Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 714: Wrath of Thunder

"I want to eat something first, please give me something to eat!"

Finally, when Tan Tai Ming Yue's sad voice gradually subsided, Tang Dao gently patted Tan Tai Ming Yue's shoulder and asked softly.

"Okay, Uncle Wang has prepared food, I'll go get it!" Tan Tai Ming Yue, who had vented some of her grief, heard Tang Dao's request, nodded immediately, and turned to the other side of the valley.

This is also the cleverness of Tan Tai Ming Yue. She knew that maybe Tang Dao's request to eat was false, and listening to the military situation at the moment was true.

If it were before, she would have told the truth, but now, several officers in the independent battalion had different opinions, and it was not appropriate for her to tell it. It would be better to let Lao Hei come and report to him in person.

"Lao Hei, tell me, what is the situation now?" Tang Dao skipped the two signal soldiers and directly looked at his guard platoon leader.

"Report to the commander, it is December 20th now. Jinling has been completely lost. My independent battalion is currently located in the Laoying Mountain area of ​​the Laoshan Mountains, 50 kilometers away from Jinling City." Lao Hei took the map from Xia Dayu and quickly explained the time and current location to Tang Dao.

He actually slept for twelve days. Even though Tang Dao was tough, he couldn't help but squint his eyes slightly.

According to the historical process in the past time and space, the Japanese army had already entered Jinling City on the 13th. The tragedy had already started several days ago. Tang Dao, who was heartbroken, could only look at Lao Hei with a blank expression and coldness.

"Twelve days, according to the marching plan I made earlier, even if there was a slight delay in Jiangbei, my independent battalion should have passed Chaohu Lake by now! Lao Hei, tell me, why is my independent battalion still staying near the Jinling battlefield? Is it because the Japanese didn't catch up and kill us?" Tang Dao's voice was even colder than the mountain wind at this time.

Lao Hei, who was originally so cold that he could only stomp his feet to keep warm, suddenly had beads of sweat on his forehead.

The veteran of the Four Lines who had followed Tang Dao for a long time knew that Tang Dao's anger was not directed at him, but he also knew that Tang Dao attached great importance to military discipline. However, among the few people who disobeyed orders and refused to retreat, they were all old brothers from the Four Lines War and new brothers who had formed a deep friendship on the battlefield.

Although he chose to remain neutral like Zhuang Shisan and Gu Xishui, and did not express any opinions before Tang Dao woke up, deep in his heart, he even wanted to stand on the side of the pro-war faction...

Tang Dao was such a smart man that when he saw Lao Hei nervous and hesitant, he knew that the situation at the moment might be a little worse than he imagined, otherwise, even Lei Xiong would not be able to suppress it.

"Just tell me what the situation is now. We are still some distance away from the battlefield, and the situation is not too bad!" Tang Dao tried his best to soften his attitude.

"Sir, it's like this" Lao Hei had to tell the cause and effect of the independent battalion staying here for two days.

It turned out that after Tang Dao fainted, the independent battalion immediately put the entire battalion under martial law and entered combat status, and chose to cross the river with the remnants of the 145th Division that afternoon. However, there were limited boats in Wuhu at that time. Not to mention that the division commander Rao and Lei Xiong personally went to the river to supervise, even if the group army headquarters sent telegrams to the garrison brigade in Wuhu, it was useless.

Moreover, Japanese planes had begun to bomb the river surface in Wuhu and Ma'anshan, so the independent battalion and the remnants of the 145th Division did not cross the Yangtze River until the evening of the 11th, and immediately hid in the mountains.

The 145th Division was ordered to go south along the Yangtze River to Anqing in the direction of Jiangxia, which was also the place where the 21st Group Army Headquarters withdrew.

The independent battalion was affiliated with the 43rd Army. After retreating to Jiangbei, the 43rd Army Headquarters negotiated with the Military and Political Department and would go directly to Jiujiang to join the reserve regiment they had left behind and replenish the missing soldiers from the security regiment that was gathering and setting off in Sichuan Province.

The independent battalion should also follow.

Perhaps it was because the 43rd Army performed extremely well in the Battle of Songhu that the Ministry of Military Affairs maintained a great degree of tolerance towards the 43rd Army. While agreeing to the 43rd Army to go to Jiujiang to replenish troops, it even agreed to the request of the independent battalion to go north to Xuzhou to receive military equipment and supplies.

However, Tang Dao, who heard this, knew that it was not necessarily as simple as the 43rd Army's excellent performance in the battle. The relationship between them is actually very subtle, and it is not something that low-level officers like Lao Hei can know.

The 43rd Army originally belonged to the direct line of a certain general of the Sichuan Army, but Comrade Lao Guo was very unhappy that he voted for this one today and that one tomorrow, and he had a gap with the current Sichuan Provincial Chairman, so he simply voted for the one with the thickest legs in the big reorganization last year.

