Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 751 A visitor will come!

Having had the experience of reorganizing an independent battalion, this time the reorganization of the Four-Line Regiment was much faster than Tang Dao had imagined.

Before noon, the chief officers of the three infantry battalions and the units directly under the regiment came to report that all their subordinates were present except for the missing soldiers.

After the inventory by the regiment staff led by Zhuang Shisan, the shortage of each infantry company under each battalion was about 30 people, while the infantry company of Wei Donglai and the infantry company of Cai Yongguan assigned to the first and second battalions were all missing.  Even the two company commanders were still lying on stretchers, and it would take at least a week for them to walk.

That also means that the first and second battalions actually only have three companies available now, two infantry companies plus a machine gun company that has not been fully replenished.

On the contrary, Leng Feng's third battalion has more complete personnel, three infantry companies with an average strength of 130 people, plus a machine gun company with a strength of 100 people.

The other companies directly under the regiment are even worse off. Except for the guard company, which was reorganized from the original first company with full equipment and personnel, the cavalry company now has only a small cavalry platoon of 20 people. The two artillery companies are equipped with a lot of equipment. For example, the first artillery company has 4 mountain guns and 6 infantry guns. The second artillery company currently has two machine guns and 12 heavy machine guns for make-up. However, half of the original artillery squad and heavy firepower squad were transferred to the machine gun companies under each battalion. With the new recruits, there are only 130 people each, a shortage of one-third, and the combat effectiveness has seriously declined.

That is to say, although the battalion has been changed to a regiment, there are more official positions and the momentum has risen. In fact, the overall combat effectiveness is worse than before.

Especially the two artillery companies. In the words of Cheng Tieshou, these two machine guns and 12 heavy machine guns look well equipped, but because the skilled machine gunners have been transferred away, the combat effectiveness is only half of the previous one.

"Commander, if the Japanese army attacks us, we will be in trouble." Zhuang Shisan couldn't help but worry after reading the number of people reported by each battalion and company.

A few days ago, the military department sent a war report that the Japanese army had begun to dispatch troops to move towards Xuzhou, and the military and political department was also gathering troops, planning to have another large-scale battle with the Japanese army in Xuzhou.

"Don't worry, the bigwigs in the military and political department are all very smart people. They know that they can't use a unit to death. They just upgraded our organization, and the people haven't gathered yet. How can we go to the battlefield? This battle has nothing to do with us." Tang Dao looked at the map and smiled faintly.

"As for the Japanese, they are not so fast. If they want to go south, they must attack Xuzhou, a strategic town in East China, but they can't take it down with their already exhausted Central China Expeditionary Force."

"What does the commander mean?" Lei Xiong, who was looking at the list of officers of each battalion and company on the table beside him, was also attracted by Tang Dao's words and asked curiously.

"They must wait for a part of the North China Expeditionary Army to arrive before they can capture Xuzhou, so that they can completely open up the Jinpu Railway, and then seize the Longhai Line to take Zhengzhou, and then attack Jiangxia along the Pinghan Railway." Tang Dao slid his finger on the map and narrated expressionlessly.

These are all battles that have happened in time and space, and they are naturally not difficult for him.

The Japanese headquarters had been planning the Battle of Xuzhou half a month ago. The commander of the North China Expeditionary Army, Terauchi Shouichi, will personally lead two divisions to attack Xuzhou from the Qingdao direction, but this will take time.

Not only the Japanese army needs time, but the Chinese army also needs time. The Fifth War Zone Commander-in-Chief will gather 64 infantry divisions and three infantry brigades with more than 600,000 people to fight the Japanese army.

"If the Japanese army attacks from the north and south, I'm afraid we will lose this battle again." Lei Xiong looked at the map with a cold look.

Although there was not much emotion revealed, Tang Dao could still feel the despair covered by the coldness in his eyes.

But this is already a strong enough Chinese soldier.

One defeat is not terrible, there has never been a general who always wins on the battlefield, but repeated defeats are too desperate for a soldier.

The Battle of Songhu was defeated, and China's economic center was lost.

The Battle of Nanjing was defeated, and China's political center and the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians were lost.

If Xuzhou, the central hub, is defeated again, it will be really despairing.

For a soldier, it is like entering the dark night, and you can't find the direction at all.

Even the existence or non-existence of the Four-Line Group is not of much significance, because no matter how strong you are, you can't change the entire battle situation. The feeling of powerlessness that goes deep into your bones is like falling into an endless swamp. No matter how hard you struggle, you will eventually fall into the quagmire and sink completely.

"Lose? If we look at the final outcome, if our army loses Xuzhou, hands over the Longhai Line to others, and allows the Japanese army to transport equipment and personnel south by rail, then our army will naturally be considered a loser." Tang Dao was much more indifferent than his two subordinates.

