Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 712 Weakness!

For Tang Dao, this blow was even greater than his own imagination.

Tang Dao always thought that he could bear it, but when the tide of pain surged into his heart, he knew that he had overestimated himself after all.

The moment the colonel's staff officer made the offer, he was really shaken.

Of course, it was not because of being included in the general catalog, but because he could only feel less guilty if he lived and died with that city and all the soldiers and civilians there.

It is a shame for all Chinese soldiers to sit back and watch our compatriots being slaughtered!

Romantic poet Romain Rolland once said: "The real heroes are those who see the truth of life clearly but still love life!"

That was accepting the pain of life, but Tang Dao couldn't accept it.

The little butterfly who came back from the centuries-long river of time and space already knew the outcome and did not choose to accept it. Fighting on the battlefield hundreds of miles away proved his unwillingness. Amidst the sky full of artillery fire, soldiers fell one by one in front of him. The severely damaged troops reorganized and returned to nirvana again and again. And born.

Countless soldiers who could not be remembered died, and in exchange, countless Japanese invaders were stuffed into that small wooden box. He won on the battlefield that belonged to him. However, despite trying his best, he still could not change the situation. The final outcome of a great city.

Really, I don’t want to be a hero! If possible, Tang Dao would rather be a small special soldier than the current army colonel, with the life and death of thousands of people on his shoulders, and to meet the cruel ending that will come sooner or later.

With his heart twisting like a knife, Tang Dao, who had been standing upright, felt that the world was spinning. If his mental will had not been the most tenacious in the world, he would have fallen to the ground long ago.

Even though it was broken, the blackened Tang Dao in front of me still had a trace of clarity.

He knew that this was probably not just the collision of extreme contradictions between reason and madness, which caused him to be filled with rage, but also the fact that he had been constantly participating in battles on this extremely cruel battlefield for more than a month. His body was actually on the verge of reaching its limit, and he could not see it at ordinary times. What? At this time, due to a broken heart, when the rock-solid mental will was at its weakest, the fatigue and injuries accumulated on the battlefield unexpectedly surged over like a flood that burst a bank.

This may also be the weakest moment for Tang Dao who has arrived in this era. Even Shitou, who is seven or eight years old, can easily kill him at this time.

I can't fall here. Tang Dao's last bit of consciousness supported him, his feet stood firmly on the spot, and his body remained upright.

However, even he knew that he could not hold on for long. He was sweating profusely, and his military uniform that was already covered with mud was instantly soaked. This was a sign that he was about to enter shock.

"Tang Dao, what's wrong with you?" Exclaimed.

That was Tang Dao's extremely familiar voice, and it was also the voice of the person he trusted the most.

Seeing the colonel staff officer of the City Defense Headquarters leaving with an ugly expression, Tantai Mingyue, who had not seen Tang Dao come out of the room for a long time, finally couldn't help but push the door in, only to see a scene that shocked her extremely.

Tang Dao's face was frighteningly pale, with large beads of sweat hanging on his forehead and cheeks, and his body, which was usually as strong as a mountain peak, was trembling slightly.

His mind relaxed slightly, Tang Dao fell into the warm embrace, "It's okay, let me sleep for a while!" Tang Dao managed to finish the sentence and fell into a coma.

Feeling Tang Dao's relatively steady breathing and heartbeat, Tantai Mingyue tried her best to calm herself. While holding Tang Dao's heavy body, she moved to the door with difficulty, while whispering to Erya and Xia Dayu, who were more than ten meters away, to come over quickly. help.

The two orderlies came over and almost jumped up in fright. Erya, who reached out and hugged Tang Dao with Tantai Mingyue, burst into tears instantly like a faucet turned on, making Tantai Mingyue unable to distinguish between herself and Tantai Mingyue for a moment. This handsome young soldier is a woman.

The little bald man jumped three feet high and said, "Damn it, it must be that bastard who doesn't look like a good guy at first sight. He killed the officer. I'll kill him." He pulled out his gun and started to chase the person.

Xia Dayu's time in the army was not in vain. Not only did he know how to shoot, but his temper and courage were similar to those of the veterans who were quick to explode. If he dared to attack my superiors, not to mention a colonel, I would have to do it. Let me touch you.

"Nonsense, your battalion commander may be tired from fighting constantly during this period and has barely slept at all. It's raining heavily. You should go immediately and notify the military doctor and battalion commander Lei. The others will keep it secret for the time being." Tantai Mingyue was calm enough and said again After reaching out and feeling Tang Dao's fairly strong pulse at his neck, he ordered with a cold face.

