Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 69: This is a trap (please ask for monthly votes!)

Chapter 69 This is a trap (asking for monthly votes!)

 It is different from the Army Lieutenant Commander's breath.

  Toyoda Hide, who was worried from afar and felt that he was a little fooled, watched Koizumi Reimai launch a powerful attack. He was extremely conflicted in his heart, but at the same time he felt a little lucky.

If the Chinese building can be captured in this way, let alone the four 89 tanks, even if all ten tanks of the 1st Tank Squadron are destroyed by the Chinese, it will be worthwhile.

 So, the lucky Japanese major missed the only opportunity to stop his subordinates from making mistakes.

For Jiro Wakiba who was farther away, the mood was much happier, because the expression of Major Tokugawa and his armored mount turned livid after being blown away also softened a little:

“Order Second Major Yin Teng to follow the cowards in the chariot squadron if they want to retreat. The third group will continue to attack and contain the Chinese.

 At the same time, an infantry squadron was sent out on each flank to support the imperial warriors who entered the building at any time, telling them that except for the Chinese commanders, I did not want any living prisoners.

I want to chop off the head of the Chinese commander in front of those Chinese untouchables, so that they can see whose sword is sharper. "

Second Major Yin Teng, who had once provided a way to "snatch the snake", was relieved now. The Chinese were far more cunning than he thought. Not only did they not damage the machine gun under his clever plan, but they also hid it. Door, look, it scares those arrogant little **** in the tank squadron.

He can guarantee that no matter how many tanks the tank squadron loses, Colonel Jiro Wakiba will definitely let him take the blame after the war.

It's okay now. Victory can cover up all ugliness. As long as this building can be successfully captured, any loss can be tolerated.

 The Japanese commanders at all levels had different thoughts, but they all held the abacus of "winner is the boss, and as long as I don't think the losses are big, no one can blame me."

It’s just that they didn’t see that in the building hundreds of meters away, the Chinese soldiers, from the top commander to the privates, were not as panicked as they imagined.

Tang Dao, looking at the Japanese forwards swarming in, gently pressed his hand to signal all the firepower points to be patient and not to scare away the cute little Japanese baby.

That's what the old man managed to hook up with after a long time of flirting with her!

As for taste, anyone who has experienced it on the battlefield would have a hard time thinking about it!

 Perhaps for everyone on this battlefield, the only person whose heart was completely fixed was the nearly 100 Japanese soldiers who rushed into the lobby of the building.

As the sharpest sword in the past of the 36th Infantry Regiment, Lieutenant Kurokawa Orizo and his 1st Infantry Squadron are definitely considered elite soldiers.

From the moment they rushed into the hall, they were looking for bunkers, planning to cover up layers of layers to let more of their own soldiers in.

However, what made them very sad was that the lobby on the first floor of Sihang Warehouse was much wider than they imagined.

Because this place once served as the headquarters of the 88th Division, a large amount of materials needed to be stored. In addition to the load-bearing walls and columns, most of the rooms on the first floor have been demolished. The five-meter-high floor is nearly 800 square meters of open space, not to mention standing. Now, even if it drives into a squadron of tanks, it won't be a problem.

 So, when the Japanese soldiers entered the lobby of the building, they rushed into a space as wide as two basketball courts.

The dim and wide space was like the mouth of a giant beast, which made people feel chilly. At this time, a flare was still roaring on a bonfire in the center of the hall.

 The bonfire doused with diesel burned violently, illuminating the center of the hall.

The Japanese soldiers standing in the hall were able to see clearly where they were. The hall was in a minimalist style and the space was unimaginably empty.

 There is no shelter except for a dozen thick pillars.

They are like actors standing alone in the center of the stage, not knowing how many spectators there are in the darkness around them.

At that moment, even the blazing gunfire outside the warehouse seemed a bit out of reach.

 “Baga! Retreat quickly.” As the leader of the suicide squad, the shirtless Kurokawa Orizo was full of ghosts.

 He can die, but he cannot die in such a meaningless way.

This is obviously a very large trap. In my hometown, it is specially used to trap wild boars. No, it is used to trap wild boars.

“Have you finally discovered it?” Leng Feng, who was holding a light machine gun, hummed.    With ‘Bang! ’ There was a gunshot, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Tang Dao was the designer of this trap and the leader of the third platoon responsible for defending the first floor. Naturally, he was the commander of this massacre.

A precise shot directly stuffed Kurokawa Orizo's scream back into his throat.

Although he does not have a military rank, his breeches and boots, especially the small chest hair in the center of his bare arms that represents fearlessness, and the large goosebumps visible to the naked eye, all illustrate his unique identity.

 Hence, Ori Kurokawa became the first casualty on the battlefield that can be called a massacre.

 The bullet tore through the entire mouth and passed through the back of the head. The entire back of the head exploded, a mixture of light yellow, blood red and white. From a distance, it looked like a colorful flower suddenly blooming.

 The flower of death.

However, the little lieutenant with chest hair was not alone on his way to meet and have a friendly conversation with Amaterasu. His group of subordinates who instantly exploded would not have arrived much later than him.

The three crossed machine gun fire points arranged in a triangular shape in the building did not provide blind coverage to the Japanese troops located in the center of the "stage".

 There were at least a dozen large pillars that could serve as their hiding places, but there were only a dozen pillars and more than ninety people.

 The ugliness of human nature is clearly revealed at this moment.

 A man who reacted quickly and managed to hide behind a pillar was hit and fell to the ground before the Japanese gun could even be raised towards the opposite fire point.

There were screams in the panic. No one knew where the bullet came from and hit him. Perhaps only the instigator knew.

It’s just that no one paid attention at this time. The Japanese soldiers were turned into headless flies on the hot pot by the scorching bullets fired from three sides.

The only pillar that can serve as a shelter is their only way to survive. Those who fall will be kicked away mercilessly, leaving them to howl or moan on the ground.

There were as many as 30 submachine guns participating in the shooting. The moment they retreated to the building, the two infantry squads hid in the bunkers they had planned in the corner of the hall. Together with the three squads that had been prepared, they cooperated with three light rifles. For machine guns, each squad will output a burst of firepower based on the calculated firing range, without the need to aim.

 How long is thirty seconds?

 It is enough for a fully armed soldier to run 100 meters, and it is also enough for a strong young man to run 200 meters.

 For the battlefield in the hall, it is the time for each soldier to frantically empty two magazines.

 That means that more than 90 Japanese soldiers in the center of the "stage" encountered more than 2,000 rounds of bullets in 30 seconds.

 The rain of bullets is pouring!

More than 90% of the Japanese troops fell in a pool of blood, and the vast majority of them were swept into a sieve without even having a chance to pull the trigger.

Perhaps, at that moment, they finally understood the feelings of the ordinary Chinese people who were driven into corners and fired with machine guns.

 Deep despair.

There were still seven or eight Japanese soldiers who were leaning on the pillars and shooting, but they could no longer be called resistance. They might just use the gunshots to show that they were not dead yet and could still be saved.

 That was their signal to the outside of the warehouse.

Perhaps out of extreme nervousness, they did not even throw grenades to blow up the fire that revealed their figures.

Of course, they would not know that at least five or six rifles were aimed at them and could kill them at any time.

It's just that Tang Dao made a gesture and the cold gunmen who were ambushing all over the warehouse, such as Niu Er and Li Jiujin, did not fire.

 (End of this chapter)

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