Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 634: So Crazy

This was not the first artillery fire by the Chinese all day. In the morning, the artillery company had provided artillery support on Highland 3.

Dozens of shells dropped by 10 mortars stunned the Jingan Army. They even hit a heavy machine gun position hundreds of meters away, destroying nearly half of the heavy machine gun position.

Chinese mortars have always been a thorn in the side of the Japanese army.

But the Japanese may never have dreamed that once the Chinese become crazy, they will really be crazier than lunatics and more devilish than the devil.

Compared to now, when the position has not been completely lost, the entire position will be bombarded with covering artillery, shrouding them and their defenders in deadly artillery fire, and practicing the Seven Injury Fist that hurts others first. The Sunflower Manual, which requires one to practice martial arts first, is just child's play.

This is a technique to fight together to death.

Of course, the Japanese commanders were not stupid. In fact, they did not have a plan to prevent the Chinese from shelling the top of the mountain after the position was lost. That is to quickly occupy the position and use trenches as cover or attack the trenches on the back of the Chinese mountain...

However, they miscalculated two things.

First, they misjudged the madness of the Chinese to start shelling the position before it was completely lost. They also misjudged the role of the position at this moment.

After their continuous artillery bombardment and aircraft bombing, what position was there on the top of the mountain?

However, the trenches on the top of the mountain, which are more than 2,000 square meters and about the size of five basketball courts, have long since disappeared. The rock and earth ground have long been blown into a piece of soft floating soil. Soldiers wearing heavy cowhide boots can step on it and the floating soil can be broken. Ankle-deep. :.

In a place like this, where would you go and where would you hide? It may be a good way to stick your head in the floating soil and act like an ostrich.

One miscalculation can be fatal, let alone two.

As for rushing forward quickly and rushing to the other side of the mountain, wouldn't it be possible to avoid the surging artillery fire?

Major Morita was probably the smartest among the troops who entered the Chinese position. When he heard the ear-piercing whistle of the artillery shells and the explosion of shells more than a hundred meters behind, he did not make any move like other soldiers on the border. The same conventional tactical action of lying on the ground to avoid the gunfire.

He was running as fast as he could, crossing his subordinates in front, crossing the bomb crater where the wounded Chinese soldiers who had just wanted to have their heads chopped off one after another were kneeling, crossing the second-line trenches that basically no longer existed, holding the command knife With a tortoise box hanging on both sides of his neck and two melon thunders hanging on both sides of his neck, the military commander, who was fully armed like a Rambo, was like a gust of wind. It took him less than 5 seconds to reach a distance of nearly thirty meters.

With this kind of physical fitness and the agility shown by these short legs, there should be great hope to finish in the top eight in the Olympic Games in the future, and it will definitely realize the century-old dream of the short-legged people.

This is the life potential forced by the shadow of death, which allows the Japanese major to exert his strength 120% higher than usual.

Because he also knows that the Chinese do not have heavy artillery, only mortars, but the explosive power of a dozen or so shells can cover half of the top of a small mountain. Within ten seconds, there will be no hiding place on the top of the mountain. No matter how you hide, you will die.

The only way to survive is behind the mountain more than thirty meters away. Wherever the Chinese can hide to avoid the bombardment of their own howitzers and mountain artillery, he can also hide there.

Seeing their parents roaring and rushing over there, the Japanese soldiers who woke up also ran crazily after them. How do you say this? It should be called: Since you can't become a smart person, then follow smart people, and you will become smart one day.

As a result, the smartest Japanese major became the first person to die.

In addition to the two Sichuan Army companies on Highland 3, there is also a fire support platoon, which is Cheng Tietsou's soldiers.

It can be said that, counting the commanders on the entire Mouse Mountain position, apart from Tang Dao, who was so sad that he fell silent, the most heartbreaking one was probably the commander of the independent battalion fire support company.

One of his platoon brothers, numbering dozens, died in battle on Highland No. 3 right in front of his eyes, leaving no one behind.

The army captain whose eyes instantly turned blood red ordered Mo Songzi to move the Sulotong machine gun, which he regarded as a treasure, to the wing of Highland 1 and aim it at Highland 3.

"Mo Songzi, I will be your observer, you will be the shooter, and I will fight. Even if the Japanese are bombarded by heavy artillery, they are not allowed to stop. I am right here with you."

A Sulotong machine gun with 100 rounds of ammunition locked the top of the mountain more than 300 meters away in a straight line before the artillery battery opened fire.