Although Tantai Mingyue was not a soldier nor Xia Dayu's commander, her identity as Tang Dao's lover and the courage she showed at this time directly shocked the little bald man.

Moreover, Tantai Mingyue was very wise and only conveyed the news of Tang Dao's coma to Lei Xiong. This was out of trust and respect for Lei Xiong.

As Tang Dao's former superior, he was willing to be Tang Dao's deputy after the Battle of Four Elements. This in itself is an extremely rare quality. For such a person to temporarily take command of the independent battalion at this time, Tantai Mingyue believed that Tang Dao, who fell asleep after only having time to comfort her, would agree with her decision.

Between lovers who share the same mind, you will understand some things without too much explanation!

Tang Dao's last words not only showed his full trust in Tantai Mingyue, but also showed his tenderness that he was afraid of her worries.

So, even though Tang Dao was no longer as cold and strong as before, and fell into a deep sleep similar to coma like a baby, Tan Tai Ming Yue was calmer than she thought. In addition to the need to be calm, there was more confidence in Tang Dao's words. He said he was just sleeping for a while, so he was definitely just sleeping for a while, and he would be fine.

Tang Dao would never let her down.

Lei Xiong, who received the news and rushed to Tang Dao's room, did not disappoint Tan Tai Ming Yue. With red eyes and blazing anger, he quickly ordered the military doctor to check Tang Dao. Even though the military doctor said that Tang Dao's breathing was steady and his pulse was strong, he really didn't know what was wrong, he was still worried, so he asked Lao Hei to lead the guards to search for Chinese medicine doctors in the city, and brought five or six old doctors to "see" Tang Dao in one go.

Tang Dao's vital signs were normal, but it was the "difficult and complicated disease" with his eyes closed that made both Chinese and Western medicine doctors helpless.

Lei Xiong, who at least knew that Tang Dao was not in danger of death, immediately summoned Leng Feng, Li Jiujin and other eight company commanders of the independent battalion to hold a meeting in front of Tang Dao's bed. Tan Tai Mingyue was present and agreed that the independent battalion would be temporarily commanded by Lei Xiong before Tang Dao woke up, and strictly follow the marching route set by Tang Dao before evacuation, first pick up people in the town agreed with Tan Tai Yunshu, and then meet up with the 43rd Army Headquarters.

Although Lei Xiong had issued a gag order, the guard platoon of the independent battalion was looking for a doctor everywhere, but it could not be hidden from the garrison in the city, especially Rao and Tong, who had come to Tang Dao several times without success. Once these two people became suspicious, they could not hide it.

After seeing the unconscious Tang Dao, they were shocked and must have reported to the group army headquarters and the 43rd Army Headquarters.

Tang Dao, who had just won a great merit, finally fell ill due to continuous combat and has been in a coma ever since. The judgment of the 145th Division military doctor and several old Chinese medicine practitioners in the city would never be false, and the news also reached the Jinling City Defense Command.

The commander who heard about this frowned slightly, and then skipped the matter, and never mentioned the independent battalion entering the city to fight again.

People were not happy in the first place, and this was even better. They fell ill directly, and there were not many people left. Naturally, the independent battalion with explosive combat effectiveness had completely lost its value in this person's eyes.

Without being remembered by such a person, Tang Dao and the independent battalion would certainly have a much better life. Otherwise, with the authority of this person who now controls the entire army within a hundred miles around Jinling, the military order of the 21st Army to order the independent battalion to rest in Jiangbei may not necessarily be the final outcome.

It turns out that it is good for a man to show weakness occasionally, which Tang Dao himself did not expect.

In fact, the benefits of this fainting are more than that.

Tang Dao's body has always had hidden dangers. His kind of cuckoo-occupying magpie nest-like entrenching in a body that did not originally belong to him has never made him reach his former peak. Even if he can reach 99%, he is always a little short of it.

If he could be given enough time to adapt and allow his soul and body to slowly merge, perhaps this hidden danger would be reduced to the lowest level, but the battlefield couldn't give him time.

Tang Dao completely used his super strong willpower to control this body that didn't originally belong to him to synchronize with his will. This body that was not that strong was like an overclocked chip, overdrawing all its potential.

When all the potential was squeezed out, that is, when this body completely collapsed, at that time, Tang Dao would be completely finished.

This sudden weakness was like a timely rain, and deep sleep was the best repair for a body that was exhausted physically and mentally.

I just don't know how long this process will take.

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