Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 721 I don’t agree!

Of course Tan Tai Ming Yue had to laugh.

Apart from Tang Dao himself, perhaps only Tan Tai Ming Yue knew some of his little thoughts.

She also asked Tang Dao if he refused Lao Tan Tai because of his face. If that was the case, Tang Dao should focus on military affairs and there was no need to do so.

Tang Dao's answer was very sincere. Tan Tai Ming Yue's reasons accounted for one-third, but the importance of these young people accounted for more than half.

If China wants to defeat the Japanese, the unity and firmness of the soldiers are very important, but technology and industry are indispensable. Without guns, cannons, bullets and shells, how can soldiers go to the battlefield?

Tan Tai Ming Yue knew that Tang Dao was probably digging a pit in advance to trap these proud sons of heaven. She remembered that Tang Dao had told her about his idea when chatting. When the troops had a stable base, he would invest in building an arsenal that could produce guns and cannons by himself.

Tang Dao had no shortage of rough men, but Tang Dao dreamed of such a simple, idealistic, passionate and culturally skilled young man in front of him!

That's right, this 'pit' was dug too directly, and people were frightened before they were fooled into falling into it.

Seeing Tan Tai Mingyue laughing, the short-haired female teacher who had been in contact with Tan Tai Mingyue for the past few days was confused at first, and then she came to her senses, it seemed that she was a little too sensitive.

She was originally a woman of great wisdom, but she stayed in the campus and laboratory for a long time, so she was not very worldly, but it did not mean that she knew nothing.

Not to mention that this handsome young officer in front of him had a lover like Tan Tai Mingyue who was as beautiful as a fairy. Even if he didn't, if he wanted to tease her, he didn't have to do it in front of hundreds of his students!

This is unreasonable!

"I mean, the officers and soldiers of my independent battalion are all rough and unsophisticated, but you are all educated people. For example, I need you to be cultural teachers and teach my brothers to read and write, or when we arrive at the resting place, my brothers need to write letters to their families to report their safety. These all require the help of you educated people, or do other things, but please rest assured that they are all within your professional scope and within your ability." Tang Dao saw that the short-haired woman in front of him was too shy, and had to explain patiently.

This may be the future sponsor's mother or a big shot. With Tang Dao's wisdom, he would never miss this opportunity that is still in distress. When she calms down, it will not be so easy to force her to board the ship.

"Okay! Just do as you said, Captain Tang. As long as it is within our ability, I will take this bet for everyone!"

Sure enough, as Tang Dao expected, the short-haired woman agreed without much consideration in order to quickly eliminate her embarrassment.

"A gentleman's word!" Tang Dao stretched out his hand.

"It's hard to catch up with a man who has been acquitted!" The woman hesitated for a moment, but she bit her lips and stretched out her little hand to pat Tang Dao's broad palm.

High five to swear an oath, this is very traditional.

"Can I ask your name? Classmate." Tang Dao saw that the matter was settled, and couldn't help but be a little curious about the little girl in front of him who could represent all the students.

"Captain Tang, before introducing me, I have to correct you first. I am not a classmate, I am a teacher. I take my mother's surname Su, and you can call me Teacher Su in the future." The short-haired female teacher was no longer embarrassed, but now she introduced herself generously and seriously.

Tang Dao's mind quickly flashed through the future Chinese female scientists surnamed Su that he knew, but he found nothing, and he was slightly disappointed.

Tang Dao didn't know that the reason he was disappointed was that he overlooked two key points. One was the age of this little lady. However, she was a lecturer at Jinling University at the age of 20, and she was also a lecturer in the Department of Physics, which itself represented strength.

Another thing is that Teacher Su also said that she took her mother's surname. In this era, if someone can take his mother's surname, it means that his maternal family is very powerful or he is hiding his true identity.

If Tang Dao can combine these two key points and search his memory, he may get a similar answer.

The genius girl in front of him, who used to be a physics student at Huaqing University, is much more powerful than Tang Dao expected. She may be known as the "Chinese Marie Curie" in the future.

In the future, she is one of the founders of Chinese nuclear physics, and ballistic research is her main major for her master's degree. Tang Dao's dream of manufacturing a semi-automatic rifle with clear enough structural drawings is not a big problem in front of her.

Fortunately, Tang Dao, a straight man, is not sensitive to women's age. Otherwise, if he met this female master at this time and showed too much enthusiasm, I am afraid that even Tan Tai Mingyue would start to doubt him.

Does Tang have a special preference for apple faces?

"Okay, Teacher Xiao Su, now you can speak your mind freely, but because of the limited time, I can only give you one chance to question me! I will naturally answer as best I can." Tang Dao raised a finger towards the student soldiers.