"But if this battle lasts for three months, then this battle will not be considered a loss." Gu Ji

"Why is that?" Zhuang Shisan was stunned and asked subconsciously.

"Because our country has never lacked strategic depth. If the territory is lost, it is lost. The Japanese still have to send troops to garrison, forcing them to continue to send troops to our country. But our country lacks time. Only when there is enough time can we continue to gather troops from all over the country and fight against the Japanese army.

Xuzhou has been lost, and there is still the important town of Jiangxia. As long as there is three months, our country will deploy 60 divisions there to fight the Japanese army.

Jiangxia is lost, and there is a big city further south. As long as the Japanese army goes all the way south, it will be a decisive battle all the way. At that time, not to mention ten divisions, but twenty or thirty divisions, the Japanese army would still be stretched thin.

Moreover, do they think they have control over the territory they captured? Unless he has the ability to occupy every mountain, there will be battlefields everywhere and the feeling of flames and smoke everywhere, which may not be so pleasant.

And isn’t that what we plan to do when we go to the north? The little devils jump more and more energetically in front, so we poke their butts hard from behind to make them focus on their heads instead of their buttocks. After the fight, he went into the mountain and said, "If you have the ability, hit me!" If we dare to go into the mountains, without the support of tanks and artillery, we dare to continue to beat them. Do you think that is a cool thing? "

Hearing what Tang Dao said was interesting, the two officers, who were still a little depressed just now, couldn't help but laugh.

"Bah, bang, bang!" Applause came from outside the door, and a rough voice sounded: "Well said!"

The three of them turned around and saw that the burly soldier standing at the door with a smile on his face was either Commander Wu or that one.

"Commander Wu, why are you here?" Tang Dao and the others saluted in unison.

"Haha! I was worried that your Tang Dao baby would be extremely depressed because of the incident in Jinling! Now it seems that I have thought too much." Commander Wu stepped into the room, looked at the upright Tang Dao, and said with a satisfied smile. "How's it going? Have you recovered from the syncope last time?"

"Let the officers worry about it. It should be an old illness on the battlefield. It's all gone now. I moved my muscles and bones well yesterday. It's no problem." Tang Dao hurriedly welcomed Comrade Wu, who was obviously in a good mood, to the table. Sit down in front. "Er Ya, let's have some tea."

"Comrade Wu, didn't you say you would wait for me at the 67th Army Headquarters? Why did the labor force come here?" When Comrade Wu sat down, Tang Dao couldn't help but asked curiously.

"If I don't come, I'm afraid you'll fall into a trap! Fortunately, I had a whim today and came to visit the newly formed Four Lines Group. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to go to the north." Comrade Lao Wu looked happy. "You Tang Dao can go to Xuzhou City, but you and the Four Elements Group cannot go."

Tang Dao and Lei Xiong couldn't help but look at each other, what's going on?

Thanks to Tang Dao's quick reaction, he reacted instantly and pointed in the direction of Xuzhou, "Is that the one who is trying to pull a strong man?"

"Otherwise!" Comrade Lao Wu sighed. "That bastard Han Fuqu fled without a fight and Qingdao was lost. As you just analyzed, the Japanese North China Expeditionary Force will be coming to Xuzhou in the near future. Two Japanese divisions and an independent brigade will be blocked in the north. Who would have to scratch their heads if they replaced the three divisions and one detachment that had to block the Japanese who were about to move in the east!

"If your baby is one of the thousand people reported earlier, the commander will naturally take notice of it, but I know that your baby likes to bring in private goods, so will you tell the truth to those guys? I'm here now Take a look, it's great! This is a strong infantry regiment! Who else could he let go of an elite soldier like you?"

"You mean, the 67th Army this time..."

"In the battle of Xuzhou, there is no need for him to come to me. I have already made up my mind. I will fight with the stubborn Japanese. Even if I risk my life, I will not let Xuzhou become the second Jinling." Comrade Lao Wu's eyes flashed with anger. He nodded.

Tang Dao was stunned for a moment, this was something that had never happened before in that time and space.

Then, my heart felt happy.

The Battle of Xuzhou was not like the previous two battles. Commander Li was much stronger than the big guy who liked to get involved. Although the battle was tragic, the Chinese army this time pinned the Japanese to the ground and rubbed them. , and its own losses were not too big. In the end, they used an empty city strategy, which almost killed the Japanese army that gathered in large numbers.

Although the 67th Army was crippled, it still had more than 10,000 people, and it was about to be replenished with new equipment. With the addition of such a new force that did not originally exist, perhaps it was more than just rubbing salt into the wounds of the Japanese army. Bar!

The famous Battle of Taierzhuang almost wiped out a Japanese division.

That was because the pockets were not tied tightly, allowing a Japanese army to escape, so this feat was not accomplished. However, even so, more than 10,000 Japanese soldiers were killed in this battle. If the 67th Army had been allowed to come out at that moment and completely block this hole , what will happen?


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