Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 739 Everyone should do their job (Part 2)

"Order from the Military and Government Department!"

As Tang Dao stood up first and roared softly, all the officers stood up and stood at attention.

"The Battle of Songhu and the Battle of Jinling were completed. The 43rd Independent Battalion of the National Revolutionary Army made great achievements and killed more than thousands of bandits. In January of the 27th year of the Republic of China, the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs used it as a basis to withdraw the camp. Set up a group, the group name is Four Elements Independent Group!" Tang Dao's deep but majestic voice echoed in the lobby of the small restaurant.

The officers' faces remained calm, but their eyes showed excitement.

Although the news of dismantling the camp and establishing the regiment was no longer a secret, when Tang Dao personally read out the military order from the Ministry of Military Affairs, his heart was still agitated.

From then on, they can withdraw their camps and build regiments, and the number of brothers who can fight side by side will reach more than 2,500.

From now on, he will be able to fight bigger battles, win more military honors, and earn more rewards. The basic goal of supporting his family has been basically achieved, and the next step is to make great strides to become well-off.

The officers of the Fourth Line Regiment may not realize it themselves, but since most of the Japanese infantry regiment was wiped out in the Battle of Laojinkeng, they have become extremely confident. Let alone the Kunozaki Detachment, they might just point their Tang Dao sabers at them. The fifth division came, and they were not afraid.

This is the most important cornerstone of a strong army. It does not lie in the number of people or the quality of equipment, but in the self-confidence that one can defeat all enemies.

The Four Elements Group is already available.

"After approval by the 43rd Army Military Headquarters, the Ministry of Military Affairs recently appointed the following personnel at the Sixth Regiment Headquarters: Colonel Tang Dao, the head of the regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Lei Xiong, the first deputy head of the regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Zhuang Shisan, the chief of staff of the regiment, and the second deputy head of the regiment. The director of the Political Training Department is temporarily vacant.”

The atmosphere in the venue was slightly stagnant. Perhaps this result was somewhat unexpected to most of the company-level officers.

Because of the existence of Tang Dao and Lei Xiong, Guo Shouzhi, who is almost always in charge of the battalion headquarters, and Zhuang Shisan, who is in charge of logistics, have never had a strong sense of presence, but it is an indisputable fact that they have their own strengths.

Based on what they thought, it was more reasonable for the two of them to advance to the regiment headquarters in order. Unexpectedly, Guo Shouzhi was not available for the two important positions. On the contrary, the weaker Zhuang Shisan was still firmly seated. in the position of chief of staff.

What does this mean? It shows that Tang Tuanzuo is about to make drastic reforms, just like the establishment list he issued previously. It will not only significantly expand the army, but also adjust positions on a large scale. Perhaps not as they thought, everyone can still be stable. Sit in your original position.

"Because our Fourth Army Regiment will march to Xuzhou to collect ordnance the day after tomorrow, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, our Fourth Army Regiment's headquarters has decided to reorganize the entire regiment tomorrow. Each department and its personnel must report to the new unit before tomorrow evening. Time is running out, so the regiment headquarters has decided to clarify your military positions today!

Lei Xiong! Served as the first deputy commander of the Si Xing Regiment and concurrently as the commander of the first battalion of the Si Xing Regiment! Zheng Zeshi, the former commander of the first battalion of the Sichuan Army's Shame Regiment, was appointed as the deputy battalion commander.

It consists of the 1st Infantry Company, the 2nd Infantry Company, the 3rd Infantry Company, and the 1st Machine Gun Company. The 1st Infantry Company was integrated from the original 4th Company of the Independent Battalion, with company commander Zhao Daqiang; the 2nd Infantry Company was integrated from the original 7th Company of the Independent Battalion, with company commander Wei Donglai; the 3rd Infantry Company was integrated from the original 10th Independent Battalion The company was integrated as a whole, with company commander Zhou Dafa; the 1st machine gun company was moved in as a whole from the 2nd and 3rd squads of the original independent battalion fire support company and the 2nd and 3rd squads of the original independent battalion artillery company, with company commander Wu Tiancheng;

Guo Shouzhi was appointed as the commander of the second battalion of the Sixing Camp! Wang Tieshuan, the former commander of the Second Battalion of the Sichuan Army's Shame Regiment, was appointed as the deputy commander of the Second Battalion.

It has the 4th Infantry Company, the 5th Infantry Company, the 6th Infantry Company, and the 2nd Machine Gun Company. The 4th Infantry Company was integrated from the original 3rd Company of the Independent Battalion, with company commander Qian Dazhu; the 5th Infantry Company was integrated from the original 9th ​​Company of the Independent Battalion, with company commander Cai Yongguan; the 6th Infantry Company was integrated from the original 11th Company of the Independent Battalion Incorporated as a whole, Company Commander Shen Chongxiao; the 2nd Machine Gun Company, consisting of the 4th Class and 5th Class of the original Independent Battalion Fire Support Company, and the 4th Class and 5th Class of the original Independent Battalion Artillery Company moved in as a whole, with the Company Commander Liang Yingqi!

