Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 737 Everyone should do their job (Part 1)

Lei Xiong got what he wanted and reached a consensus with Tang Dao on the organization. He ran out of Tang Dao's house in a hurry, and even refused to eat the meal that Tan Tai Mingyue invited him to eat.

Needless to say, the future first deputy regiment commander and battalion commander of the first battalion is in a hurry to plan his team.

There are four main companies. If Leng Feng is promoted to acting battalion commander, his old company will naturally be taken over. Then there are three infantry companies left, namely Li Jiujin, Qian Dazhu and Zhao Daqiang. Lei Xiong must grab an infantry company as a backup. If possible, it is best to have two companies, the main battalion! One more main company is very reasonable, right?

Digging infantry companies is still a small matter. Tang Dao's rough organization table clearly stated that there will be artillery companies one and two. Artillery companies one are all mountain artillery and heavy mortars, such as indirect fire artillery, while artillery company two is mainly composed of machine guns and anti-tank guns, such as flat fire artillery.

Obviously, the former artillery company commander Pang Dahai and fire support company commander Cheng Tieshou were the chief officers of the first and second artillery companies respectively.

These two were big Buddhas, and the temple of the first battalion was too small to accommodate them, but the soldiers under them were good! Especially the old machine gunners under Cheng Tieshou, Lei Xiong didn't want to dig as many as he could?

Cheng Tieshou was Lei Xiong's old subordinate, and as long as he said someone was good, he must be good.

Anyway, with Tang Dao, the boss, in the front, Lei Xiong, who had no awareness of being the second-in-command of the Fourth Regiment and completely regarded himself as the head of the first battalion, could think about his own little thoughts at this time, but Tang Dao, the chief officer, couldn't do that.

After a simple meal, Tang Dao called Guo Shouzhi and Zhuang Shisan over one by one again. After a heart-to-heart talk, Guo Shouzhi happily accepted his upcoming new position.

Although Guo Shouzhi was a little disappointed about losing the position of deputy of the second regiment, the joy of finally becoming the head of the first battalion again, which allowed him to show his strengths, diluted these losses.

Just as Tang Dao thought, Guo Shouzhi had an almost stubborn obsession to become a general. The rank of lieutenant colonel seemed to be only two steps away from the rank of general, but I don't know how many people were stuck on these two steps for a lifetime. A deputy of the second regiment seemed to have a high position, but being mediocre might make him farther and farther away from his dream. As for becoming the chief of a battalion, as long as he had enough achievements, he might be able to achieve his dream by jumping several levels like Tang Dao.

In fact, the lieutenant colonel of the army did not expect that his wish would eventually come true, but the time span was a little longer.

Zhuang Shisan was very surprised. The former battalion commander of the Songjiang Security Corps had a clear understanding of himself. He fought well in Songjiang at the beginning. It was a group of thugs who were forced to die. If they didn't fight hard, they would only die. But in the subsequent plain pursuit, blocking, and ambush, he, a lieutenant colonel of the army who stood at a high position because of the need for unity, was basically confused. If he hadn't found the logistics management that allowed him to play a role, he felt that he would not have the face to stay in the independent battalion, let alone be the chief of staff.

The independent battalion was expanded into a regiment. Zhuang Shisan originally thought that he would just manage the material allocation, as long as he was not kicked out of the Four-Line Regiment. After more than a month of fighting, this former military camp idiot inexplicably "fell in love" with this unit, which was an emotion that he himself could not explain.

Is it Tang Dao's personal charm that makes this unit constantly transform? Or is it that in the current chaos, following a promising army can give him a few more chances to survive? Or, is it that he can feel the pride of being a real soldier?

Perhaps all of these emotions are mixed, but it is undeniable that Zhuang Shisan does not want to leave and is willing to accept a lower-level position arrangement.

But he did not expect that Tang Dao still left him the position of chief of staff, although he told him that the focus of his work is still on logistics support.

The so-called scholar dies for his confidant, but that's it.

"Commander, from now on, wherever you swing your sword, Zhuang will follow you to the death!" Zhuang Shisan saluted Tang Dao fiercely, and then walked out of Tang Dao's room a little dizzy.

He was so excited that he didn't hear Tang Dao's words clearly: "In the future, our regiment will have many profitable businesses that need you, the chief of staff, to worry about. Make enough money to manufacture and purchase more advanced weapons and equipment for the brothers to fight the devils. The responsibility on your shoulders is no lighter than leading troops to fight."

