Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 95: On a?

Chapter 95 Just one?

 Four thirty in the morning is the darkest and coldest time of the day.

 So, Tang Dao patiently scattered the "Five Drums and Broken Soul Incense" in his hand at the upwind of this section of the trench, taking advantage of the autumn wind.

It was not easy for the Japanese infantry either. They came from the main island of Japan to sleep in big huts after long expeditions. As the owner, Tang Dao had to let them have a good sleep at the sleepiest time of the day.

In any case, he would never admit that he stabbed them in order to make them fall asleep deeper. Really, for this goal, Tang Dao waited patiently until it was close to five o'clock.

Tang Dao in the middle, perhaps in order not to be too bored, even crossed the trench and went at least a hundred meters deep into the direction of the Japanese position, without concealing his figure, the night password he had obtained, his pure Kyoto accent, and the second lieutenant His military rank allowed him to pass through two sentries without difficulty.

If possible, Tang Dao hopes to steal the head of a Japanese military sergeant and take it back. I heard that the head of a Japanese military sergeant is worth 100 ocean bounty, which is definitely a valuable thing.

But the Japanese army was indeed cautious enough. The strength of the patrol troops along the route from the front-line position to its headquarters gradually increased, and it changed from an ordinary sentry group to a small team level. Looking at the sky, Tang Dao had no choice but to give up. In half an hour, the Japanese army would get up to form a team. Have breakfast.

 If you can't kill the big ones, then you can only vent your anger on the little carrots, but it won't be in vain.

Tang Dao is probably also caught up in the bad habit of people in the future who will have to engrave "so-and-so was here" wherever they go.

 Actually, killing a person is easier than killing a pig, especially when the person is sleeping deeper than the pig.

 Cover your mouth and stab the heart with precision. The death time of an adult man will not exceed 20 seconds.

Furthermore, as long as you choose the correct position, the moment you draw the knife, there will be no chance of the blood splashing all over you.

 In short, this is a technical job, especially after killing nearly an infantry squad with a sword in a row, the skill is even more proficient.

 Practice makes perfect!

However, as the saying goes, 'If you often walk by the river, there will be shoes that don't get wet! ’ Tang Dao was working vigorously one by one, and a Japanese soldier not far from him woke up.

"Baga! What does this smell like?" The Japanese soldier who sat up muttered angrily and looked around blankly to find the source of the strange smell that woke him up from his sleep.

 Obviously, the effect of the ‘Five Drum Soul-Breaking Powder’ is not as great as the legend says. It may make a person with good sleep quality sleep more deeply, but it cannot prevent a person with a sensitive sense of smell from opening his eyes when he is woken up by the stench.

It usually takes two to three seconds for human pupils to adapt to the light. Therefore, the Japanese soldier who was looking around blankly did not actually see Tang Dao, who was busy killing people only three or four meters away from him.

 But it is no longer important, a knife has arrived at high speed.

  No one wore a helmet when sleeping. The high-quality 38 bayonet broke through the hard head and sank it into the middle of the eyebrow. The Japanese soldier fell to the ground with a scream, twisting his body in pain.

The remaining Japanese soldiers who were sleeping were awakened. A figure jumped out of the trench and jumped into the darkness at high speed.

At the same time, two grenades were thrown into the trench from a distance, one after the other, into the chaos.

 "Boom! Boom!" Two loud noises completely alarmed the Japanese army's position.

“Enemy attack!” In the exclamation of the Japanese commanders, the Japanese soldiers in the trenches and resting points outside the trenches rushed towards the place where they stored their rifles.

Unlike Chinese soldiers who like to sleep with their guns next to them, the Japanese army, which attaches great importance to equipment, always puts their guns together in small units during breaks on the battlefield and after maintaining their guns.

 Especially on the Songhu battlefield, this is also to avoid damage to the guns caused by wet mud and water on the ground.

And the hook on the bayonet of the Japanese Type 38 rifle can perfectly hold several rifles together without worrying about collapse.

The Japanese army responded so quickly that they ignored one thing. Now that there were attackers, their own positions were not as safe as before.

Tang Dao used local materials and deployed a simple trip mine in a very short time. It was pulled by the first Japanese soldier who picked up a rifle.

There is a saying: the early bird catches the worm! The Japanese soldier who touched the fishing line and pulled the grenade fuse jumped so fast that he didn't even notice that there were a few "small cantaloupes" that they were very familiar with behind him.

