Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 657 Flying Thunder Cannon (Part 2)

Seeing the bewildered look on the face of the Army Major General.

Tang Dao smiled slightly. If the principle could be understood by looking at the gasoline barrel, the troops that had been fighting or on the way to fighting since their birth would not have used this "unscrupulous cannon" similar to the British Levins projectile cannon in World War I ten years later.

"Come on, Dayu, show Commander Tong how to use the Flying Thunder Cannon." Tang Dao ordered the bald boy at the back.

"Yes!" Xia Dayu was very excited, and came out with his head held high to receive the order.

But Pang Dahai was frightened and his face turned pale.

He was an old artilleryman, but his vision was different from that of Major General Tong, a brigade commander who came from the infantry. .

When he saw this "Flying Thunder Cannon" named by Battalion Commander Tang for the first time, he was shocked, but he quickly recovered from his surprise. From a professional and technical perspective, the principle of this artillery installation and mortar is actually exactly the same, except that the barrel is not as strong as the mortar barrel made of gun steel.

Instinctively, he thought that this kind of cannon could be used, and it was definitely not because he had a personal worship for the battalion commander Tang Daying.

Although it was difficult for him to exclude this factor, perhaps it was not only him, but also many officers of the independent battalion were the same as him.

However, cannons were not something that anyone could use, especially this extremely simple "cannon", and then with the addition of Xia Dayu, this thing was too unreliable!

Even a soldier like Pang Dahai, who had almost blindly trusted Tang Dao, began to have a shaky trust in Tang Dao at this moment.

"Don't worry, Uncle Pang, I have fired six or seven cannons under the guidance of the superiors, and basically all of them were successful."

Xia Dayu was already familiar with Pang Dahai in the Battle of Songjiang. Seeing that his face was pale, he hurried forward to explain in a low voice.

After hearing what Xia Dayu said, Pang Dahai finally came to his senses. Looking at Tang Dao's smiling face, he instantly understood the meaning of Tang Dao asking Xia Dayu to fire the cannon.

Tang Dao meant that this kind of cannon was very simple to control, and anyone could use it with simple training.

"Okay, Da Yu, be careful. Do you want Uncle Pang to help you?" Pang Dahai was overjoyed and looked forward to this surprisingly simple big guy.

With such a large caliber and so easy to use, if it can really be used on the battlefield, it will be a great help to the infantry brothers!

"Okay! Uncle Pang, help me with this..." Xia Dayu was not modest. He imitated Tang Dao and commanded Pang Dahai to help him.

Pang Dahai, a key general in the independent battalion, worked very hard under the command of a small signalman.

This operation fell into the eyes of Major General Tong, but he was even more impressed by Tang Dao's command of troops.

Isn't this what is often said in military books that officers and soldiers are one!

But this thing is simple to say, but it is extremely difficult to operate in practice. The battalion and company commanders under him can never let go of the posture of being superiors. Even if the military supplies are difficult, officers have more rice in their bowls than ordinary soldiers.

He didn't know that the Tang Dao itself came from the army that was committed to eliminating all classes, and that mark had been engraved in its bones. Under his own practice, the habits of the old army in the independent camp had already changed a lot without realizing it.

Xia Dayu and Pang Dahai were usually very familiar with each other as uncle and nephew, and Pang Dahai also wanted to figure out the secret of the so-called "flying thunder cannon", and of course he had no psychological burden for helping a soldier.

Tang Dao and a few others left 15 meters away, hiding behind a bunker and watching.

Although he personally took Xia Dayu and Erya to practice the flying thunder cannon seven or eight times, nothing is absolute. The "unscrupulous cannon" born in that army has also exploded in actual combat.

Let's not talk about the few people here, Major General Tong, who will become a lieutenant general in the army in the future. He and Lei Xiong are the backbone of the independent battalion. If there is a barrel explosion accident and they are all killed, not to mention that the massacre of the Kunisaki detachment will not be accomplished, the two thousand people of the independent battalion will die in this mountain when they encounter a sudden change. Tang Dao will really have to hang himself.

It's okay to show off, but you must not take the core combat force with you to show off and fly together, otherwise you may fall to death together.

Tang Dao has long passed the era of hot-blooded young people, especially when he became a commander of a thousand people.

. . . . . . . . .

The flying thunder cannon seems very simple, with a total of four key steps, the launch tube, propellant, isolation board, and explosive pack.

