Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 661 The battlefield is not a chessboard

A group of Chinese soldiers walked down the mountain amidst the laughter.

It seemed that the heavy life and death discussion that had just made the air stagnant had never appeared.

The Japanese headquarters was also in chaos.

A group of Japanese generals and lieutenants with big dark circles under their eyes offered their opinions and suggestions amid the harassing gunshots that sounded from time to time.

Some advocated sending a small force into the mountains to find the Chinese army and fight with them, while the main force quickly reached the plains through the mountain roads;

Some could not bear this humiliation and suggested that the troops be divided into multiple routes to go into the mountains to encircle and suppress the Chinese army;

Some also placed their hopes on naval reconnaissance aircraft to help find the traces of the Chinese army, and then the army would be dispatched to encircle and suppress;

There were even cruel ones who suggested that the army enter the mountains to capture Chinese as shields. Of course, they would not capture Chinese soldiers, but Chinese mountain people, and tie them to the side of the army. If the Chinese dared to bombard them, they would also blow up their own people; or, as long as the Chinese dared to launch a sneak attack, they would shoot some civilians.

The one who proposed this suggestion was none other than the great traitor Li Shoushan.

Don’t tell me, once this cruel and ruthless suggestion was proposed, even the Japanese generals and officers couldn’t help but take a second look at this ‘Chinese’ who had already surrendered to the empire.

How shameless is this bastard? He can even come up with such a sinister idea?

But who is the Kunisaki Detachment? It is one of the strongest divisions in the empire. Even if it was humiliated once outside Guangde City, it was just a small setback. The pride of the strongest infantry division in the empire is still there...

Li Shoushan’s suggestion, which may be effective but tarnishes the honor of the warriors, was eventually rejected.

To put it bluntly, it’s not that he doesn’t want to, but that Kunisaki, who hasn’t reached the end of his rope, can’t afford to lose that person.

In the end, Kunisaki, after combining the opinions of all parties and his own initial ideas, set a tactical plan for the next few days.

It’s impossible to leave.

Since entering China, Kunisaki, who has been advancing almost all the way, has never suffered such a big loss on the Chinese battlefield.

The front-line infantry suffered a loss of an infantry battalion, and more than a dozen artillery pieces were lost. In comparison, the loss of soldiers outside Songjiang City was child's play.

He marched in a long snake formation, just as Tang Dao guessed, not just passively taking a beating, but patiently looking for a chance to annihilate the Chinese army that made him lose face.

It's just that the Chinese are more patient than he thought, and they only sent small troops to harass in the distant mountains, not giving him a chance to fight a decisive battle.

What's more terrible is that if he continues to act according to the original plan, the Kunisaki Detachment will be harassed by the Chinese into a panda detachment.

It's hard to get sleep, physical fitness deteriorates, and combat effectiveness is naturally severely discounted. Even if the Chinese really want to open up the formation to fight, I'm afraid the losses will be much greater than he expected.

Then he can only change tactics, from not changing to actively attacking and seeking a decisive battle.

Therefore, Kunisaki's tactical idea is to stop moving forward, and the whole army will turn from passive to active and go into the mountains.

The army was still divided into three parts.

Of course, this time it was no longer a long snake formation, but a parallel "川" character, from the front, middle and back three parts to the left, middle and right three parts.

Of the remaining five infantry battalions in the army, two infantry battalions were led by him personally, with a mountain artillery company, six infantry artillery squads, and a cavalry squadron, and entered the area of ​​Shizipu in the left mountain area to search for the Chinese army.

In the middle, Colonel Oda Nobu led an infantry battalion, the remnants of the 1st Brigade of the Jing'an Army, and carried two mountain artillery companies, a baggage team, an engineering battalion, and a part of the armored company to continue to move slowly along the simple road.

On the right, Colonel Takeuchi Yunshan led two infantry battalions, a mountain artillery company, four infantry artillery squads, an engineering squad and two Type 94 armored vehicles to enter the area of ​​Yaocun in the right mountain area to search for the Chinese army.

No matter which side of the left or right wing finds the Chinese army, they will first launch an attack to hold back the Chinese army, and wait for the arrival of reinforcements before launching the final attack.

