Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 793: Crazy but not reckless!

"Captain Tang, please stay for a moment!" The army colonel could only rush forward in one step.

Even facing Tang Dao's mockery, he could only be a little "cautious" to avoid irritating the iron-headed commander again. "The matter of damaged equipment can still be negotiated between our two armies. How can you say that we have rebelled? Captain Tang is too serious."

"Let's not talk about equipment anymore?" Tang Dao glanced at Song Qingshu, but he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He was actually a little risky in his desperate gesture just now, but he had to do so, otherwise he would not be able to test the bottom line of these two people.

If you don't know the bottom line of the negotiating opponent, it's better to take a chance than to fall into a completely passive position under the fear of the rat. If you lose, the worst that can happen is that you will return to a deadlock. If you win, you can regain the initiative.

Fortunately, his voice of "I will really rebel at worst" really caught the two people.

Tang Dao completely knew where the bottom line of these two people was. These two people didn't want to go crazy with him and lose their lives here.

This is also what Tang Dao didn't know. The premise is that Lei Xiong has gone crazy. The whole army has put on a posture of burning everything together, which has completely warned the two. Tang Dao made this gesture again at this time. Even if they think it may be a pretense of Tang Dao, they dare not gamble on it.

After all, the current posture of the Four Lines Corps is almost exactly the same as the iron head shown by their chief officer. The possibility is far higher than 50%. No one is willing to put their lives on such a high probability.

"Let's discuss the equipment later. Captain Tang, please stay for now!"

Originally, they wanted to use the false charges of torture to force Tang Dao to give up some equipment, so that the task of making trouble for Tang Dao as required by the corps commander would be completed. Unexpectedly, Tang Dao did not play by the rules and turned the table over at any time. They had to be aggrieved to pull him back to the negotiation table. Song Qingshu was so aggrieved.

"Okay, your 20th Corps suffered some losses because of my live-fire military exercise. As the head of the Four-Line Regiment, I am not an unreasonable person. I will take responsibility for this." Tang Dao sat back in his seat and got straight to the point.

"Let go of my dozen brothers, and my Four-Line Regiment will compensate you for your losses!"

"That depends on how you compensate, Headmaster Tang!" The middle-aged soldier took a sip of the teacup at hand and threw the right to make an offer directly to Tang Dao.

"There will be no more than one infantry battalion stationed on Baima Mountain! In this way, although my Four-Line Regiment is used to being poor, we can still afford to treat these three or four hundred brothers to a meal. I'll ask my regiment's quartermaster department to calculate and send your infantry battalion 100 kilograms of rice and flour, plus 50 kilograms of bacon and 20 kilograms of white wine, as a way to calm the brothers!" Tang Dao said with a painful look on his face.

"Puff!" The infantry division commander sprayed out a mouthful of tea.

Song Qingshu widened his eyes in disbelief.

Can this be called compensation? This is clearly sending beggars away, no, it's even worse than sending beggars away. There are nearly 600 people in my infantry battalion. Can each person eat a bowl of 100 kilograms of rice and flour? And the 50 kilograms of meat, just one piece each! The wine, just share it between the two of you?

This, how shameless must a very good person be to say it! Especially looking at your distressed look, those who don't know would think you gave away all your family assets!

"Captain Tang, I, Zhang, don't want the two armies to fight, so I have been tolerant again and again. Don't push too far!" The middle-aged soldier's face was filled with anger, and he said coldly. "If you want to humiliate our army, then I think you have the wrong idea!"

"Pushing too far?" Tang Dao faced the rage of the division-level officer, but he was not afraid at all, and retorted. "If you insist on pushing the issue, then your troops first broke the rules by attacking our scouts and detaining them, and then threatened me, the head of a regiment, with his life to come to your division headquarters for talks. Isn't that pushing the issue?

If you were the Japanese army, then I, Tang Dao, would have nothing to say. The two armies would use any means they could. That would be easy for our Four Lines Regiment. You killed my brothers, and it's nothing more than a blood debt. If you kill one of my men, I'll kill ten of yours. If you kill ten of my men, I'll kill a hundred of yours. If you kill a hundred of yours, I'll kill a thousand of yours.

But you are not. Your troops are all the same as us. They are Chinese sons who were raised by their parents who worked hard to raise them. I can't drop shells on their heads, let their elderly parents cry blind, and let their wives look forward to it but can only grow old in vain.

Commander Zhang, you should be glad that your surname is Zhang, not Inoue, Hebian, or Songxia. Otherwise, when you threaten me with the lives of more than a dozen of my brothers, your life is not yours to decide.

I want to kill you, you are not qualified to discuss with me what is called "going too far!"

As soon as these words came out, there was silence all around.

There were not many officers standing in this farmhouse at the foot of the mountain. There was only Tang Dao and two guards, Mingxin and Erya, on the side of the Four Lines Regiment. There was only one division commander and regiment commander on the side of the 89th Division, but there were many soldiers.

As the head of a division, how could he not study Tang Dao before dealing with him? There may not be a specific description of how strong Tang Dao's personal strength is for outsiders, but his achievements on the battlefield again and again inevitably make people feel daunted.

