Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 65: I'm your fan

Chapter 65 I’m your fan

“What on earth did Yin Tengzhonger do? Ask him to call me back immediately!”

Jiro Wakibata looked at the red signal flare rising from the concession in the distance, his eyes widened suddenly, and the good mood he had just felt because the frontal attack went relatively smoothly was suddenly thrown into the Pacific Ocean.

Without waiting for the Japanese colonel to call to question, when he saw Western soldiers carrying light and heavy machine guns entering the fortifications, Yin Tengzhonger knew that he had underestimated the determination of the commander of the coalition forces in the opposite concession. If his bullets entered the concession again, the other side would not hesitate to fire. gun.

 Damn yellow-haired ghost! Yin Tengzhonger cursed angrily but finally backed down.

He naturally did not pay attention to the mere army brigade with more than 4,000 troops in the concession, but what behind it represented millions of armies from Western countries, as well as giant ships that could make the entire empire tremble.

The weak’s desperate resistance will only bring contempt to the strong; but the strong’s warning is enough to make the weak dare not take another step.

 This is the basic rule of the biological world.

Yin Tengzhonger could only direct his anger at his subordinates, "Order the left and right wings to prepare for another assault. This time, lieutenant-level officers must personally control the formation!"

At this time, on the front battlefield, due to the precise shelling of tank guns, several sandbag fortifications of the building were continuously destroyed. The defenders had to relocate the light machine guns to their fighting positions. Only a few heavy machine guns could shoot behind the shooting holes, but the range of fire was ultimately limited. , the Japanese army became more powerful.

The two infantry squads led by Tang Dao were all armed with submachine guns and stood ready as the people on the shore shouted loudly and clearly audibly, "Big knife! Cut off the heads of the Japanese."

 Many soldiers' bodies were trembling slightly again.

 Only this time, it was not because of fear, but because of the adrenaline surge caused by the people's chants, which is the most normal physiological reaction.

 “Hit!” As the Tang Dao roared, the muzzles of 22 submachine guns poked their heads out from the trenches and began to fire wildly forward.

The firepower is unparalleled, but the accuracy is average.

The reason is very simple. Before the war, Tang Dao strictly ordered everyone not to show their heads. The so-called shooting was just sticking out the trench with the hand and gun, pointing in the general direction and trying to pull the trigger.

Moreover, it is required to take back the gun and change the place to shoot again after firing a continuous shot. Anyway, the semi-arc trench with a length of more than 80 meters is enough for 22 people to jump back and forth.

 The essence of the order is that it doesn't matter whether we killed the Japanese army or not. What's important is that each of you better not even scratch your skin.

If such an order was placed on the former Songhu front line, it is estimated that Tang Dao, the platoon leader, would be dismissed from his post in minutes.

It is normal to be afraid of death, but wasting precious submachine gun bullets like this is not what a platoon leader should do.

However, Tang Dao was the biggest official in the trenches at the moment. Even if the soldiers were puzzled, they could only act as ordered.

The officers and soldiers of the first company hiding on the second and third floors were also stunned by the coquettish operation of Tang Dao and his two infantry squads.

Having been on the front line for a long time, who has ever seen soldiers who are afraid of death?

Veteran oil man Li Jiujin knows how to protect himself. As soon as the sound of artillery shells piercing the sky is heard, he can roll into the individual artillery hole in two seconds. His ability to escape is very good, but even so, Li Jiujin Jin didn't even show his head, he just raised his gun and hit him blindly in front of him!

Moreover! Such soldiers who are afraid of death are not just one or two, but a group, including Tang Dao, who was once a super soldier in everyone's eyes.

Look at how cautious he was, he held the gun with one hand and stayed close to the ground. He never pulled the trigger for more than 3 seconds. He immediately took the gun back and rolled around in the trench to change places to fire again.

In addition to being able to roll and climb so fast, the demeanor of being able to push and pull the gun bolt with one hand and accurately hit rocks falling in the air during continuous tactical evasions has disappeared.

                        eaten! I must be dazzled! Many soldiers lying behind the shooting holes rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

 But unfortunately, no matter how much you rub it, the scene before you is real.

What is this for? Lei Xiong, who had never had a chance to show off his skills and could only keep an eye on the movements of the Japanese troops, involuntarily widened his eyes and blurted out a curse word.

