Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 75: Real killer

Chapter 75 The True God of Killing

 “That stupid little devil is so thick-skinned! It’s really a good idea to let the four of him get in together.”

Lei Xiong, who went downstairs to watch the battle, happened to see this scene and couldn't help but curse.

"Captain Lei, how about I accompany you and Platoon Commander Tang to meet them." Leng Feng, a little fan of Tang Dao, reached out and picked up a 38-meter cover, looking worriedly at the four-man Japanese attack. Tang Dao.

Although everyone knew that Tang Dao had killed a Japanese squad by himself, it was a sneak attack in the dark, which was very different from this face-to-face stabbing.

Especially since these four Japanese soldiers had no way to retreat, the fighting power they unleashed at the end of the road made him, a bystander, feel palpitations, let alone Tang Dao, who was at the center of their attack.

Strong combat effectiveness alone is not the most terrifying thing. This is not the first time for both China and Japan to engage in hand-to-hand combat. The Japanese army has strong soldiers who can defeat three with one, and the 524th Regiment also has strong men like Lei Xiong who can defeat five with one.

But now it is different from the battle between two armies. If someone is not afraid of death, does not dodge, and allows Tang Dao to penetrate with the bayonet, and drags Tang Dao for a moment, the other two bayonets will mercilessly penetrate Tang Dao's body. , not to mention there is a Japanese soldier waiting for a sneak attack!

Yes, for a veteran like Leng Feng, despite the ferocity of the Japanese battle formation, the most terrifying thing was the Japanese sergeant who was wandering alone.

If the three Japanese soldiers are wolves, then the Japanese sergeant is a poisonous snake. Once he attacks, it will be fatal.

Naturally, he was not the only one who was as worried as Leng Feng. Most of the soldiers in the third row had their fingers on the triggers. Niu Er even aimed his crosshairs at the Japanese sergeant. If that thing threatened Tang Dao's life, he would definitely Can shoot.

 In the hearts of the recruits, the life of the platoon eldest brother is the most important, and the rest is nonsense.

"You underestimate Tang Dao, they are just four little devils." Lei Xiong shook his head and pointed to the battlefield more than ten meters away. "look."

 Leng Feng suddenly turned around, and the two sides were about to come into contact.

Tang Dao, who had been standing with his feet unsteady and watching the Japanese charge coldly, moved when the Japanese army came nearly two meters closer to him.

 The spear that had been close to his right hand moved first.

The arm suddenly popped out, and the 1.65-meter-long medium-sized formal rifle with a bayonet on it stabbed forward at high speed like an arrow off the string.

 It’s not like, it’s.

Yes, Tang Dao shoots out the gun at high speed. It does not block or stab, but shoots.

 The body is the bow, the arms are the strings, and the spear is the arrow.

 What is this? You don't need weapons when you come up.

Not to mention that Tang Dao's friends were stunned, even his opponents obviously didn't understand Tang Dao's tricks.

It would be easy to say that this one shot killed a Japanese soldier at once, but obviously the Japanese infantry was not a vegetarian. When he was startled, he suddenly stopped his steps and used his long spear to strike hard. There was a "clang" sound, dangerous and dangerous. Push away the spear that was shot at high speed.

The Japanese soldier at the front of the arrow just broke out in a cold sweat and was glad that his reflexes were bad enough. He dodged every shot like this, but he heard the sergeant on the side roar heartbreakingly: "Be careful."

His eyes refocused on the opponent who had just attacked, but he didn't even notice the opponent's shadow. When the hair all over his body exploded like a frightened little hedgehog, he felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, and then he felt like he was "floating".

The gun in his hand could hardly be held, because one hand firmly grasped the barrel of the gun, and a huge force came. The Japanese soldier, covered in white hair and sweat, could only desperately find that he was getting further and further away from his gun.

Then, he fell heavily to the ground, unbearable severe pain swept through his body, and he could only curl up and twitch on the ground like a shrimp.

The Japanese soldier was completely overwhelmed by pain and did not understand what he had just experienced until his death.

Only bystanders can tell him, but perhaps they didn't see too clearly.

 Because it’s really too fast.

Tang Dao used his actions at that moment to explain what it means to be truly "quiet as a virgin, active as a rabbit."

His body almost moves together with his gun. When the gun arrives, the person arrives.

It's just that the bayonet was too sharp, and the Japanese soldier who was leading the way focused all his attention on the spear that would kill him.

