Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 650 Generous and heroic!

"Captain Tang, I'm more than 20 years older than you, so it's not an exaggeration to call you brother!"

Brother, since you are determined to fight decisively, although I am short of soldiers and guns, I will never show off, so I will naturally support you fully.

The command of the Liu Ruzhai Infantry Regiment that you want, I can also put it under your command as the commander of the 145th Division, the War Supervisor of the Guangde Theater, but the name of the Tiger Regiment cannot be used! If word got out, it would cause an uproar. "The Army Lieutenant General said seriously.

In his eyes, Tang Dao is already the best choice in terms of battlefield command and fighting will, but after all, he is still too young and does not understand the distinction between levels.

Now the big boss is extremely sensitive to military power. For example, the Sichuan Army originally had an army of 400,000 people, but during the reorganization last year, in order to prevent the Sichuan Army from becoming too powerful, he only gave the two armies a strength of 200,000 people.

The provincial chairman who unified Sichuan Province also had to take a "curve to save the country" and organized the 100,000 downsized elite soldiers into county security corps. Unexpectedly, the dozens of retained security corps became all-out elites who fought in the war. The Sichuan Army, which suffered heavy losses, was supplemented by the most powerful troops from each department.

This is true for the big guys who have chosen to accept the reorganization, let alone others...

The Ministry of Military and Political Affairs has strict regulations. Officers at the colonel level must be personally appointed by the boss, and officers above the school level must have a military order issued by the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs.

The appointment of officers is strict, not to mention the army establishment. Anyone above the battalion level must be stamped and registered by the Ministry of Military Affairs. Just like the two infantry battalions of Tang Dao and Yao Ziqing, the Four Lines Camp and Baoshan Camp were named after the locations of their respective bloody battles. , all were approved only after the big boss personally signed the military order.

If Tang Dao talks like this, he is a member of the Tiger Regiment. No matter how good he is at fighting, he will arouse the suspicion of the big bosses and implicate the 23rd Group Army and even the entire Sichuan Army.

"The Tiger Regiment cannot be used. Liu Ruzhai was also killed by me. The original number cannot be used again. Otherwise, an investigation by the Army Headquarters will definitely hinder our army." Tang Dao couldn't help but frowned.

"Yes! Brother, I have already considered this. With the temper of the deputy commander, if he knew that you had executed his brother-in-law directly, he would definitely be angry with you and me. I am not afraid of him usually, but here we are. In this war, the lives of thousands of brothers are involved, and this must be guarded against." The Army Lieutenant General also nodded.

After pondering for a moment, he suddenly raised his brows, as if he had made up his mind, and said: "There is another way. The Liu Ruzhai regiment has suffered heavy losses in this battle and has basically lost the ability to fight again. Its remaining troops have been temporarily incorporated into your war zone due to wartime needs. I will sign the military order according to the order of the 145th Division Headquarters. As for when to return to the army, it is up to you, Commander Tang."

His eyes looked at Tang Dao solemnly, shining with determination: "Even if you keep them, brother, as long as they can serve the country and kill enemies under your command, the entire 145th Division will not cause trouble to you, brother."

As soon as these words came out, Tang Dao felt a little embarrassed.

As the saying goes: Ginger is spicy when old! He knew that the veteran in the army in front of him had seen through his little trick.

Yes, if Tang Dao wants to have a good fight with the Guoqi detachment in the mountains of Guangde, with his current independent battalion having less than a thousand troops, it will be nothing but an egg against a rock.

Already possessing the heart of a warrior, the Sichuan Army Corps, which only has a thousand soldiers but has doubled its combat effectiveness, is the army he must win. With a total force of more than 2,000 men, he has the confidence to fight against the Kunisaki Detachment.

But the establishment of this Sichuan Army Corps belongs to the 145th Division. During the previous blocking war, the Sichuan Army Corps could obey him, the director of the operations department of the frontline command headquarters. But after this battle, what name does he have to command?

Just relying on the name of a war captain is not enough.

Therefore, Tang Dao played a little trick and took the initiative to add the title of Tiger Regiment to the regiment, hoping that this person would take the initiative to sign a military order and transfer the command to him.

The veteran general in the army had been walking at his own pace, but when he said, "Even if you don't pay back, I won't trouble you," Tang Dao knew that people are so easy to fool, I have long seen his little thoughts.

That is to say, seeing that he led his troops to stop the regiment and relieve him of the crisis on his flank, he was always grateful and did not want to expose him.

Regardless of that era, anyone who can occupy a place in the military can be regarded as a proud man of heaven. How about simple people?

Seeing the apology flashing in the eyes of his younger brother Tang Dao, the Army Lieutenant General smiled and said: "Brother, don't think that I just used the hypocritical words in the officialdom. If it were someone else, it was just to expand my own strength. Let alone one soldier and one soldier, I don’t even understand this rhetoric.

But you, although you and I have only known each other for three days, I know that you are different from those people. Just like those brothers led by Liu Ruzhai, they were just cowards who abandoned their formation and fled, but under your command, they can become warriors who make the Japanese army fearful.

Therefore, I am willing to hand them over to you, hoping that you can lead them, inflict heavy losses on the Japanese invaders, and promote the power of our Sichuan Army and the power of China!

Speaking of which, I'm still taking advantage of you, brother. No matter how well you fight in this battle, you still have a share of my 145th Division. As a division commander, I can't push you away even if I want to! If you don't do it right, you can still get a Blue Sky and White Sun Medal in vain! "

Not only did he give away half of the infantry regiment for nothing, but he even said good things about it. Tang Dao was really grateful.

The three lieutenant generals he met in this era, whether it was the scheming Lieutenant General Guo, the bold Lieutenant General Wu, or this Lieutenant General Rao, each of them had the label of being from the local warlord system, but they also had a very common characteristic.

That is, they all had the courage to deal with foreigners who invaded the border.

Perhaps they did not want the wealth and power they had fought for for many years to be destroyed in an instant, or perhaps they had their own patriotic feelings, the reasons were varied, but undoubtedly, they were all the bravest people of this era.

Tang Dao was honored to have fought side by side with such a group of people.

Seeing that Tang Dao remained silent for a long time, the lieutenant general of the army, who was already over 40 years old, blinked his eyes and said in an almost teasing tone: "Brother! If you don't speak again, the little ink in my stomach will be used up, and I will not be able to find words of praise anymore."

"Haha, Brother Rao, since you have said so much, what else can Tang Dao say? In addition to thanking you, Tang Dao, a Sichuanese, can guarantee to you, Brother Rao, that in the future, whenever someone talks about my 43rd Army Independent Battalion, there will only be one evaluation: Sichuan people who went out of Sichuan to fight against the Japanese have already pledged their lives to the country!"

"Pledge their lives to the country!" The lieutenant general's eyes lit up slightly, and he muttered to himself, repeating Tang Dao's words. Suddenly he burst into laughter, stretched out his hand to Tang Dao and said, "Haha! This is a wonderful word! Our Sichuan Army will live up to the name of the Sichuan Army! Brother, you can go to the battle. Although my 145th Division has only a thousand men, as long as there is one man, we will never let the enemy harass your army."

"Then I will earn a Blue Sky and White Sun Medal for the 145th Division!" Tang Dao held the hand of the generous and heroic lieutenant general in front of him tightly and promised solemnly.

In the past, this general who died before he could achieve victory, although he had no glorious military exploits, proved his determination to serve the country with the fact that he was willing to die, and he fully deserved the highest honor in the army.

But he didn't.

This time, he will help him get it back.

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