Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 704 Witness of History!

Tang Dao, who had already falsified the numbers, even suppressed the telegram from the 145th Division Headquarters asking about the battle situation, and did not even reply.

Instead, he turned around and ordered the entire army to rest for 4 hours after eating and drinking.

All the bodies of the dead soldiers and the seriously injured soldiers who were unable to move were escorted by the guard platoon and half of the baggage company left to the station that had been found in the mountains.

In this battlefield, except for the bodies of the Japanese, nothing belonging to the Chinese would be left.

At one o'clock in the morning, the entire army recovered from the fatigue of several hours of fighting. All infantry companies carried all the spoils of war on their backs according to the plan drawn up by Zhuang Shisan. Under the leadership of a dozen old hunters, they assembled in a valley four kilometers away from the Laojinkeng battlefield.

There were deep canyons and dense forests there, which was the best place to avoid high-altitude exploration by Japanese reconnaissance aircraft. At the same time, it was not far from Qinglongling Village, and the straight-line distance was no more than 4 kilometers.

The supplies were heavy, but the morale was high, they were well fed, and they had slept by the campfire and were almost at their peak.

Although the mountain road was rugged, the independent battalion officers and soldiers, who were familiar with the road conditions and had sufficient physical strength, still moved all the supplies into the canyon after more than 2 hours.

Then, after a simple 20-minute rest after drinking water, Tang Dao issued a combat order, requiring the entire army to replenish all the remaining ammunition. If there was insufficient ammunition for light and heavy machine guns or submachine guns and Mauser pistols, they would immediately replace them with various weapons captured from the Japanese army to ensure sufficient ammunition...

More than 3,000 Japanese grenades were also distributed to ensure the heavy firepower of individual infantry in close combat.

Although Li Jiujin himself went over to trick his teammates and acted like a mule, his hard work was not in vain. He and Zhao Daqiang, two prodigal company commanders, were still trusted by Tang Dao. They not only replenished a large number of submachine guns and Mauser pistol bullets, but also added a Type 92 heavy machine gun and 400 melon grenades each.

Two-faced people are two-faced people. Fighting is fighting, and Tang Dao will never be stingy with brave people.

The young Qian Dazhu looked at the two big brothers happily bringing people to replenish ammunition with some envy, and learned a very important lesson in life again. Being mature and steady is not a disadvantage, but it is not suitable for the battlefield. As a soldier, don't have too many scruples. As long as it is not because of selfishness, do what you should do.

What's wrong with being scolded by the superiors for wanting to eat more? You are the commander of a company. If you don't want to seek benefits for your brothers, who can stand up for them?

If you want them to follow you to the death, you have to tell them with actions that if you can give your brothers bullets to fight, food to eat when hungry, and water to drink when thirsty, then my position as an officer is not that important. I don't care who I love.

The so-called unity of officers and soldiers is nothing more than that. Just talking about feelings and ideals is useful in the short term, but in the long run, you have nothing. Only fools will play with you!

The Tang Dao used such a simple and rough distribution of materials to give young company commanders like Qian Dazhu and the newly joined infantry company commanders an extremely vivid lesson.

The two infantry companies that were scolded and pitted became the biggest winners, which was enough to ensure that they would become the two sharpest knives in the hands of the Tang Dao in the next battle.

Of course, Qian Dazhu's 3rd Company was not treated badly. Although the submachine guns, Mauser pistols and light machine guns were not as many as the 2nd and 4th companies, each submachine gun and Mauser pistol was equipped with 60 rounds of ammunition, which was far more than other infantry companies.

This is not because Tang Dao favors one over the other. It mainly equips its own three original infantry companies, but distributes them according to the ranking of military merits scattered by Master Zhuang.

The number of Japanese invaders killed in front of the 2nd Company's position is second only to Zhao Daqiang's 4th Company, and according to the soldier certificates on the Japanese corpses, half of the people who attacked their positions were the guard squadrons of the Japanese infantry regiment.

That is similar to the existence of a guard battalion, and it is the last card in the hand of the dead Japanese colonel.

At least 140 people of the guard squadron were killed in front of the 2nd Company's position. Later, when it was counted, its strength should be around 240 people, of which only sergeants and sergeants accounted for a quarter of its personnel. Such a large proportion of veterans is an absolutely strong infantry squadron.

The reason why Tang Dao attaches so much importance to its guard squadron is mainly because Tang Dao wants to find an extremely important thing.

The regiment flag of the Japanese infantry regiment.

If Tang Dao remembers correctly, there were two Japanese infantry regiments that were completely wiped out by China in the Chinese battlefield in the past, but none of the regiment flags were captured.

