Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 684: Surrender

A few shells frightened the Chinese and Japanese commanders on and off the mountain.

Ozawa Risou came to his senses at this moment. It seems that the Chinese's demand for this baggage is not as important as he thought. This is really a matter of life and death.

"Old Jiang, you have a loud voice, go and tell the Japanese that if they surrender to our Chinese 43rd Army Independent Battalion now, our army will spare their lives." Zhao Daqiang looked down the mountain again, and issued a military order on impulse.

"Company commander, the commander's military order is to annihilate the Japanese army! Besides, how can we take prisoners in this situation?" Jiang Daochang, who received the order, was shocked and hurriedly advised.

Being straightforward does not mean that the brain is not working well. The Northeast man knows the meaning of Tang Dao, that is, only the dead are wanted, and even if there are living ones, they will become dead.

Tang Dao usually looks amiable, but only those who have been with him for a long time know that once he goes to the battlefield, he is like a cold and ruthless killing machine. He is ruthless to the enemy and to his own people.

"Hehe, as the saying goes, "a general is not subject to the orders of the king when he is away from home", we should deal with it according to the specific situation. For these important supplies, it is not impossible to spare the lives of these dozens of little Japanese soldiers. Break two legs for each of them and throw them into the mountains. If they are lucky enough not to be eaten by wolves, then they will waste the food and medicine of the Japanese. I don't believe that people with two broken legs will have a chance to go to the battlefield in the future." Zhao Daqiang's plain face flashed a trace of cunning.

The more honest a person is, the more vicious he will be when he is cunning.

At least when he said this, several Chinese lieutenants including Zhou Shubin nodded their heads.

Yes! What's the point of just leaving a field of dead bodies for the Japanese? It's a waste of a few wooden boxes at most. If you leave a few more broken legs and scream, you have to waste more medical resources to save them! This approach is very superior!

They were wrong.

If it was Tang Dao who was here, the last leg he would have cut off would not be two legs, but three.

"Listen, Japanese, our company commander said that as long as you surrender in accordance with our three rules, our army will guarantee your right to life! The rules are as follows..." The big man from Northeast China held a tin trumpet and shouted behind a stone more than 100 meters away from the Japanese area.

The so-called rules are to surrender within the specified time, at the specified place, and in the specified posture.

That was Tang Dao giving a tactical lesson to his subordinate officers. Someone asked what to do if the Japanese surrendered. Tang Dao originally planned to answer that his troops would not accept any Japanese surrender. Later, he thought that he would have to go there in the future, and he couldn't go against the regulations there, so he gave his subordinates such a "three rules". As long as the Japanese surrendered according to these "three rules", it would not be a bad idea to spare their lives and use them for propaganda.

Tang Dao knew very well that the army's psychological attack was powerful. In the long-lasting stalemate between the two sides, killing without hesitation might not be as effective as their use of sticks and sacks to hit the enemy while simmering on a low fire to deceive the enemy.

History has proved that the Japanese army in the later period of the war was no longer as brave as before, and the anti-war sentiment was much greater than before the war.

This was actually the reason why Zhao Daqiang dared to play this trick. If Tang Dao had not said so, he would not dare to say "The general is not subject to the orders of the king when he is away!" He knew very well how much influence Tang Dao had on the independent battalion.

From the Four-line Battalion to the Guard Battalion and then to the Independent Battalion, almost all grassroots officers and veterans had fought hard battles with Tang Dao. It was Tang Dao who led them to survive and win on seemingly desperate battlefields again and again.

Although the independent battalion still has three deputy commanders, Lei Xiong, Guo Shouzhi, and Zhuang Shisan actually represent the three major components of the independent battalion, the former Sihang Battalion of the 88th Division, the former Security Battalion of the 67th Army, and the former Songjiang Security Corps. Although there is no former 43rd Army, the two major infantry company commanders belong to the former 43rd Army, and the two main infantry company commanders together are equivalent to half a deputy battalion level.

To put it bluntly, whether it is the three deputy battalion-level officers or these company commanders, they only have influence on some officers and soldiers, but Tang Dao is all-round, and everyone obeys him.

It’s fine if his military orders are not issued, but once they are issued, they will be strictly enforced!

Jiang Daochang’s voice is very loud, and although they are separated by a hundred meters, some Japanese soldiers can still hear it clearly.

When the Japanese soldiers heard that they could surrender and live, they were already frightened by the Chinese and immediately passed this information to Captain Ozawa Risuo on the other side.

Ozawa Risuo, who knew that his support was not so important to the Chinese, couldn’t help but feel happy when he heard the news.