At the same time, the decided tactical plan will be sent to the Tenth Army Headquarters, requesting naval air support, both reconnaissance aircraft and bombers are needed. After the enemy in the mountains are annihilated, the entire army will quickly pass through the mountainous area of ​​southern Anhui and attack Wuhu, completely completing Mr. Yanagawa Heisuke's strategic concept of encircling Nanjing from front and back.

Yanagawa Heisuke, who was awake late at night, quickly sent a reply, agreeing with Kunisaki's tactical concept.

For Yanagawa Heisuke, who has arrived 60 kilometers outside Nanjing, his strategy of going south to conquer the Chinese capital has been largely realized. Now he lacks the 18th Division and Kunisaki Detachment to be in place after bypassing Nanjing from the Taihu Lake.

When they arrive, conquering Wuhu on the Yangtze River will complete the last closed loop of the encirclement, and Nanjing, the ancient Chinese city, will completely become an isolated city. Conquering it is just a matter of time.

Conquering the capital of a country! He may be the first general in Japanese history to enter the capital of the giant country that their ancestors once coveted but feared with their heads held high. The door of his dream is about to open to him.

Yanagawa Heisuke naturally did not want any accidents to happen to the westward army, even if it delayed the marching speed.

Therefore, he not only agreed to Kunisaki's request, but also personally contacted the Third Fleet still stationed on the coast of Songhu to request air support.

The contradiction between the navy and the army still exists, but this is a different time. The army not only won the Battle of Songhu, but also broke through hundreds of miles, directly pointing to the heart of China, and the momentum is strong.

And the commander of the East China Expeditionary Force at this time was no longer the idiot Matsui Iwane who only had influence in the army, but the imperial prince who had enough influence in the imperial political arena.

The traumatized admiral commander of the Third Fleet had to do his best to help the army's Malu, and verbally promised to send three reconnaissance planes into the mountainous area for reconnaissance during the day. If there was a big battle, a squadron of fighter planes would be sent to bomb the enemy.

The Kunisaki Detachment was really trying its best at this time, just waiting for the day to come and have a good fight with the Chinese army.

Little did they know that the Chinese thought so too.

However, the battlefield is not a chessboard.

An accident changed the trend of the entire battlefield.

Originally, according to Tang Dao's plan, the appearance of Japanese reconnaissance planes during the day was the most necessary part of the plan.

Only in this way could the army major general unit with a large number of pack horses be accidentally seen by the Japanese reconnaissance plane. The scale of the army of hundreds of people was not too large, but if a large number of pack horses were added, it would definitely become the most beautiful piece of fat meat.

A part of Kunisaki Detachment will inevitably be attracted into the mountains for encirclement and suppression, and then the hundreds of people who are forced to be exposed will "escape" all the way to the selected hills, which can not only delay the main force of the Japanese army, but also use the mountain terrain to resist the attack of the main force of the Japanese army.

When another part of the Japanese army wants to bypass and encircle, it will inevitably pass through the river valley of "Laojinkeng" and eliminate this part of the Japanese army in the shortest time. The main force of the Japanese army who received the news can only give up the hard bone in front of them and retreat temporarily for self-protection, so that the danger of the major general of the army will also be solved.

Even if they are determined to capture the hill, Tang Dao will have enough time to return after eliminating part of the Japanese army. At most, they will fight the Japanese head-on with both inside and outside.

Let's see how tough the Kunisaki Detachment is.

For this reason, Tang Dao even calculated that the Japanese army searching in the mountains will inevitably look for Chinese villages first, forcing local villagers to guide them or order them to tell the movements of the Chinese army.

The soldiers were active in the mountains, of course they could not avoid the eyes of the villagers, and Tang Dao, who was familiar with the nature of the Japanese, sent many infantry squads to the villages they could see to spread propaganda during the day, so that they could hide in the mountains farther away.

In this way, it not only avoided exposing the position of the army but also prevented the villagers from being harmed by the angry Japanese army.

Hearing that the Japanese were coming and this place was about to become a battlefield, the simple mountain people drove their poultry and livestock and carried their valuable things at home to flee according to the soldiers' words.

After the war, returning home is that people are more important than anything else. Although the mountain people have not read much, they still understand this simplest truth.

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