Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 630 Do you blame me?

Cai Yongguan, with a bandage on his head, walked unsteadily in the tunnel to inspect the soldiers' conditions.

Wei Donglai gained his recognition, and he also gained Wei Donglai's trust.

The two Sichuan Army officers who had no communication with each other became friends of life and death in this bloody battle.

Wei Donglai entrusted the lives of all the people on the position, including his own, to him.

It was not the first time that a lieutenant in the army led nearly a hundred people, but it was the first time that he felt the heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

That was hundreds of lives.

Life or death, it all depends on him...

Cai Yongguan knew that he had ten minutes left. After ten minutes, he would rush out of the tunnel with all the remaining people and continue to block the attack of the Japanese army.

Yes, everyone had lost the reserve team in the previous offensive and defensive battle. All the living people on the high ground had to go to the front line, including two communication soldiers who were part-time medical workers.

Medical workers were no longer important because the hemostatic packs had been used up long ago, and if the position was not defended, whether alive or dead, they would be doomed.

Cai Yongguan, who had obtained the highest command, now only wanted to know how many soldiers he had who could shoot. :.

The tunnel was not long, only more than 40 meters. The soldiers did not speak. They leaned against the trench wall, either closing their eyes to rest and seize the precious ten minutes to recover their strength, or drinking water in big gulps, or eating Japanese beef cans to replenish their energy.

That was the best supplies that the independent battalion gave them before going to the high ground. Wei Donglai originally wanted to keep it until the evening to celebrate for everyone, but now it seems that it is useless, so it is better to eat it all.

Bending over, Cai Yongguan walked past the last soldier.

There were 112 people in total. Cai Yongguan's heart suddenly ached. It was only half a day! There were nearly 300 people in two infantry companies, and only so many were left?

"Hammerhead, how many observation posts are left on the top of the mountain?" Cai Yongguan shouted habitually.

If 2 or 4 were left as usual, there would be a few more people.

But no one agreed.

"Fuck you, Hammerhead, you should say something!" Cai Yongguan shouted angrily.

The fierce and continuous bombardment of the Japanese army has caused hearing problems for everyone here, and even ordinary conversations have to be shouted.

"Company commander, Hammerhead platoon leader is dead." The voice of the soldier sitting at the end of the row was so thin that it seemed to come from the sky.

Cai Yongguan clearly saw that he was shouting with his mouth open, but his voice was as thin as a mosquito's hum.


"Dead!" The soldier's mouth shape clearly told Cai Yongguan the answer.

"Dead?" Cai Yongguan closed his eyes in pain.

Yes, he remembered that half an hour ago, when the battle was at its fiercest, the Japanese army had rushed to a position only 30 meters away from the position. Seeing the only remaining Czech light machine gunner being swept by the Japanese heavy machine gun, Hammerhead, who was a platoon leader, resolutely rushed over to take over the machine gun and fired three magazines of bullets in a row to repel the Japanese invaders, but he was also shot by the machine gun of the Japanese invaders hiding in the back. The 92-type heavy machine gun fired seven or eight bullets in a row, almost making a hole as big as a bowl in his chamber.

Without saying a word, the tough man who followed him out of the mountain village to join the army fell on the position and died.

Damn it, he died without leaving a word, how can I go back to the mountain village! Whenever thinking of this, Cai Yongguan's eyes flickered with tears, but he couldn't leave.

Bleeding but not crying is the standard of a hero in the rivers and lakes.

Cai Yongguan, who raised his head to hide his tears, subconsciously called another person.

As soon as he finished shouting, he closed his mouth.

Hu Erdan, nicknamed Erhu, also died. Hu Erdan, who had the most accurate shooting skills in the mountain stronghold since childhood, was not only a sharpshooter in his infantry company, but also a well-known one in the entire regiment.

Because of his accurate shooting skills, he was targeted by Japanese grenade launchers after killing five Japanese soldiers. At least three grenade launcher groups attacked him. Six consecutive grenades exploded next to him, blowing the 1.7-meter-tall sturdy man to only 1.4 meters. Erhu, whose two calves and one arm were blown off, was still alive.

However, before Cai Yongguan rushed over, he only left a sentence "Don't tell my mother that I committed suicide!", and took the bayonet with his only hand and stabbed it directly into his heart.

It's not that he didn't want to live, he just didn't want to drag down his brothers. It would take at least two people to drag him off the battlefield.

