Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 93: What a clever little guy (asking for votes on Monday, all kinds of votes!

Chapter 93 What a clever little guy (asking for votes on Monday, all kinds of votes!)

 As the person took two big steps, the warm light from the bonfire basically allowed the sentry to see the person clearly.

Although the shadow formed by the smoke-filled Type 90 steel helmet obscured the opponent's face, the rank of second lieutenant on his collar badge was real.

 The two sentries' nervous expressions eased slightly. The muzzles of their guns were slightly lowered, but their hands were still on the bolts.


The pure Kyoto accent of the main island was growled softly, coming from the Japanese second lieutenant who had approached the sentry two meters away.

The strict sense of hierarchy that has been integrated into their bones caused the two Japanese sentries to stand upright almost subconsciously, put the rifles hanging on their hands, and replied: "Blooming!"

"Baga! I asked you to ask for the password, not to reply to the password! Are you from Nagoya Malu?" the second lieutenant tried his best to suppress his roar.

Kicked away the broken wood at his feet and flew it into the bonfire, causing the flames to tremble. The second lieutenant's outburst of anger silenced the two sentries.

The predecessor of the Third Division was Nagoya Town, so it naturally recruited more soldiers from Nagoya. However, most of the officers came from the Japanese Military Academy. Naturally, they can be found in various places. A second lieutenant with a Kyoto accent scolded Nagoya Malu. The Third Division is nothing too new.

"Mine is responsible for patrolling the sentry post, but yours is greatly unqualified!" Seeing this situation, the second lieutenant became even more angry.

Hearing this, the two sentries moved their lips and wanted to defend themselves, but they did not dare to speak.

The Japanese army's strict hierarchy made two upper-class soldiers completely confused when faced with the censure of a second lieutenant officer who most likely had aristocratic status.

 “Sakura!” A voice came from seven or eight meters away.

Following the sound, a khaki figure stood up from the debris in the ruins, ran a few steps with a gun in hand, ran to a station more than two meters away from the second lieutenant, and stood upright with a smile on his face: "Shangguan, the third officer of the Yamamoto team. 1 Team Commander Okagawa Pingyu reports to you."

"Team Yamamoto?" In the firelight, the second lieutenant glanced at the position of the Japanese hidden sentry that had just walked out from the corner of his eye. He had a confused look on his face and whispered: "Did I remember wrongly? Team Yamamoto shouldn't be in this position!" "

After hearing the second lieutenant's question, the Japanese soldier who was standing more than two meters away and was obviously the leader of the three Japanese soldiers suddenly relaxed a lot. He took the initiative to stand forward again and bent his waist a little: "Sorry, Sir, we are indeed It’s not the Yamamoto team, it’s affiliated with the Matsuda team. It was like that just because..."

"Yo Xi! Yours is good!" Before the Japanese captain could finish his explanation, the second lieutenant gave him a thumbs up in praise.

The Japanese Army Commander was finally relieved. He not only proved the identity of the other party, but also made up for the bad impression caused by the negligence of his two subordinates to the second lieutenant.

 Yes, these few lines of dialogue contain the cunningness of the Japanese army commander.

There are more than 1,000 people in an infantry brigade of the Japanese army. Naturally, not everyone is familiar with each other, especially after a war that lasted for several months. The Japanese army's own casualties exceeded 30%, and there were too many new recruits.

If you want to prove the identity of both parties, it is most reliable to rely on the password issued by the regiment commander before dark. However, as the two idiot youths got nervous and reported the reply password in advance, it naturally became invalid.

 So, the clever little head of the Japanese army commander was running at high speed and played a little trick.

The Japanese Army was definitely the most unique army in this war that swept the world.

Not only because its officers like to play tricks like snakes swallowing elephants or dare to poke tigers in the butt, but its military organization is also different from other countries in the world.

Of course, the specialness of the army's establishment is not only the deployment of personnel and weapons, but also the fact that their names are also full of Japanese regional and cultural characteristics. In layman's terms, I have never seen such a down-to-earth army.

For example, the Third Division started in Nagoya and is usually called the Nagoya Division, the Second Division is called the Sendai Division, and the Fourth Division, which is famous for its famous names in Japan and abroad, is naturally called the Osaka Division.

Having such a strong local flavor naturally has its disadvantages and advantages. The advantage is that everyone is from the same hometown, and they can trust each other during combat, giving the troops a sense of belonging.

