Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 85: People from the Concession (recommended tickets! Monthly tickets! Book reviews!

Chapter 85 Visitors from the Concession (recommended votes! Monthly votes! Book reviews! Chapter reviews! All)

A carefully planned night attack by the Japanese army was burned into human fireworks by Tang Dao's fire.

Although there was a lot of joy and laughter in the warehouse, it was naturally not that wonderful for the Japanese army.

After three large searchlights were knocked out by three Tang Dao shots, Wakibajiro waved his hand with a gloomy expression to stop several subordinates' request for bombardment of the warehouse in retaliation. He planned to call a truce that night.

Wakita Jiro, who was beaten a little depressed, ordered all the infantry to retreat to a temporary station in the trench 500 meters away from the Sihang Warehouse to rest. In view of the presence of the opponent's sharpshooters, there was no need to shine the searchlight in the direction of the Sihang Warehouse, but to Aim to scan back and forth a hundred meters ahead of your position.

Barbed wire fences were erected dozens of meters away from the trenches, and large bonfires were lit in some gaps.

The Japanese colonel's military quality is pretty good. These arrangements are obviously to guard against the opponents in the building. He can sneak attack on the opponent, and the opponent can naturally attack him, right?

However, the seemingly strict military order revealed a hint of weirdness.

Tang Dao also finally understood why there was still a connection between the former space-time concession and the interior of the Sixing Warehouse, which was tightly blocked by the Japanese army.

 Because, so far, the Japanese army has not used machine guns and searchlights to block the entire Suzhou River.

The other three sides were surrounded by Japanese troops like iron barrels, but the side facing the Suzhou River was like a thoroughfare to the sky. At least this night, if the defenders in the building wanted to evacuate, they could swim across the Suzhou River, which was only a few dozen meters wide. Arrive at the concession.

It's just that the prerequisite is that you have to negotiate with the concession area first.

Judging from the one-day battle during the day, the Westerners, who had already been frightened by the battlefield with sparks flying from both sides, would not refuse this proposal. Only by getting rid of the 'plague gods' who were fighting the Japanese to death can they completely defeat the enemy. Isn't it safe? In less than two days, if the Chinese don’t mention it themselves, they will have to take the initiative to bring it up.

Thinking about it, Wakitajiro, who was almost crying after being beaten, said: Okay, you have beaten me like this, what else do you want? If you get a bargain, take it as soon as possible! the meaning of.

Of course, there is also the intention to surround the three of you, deliberately leaving you a way to survive. When you really want to go, you will find that this is the road to hell.

 In the past, this was what the Japanese army did. After the tripartite agreement was reached, the casualties when evacuating to the concession through the Suzhou River Bridge were even greater than the casualties inside the warehouse.

 But at least on this day, the Japanese commander was destined to be disappointed. No matter what his considerations were, the Chinese defenders would not leave and were destined to fight him to the death.

 Thanks to some unknown little thoughts of the Japanese colonel, at two o'clock in the morning, people came to the concession.

After all, the famous Girl Scout swam across the Suzhou River, carrying the national flag, and came to the north of Sihang Warehouse, just like in the past, and was successfully taken into the warehouse through ropes by the defenders, but this time she was not a People are ten people.

Eight of them were strong young people, both students and workers. They carried a total of 300 sheets of bread, more than 100 kilograms of bacon, 100 packs of hemostatic medicine, and other tightly wrapped supplies.

There are more than ten types of materials tightly wrapped, all of which were requested by the Army Lieutenant Colonel. However, the amount is not large. The total amount is only fifty kilograms, and two people can carry it.

 The flour cakes were donated by the refugees at the donation point in the concession. Although they were not valuable, they were of great significance. Army Lieutenant Colonel and Major Yang Ruifu who personally greeted them received these heavy flour cakes with tears in their eyes.

 The respect from the people is definitely more effective than chicken blood for these iron-blooded armies. Tang Dao, who is already a senior staff member in the warehouse, naturally knows this.

 However, Lieutenant Tang also didn't know. The difference this time was that a reporter actually came.

 Female reporter!

Wearing a black suit, the female reporter was wet all over, her face turned pale with cold, but she still gritted her teeth and insisted on getting into interview mode immediately.

Furthermore, one of the people designated to be interviewed includes Tang Dao, a warrior who single-handedly defeated three Japanese invaders under the spotlight.

 Yes, these are the original words of the stubborn female reporter.

 In fact, several of the captains present wanted to correct her and ask whether it would be more accurate to say "macho man".