This person is like this. At the beginning, he fought with a lot of blood and courage, and perhaps he was not afraid of death, but after surviving the dangerous battlefield, he began to cherish life and tried his best to think about how to survive. As a result, when he found out that he could not survive and was in grief, he suddenly learned that he could survive, and even the strongest heart would collapse.

Survival is the top priority at the moment. The honor of the Imperial Army and loyalty to His Majesty the Emperor are just bullshit.

Didn’t the ancient Chinese say that a man can bend and stretch.

Besides, it’s better to delay for a little longer, right? Some things seem to be extremely desperate, but time is such a magical medicine that often cures despair.

Soon, a Japanese sergeant, under the strict order of Ozawa Risei, trembled with a white flag and walked towards the hillside.

He came with the mission of a captain and squadron leader. The main reason was that the surrender at a specified time, place and posture was really confusing to them who were living a good life.

When the 4th Company saw the Japanese army's reaction, of course it was just what they wanted, and they didn't shoot, so that the Japanese sergeant could see Zhao Daqiang after reaching the mountain.

After only a one-minute meeting with Zhao Daqiang, the Japanese sergeant's relatively strong body was shaking all the time.

It was not because the momentum of a group of Chinese people who were loading bullets into the magazines of submachine guns was too strong to scare him, but because the words of the Chinese commander who looked a bit like a peasant were too irritating.

Those words were really infuriating. Ozawa Risuke, who received the reply from his subordinates, was so angry that his hands were shaking, as if he had Parkinson's disease.

The so-called "three rules" are that the specified place means surrendering at the place designated by the Chinese army, such as here, it can only be surrendered on the mountain road in front of their position; the specified time means a limited time, such as this time, it is a three-minute deadline; the specified posture is the posture of surrender.

The most proud Imperial Japanese Army was infuriated that the Chinese commander actually asked them to kneel on their knees, then raise their hands, and finally lie on the ground with their hands on their heads.

This is totally not taking bean buns as dry food! Although they were afraid of death, the psychological sense of superiority formed by the Fifth Division's invincibility in the Chinese battlefield, both north and south, was not so easy to get rid of.

What Ozawa Risei could not tolerate the most was that once the bottom line was broken, it was no longer a bottom line. There was a first time and there was a second time. They really surrendered, but what if the Chinese asked them to do it again in such a humiliating posture?

I'm afraid that 90% of the officers and soldiers would do it. If they were photographed by the Chinese and published in newspapers, others might not care, but he, the captain and squadron leader, would be completely finished, and his family at home would be implicated.

However, he could not let the Japanese captain, who had no intention of dying, choose to be buried with a pile of shells that could not be eaten or worn, even if he was insulted by the Chinese.

Then he could only rely on himself.

The only thing that made him feel lucky was that the negotiation was not fruitless. He gained three minutes.

With these precious three minutes, perhaps the back-up plan he prepared would succeed.

Originally, he only had a one-tenth chance, but because of the arrogance of the Chinese, he now had at least a half chance.

Because, although he had no machine guns or grenade launchers, he still had cannons.

Yes, although His Excellency Takeuchi Yunshan brought 6 infantry cannons, he still felt unsafe in the end, so he brought another mountain artillery squad.

But mountain cannons are much heavier than infantry cannons, and it is far less convenient to travel through mountains and rivers than 200-kilogram infantry cannons, so that the axle of one of the mountain cannons broke during the dragging process of the horses. Colonel Takeuchi Yunshan had to order the artillery squad to repair it immediately, and the infantry squadron of Ozawa Risei accompanied them for protection.

They just stopped 500 meters away from the baggage train. Ozawa Risou originally planned to escort the baggage train across the valley and wait for them to come over, but he didn't expect that the hateful Chinese would not even let go of the valley.

As soon as the Chinese artillery sounded, he thought of the mountain cannon, and immediately ordered his signalman to tell the mountain cannon squad at the back to quickly find a favorable terrain to support the front battle.

But Ozawa Risou didn't expect that he would be defeated so quickly. Before he could notify the mountain cannon squad of the artillery coordinates, the infantry was almost defeated.

However, the Japanese captain was fortunate that although the backhand he arranged before the war was not used in the battle, it might be used now when escaping.

When he led the fleeing soldiers to run over, the signalman who had run for hundreds of meters brought him good news. At a distance of 500 meters, a 15-man artillery squad had transported five shells and a mountain cannon without wheels to the hillside and set up the cannon, ready to attack the Chinese at any time.

Amaterasu finally appeared!

. . . . . . . . .

ps: I would like to advertise the old book "Bloody Mountains and Rivers" which has just been released. It is a fat book with more than 4 million words. Book lovers who are short of books can go and have a look.

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