The shortcomings are also obvious, that is, because the places are different, the habits of the soldiers in each unit are also different, which also creates different personalities of each division. For example, the Kumamoto and Sendai divisions have strong soldiers and strong folk customs, so such troops have a bandit spirit;

 The Fourth Division from Osaka comes from Osaka City, which likes to do business, so it likes to be cunning when fighting;

The Tokyo 101st Division from the Yamaguchi-gumi headquarters in Japan has a strong sense of hooliganism. They often like to beat and scold their superiors and ask them to pour water on their feet.

Heisekai is so awesome that it actually broke the strictest hierarchy concept in the Japanese army.

In addition to using place names, the Japanese army also likes to use the surname of its commander before the name of the unit. For example, the Fifth Division is called Itagaki Division.

The regiments, brigades, and squadrons under the division are called according to this convention. In order to prevent the number from being leaked during the war, the brigades and above are called so-and-so units, and the squadrons and below are called teams, just like the Japanese army commander just now The number reported was infantry squadron level.

 As for those who do not understand the internal habits of the Japanese army, they will naturally not know this.

If the second lieutenant shows a sense of unfamiliarity with this, something is wrong.

Of course, more importantly, the most powerful part of this trick is that the Japanese army commander deliberately changed the name of the squadron. A second lieutenant who claims to be on patrol will naturally know the defense zone of each infantry squadron.

Therefore, before confirming, the Japanese army commander seemed to be respectful, but he was standing more than two meters away, which was enough to avoid the attack, and the spear in his hand could be handed forward at any time.

This is really clever, otherwise the second lieutenant would not have praised him so vigorously. He patted him on the shoulder closely, took out the expensive cigarettes from Kyoto from his arms, and gave him a compliment. This meant not only verbally, but also There are material rewards.

How could the Japanese army commander not be overjoyed? A lieutenant-level officer is already the highest-level officer he can come into contact with at this level. As long as this officer can say a few nice words to Shangfeng, wouldn't it be a matter of minutes for a corps commander to become a Cao commander?

“Shang Guan, you’re welcome!” The Japanese army commander bowed while being polite in the envious eyes of the two sentries.

The second lieutenant seemingly casually threw two sticks to the two sentries, but he missed them and fell to the ground. The two sentries hurriedly bent down to pick them up.

The Japanese captain reached out his hand respectfully and took the cigarette box, so much so that he ignored that the tall second lieutenant had turned slightly and stood directly in front of him.

At the same time, the strong smell of blood came from Little Smart's nose.

He was stunned for a moment and looked at the cigarette case in his hand. There was blood on it that had not completely dried up.

 Our 3rd Infantry Group has not gone into battle yet! Where did the blood come from? Doubts flashed through the mind of the clever little Japanese army commander.

Perhaps the doubt came so suddenly that it stung my heart.

The Japanese army commander suddenly felt a pain in his heart and lowered his head subconsciously, only to find that a 38 bayonet seemed to have grown out of his heart.

The stabbing was so deep that from his angle, the fifty-centimeter-long Sanba bayonet only had half of the blade and handle.

 “Enemy attack!” The Japanese army commander suddenly raised his head and screamed heartbreakingly.

The clever little captain finally understood why he was wary of this strange-looking second lieutenant-level officer at the beginning, because this person's height was really different from himself and most of his colleagues.

With a tall figure of nearly 1.8 meters taller than half his head, it may not be considered a rare animal in the 2nd Infantry Brigade, but he should definitely know it.

 An enemy who is proficient in Japanese and familiar with the situation in the army and dares to sneak up on him at this time has no doubt about his personal strength.

  She did not resist at the first moment but directly shouted to warn her own people. This was the only thing the little clever guy could do for his colleagues.

This is such a good guy! Any Japanese officer would probably appreciate this veteran who was flexible enough and dedicated to his duties.

It's a pity that the little clever one still underestimated his opponent. The roar he burst out with great efforts was still swirling on his little tongue. The spear that was originally placed by his side suddenly bounced up, and the terrible 38 bayonet was pierced into the general by his lower jaw. While piercing through the mouth, it penetrated straight into the brain.

 The roar that bursts out of life will never be much louder than the cry of a little chicken, and it is dissipated in the autumn wind of China.

 (End of this chapter)

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