The moment he swung away the thrusting spear, Tang Dao, who had arrived at the same time, stepped forward and struck with his knee, using the force of his forward thrust to directly hit the Japanese soldier's lower body.

Don't underestimate this collision, it is the result of more than ten years of Tang Dao's training skills. With the perfect linkage of forward thrust, waist and abdominal strength, and leg strength, coupled with the impressive strength of this young body, At least the force of more than 200 kilograms can be exploded.

 Not to mention the fragile egg yolk and sponge, even two pecans have to enter the crushing mode. As for why the Japanese soldier felt like he was floating, it was naturally because of the huge force that pushed his body directly upwards, flying at least two meters back. Of course, he couldn't even hold on to his gun after losing his strength.

It’s not that the companions guarding his wings didn’t see this scene, but as soon as Tang Dao moved, they subconsciously rushed to both sides.

  It’s not because of timidity, but because they need to create enough space for the arrow to make contact with Tang Dao. As long as the arrow in the middle holds Tang Dao for two or three seconds, their bayonets will stab from the left and right.

It's just that they didn't expect that Tang Dao would throw out the gun directly, forcing the companion in the center to stop and block. In just one or two seconds, the three of them changed from the previous 'pin' shape to an upside-down one. It was even stretched to about four meters.

By the time they stopped the car and were about to stab him with their guns, Tang Dao had already pushed his companion away, holding the barrel of the gun in one hand and snatching away his 38 rifle.

 “Kill!” The two Japanese soldiers roared with red eyes and thrust their spears towards the terrifying opponent who had not had time to turn around.

Using the reaction force of knocking away the human body, Tang Dao, who had just killed one person, was moving backwards, as if he was about to collide with the two shining bayonets.

Just when everyone's heart was in their throats, he seemed to have eyes on his back. He shifted his body slightly and twisted around one of the bayonets. Without waiting for the Japanese army to change his tactics, he held it with one hand. The 38 big cover was swung up and down violently.

With a loud "bang" sound, the hard birch gun stock and the Type 90 helmet made of carbon steel collided in an extremely frightening way.

 The gun **** was broken into several pieces, and the Type 90 helmet was hard enough and not completely deformed. However, the Japanese soldier who was wearing the helmet seemed to be shorter out of thin air, and the deformed helmet sat directly on the Japanese soldier's shoulders.

This shot, no, it should be this stick, actually smashed the Japanese soldier's head directly into the chest cavity.

Another Japanese soldier was stunned. He was about to retract his spear to stab him again, but found that he could not withdraw it.

It turned out that the spine of the bayonet was firmly locked by Tang Dao's other hand. The Japanese soldier's eyes flashed with fierceness. He turned his wrist and the bayonet came sideways, intending to cut off Tang Dao's fingers with the blade.

Unknown to him, Tang Dao was waiting for his unnecessary move. He loosened the hand that locked the spine of the sword and took a step forward diagonally. The distance between him and the Japanese army was no more than one meter. It was too late for the Japanese army to withdraw the spear.

The spear in Tang Dao's hand is incomplete, but it can still kill people.

Swing it sideways, like an iron whip, hitting the Japanese army's ribs hard.

 The sound of "click" made people's eyelids jump wildly.

That was obviously the sound of broken ribs.

However, it’s not one, maybe it’s a row.

It wasn't over yet. Tang Dao, who had thrown away his spear, subconsciously bent over the Japanese soldier's helmet and jumped to his knees.

 “Bang!” A sound.

The blood spattered even onto the faces of three rows of soldiers more than ten meters away.

 Judging from the fact that the Japanese soldiers fell down like rotten logs without saying a word, it is estimated that they are half disabled even if they are not dead.

 The whole place was silent.

It never took more than five seconds for the rabbit to rise and the falcon to fall. Tang Dao launched four attacks in total and killed three Japanese soldiers. It really exceeded everyone's imagination.

 Including the Japanese sergeant who was still on the spot with a shocked face, such a terrifying opponent completely made him lose the courage to attack.

That is simply a murderous god.

  Until Tang Dao looked back at him, he turned around and ran away.

Tang Dao, on the other hand, did not maintain his murderous posture. Instead, he jumped forward while balling up his body, and rushed towards the traffic trench that was only three meters away from him at high speed.

“Click, click, click!” The sound of the Type 92 heavy machine gun sounded at the same time.

 (End of this chapter)

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