"Shoot me!" When the wind-like man appeared in Cheng Tieshou's field of vision, Mo Songzi stepped on the shooting pedal hard at Cheng Tieshou's command.

To be precise, it was firing.

Those with a caliber equal to or exceeding 20 mm are collectively called guns. That is because a 12.7 mm machine gun bullet is only a little thicker than a cigarette, but a 20 mm caliber is comparable to a cigar.

Even though it is only twice as thick, the kinetic energy it carries is completely different.

For example, all models of heavy machine guns in this era, whether they are Type 92 or Maxim, are powerless against the Japanese active tanks, whether they are Type 94 or Type 89, no matter how far they are, but the 20mm machine gun can shoot at 500 meters. Effectively kill them within a certain distance.

What will happen if a large "cigar" that can penetrate even a 17 mm thick steel plate hits a person?

Morita, who was very excited, told everyone from his own personal experience that it was really miserable for a man to be fucked!

A shell hit his head directly, and then the head of the Japanese major seemed to disappear strangely at that moment.

Of course, it was one or two seconds later. If someone's eyes were always following him, they could actually see that strange scene.

The whole head was like a watermelon with unbalanced internal and external pressure, which exploded and then played a fairy flower scattering.

Red, white, yellow, black, the scattered area is definitely more than ten square meters. People who have not experienced that scene will never know that the inside of a person's head is actually "colorful", not just blood.

The headless corpse actually maintained its habit and rushed forward for several steps before finally falling down.

The army who wanted to become smarter by following the smart people fell down in a row.

The machine guns firing at full speed, touching death, and dying next to death!

They ran past the shells and the idiots, but still could not escape death.

A machine gun firing at full speed from the flank regardless of life and death delayed their escape.

After a round of test firing, the shells finally rained down.

Originally, the cavalry with war horses had a chance to escape when the Chinese artillery bombarded the top of the mountain. But war horses are not people. Although they have been strictly trained, they went crazy when the shells exploded at such a close distance.

Some ran forward, some ran backward, and some ran to the side slopes, like wasps whose nests were blown up.

The Japanese cavalry didn't want to give up their war horses. Even if they were willing, they didn't dare to dismount at this time, as they would definitely be trampled to death by the crazy war horses. They could only tighten the reins desperately and control the war horses not to go forward or left or right, as that would be a place to die.

The only way to survive was to go down. As long as the war horses started to run hard, the artillery fire extending downwards might not catch up with them. Didn't you see that the machine gunners and grenade launchers below them were already running like rabbits?

Then, they wasted time.

On the battlefield, delaying time will be punished, and the price of punishment may be life.

The moment before the artillery fire began to extend downward along the mountain artillery, the Japanese cavalry controlled the mad horses with their skilled techniques, and began to turn around and run down the hillside.

The rumbling sound of horse hooves was even stronger than the rumbling sound of artillery on the top of the mountain, and then the artillery sound regained the upper hand.

Because, after raging nearly a hundred shells on the top of the mountain, Pang Dahai, who had obtained unlimited firing rights, chose to extend the artillery fire down the hillside.

Mortars are not like mountain artillery, and they cannot hit the other side of the mountain. The nearly 85-degree projectile curve has almost no dead angle.

The shells came.

A shell fell into the Japanese cavalry, and it was a real bloody rain. Four or five horses were torn apart along with the Japanese cavalry on them.

Then, the shells that followed were like meteors, drowning the entire hillside, including the once majestic and murderous Japanese cavalry, in the sky full of artillery fire.

Of course, the Japanese cavalrymen were not at a disadvantage. As the noble branch of the Japanese army, they were indeed much stronger than the infantry composed of mountain folk and fishermen who were despised and looked down upon by them. At least they lived a few more minutes.

As for those machine gunners and grenade launchers who ran away in advance, they didn't run far before they were finished. However, most of them did not die in the Chinese artillery fire, but died under the hooves of the Japanese cavalrymen who were madly riding their horses to escape.

How could the cavalrymen who kept speeding up and just wanted to escape change direction for these lowly guys? If there was an obstacle, they would just ride their horses over it, without cutting it with knives, because they were already considering the friendly forces.

The entire No. 3 Highland was like a huge bonfire ignited by artillery shells and using human lives as firewood, with flames everywhere.

The Japanese troops and their commanders at the foot of the mountain were stunned! Provide you with the fastest update of Rising from Eight Hundred, Chapter 634 So Crazy Free Reading. :.

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