Therefore, there were as many as two guard squads of 30 armed guards on both sides of the courtyard, and an entire guard company outside the courtyard. There were five or six machine gun fortifications, which surrounded the entire courtyard within a radius of one kilometer, making it impossible for anyone to get in or out, both internally and externally.

Further out, there was an infantry battalion and a machine gun company waiting in full formation.

No matter how powerful Tang Dao was, facing such a firepower network composed of nearly two hundred people, he could only drink in anger on the spot.

Therefore, the two parties may have a dispute or even fall out, but no one has ever thought that Tang Dao would directly threaten him after a scolding.

Threatening this commander on a territory with nearly ten thousand generals, his head can be taken away at any time. The reason why he is still alive now is thanks to his parents for giving him birth in China.

This is hardly arrogance anymore, but rather mindless, mindless arrogance.

The 30 armed guards holding submachine guns were all dumbfounded and could hardly believe their ears.

"Arrogant!" Song Qingshu could only roar out from between his teeth.

"Haha!" The middle-aged soldier burst out laughing, as if he had heard the biggest joke in his life. The only way to describe his expression at this time was laughing.

"Captain Tang is really the best joker Zhang has ever met in his life! You said you can kill me here? Is it you or the little guy behind you with a sword? Commander Tang, wake up , Now is the battlefield where hot weapons dominate everything, and it is no longer an era where you can go to the end of the world with a sword. "

After saying that, a ferocious look flashed in his eyes, and he waved his hand lightly.

"Whoa!" The guards standing in two lines around them all raised their submachine guns and aimed at Tang Dao and the others.

"Come, Captain Tang, Mr. Zhang is standing here. If you can kill me, you can do it. Mr. Zhang's great head is waiting for you to come and get it. I want to see what kind of hero you, Commander Tang, are." ." The middle-aged soldier slammed the exquisite tea cup in his hand to the ground and said angrily.

After all, this infantry division commander-level officer was angered by Tang Dao's repeated 'brainless' provocations. He had the bottom line that he didn't want to lose his head, but when he couldn't even make the decision about his head, and it was taken away by a guy who broke into his territory, if he didn't take some action, what would the officers and soldiers below him think of him?

Facing the threat of dozens of black muzzles, Tang Dao stood there quietly, as if he was nothing more than dozens of firewood sticks.

Ming Xin is not as calm as Tang Dao. As a pure warrior, every part of his body reminds him of what kind of crisis he is in. He can feel that the danger at this time is more dangerous than in Xuzhou City now. very.

At that time, he still had a grain store with complicated terrain as a cover, but here, it was empty and there was no cover. He might be able to hide from the bullets fired by a submachine gun, but with dozens of submachine guns, Emperor Zhenwu could not even hide here. It can only be beaten into a pile of minced meat.

The only way to survive was to move forward and capture the angry infantry division commander eight meters away.

Therefore, Mingxin adjusts his body posture without revealing any trace. Once the opponent's murderous intention surges out, he will not hesitate to attack forward with all his strength. Even if he cannot capture the opponent, his ever-hit knife in his sleeve will easily nail that infantryman. The teacher's throat.

Letting a master of Chinese martial arts who can defeat hundreds of people come so close to him that he is only seven or eight meters away would be a fatal mistake.

But perhaps, this is just one of the mistakes made by the infantry division commander...

"Why do I, the captain, have to kill you? I can do it!" Erya suddenly took a step forward, eyes widening.

"Haha! I always thought that the Four Elements Group was so powerful, but I didn't expect that they were just a bunch of lunatics. How dare a small orderly say such nonsense!" The middle-aged soldier laughed angrily. "Okay! I'm waiting for you to kill me. However, you will not be treated like your superior. His nonsense is just a laughing stock, and you have to pay the price with your life."

"Oh!" Erya tore open the front of his uniform.

A row of grenades were planted neatly, making everyone's eyes freeze.

"Sir Zhang, the delay time of this imitation German long-handled grenade was originally five seconds, but after being modified by our regiment's munitions department, it only has a one-second delay!" Erya stretched out his palm as he did when proving to Tang Dao, revealing The two leads seem to be talking about something that has nothing to do with me. "I don't know, Sir Zhang, how far you can hide in this second, or whether your guards can build a human wall in that second!"

"Madman, you four groups are all madmen!" The middle-aged soldier muttered to himself with a flush on his face.

He really wanted to be as tough as before, but facing the threat of Chi Guoguo, a soldier who was only seven or eight meters away from him, he really didn't dare to be so tough.

Even if they shoot now and kill these three people with random gunshots, the soldier will fire the grenade as long as he moves his hand. There are seven or eight grenades tied to his body. This large human bomb Explosion, how many people here will survive?

As for Xiao Bing's statement that the delay after modification was only one second, he didn't want to gamble or use his life to verify it.

Damn it, I must have committed some crime in my previous life to deal with such a group of lunatics. What's even more stupid is that I brought such a group of lunatics around me. At that moment, the middle-aged soldier almost felt regretful. .