The reason why it is so difficult is also related to the Chinese themselves. It is not that the Chinese do not seek to march. After so many battles, one infantry regiment was not dealt with, but the culture handed down from ancient China.

In ancient China, marching and fighting paid great attention to symbols. Whenever a general went to war, the emperor would give the general a staff. If the staff was damaged in the battle, it would have a great impact on the morale of the army.

There is also the general flag. When each general went to war, he would have his own general flag in the central army. The general flag is the spiritual sustenance of the army. If the general flag is cut down by the enemy, it is equivalent to the central army being defeated by the enemy, and then the whole army will retreat. Such things are common in ancient China.

As a small island country in East Asia, Japan has been deeply influenced by Chinese culture in all aspects since it began to worship China thousands of years ago. Even after the Meiji Restoration, it began to learn from the West, but its traditional culture has not been lost, such as loyalty to the emperor. In addition, there are some symbols of military construction, including the military flag.

According to the requirements of the Japanese army, once a battle fails, the military flag squad is usually retreated first. Even if the brigade commander dies in battle, the military flag should be protected and retreated. After all, the brigade commander can be found again, and if the military flag is destroyed, the unit will be finished.

In the famous Battle of Nomonhan, a Japanese brigade was surrounded by the Soviet army. A Japanese squadron desperately guarded the military flag to break through, while the brigade commander and two infantry battalion commanders were still in the encirclement. The final result was that the brigade was almost wiped out with only dozens of people left, but as long as the military flag was there, the Japanese headquarters would consider replenishing soldiers and rebuilding.

When the Japanese saw that they were about to be annihilated and there was no possibility of escaping, they would execute the burning procedure and burn the regiment flag. Unless they could defeat the infantry regiment in a very short time, they could only seize it.

The whole battle lasted more than 3 hours, and Tang Dao did not have the ambition to seize the Japanese regiment flag. Even a pig would burn the regiment flag in the later stage of the battlefield!

Tang Dao was right. After the second hour of the battle, Takeuchi Yunshan ordered the escort squadron to burn the regiment flag.

However, there was no stepping salute. It was thrown directly into the fire formed by the explosion, so that the independent battalion after the war could not find any traces of burning cloth.

It can be seen that the Japanese who were forced into a hurry were not so rigid, and they also knew how to respond flexibly.

But the cloth flag can be burned, but the golden flag crown on the flagpole cannot be burned. This is what Tang Dao wanted to find.

With this, Tang Dao would definitely make the old devil Kunisaki Zheng so angry that he would have a cerebral hemorrhage, and it would be best if he could not take care of himself and did not know how to poop or pee.

Unfortunately, after ordering three infantry platoons to search for a long time with flashlights, they still could not find it, so Tang Dao had to give up.

In fact, not to mention that Tang Dao did not find it, even the main force of Kunisaki Zheng's detachment that came to collect the body was ordered to search in the gold pit for two days. They dug pits everywhere and did not find the golden flag crown that was destined to be hidden.

Takeuchi Yunshan's not very smart little brain was so talented in hiding things that the whereabouts of the golden flag crown became a mystery for decades.

It was not until more than 80 years later that a rusty flag crown-shaped object appeared on a cultural relic appraisal program that was almost a variety show.

The villagers in the mountainous area of ​​southern Anhui who owned the object could not tell the origin of the object. They only knew that the old man in the family dug it out of the soil 70 or 80 years ago. It is said that the thing was golden at first, but later it turned black. It turned out to be a gold-plated fake.

The three experts stared at each other for a long time and collectively gave a valuation of 10 yuan. The reason was that the copper block was very old and was not even qualified to be scrapped. The reason for giving 10 yuan was purely because they could not figure out the origin of the item.

I would rather be a toy for pigs. The villager angrily threw the object into his own pigpen.

Who knew that someone would ask him for 10,000 yuan to buy it soon. 10 yuan became 10,000 yuan, and the local pig instantly became a phoenix. But it was no longer the same time. The villagers who were not tempted by 10,000 yuan became vigilant and did not give in even if he offered 500,000 yuan. Instead, they found an authoritative department for re-identification.

It was not until the relevant departments came forward to identify that the truth was exposed. It turned out that it was a thing from the war era, and the truth of that great battlefield was found out from it. The villagers who knew the whole story donated it to the military museum for free.

Because Qinglongling Village is his hometown, and his ancestors were also in that thrilling battlefield.

It was also because of this rusty thing that the story of such a complete victory of the Chinese side in the war broke out in an unknown mountainous area, and it was finally reproduced at the other end of the long river of history.

People can forget, but history will always be a witness.

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