Leng Feng is appointed as the commander of the third battalion of the Independent Battalion! Mo Guangyao, the former commander of the third battalion of the Sichuan Army's Shame Regiment, was appointed as the deputy commander of the third battalion.

It has the 7th Infantry Company, the 8th Infantry Company, the 9th Infantry Company, and the 3rd Machine Gun Company. The 7th Infantry Company was integrated into the 2nd Company of the original Independent Battalion, with company commander Li Jijin; the 8th Infantry Company was formed from the original Independent Battalion. The 8th company was merged; company commander Luo Xingbang; the 9th infantry company was merged from the original 12th company of the independent battalion, with company commander Sun Zheng; the 3rd machine gun company was formed from the 6th and 7th squads of the original independent battalion fire support company and merged with the original independent battalion artillery company Class 6 and Class 7 moved in as a whole, acting company commander Mo Songzi;

The officers of the troops directly under the regiment headquarters are appointed as follows: the special agent company, which is based on the original independent battalion special agent company, with acting company commander Yang Xiaoshan;

The guard company was formed based on the original 1st Company of the Independent Battalion, with company commander Peng Chong!

The cavalry company was formed based on the cavalry platoon of the original Independent Battalion Special Agent Battalion, with acting company commander Lu Sanjiang!

The special operations squadron was formed from the original independent battalion guard platoon and special operations squadron, with squadron leader Zhou Chengfa and deputy squadron leader Gu Xishui!

The first artillery company was formed based on the original independent battalion artillery company, and the company commander was Pang Hai!

The Second Artillery Company was formed based on the original independent battalion fire support company, with company commander Cheng Tietsou!

The baggage company was established based on the original independent battalion baggage company, with acting company commander Zhu Heicheng!

Director of the Military Supplies Department of the Regiment Headquarters, Zhao Chengxi"

As Tang Dao continued to read out the appointments, the lieutenants who were standing straight had mixed feelings on their faces. Most of the infantry company commanders were still in their old positions. In addition to being ordered to transfer into new units, the original 13 infantry companies will have 10 An infantry company will be an organic reserve.

Just like Wei Donglai and Cai Yongguan, who were full of excitement, although they had always said that they would rebuild their two infantry companies, it was not until today that they were incorporated into the first and second battalions that the matter was finalized, and they completely resolved the worries they had been hiding in their hearts.

With more positions, naturally someone will be promoted. For example, Li Jiujin grinned and almost laughed out loud. Yang Xiaoshan was directly promoted from platoon leader to company commander, and his military rank was equal to his. Although the special forces company mainly consists of medical care, communications, and engineers, and will not participate in combat unless in extreme circumstances, it is also a big step forward, and naturally he, the big brother, is happy for him.

As for the word "acting", according to the military position arrangement, all promoted company commanders are acting, and it is naturally a matter of time before they become regular.

It has to be the old commander. He is taking care of his old subordinates. Although Li Jiujin's 2nd Company was not assigned to the 1st Battalion, which is definitely the main force, the commander of the 3rd Battalion is Leng Feng. He looks cold, but only those who are familiar with him know how passionate he is. Li Jiujin is much more relaxed when getting along with him.

The old soldier is of course very satisfied with this result.

Perhaps Peng Chong is even happier than the old soldier. This guard company commander of the infantry regiment under the 67th Army has been "tortured" for a long time. The special agent company sounds very impressive, but in fact, the affairs are very complicated. It is responsible for communications, medical care and guards, but he has nothing to do with fighting on the front line.

Seeing that the front line is extremely lively, even the two main officers Tang Dao and Lei Xiong go to the front line from time to time, and the guard platoon under him frequently goes to battle, and I don't know how much military merit he has earned, but he, the commander of the special agent company, is just staring at the battalion headquarters.

For this reason, Peng Chong had approached Tang Dao several times. He would rather be demoted to the deputy company commander of the front-line infantry company than stay in the rear and watch helplessly.

But Tang Dao seemed to have a kind of distrust in him and refused to allow him to do so. This made Peng Chong very upset. He even wanted to find his old superior to ask for a transfer after arriving in Xuzhou.

To be honest, Peng Chong did not have much confidence in the reorganization of the withdrawal of the camp and construction regiment. According to Tang Dao's attitude, perhaps the commander of the special forces company was still his position. Now, the newly established special forces company has added an engineering platoon, but the guard platoon and the cavalry platoon have been withdrawn and expanded, and it has completely become a logistics support company, which is probably only a little better than the baggage company that transports materials.