However, this time the hot-tempered cannon company commander did not get angry easily. He had a gut feeling that there was something fishy going on.

The majority of officers hold the same idea as him.

Tang Dao may be cowardly, but he should never be at this time. After all, the decisive battle has not come to the last moment, right?

The sudden burst of 22 submachine guns actually shocked the Japanese. No matter how accurate it was, hundreds of bullets were sprayed out in an instant! Four tanks that had approached more than 100 meters away were sprayed with sparks from submachine gun bullets.

The Japanese infantrymen behind the tanks collectively broke away from the protection of the tanks and rushed into the ruins, dragging away the wounded who had just been hit. Originally, they hoped to use the cover of tanks to advance a few dozen meters and wait until they were close to a position of nearly a hundred meters before launching a charge.

 But now it seems that it is impossible.

The Chinese actually ventured out of the warehouse and played "stick to the ground" with them. Then they should use the most traditional infantry attack tactics!

It turned out that Tang Dao's move of not showing his head but only exposing his muzzle and firing a few blind shots inadvertently caused a lot of bullets to pass under the tank, which was just high enough to hit the Japanese soldier's calf behind the tank.

 Disbanded the "hen with chickens" formation of the Japanese infantry closely following the tanks.

 So this is it! Everyone who was still surprised suddenly realized.

As expected, he is indeed a super warrior, and his seemingly fearless moves contain deep meanings.

Lieutenant Leng Feng, who had a stern look on his face, said he had taken note of it.

 It is important to take advantage of the situation.

 Four tanks stopped.

The 7.7mm heavy machine guns hidden in the tanks of the two Type 94 tanks began to adjust the height of the muzzles, pointing at the trenches that were still emitting a torrent of bullets and began to fire.

The 57mm tank guns of the other two 89 tanks also adjusted their angles to aim at the machine gun fortifications in the trenches that had not been completely destroyed.

 “Boom! Boom!” Several sandbag fortifications protruding from the ground were mercilessly bombarded by 57mm tank cannons and turned into debris.

The Japanese grenadiers finally found a target they could bully. A dozen grenade launchers fired two waves of thirty grenades, blowing up the front and rear of the trench into a sea of ​​flames, and even a few grenades were accurately fired into the trench.

Visible to the naked eye, a plume of black smoke and flames rose from the trench.

 “Yo Xi! Blow up those stubborn Chinese!” Toyota Hide looked at all this from the telescope with joy on his face.

Although it was heroic for the Chinese to step out of the fortress and attack their infantry desperately, under the iron hooves of the imperial chariots, no matter how heroic they were, it was just in vain.

 The invincible Imperial tanks finally pulled the Japanese major’s sank confidence out of the Mariana Trench.

Compared with the Japanese army, the officers and soldiers upstairs could obviously see more clearly. Several grenades exploded, but because the distance between each individual soldier was more than 4 meters, and because the Japanese army's offensive was fierce, the soldiers themselves were huddled in the trenches. , able to avoid the damage caused by grenade shrapnel.

 So, although the Japanese army fought happily, in fact, the third row did not suffer any substantial damage, if it must be said that there was any.

 Lao Hei's face was even darker due to gunpowder smoke, I don't know if it counts.

"Sir, if we don't let Tang Dao and the others withdraw first, it's time for our machine gun company to take action. I promise to turn those junk things into real iron coffins." Lei Xiongxiang kept staring ahead and didn't care about the fighting situation near the warehouse. Suggested by Army Lieutenant Colonel.

“The Tang Dao runs much faster than you think!” the Army Lieutenant Colonel nuzzled. "If you don't believe it, see for yourself."

Lei Xiong opened the observation hole and looked down, grinning with toothache.

 That's all it took for him to ask for battle again.

Tang Dao, the platoon leader, had already taken the lead, running very fast along the traffic ditch with his gun in hand.

 The kind that is unabashed.

He was followed by two infantry squads of more than 20 people, and their speed seemed to be quite fast. Even the shock wave of another wave of grenade explosions projected by the Japanese army was not caught up.

 Cold front

Hmm, this must be a sign of weakness to the enemy! Write down!

If you look at the future, Lieutenant Leng, I am your fan.

 (End of this chapter)

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