Cai Yongguan didn't continue shouting.

He bent over, but his head was always raised high.

As a man of the world and a soldier, Cai Yongguan didn't want to expose his vulnerability.

However, the huge sadness still made the tears flow uncontrollably along the corners of his tightly closed eyes.

Two extremely clear tear marks rushed out on the charred and dusty face.

Men don't shed tears easily, but they just haven't reached the point of sadness!

How could he not be sad? Those names that he had called since childhood, those names that he would never forget in his life, from now on, no one would agree to them again.

Except for him, the eight childhood friends who followed him to join the army all died in battle that day, not a single one was left.

Rather than saying that people are afraid of cold death, it is better to say that they are afraid of loneliness! !

Will there be anyone to accompany him in the abyss of death? Cai Yongguan didn't know.

What he knew was that on this battlefield, the brothers left first without loyalty, leaving only him.

"Captain Cai, there is no observation post, all the brothers are here, there is no place to hide on the position, and if you let the brothers go up, they can only deliver food to the Japanese cannons." Potato, whose face was covered with black and gray, came over and shouted in Cai Yongguan's ear.

"Potato, do you think the brothers will blame me and Captain Wei? In fact, if we hadn't asked for the battle, we wouldn't have to stay at Hill No. 3." Cai Yongguan, whose face was bruised with several white marks, looked back at the army of only a hundred people, and his facial muscles twitched.

These were originally two fully replenished infantry companies! More than 280 people, but now there are only a hundred or so people, plus the seriously injured placed in another tunnel, only half of them can survive until now.

The huge battle loss ratio of 50% is a battle situation he has never encountered in his years of military service.

With such a battle loss ratio, as a commander, he can completely ask for support from the rear, or even retreat.

"Captain Cai, no one will blame you and Commander Wei. The brothers all died heroically, and there is not a single soft egg." Potato shook his head gently and replied.

"But it was my decision that made my brothers die, all died, and I feel so sad!" In front of this soldier who had been scolded by him, Cai Yongguan, a tough guy, couldn't help but expose his vulnerability.

He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of loneliness.

The tough guy is already very lonely now.

"No, sir, I don't know about others, but since I saw the veteran of the independent battalion stop breathing in front of me, I have never been afraid of death again.

Commander Tang told us that we Chinese soldiers died for the country. In the future, our sons or grandsons will erect monuments to commemorate us on every piece of land we have fought.

I don't have cousins, so I naturally don't have sons, but I still have brothers and sisters, and naturally I will have nephews and nieces. If they still remember me, they should erect a monument for their uncles, and it will be written on it, the place where 280 officers and soldiers of the 145th Division of the 23rd Army of the National Revolutionary Army died for their country!

Martyred for their country! How many people in this world can have this title? But we can, we definitely can, because we killed and wounded at least 520 devils and hundreds of devils, with a loss ratio of one to five. Who can be stronger than us?" The young soldier's face was full of pride.

"Yes! Captain Tang also said that he would strive for a 50-dollar pension for every soldier who died in the battle. If the superiors don't give it, he will go back to his hometown and demolish the house and sell the land to collect it. We Sichuan people either don't say it or we will do it. We earn so much money for our parents, wives and children all at once, what else can we be dissatisfied with?" A sergeant squad leader with his arm hanging came over to interrupt.

At last, he shouted to the remaining soldiers: "Is it right, brothers?!"

"Yes!" The soldiers all responded loudly.

"Haha, that's right, I'm a little hypocritical." Cai Yongguan also laughed after picking up his sleeves and wiping his face a few times. "Since the brothers are not afraid, let's continue to fight the devils. Commander Tang asked us to at least drag it until dark."

"By the way, signalman, call the command center to inform them if they can send more stretcher teams over. At the very least, you can transport Captain Wei and the other seriously injured people over! Captain Wei can't die here." Cai Yongguan said.

"No, the headquarters said that the Japanese not only blocked the mountain road with artillery, but also sent more infantry into the forest. The stretcher team can't get through. We can only wait until dark." The signalman shook his head painfully.

"Wait until dark!" Cai Yongguan's eyes flashed with a few traces of desolation.

He knew very well that the last hundred people were exhausted, and it was a miracle that they could survive two waves of attacks.

And the Japanese would never give them up to two hours. Provide you with the fastest update of Rising from Eight Hundred, Chapter 630 Do you blame me? Read for free. :.

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