Unexpectedly, when he was complaining about himself, Tang Dao actually announced that he would become the commander of the guard company, and the guard company was formed from the original independent battalion company. In the battle of Qinglongling, the company had already proved with actual combat that its title of the most elite in the entire regiment was not exaggerated.

Peng Chong was a little dizzy by this good news that came out of nowhere, and even ignored the congratulatory glances from his colleagues.

How could he not be envious! What kind of unit is the guard company? No matter which unit it is, the guard units directly under the regiment, brigade, division, and army are the last sharp knife in the hands of the superiors, and the last trump card in the hands of the superiors. Whoever becomes the company commander is a confirmation of his ability.

Moreover, the guard company is responsible for the safety of the superiors, and it is impossible for someone who is not absolutely trusted to take the position.

Just like Lao Hei, the captain of the special operations squadron who has been promoted, he and Tang Dao have a life-and-death friendship from the battlefield, otherwise Tang Dao would hand over the guard platoon to him?

Tang Dao naturally saw Peng Chong's expression of surprise and joy, and smiled slightly. Peng Chong was his subordinate in the battle of Cangcheng. He was brave in battle, but a little impetuous. If he was asked to be the infantry company commander, Tang Dao believed that he would not do worse than Li Jiujin and others, but his temperament of not calm and easily getting excited when encountering things was bound to increase the casualties of his subordinates.

The skeletons left by the original independent battalion were all elite soldiers from the 43rd Army and the 67th Army. The two generals handed them over to Tang Dao, and naturally they did not want them to die in vain, and Tang Dao himself would not do that.

Therefore, he forced Peng Chong to be the commander of the special forces company, and tempered his impetuous temper. For more than a month, Tang Dao waited for him to get angry and disciplined him. Unexpectedly, he was quite patient. Every time he was rejected for fighting, he was a little annoyed, but he did not delay his duties.

This is the person Tang Dao wants.

As for loyalty, Tang Dao believes that as long as an army condenses the military soul, everyone will fight for the belief of defending the country and will not have a different heart.

In such a chaotic world, Tang Dao wants to unite a force with the same ideals as him, and must learn to trust these Chinese soldiers who have fought side by side with him.

Although this will take certain risks, war is a job that puts your head on your belt. If you don't take even a little risk, it's better to go back to your hometown in Sichuan Province and lie down and sell wine.

Moreover, for Tang Dao at this time, even if he was not in combat, it would not be easy for anyone to kill him. Daring to use people was not only a trust in his comrades, but also a confidence in himself.

Tang Dao naturally had a deep meaning in letting Yang Xiaoshan come to the special forces company.

Although he was far away from the front-line troops, he could also get in close contact with the superiors and learn how to manage people. After all, Yang Xiaoshan's foundation was too shallow. He was only a corporal more than a month ago. The continuous battles may have made him a sufficiently firm soldier in spirit and will, but this does not mean that he, who is also young, can become a good superior.

The same is true for Lu Sanjiang and several other acting company commanders who were promoted. These officers who grew up step by step from the most basic soldiers did a good job at the platoon level, but the company commander had to manage several times more people, but Tang Dao, who had few people available, could only do so.

Tang Dao knew that his operation was like forcing the growth of seedlings, but now it was a battlefield with flames all over the place, and there was no time for them to grow slowly. If these guys didn't do well in the position of acting company commander, Tang Dao would mercilessly put them in the teaching team to study with the new recruits for a few months.

Some people are happy and some are worried. Compared with the promotion, two platoon leaders under Cheng Tieshou were promoted to company commanders. He was the big winner today, twice as strong as the old soldier.

But this man was not happy at all, and he and Pang Dahai standing next to him looked at each other bitterly.

The reason was simple. Their two companies were the most severely split. Many experienced old machine gunners and old gunners were assigned to three machine gun companies, and their strength was seriously reduced.

Although they knew that the missing soldiers would be filled, experienced machine gunners and gunners could not be trained overnight. Even with the most optimistic estimate, it would take at least half a year for the level of their two artillery companies to return to the peak of wartime.

As a result, the 75mm mountain gun, 150mm heavy mortar and machine gun in the equipment establishment table are not so attractive.

Of course, compared with these two, there are even worse ones. There are three infantry company commanders who serve as directors under the regiment headquarters, and their infantry companies have not been incorporated into the three infantry battalions.

Obviously, these three infantry companies will be disbanded and supplemented with three machine gun companies with large shortages of troops and the first and second artillery companies.