 As the ‘little cantaloupe’ continues to collide with the ground.

 The tragedy just happened. "Boom! Boom!" There were several more loud noises, and the sudden burst of fire burned the eyes of a Japanese captain who emerged from the trench on the other side.

In the darkness, he didn’t know how much his men had suffered, but the wailing that came from the sky and the earth made him clear that his 2nd Infantry Squadron was in a state of dissatisfaction from this moment on.

 And that, but three days ago, his relationship with Nao Matsumoto and his wife and sister was only completed after he found the brigade commander!

 63 people were lost in battle and 63 were replenished. The instant full health status made other colleagues in the entire 36th Regiment green-eyed with envy.

Could it be said that the health bar of our squadron has become extremely short before we even enter the battle?

"Flare bombs! Front of the position! Three, shoot!" Listening to the wails coming from his own position, Captain Matsumoto Naoo temporarily suppressed the sadness in his heart and calmly ordered.

"In addition, the order is given, everyone should stay where they are and wait for orders. Anyone who walks around will be dead."

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” There were three muffled sounds, and three illumination bombs hit the sky.

The three small suns that are slowly setting are enough to illuminate an area with a radius of one kilometer. You can see clearly how many attackers are there, and you can also use the residual light of the flares to see what is happening on your own position.

In order to prevent being shelled by the Chinese, the Japanese army's positions were also in the dark. Although they were hit several times by grenades, except for the unlucky guy who was hit by shrapnel, everyone else looked confused and no one knew what the situation was.

People are the most panicked in the dark. Once an enemy sneaks into the area and makes a sneak attack, a camp bombing incident is most likely to occur.

 The bright light cast by illumination bombs can also calm the panic of soldiers.

It can be said that the Japanese captain is calm enough, and this performance alone is enough to score 90 points.

If Tang Dao still dares to hide in the position with his camouflage that cannot withstand much scrutiny, when the afterglow of the flare illuminates the trench, no matter how unfamiliar the newly added infantry squadron soldiers are to each other, the sudden appearance of long legs After all, it still seemed too abrupt.

He will most likely be exposed.

 So, Tang Dao, who never looked down on any enemy, had no intention of fishing in troubled waters and ran away early when he was exposed.

 Then, his figure jumping up in the ruins and hiding in a broken house was exposed to the eyes of the Japanese captain.

Although he is the same yellow as the Japanese army, he runs so fast, and his pre-prepared tactical evasive moves are so "coquettish". As long as the IQ is not below 50, you will not know that he just The initiator of those tragedies?

 There is only one person?

It would be fine if the Chinese sent a small force to attack under cover of night, which they had done a few hours ago.

 But just one person, what the **** is he?

 What’s more important is that this ghost succeeded.

Looking back at the infantrymen still lying on the ground not far away, moaning in pain, and the rifle parts lying on the ground, the Japanese captain was definitely as careful as if he had been trampled by 10,000 African buffalo.

 It is extremely harmful and even more insulting.

"Flare bombs, move forward fifty meters! Shoot again! The entire 1st Infantry Squadron fires to suppress it in the ruins." Matsumoto Naoto's eyes were blood red, and he gritted his teeth and ordered:

"The 3rd Infantry Squadron, set out from the left and right wings to outflank it, surround it, and try to bring me back as many alive as possible."

The reason why the 2nd Infantry Squadron was not ordered is because the explosion just now basically occurred in this squad area, so let them count the casualties first! The injured must also be treated first.

So far, all the orders given by Captain Matsumoto of the 2nd Infantry Group, which has just replaced the 1st Infantry Group on the battlefield, are of textbook-level standards, and no one can find any flaws.

However, the remaining soldiers of the 1st Infantry Group who had been crippled in World War I did not tell him that the Chinese on the opposite side were very cunning, especially in the dark.

The person who has the deepest experience of this is that Lieutenant Kuroda Orizo Kuroda has died in battle. It is not the main reason, but that Major Toyoda Hide, who has become the de facto infantry squadron leader, really does not want to bear the blame alone.

Chinese, well done, that’s it! Let’s turn the 2nd Infantry Brigade into the 2nd Infantry Squadron!

A certain Japanese Army major who was awakened by the explosion in the distance stared at this position. Although he felt a little ashamed, he still firmly made such a wish secretly, under the starry sky of Songhu, China.

 (End of this chapter)

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