The reason why he thinks this way is that it is really difficult for a refined egoist like him to understand that there can be a kind of person in this world who puts his ideals and others above his own life.

There are many leaders in that army, including Tang Dao, Lei Xiong, Li Jiujin, and Erya.

In order not to burden his commander, Erya did not obey Tang Dao's order after all, and still made himself into a large bomb. At the moment when dozens of guns were pointed at his commander, he stood up and told That division commander who has a higher level than he knows how many levels, my commander said he can kill you, then it can be done. With the blessing of explosive energy, my flesh, flesh and bones can kill people!

They all say, 'When a man is angry, blood will be splashed five steps forward! ’, but that was the era of cold weapons. Here, it has increased tenfold!

Facing such a determined soldier, not to mention the guards and soldiers closest to him, even the farthest lieutenant general and division commander felt their throats were dry at the moment.

However, even if you want to give in, you still have to find a way to get off the stairs, but now a very good person comes to hand you the ladder! The infantry division commander, who didn't move his feet and looked stiff, looked at his subordinates not far away from the corner of his eyes.

I don’t want to die either! For the first time, Song Qingshu complained to his superior in his heart. Just when he was about to speak up, Tang Dao reached out, untied his knife pouch and pulled out a 38 bayonet.

What are you doing? Are you ready for a fight? Ma De, as long as you can survive this time, you have to stay away from the madman in the future. While the guards complained in their hearts, they could only point their guns at Tang Dao.

Ming Xin's blood was flowing all over her body, and her alertness had been raised to the highest level. Although the sword behind her had not yet touched the hilt, it seemed to be filled with sword energy.

At that moment, the atmosphere in the venue was unprecedentedly tense, and it seemed that even breathing became difficult.

Tang Dao waved backhand, and the blade passed Erya's chest. Two leads tied by hemp ropes were cut off and hung on Erya's waist.

It was only then that everyone realized that Tang Dao had taken the initiative to deal with the biggest threat in the field, which was a proactive signal of reconciliation.

At the same time as their minds were suddenly relaxed, countless people were sweating collectively on their foreheads, and they were cursing Tang Dao in their hearts: Damn it, what if this knife is not accurate enough and fast enough, and the lead is pulled? Everyone, including you, must die!

"Sorry! This brother of mine is too straight!" Tang Dao cut off Erya's biggest support with one blow, and then inserted the knife back into the pouch. "I said I wanted to kill people, but if someone like him has filled himself in, then how can he kill ten times the enemy as a sacrifice for his brothers who died in battle?"

This is not arrogance, this is arrogance that knows no bounds! Almost all members of the 20th Army Corps' evaluation of Tang Dao was unprecedentedly unanimous at this moment.

However, as soldiers, it is difficult for them not to feel that Tang Dao at this time is so awesome that he has no friends.

Not everyone can talk about killing someone while pointing dozens of guns with the safety on, and do it neatly.

Just being crazy or crazy is no longer enough to describe Tang Dao at this time! In other words, being crazy and crazy to the extreme is a kind of grace, a kind of grace that makes even enemies win over.

"Captain Song, the little teapot next to you is very exquisite. It should be produced by JDZ!" Tang Dao changed the topic and pointed to the teapot only half a meter away from Song Qingshu. "If I'm not wrong, this should be Mr. Zhang's favorite thing, otherwise it wouldn't appear in this remote place.

However, just now Mr. Zhang was in a bad mood and accidentally broke the tea cup. For this kind of orphan tea set, the saddest thing is that the teapot is still there, but there is no tea cup to hold the tea. Then its existence is somewhat Too redundant. "

"What do you mean?" Song Qingshu was stunned.

I saw a chilling smile on Tang Dao's face. He stretched out his hand with his thumb and little finger raised, "We call this 666 in our hometown!"

The words just fell.

That rather delicate celadon teapot suddenly exploded!

Is this magic?

The 20th Army Corps, from the infantry division commander down, stared dumbly at the teapot that burst open, their minds occupied by this incredible thought.

"There is a sharpshooter!" After all, someone who reacted quickly shouted in panic.

There is no other explanation other than sharpshooter.

However, this is the territory of the 89th Division. How come there are sharpshooters from the Four Lines Regiment? Moreover, the warning range has been ordered to be extended to 400 meters away. What kind of sharpshooter can hit a teapot that is several times smaller than a human head with one shot from 400 meters away or even further? Also, how did he see Tang Dao's gesture clearly?

These questions, in fact, are no longer important after this shot hits accurately.

The important thing is that Tang Dao was not arrogant just now, nor was he arrogant without limits. He could do it.

Since that shot can blow up a teapot, it can also blow off the head of the infantry division commander wearing a military cap.

The two senior officers of the 89th Division had ugly expressions on their faces, as if they had just swallowed a large, steaming lump of baba after shouting "Aoli Gei".

A reckless madman is scary, but a madman with meticulous arrangements is the scariest thing.

Tang Dao's life was in their hands, but their lives were also in Tang Dao's hands, even on their territory.

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