, it still became the biggest contributor to this battle.

The Type 94 tanks used by the Japanese as shelters were beaten to dregs by the 25mm Japanese machine guns. Two Type 94 tanks were pierced by cigar-sized shells and caught fire.

However, the two Japanese Type 89 tanks following closely behind could not crawl on the hillside as easily as the Type 94 tanks due to the terrain, but the two 57mm tank guns were not vegetarians.

Seven or eight consecutive shells exploded around the machine guns, which had only sandbags as shelters. The three layers of sandbags that the soldiers had piled up as much as possible were like paper in front of the power of the tank guns.

Although the machine guns were not directly hit and blown up, the shrapnel and air waves caused the main and deputy gunners of the machine guns to be killed, and a machine gun squad was half damaged, and the machine guns were damaged and jammed.

The biggest killer on the No. 3 high ground almost flattened the two Type 94 tanks in a "hand-to-hand combat" way, which reduced the pressure on the position, but also lost combat effectiveness.

The remaining soldiers of the machine gun squad tied grenades to the machine guns with tears in their eyes, intending to completely blow up this treasure at the last moment, and then picked up the infantry rifles and joined the battle.

Under the cover of the remaining two tanks, the Japanese death squad reached 200 meters in front of the position, crawled forward until 50 meters, and then began to charge on board.

However, when they were about to launch the final charge with bayonets 20 meters in front of the position, Wei Donglai used the last ammunition of submachine guns and Mauser pistols to form a deadly firepower network.

The confidence of the Japanese death squad could not withstand the surging bullets. After paying more than a hundred casualties, the remaining more than 70 Japanese soldiers finally retreated.

They did not rush into the position, and naturally, the Japanese cavalry who had lined up and were ready to ride up the mountain had no chance.

Facing the retreating Japanese infantry, Takeuchi Yunshan rarely got angry or punished them. He just asked them to line up at the foot of the mountain 500 meters away, and then stood in the trenches and watched the "shooting star" passing overhead. After receiving the report from the front requesting to continue the shelling, the Japanese artillery group fired again.

Another hour.

Then, the retreating remnants were forced to go up the mountain again by the supervisory team with machine guns. This time, the light and heavy machine guns were no longer placed on the two wings, but behind them.

Takeuchi Yunshan told them with the black muzzle that if they died on the Chinese position, they would be awarded the title of warriors, and if they died under their own machine guns, they would be recorded as deserters.

Takeuchi Yunshan, who was anxious, used the trick that Tang Dao didn't want to see the most. It was no longer about caring about casualties, but using human lives to consume opponents, whether it was life or ammunition, even if it was a life for a bullet!

The cruelty in the bones of the Japanese was not only to the Chinese, but also to themselves.

Are you very tough? Then we will fight with more people until you run out of bullets and people.

This trick was used by the former 'Nogi Maresuke', the 36th Infantry Regiment before the Sihang Warehouse, and they also used it before the Songjiang City Wall. Now, it's the turn of Hill No. 3.

More than 70 Japanese infantrymen who had no way to retreat rushed up the mountain and burst out with amazing fighting power. Although they were still completely wiped out in the end, Takeuchi Yunshan's tactics were successful.

When the 70 Japanese soldiers launched a desperate charge, the continuous firepower that could still be emitted from the Chinese position was much less than before, and even more than 20 Japanese soldiers rushed into the position.

Dozens of cavalrymen who had already lined up were waiting for Takeuchi Yunshan's order to launch a charge, but Takeuchi Yunshan gave up coldly.

More than 70 infantrymen were abandoned in his re-drafted tactical plan. For some abandoned pieces, how could he press his last trump card?

The purpose of abandoning a pawn is just to consume the Chinese.

With a wave of his hand, another infantry squadron that had been waiting in line for a long time took off their uniforms one after another, and some tore open the buttons of their white shirts in the cold wind to show their determination to die.

The heart of the Japanese colonel, who looked expressionless on the surface, was of course bleeding. The infantry squadron that was almost completely killed under his military order was not a vassal army like the Jing'an Army, but was directly under his command.

This was not the battle scene that the once ambitious Takeuchi Yunshan hoped for. From the time he boarded the ship from North China with full equipment and personnel to now, his infantry regiment with 3,800 people has only less than 2,500 available soldiers.

After this battle, will half of these 2,500 people be left?

Takeuchi Yunshan didn't know.

However, he knew that if he could not capture the small high ground in front of him after nearly a thousand Jing'an soldiers were killed or wounded and two infantry squadrons were lost, Kunisaki, who was ashamed and angry, would probably order him, the army colonel, to personally lead three infantry battalion captains to the front line.

Ordinary soldiers could die, of course, but how could he, an army colonel who was only one step away from becoming a general, die? He was shouldering the heavy responsibility of restoring the glory of the Takeuchi family. No matter what, he could not die in this unknown little place in China.

So, no matter what, he must succeed in this battle.

If one infantry squadron is gone, then another infantry squadron will be sent. If it still doesn't work, then another one will be sent.

The mill made of human lives, even if the Chinese are a piece of iron, they will grind it into powder.

After coordination with the headquarters, the bombardment will continue for another 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, 180 infantrymen and 50 cavalrymen will launch the final charge. :.

Takeuchi Yunshan has invested a lot of money, while Wei Donglai and Cai Yongguan are almost exhausted. We will provide you with the fastest update of Rising from Eight Hundred, Chapter 628: Investing a lot of money for free. :.

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