Our Four-Line Regiment is the main infantry regiment, not the Songjiang Security Regiment. What business can we do to make money? Zhuang Shisan, who has gradually gained the pride of a soldier, didn't take Tang Dao's words too seriously at all. He just thought that Tang Dao was looking for a point he was good at to appease him.

Although he is not a businessman, his sister and brother-in-law are! With a brother-in-law who does big business, Zhuang Shisan, who has been influenced by it, will know a lot of business tricks even if he is a pig!

Just like when the 67th Army entered Songjiang, Commissioner Wang killed his cousin and demolished the Wang Family Ancestral Hall. Zhuang Shisan immediately brought people to smash the door of his sister and brother-in-law, and contributed his mansion as a temporary command center.

Gu Chen

That itself is an investment! Zhuang Shisan originally just wanted to save his life, who knew that this investment would bring him such a rich return. His life was saved by his own efforts, but the previous investment made him enter Tang Dao's sight and eventually became a lieutenant colonel chief of staff with a named infantry regiment.

This is much greater than his brother-in-law's expectation of sending him to the security regiment at a high price.

At this time, Zhuang Shisan may not know that compared with the funds he will control in the future and the business network across the country, his current title of lieutenant colonel chief of staff is really not worth mentioning.

If he put on casual clothes and walked out of the war zone, who among the wealthy bosses in the northern provinces, even in the enemy-occupied areas, would not respectfully call him "Zhuang Zong"?

Even some Japanese bowed and scraped in front of him, that was the magic of money.

Of course, the more Zhuang Zong pretended, the more he was devoted to the big boss behind him. Without that boss's design, the business skills he had learned from his brother-in-law were nothing.

At least, he never thought that some Japanese could be influenced by money, not to mention that they dared to send materials to the enemy forces. After a long time, arms would be a piece of cake.

The Japanese developed a large number of traitors, and the Four Lines Group used interests to catalyze the ideas of Japanese traitors. It was simply too wonderful.

Tang Dao was also vigorous enough. After discussing with several major subordinates, he immediately convened a meeting of officers above the company level to discuss the rough organization he proposed to see if there was anything to add.

Because there were many people attending the meeting, the venue was arranged in the lobby of a small restaurant in the town. The owner of the small restaurant, the chef and the waiter were politely invited out, and the rent was two dollars.

The security was carried out by the guard platoon, and the security range was directly expanded to 100 meters. Dozens of soldiers with live ammunition surrounded the small restaurant tightly.

The boss had seen this scene before, and he felt uneasy after taking two dollars. Although the dinner time had passed, he still prepared some snacks and tea on the table before leaving.

Tea and snacks were placed on the long conference table made up of six tables, which made the company-level officers who arrived first feel relieved.

In less than three minutes, except for Tang Dao, the chief officer, who had not arrived yet, basically everyone who should come had arrived, and the small restaurant became lively instantly.

The original independent battalion had 4 infantry company commanders, a special agent company commander, an artillery company commander, a fire support company commander, and a baggage company commander. The original Sichuan Army Revenge Regiment had two surviving infantry battalion commanders, 7 infantry company commanders, and the seriously injured Wei Donglai and Cai Yongguan participated in the military meeting.

The two infantry company commanders who were carried here received unprecedented treatment. Not only did the old acquaintances of the Revenge Regiment come around to give cigarettes and ask about their well-being, but even several company commanders who had only met once in the original independent battalion came over to greet them.

Needless to say, the reason is not only that their two infantry companies are destined to be rebuilt, but also that the two will continue to be reused. The most important thing is the demeanor of the whole army that did not retreat in that battle.

In addition to these two, the other two are also highly valued by the company and battalion commanders.

They are the guard platoon leader Lao Hei and the special operations team leader Gu Xishui who were specially called by Tang Dao to attend the meeting.

It is said that this special operations squadron will be formed on the basis of the original special operations team and the guard platoon, and the role played by special forces in previous operations is also obvious to all. These company and battalion commanders dare not underestimate these two young lieutenants who are destined to become the two chief officers of the special operations squadron.

Building a good relationship with them will undoubtedly give you an extra pair of eyes to watch the enemy from afar.

The two lieutenants who were supposed to sit in the rows behind the conference table were forcibly pulled together by a group of company commanders.

People are eager to be recognized, especially when they are young. Lao Hei's black face was a little red because of excitement.

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