Of course, when the beautiful reporter who was freezing cold asked him to interview Tang Dao, several guys looked at Tang Dao with envy in their eyes.

Reporter is not the important keyword, but 'female' is, and she looks pretty good, even if she is frozen into a little quail now.

Obviously, the always low-key army lieutenant colonel really didn't want to be in the limelight. Hearing that she wanted to interview a certain tough man, he just wanted to ask for it. After a little thought, he asked the communications soldier to take the beautiful reporter to change into dry clothes, and then ordered the named reporter to be interviewed. A certain strong man will be responsible for the entire reception later, and the time is limited to one hour. Otherwise, once the Japanese army reacted and ordered machine guns to block the Suzhou River, this group of people would not be able to leave.

The eight young men originally planned to leave after delivering the things and stay in the warehouse to help, but the Army Lieutenant Colonel praised their spirit and firmly refused.

Let alone them, even a cautious army lieutenant colonel like Tang Dao, who has an identity certificate and has fought a hundred battles, has to inspect it for a long time. How can he easily accept external forces?

What's more, as a mature adult, an army lieutenant colonel knows better that will can't be achieved by just talking about it. It has to go through the long test of war. Only when you face death can you achieve it. Knowing if you really can face death.

His soldiers have not only faced death but also been subject to strict military laws. These passionate young men are not the best, and he does not have time to wait for them to grow up. Anyone who is not determined may become a negative factor in the warehouse.

 So, they and the Girl Scouts were asked to leave after delivering supplies and receiving military salutes. Although it was a bit ruthless, under the current military law, no one could criticize them harshly.

When they left, they did not leave empty-handed, but took with them the remains of two seriously wounded soldiers and three soldiers who had not yet been buried.

The Army Lieutenant Colonel could only choose to trust the big boss who could communicate with him. Otherwise, the two seriously injured soldiers would not last a day, so he could only gamble.

Being able to treat two seriously wounded soldiers is a great temptation, and ensuring that the remains of the soldiers who died in battle will be sent back to their hometowns at the right time also makes the army lieutenant colonel excited.

 He is willing to bury himself in this warehouse, that is just what he wants.

The most traditional thought of the Chinese people is that when a leaf falls, it returns to its roots. Even if the person is gone, there will still be a grave to accompany the parents and take care of the wife and children.

 As a commander, the soldiers must obey his orders on the battlefield, but since the soldiers died in battle, it would be best to follow their own ideas.

Since they were basically all soldiers from the first company, Tang Dao, Lei Xiong, Leng Feng, Datou, Lao Hei, Lao Lao Youzi and other six people personally went into the water and accompanied them to deliver the bodies of the two seriously injured soldiers and the three dead brothers to the river. opposite.

The energy of that mysterious boss is extraordinary. The barbed wire fence along the river has long been cut open. The Western sentries in the fortifications along the river are like statues looking at the other side of the river intently, but they are not interested in the dozens of people in the river. It's as if it's not seen.

Throughout the whole process, Lao Hei kept his face pressed against his cousin's extremely cold face with great attachment. Once he was sent to the shore, he left resolutely and never looked back.

brother! We have not seen each other for a long time since then. Your remains have returned to your hometown to accompany your elders. If your brother goes to war in the country again, his bones will be buried on the bank of the raging river.

that is it!

 This should be what this veteran was thinking at the moment he buried his head in the cold river water! Tang Dao can feel it.

Tang Dao, wearing only shorts, returned to the warehouse, wiped off the water on his body, and was about to put back on the Sichuan Army uniform that had been rolling in the mud for several days and had become wet and dry again.

Lei Xiong, however, threw over a dark blue military uniform with an ambiguous look on his face: "I'm going to see a beautiful reporter soon. I'll give you a better outfit. Don't lose us members of the 88th Division."

Tang Dao couldn't help but feel a little big-headed.

Tang Tao in this life is a passionate young man who entered the military camp early and was a bachelor. In the previous life, he was actually not much better. He entered the green military camp from adolescence, either on the training ground or on the battlefield, and most of the people he came into contact with were men.

 Even if there are a few members of the opposite **** occasionally, in a place like the Special Forces Brigade, women will become King Kong Barbies, just like men, everyone is a brother.

No one knew that Platoon Leader Tang, who was invincible on the battlefield, had no experience in getting along with women.

 Especially with such an outrageously beautiful woman, from her figure to her appearance.

  . . . . . .

PS: Today’s update is late. Actually, Fengyue didn’t get home until four o’clock in the morning last night. A senior student passed away unfortunately. Fengyue rushed to visit her. She was in her forties, so sad!

 (End of this chapter)

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