Speaking of which, the 43rd Army is full of Sichuan people, but in fact, the subordinate relationship is no longer considered to be the Sichuan Army, that is, in terms of the degree of intimacy, it is not as good as the infantry division commanded by many students under the principal.

As soon as Comrade Lao Guo proposed to take advantage of the Northeast Army, the big "Kaizi", the Military and Political Department could re-arm an infantry army without bleeding, which was of course what they wanted.

Wu and Guo naturally took all these twists and turns into account, otherwise how could they easily agree to Tan Tai Yunshu and let Tang Dao take the independent battalion to send people to the north!

Do you really think that the army is your own store and you can run it as you want? Without the military order from above, let alone an infantry battalion crossing two thousand miles, even an infantry platoon fully armed like that would be regarded as a deserter.

Gu Qian

The war broke out in North China, Songhu and Nanjing, but the garrisons in other parts of the country were still on high alert, and the total number was at least two million.

When they separated from the 145th Division, according to what Tang Dao had said before, nearly half of the spoils captured in the ambush at Laojinkeng were distributed to the 145th Division.

In total, they were given more than 600 intact Type 38 rifles, 400 damaged and repairable guns, 9 light machine guns, 9 damaged and repairable light machine guns, 3 heavy machine guns, 6 damaged and repairable heavy machine guns, as well as 15 grenade launchers, 300 grenades, and 100,000 machine rifle bullets. In terms of equipment, except for two mountain guns and four infantry guns and various artillery shells, they were given 2:1 and 5:1. Basically, everything that could be given was given to them.

In terms of baggage, they were given 15,000 kilograms of refined rice and 300 sets of temporary cotton clothes for the Japanese army, in addition to half a car of captured medicines. This was most of the supplies seized by the independent battalion this time, and it was also a compensation for the few artillery pieces left behind.

"Commander Rao repeatedly expressed his gratitude to my independent battalion, saying that these equipments are enough for him to equip two pure Japanese-equipped infantry battalions!" Lao Hei concluded.

"Good! Lei, Guo, and Zhuang are not petty at all." Tang Dao nodded.

Japanese light weapons are useless except for the grenade launcher. Other equipments are rubbish in Tang Dao's eyes. The only advantage may be that it is easier to replenish. If it is gone, it will be available after fighting the devils.

However, Tang Dao, who has made plans for the future, does not intend to equip the independent battalion with these broken things.

Not to mention that it will soon go to the Xuzhou secret arsenal to replenish, even the current independent battalion equipment will not be worse than Japanese weapons.

This war will be fought for many years, and Tang Dao has enough time to build the independent battalion into a strong army with at least ten years ahead of the current standard weapons and equipment of the Japanese army.

In the future, the grenade launcher, which seems to be a relatively good light infantry suppression firearm, will only appear in the reserve forces of the independent battalion.

It is right to use these weapons to strengthen friendly forces.

"Go on!"

"Then, Captain Lei sent Captain Leng's company to pick up 300 students. The whole battalion waited in the mountains. However, due to frequent bombings by Japanese planes, they could only hide during the day and move at night. The delay in coming and going was delayed. By the time the whole battalion was heading towards Xuzhou along the mountain path, it was already the 15th. The mountain road was rugged and difficult to travel. Japanese planes were still circling. The marching speed was no more than 15 kilometers a day. The day before yesterday, news came from Jinling City." Lao Hei swallowed hard and moistened his dry lips.

"Hearing that the Japanese army had begun to plunder and slaughter our soldiers and civilians, some people wanted to go back and fight the Japanese, right?" Tang Dao's voice was hoarse, and his eyes burst into cold light.

"Yes!" Lao Hei's facial muscles trembled fiercely.

"I know, no wonder you are still here now, it turns out that you are discussing whether to leave or fight! If it wasn't late at night, I guess you would still be arguing now, right?" Tang Dao said calmly.

"Dayu, go and notify Deputy Battalion Commander Lei to come over."

"Erya, go and notify Guo and Zhuang."

Except for Lei Xiong, who was called by his military rank by Tang Dao, the other two were only called by their surnames. Lao Hei, who lowered his head, clearly felt the prelude to a storm.

He could only pray for those old and new brothers in his heart, hoping that the superior would not be so angry that he would whip them.

"Lao Hei, go and notify those bastards who want to fight the devils to the death, and tell them to roll over here immediately, immediately!"

"Yes!" Lao Hei turned around and ran away.

Tang Dao had been angry before, but that was mostly towards the Japanese. This was the first time he was so angry at his own people. The last time he was not so angry, he had already executed an army colonel on the spot.

It seems that whipping is good enough, just don't lose your head. Lao Hei, who is worried about his comrades, ran much faster than two communication soldiers who make a living by walking...

PS: After a long discussion with the editor and the book friends I have contacted, for the sake of safety, Feng Yue finally deleted the plot of the Battle of Nanjing that she had already thought of. That darkest period of the nation's history and the most painful wound will not be touched. Although Feng Yue also wants to change his fate, what can he do!

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