The launch tube is a gasoline barrel, the propellant is the gunpowder fired by the explosive pack, and the isolation board is a thick wooden board. The size of the explosive pack is up to you, as long as it doesn't get stuck in the gasoline barrel.

If it is really stuck, let's run! Let's see who can run 50 meters in five seconds. It takes 20 kilograms of explosives to block the 800 mm diameter gasoline barrel.

And 20 kilograms of explosives are enough to kill all creatures within a radius of hundreds of meters.

So, several Chinese soldiers who have been on the battlefield for a long time watched in amazement as Xia Dayu, a young soldier, skillfully threw a pack of explosives with a thick wooden board into the gasoline barrel, and then ignited a fuse extending from the small hole of the gasoline barrel.

Oh my god, is it so simple and crude? The major general of the army and Zhuang Shisan lay down almost at the same time. After being tempered by the dangerous battlefield, the military skills of Chief of Staff Zhuang are many times stronger than before, and he can compete with the old soldier who has fought for more than ten years.

A few seconds later, there was a loud bang, and a stream of fire and gunpowder gushed out of the mouth of the gasoline barrel.

The naked eye could clearly see that the explosive pack tied with a thick wooden board was rolling in the air but stubbornly flying into the sky, then falling in a beautiful arc.

It landed on the open space at least 200 meters away in the valley.

Although it did not explode, the gasoline barrel did drop an explosive pack 200 meters away.

"Commander Tong, this explosive pack is not equipped with a delayed detonator. It will only be installed when it is really in combat." Tang Dao explained to the major general of the army who opened his eyes involuntarily.

"Is this... an explosive pack launcher?" The major general of the army looked at the explosive pack still rolling on the ground in the light of the torch through the telescope hanging under his neck, and muttered to himself.

"No, I named it the conscienceless cannon." Tang Dao shook his head and named it with the name from the future.

"What a heartless cannon, very appropriate! Captain Tang, your invention is amazing! In the future, even if there is no cannon, we are not afraid. As long as there is enough explosives, the enemy is nothing to worry about." The excitement on the face of the Army Major General was beyond words.

How could the Army Major General, who has been in the army for nearly 20 years and has extremely rich combat experience, not know the use of being able to throw explosive packs more than 200 meters?

It is almost equivalent to an ultra-large caliber mortar, which can throw a 10-kilogram explosive pack to the enemy position 200 meters away. No matter whether it is a bunker or a fortification, under the attack of a 10-kilogram explosive pack, even if it is not blown up, it can still shock the people inside to death.

"Commander Tong, you are too flattering. First of all, this is not my invention, but the principle of the British projectile cannon during World War I. Secondly, Commander Tong should not have too high expectations for this. If we were not on the mountain and were not delivering it, the range of a 5-kilogram explosive pack would only be about 150 meters. Moreover, because it needs to be tied with a partition board, it is affected by factors such as wind speed, and its accuracy cannot be guaranteed at all." Tang Dao explained.

In the future, although the conscienceless cannon is highly praised in various TV series, it is clear that once the conscienceless cannon is released, all mountain cannons, howitzers, and cannons will have to kneel.

But as an elite special forces soldier who has been trained for more than ten years, Tang Dao is actually very clear that the conscienceless cannon cannot determine the victory of the battle at all. At best, it is the icing on the cake of the victory of the battle.

First of all, the accuracy is outrageous.

When the conscienceless cannon is fired, it is fired in rows of at least hundreds? That's because the conscienceless cannon has no accuracy at all. If you want to fire at a target, it's very simple. All the cannons are fired together, and if one hits it, it's considered a success.

This thing, let alone precision strikes, can't even be called a probabilistic attack.

The second is that the range is too short.

A range of 150 meters, for a defense position with a depth of hundreds or even thousands of meters, is it just a fireworks display?

The most fatal thing is that this thing has a very fatal flaw. The Japanese army is equipped with a large number of grenade launchers, and the flying thunder cannon is still ready to fire hundreds of meters away. If a grenade hits it and detonates the explosive pack.

That's going to be exciting. Are you digging a hole for yourself by building a conscienceless cannon?

Therefore, even if the Tangdao Independent Battalion was built without large-caliber artillery, it never considered using this thing to fight.

Moreover, the Japanese are not stupid. If they use reverse reasoning to study the principle of conscienceless artillery, what should they do with it to attack the Chinese army positions with little defensive depth?

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