This is a complete disbandment, but without Tang Dao saying it, the three infantry company commanders themselves know that their three infantry companies are the worst in the battle of Laojinkeng. It cannot be said that they are bad, but compared with those infantry companies with great military exploits, they are indeed a level behind.

This was also criticized by Tang Dao at the post-war summary meeting using data. Disbanding and entering the new unit can be regarded as paying for their own behavior.

Tang Dao also gave them face and arranged the position that a captain should have, so although the three company commanders were a little disappointed, they chose to accept it after all, but they secretly swore in their hearts that no matter what, they would never do anything wrong again.

Unlike the company commanders, the three battalion commanders and deputy battalion commanders not only admired Tang Dao's fair arrangement, but also felt grateful.

Tang Dao was extremely fair, impartially assigning one of the three main companies to each infantry battalion, and the recognized company was transformed into a guard company. The name changed, but the actual meaning did not change. It was still the sharpest knife of the Four Lines Regiment. For Leng Feng, the only person promoted from company commander to battalion commander, it was a gain and a loss.

Although there are only two or three people left in Wei Donglai's 7th Company and Cai Yongguan's 9th Company, most of them are lying in bed, but as long as Tang Dao orders reconstruction, he must add enough veterans. In addition to the veterans who have recovered from the Laoshushan blocking battle, the combat effectiveness of the 7th and 9th companies must be guaranteed, otherwise they would not be incorporated into the 1st and 2nd Battalions.

On the contrary, Leng Feng's 3rd Battalion is slightly weaker. Except for Li Jiujin's infantry company, the combat effectiveness of the other two infantry companies composed of Sichuan troops is still much weaker. That should be regarded as Tang Dao's test for him as a new battalion commander.

Fighting a tough battle with a fist-clenched unit is nothing. If you are really good, you have the ability to turn a weak scum into a strong army.

There is reuse, and there is also expectation!

More importantly, Tang Dao only appointed battalion and company-level officers, which means that he will not interfere with the remaining platoon leaders and squad leaders. Each battalion will appoint them by themselves and report the list to him for approval.

This kind of decentralization is not inaction, but trust. Unconditional trust in the three battalion commanders is impossible in the previous troops.

No commander wants to see a certain unit under his command become an independent kingdom that cannot be touched by water, right?

Just like the current Four-Line Independent Regiment, there are still two vacancies! That is also because the superiors want to insert their own people in it, rather than letting the Four-Line Independent Regiment become Tang Dao's army alone.

"The appointment is completed. Do you have any questions?" Tang Dao put down the letter in his hand, glanced at his subordinates with different expressions, and asked.

"Commander, my company and Captain Cai's two companies have been seriously injured. I wonder when we will replenish the troops?" Wei Donglai asked with courage under the constant encouragement of Cai Yongguan's eyes.

"After our regiment arrives at the destination, your two companies will be supplemented by elite veterans and original veterans and new recruits from each company. I will personally award you the military flags of the two companies!" Tang Dao answered him solemnly.

A group of company commanders collectively showed envious eyes. The regiment commander personally awarded the military flag. This is honor! Several main companies did not enjoy such treatment.

"Thank you, sir!" Wei Donglai and Cai Yongguan, who were still unable to stand up, raised their right hands and saluted Tang Dao excitedly.

Tang Dao nodded slightly, indicating that they did not need to be so formal, this was what they deserved.

"Does anyone else have any questions?" Tang Dao looked at the others.

"No!" The officers answered in unison.

"Well, you still have a few hours to decide on the platoons, squads and soldiers. Each unit will temporarily be organized with a 20% vacancy, and the vacancies will be supplemented by recruited recruits after training.

For the other three infantry companies that will be disrupted and reorganized, the regiment will issue a distribution plan later, and then, according to the personnel arrangements of each unit, the reorganization will begin tomorrow. All personnel must report to the new unit within one day. Those who postpone reporting for various reasons will be dealt with by military law!"

"Yes!" The officers shouted like thunder.

Tang Dao showed a satisfied look on his face.

The entire Sixing Regiment has been completely built. When the soldiers are replenished and equipped with new equipment, the combat effectiveness will far exceed that of the former independent battalion.

Lei Xiong thinks that the future Sixing Regiment can fight a Japanese infantry regiment alone, but Tang Dao doesn't think so.

How can an infantry regiment be enough? If the soldiers can use semi-automatic rifles and replace the Japanese copycat 41-type mountain gun with the European Bofors, the Sixing Regiment can fight an infantry brigade alone.

If he encounters the Kunisaki Detachment again, he doesn't need to go to great lengths to ambush them, he can still beat them to death!

Now, Tang Dao has taken a solid first step towards his dream. ...

PS: It is still a 5,000-word chapter!

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