As the commander of an army, it is normal for Tang Dao to make such a request. He cannot and has no obligation to accompany the students for too long. On the contrary, Tang Dao's tolerance at this time has made many student soldiers feel good.

The students quickly gathered into several groups to discuss and elected representatives.

It was still Teacher Xiao Su who communicated more with Tang Dao.

"Captain Tang, first of all, please forgive me for calling you a warlord before. It was really because my classmates and I heard about the tragic situation in Nanjing and were so sad that we could not control ourselves.

Your independent battalion is so brave and good at fighting and has made many military exploits. If you just fight back to the battlefield of Jinling, even if you can't immediately relieve the danger of Jinling, you will inflict a lot of casualties on the Japanese aggressors and let them understand that this is China. We will not stop resisting and will never We will not let them do whatever they want, instead of just evacuating and watching all the tragedies in Jinling City like now.

I believe that no matter how we whitewash our reasons, deep down, we still regard ourselves as deserters. "Teacher Xiao Su once again talked about the tragic situation in Jinling City at this time, her face was all red, and her body was trembling slightly.

Several girls behind her even covered their faces and sobbed softly.

Jinling University began to evacuate as early as two months ago. Some students, teachers, and books and materials are moving to southern cities. However, students and teachers like them who have stayed in the school and are determined not to leave even until they evacuate are still there. There are nearly a hundred students. It is strange that the students are not sad when they think about what their familiar classmates and teachers will encounter in that hell.

"First of all, let me correct your statement. Neither we nor you are deserters. Our independent battalion was ordered by the military to escort you to your destination 15 days ago, and you have already made up your mind to save China in your own way. Instead of dying blindly and meaninglessly.

There are 400 million people in China, but only tens of thousands of them can go to college and receive the highest education. The mission you must shoulder is far more important than the sacrifice of your life, and even more important than my division and army.

At least, the order I received is that if we encounter Japanese invaders, even if our entire army is wiped out, we have to cover your departure.

Secondly, you see that our independent battalion has strong troops and high morale, but you don’t know that in the battle at Laojinkeng in the mountains of southern Anhui, although our unit wiped out 2,200 Japanese invaders, the price we paid was that our unit’s stockpile of various Eighty percent of the weapons were needed, but due to the situation on the battlefield, our department did not receive any material replenishment after the war.

If we go to the battlefield again, with our current ammunition reserves, we will run out of ammunition before we can last even half a day. Then the entire battalion will be forced to fight hand-to-hand with the Japanese army. In the end, our army will be completely exhausted.

The Japanese army will happily put our and your corpses in the spotlight to show off their bravery and attack our country's anti-Japanese propaganda front. However, the number of Japanese invaders killed by our unit will be hidden by the Japanese and no one will know. . History is always written by the victors.

I wonder if this answer will satisfy Teacher Xiao Su and you all? "Tang Dao sighed and said.

The students were silent!

Obviously, what Tang Dao said was true. As long as the independent battalion enters the battlefield, it has only one role and becomes the record of the Japanese army that currently has the advantage.

Teacher Xiao Su's eyebrows were drooped, tears streaming down her cheeks.

She knew that she could not refute Tang Dao's explanation.

However, she is still sad for Jinling!

That may be a shadow that she will never be able to get out of her whole life. She did not choose to study abroad during the turmoil but chose to teach in Jinling. After all, she was sitting back and watching the suffering of the country and people she loved.

Sadness, unwillingness, but powerlessness are the true portrayal of the mood of this woman with a genius mind at the moment.

Perhaps, this was also the mood of everyone present, including Tang Dao himself.

Even he himself didn't know whether he was convincing these proud men or himself.

After a brief silence.

"It's hard for us to refute your explanation, but Commander Tang, you don't know what we students think." The slender handsome boy from before spoke.

Then, facing the three hundred student soldiers, his fair face was flushed, with tears in his eyes, his arms were waving high, and his words were even more impassioned and inflammatory.

"Books always say that for every dog-slaughtering person who is righteous, there are many unscrupulous scholars! But we scholars want to say that at this time of national crisis, we are not stingy in sacrificing our lives. Those ordinary people are common people, and we are Even if we read more books, we are still common people, and we are willing to die with them. I will shed my blood on Xuanyuan to tell the invaders that the Chinese are not afraid of death, and they will not be able to kill them all."

"Yes, the senior is right, I am not afraid of death!"

"We are willing to die together!"

"Give me a gun and I will kill the Japanese invaders!"

Many students were inspired by these emotions and raised their arms high.

Tang Dao's face was slightly cold.

How can you dare to talk about dying if you have never seen death with your own eyes?

There is nothing wrong with being passionate, but only those who have personally experienced the heat of blood and can still be passionate are truly passionate.

"Okay! As you wish!" Facing the enthusiastic students, Tang Dao's answer was simple.

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