Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 97: devilish means

Chapter 97 Devil’s Means

 The two Chinese commanders were too far away, so they only saw the flames rising into the sky, but had no idea what was going on.

But the Japanese army was much closer, only two hundred meters away. The flames were so hot and so bright, and everything that happened on the battlefield was naturally visible.

Captain Naoo Matsumoto’s eyes burned for the third time before dawn.

The first time was when a grenade exploded on our own position. The red light from the explosive was only fleeting, but it was already very painful to the pupils.

 The second time, it was a trench stained red by blood.

Before issuing the order to chase down the attacker, the heart-rending cry of a soldier a hundred meters away did not initially attract his attention. He just ordered the communications troops to silence the idiot.

And when the Japanese captain who finally vacated his position arrived at the scene, he finally understood why the soldier kneeling in the mud like a sculpture was crying like a fool.

From a long distance away, a strong smell of blood rushed into the nose of the Japanese captain.

 That's the smell of blood.

 It’s just that how much blood is needed to convey this smell across such a long distance!

 As the distance got closer, the Japanese captain’s heart kept sinking.

The increasingly strong stench of blood made him think he was running toward a slaughterhouse instead of the trenches of his 2nd Infantry Squadron.

When he stood next to the private who was kneeling on the ground, burying his face in the mud and crying like a resentful spirit, and looking through the afterglow of the flare not far away, the Japanese captain finally knew what had defeated the warriors under his command. .

 Even though he is just a second-class soldier.

Even he wanted to kneel down.

 The entire 30-meter-long trench was filled with blood and corpses that were still flowing.

 An infantry squad, except for the private who was still kneeling on the ground, were all lying quietly in the trench.

There are fourteen people in total, ranging from sergeants to privates, just one person.

 They must have been visited by the devil in their sleep.

 Slowly approaching, you can clearly see that most of the people have ferocious faces.

 The Japanese captain believed that they must be in pain at the moment of death.

But why was there no resistance, why was there not even a sound of reluctance at the last moment of running towards death? Is the devil at their throats?

There is no need to deliberately look at the group of three sentries deployed by the 2nd Infantry Squad more than 20 meters away. The Japanese captain knew that since the devil visited this position and slaughtered an entire infantry squad, those three sentries must be finished. .

The Japanese captain, who was desperately suppressing his inner grief and fear while marching in the trench, became increasingly heavy and his cowhide boots were stained with red mud.

That was because the blood of fourteen people mixed with mud and water had soaked the soil in the trench even softer.

He did not try to find anyone who was still alive. The second lieutenant of the 2nd team following him had already confirmed that they were all dead.

The cause of death was surprisingly consistent. Knife wounds and 38-style bayonet wounds were all caused by a stab wound to the heart, killing them all with one stab.

Naoo Matsumoto could completely imagine the tragic scene ten minutes ago. The Chinese devil who sneaked into this trench was like the Chinese killing the New Year pig. He covered the mouths of his soldiers with one hand and held the weapons captured from his own army in the other. The sharp blade pierced the heart, and then, no matter how hard the body struggled and twisted, waiting for the heart to lose blood supply, the soldier who completely lost his strength could only fall into a coma, and then die silently.

 One after another, until everyone in this trench is dead.

There is no need to dwell on the despair of those who died at the last moment of their lives. Just looking at the extremely frightened eyes of his subordinates around him, the Japanese captain knew that the courage of the once confident imperial warriors was greatly diminished.

  It’s really too cruel!

"Devil! He is the devil!" The Japanese recruit who had been kneeling in the mud finally cried loudly with his face in his hands. "I want to go home!"

  The mentality of the recruits was completely shattered.

The furious Japanese captain wanted to pull out his pistol and kill the nervous private, but in the end he gave up. It was not out of protection for his subordinates, but because Naoo Matsumoto did not want one more death toll to be included in tonight's battle report.

 Too many people have died.

 But there are many things that you don’t just want to do. The darkness before dawn is destined to become poor Captain Naoo Matsumoto’s nightmare.

Together with their lieutenant and squadron leader and the second lieutenant of the second squadron, the three of them quickly found three sentries more than thirty meters away.

The corpses of the two outposts were wearing steel helmets and leaning against the low wall with their heads hanging down. From a distance, everything seemed normal, but only when you got closer did you realize that it was because of the Type 38 rifle.

The sharp bayonet penetrated from the neck into the back of the head, and their own rifles became corpse supports that allowed them to stand even if they died.

The strange figure in the firelight swaying in the wind of the campfire cast a dark shadow on the low wall like a shadow puppet show being performed, making those who saw this scene feel chilled.

 Of course, it’s more of a humiliation.

Whether it’s the tragic scene in the trenches or the weirdness here, it’s all a letter of war left by that **** Chinese.

"Baga! Baga!" The lieutenant squadron officer drew out his command knife, stepped over with a few strides, roared with all his strength and hacked at the low wall frantically.

 It seems that it is the Chinese devil.

   Naoo Matsumoto looked numbly a few meters away until he was thrown to the ground by a startled scream from the second lieutenant next to him.

Then, the stunned Japanese captain only heard a terrible bang.

 When he looked up blankly.

 The smoke is filling the air.

A few seconds later, the low wall was gone, the 'shadow puppet show' was gone, and the lieutenant and squadron deputy under his command who was so impressive just now was also gone.

The power of the two grenades buried under the wall may not be enough to tear the human body into pieces flying around, but there is no problem at all in blowing them up.

How could a person whose rage rivaled the eruption of Mount Fuji pay attention to the slightly scattered green smoke at his feet?

Perhaps the calm Japanese second lieutenant heard the sizzling sound of the fuse, otherwise Captain Matsumoto would not have to worry about the casualties of his infantry squadron.

 He will also be on this list.

ˆIf you don’t want to increase the number, you can only +1 again.

Perhaps, only the Second Lieutenant of the 2nd Squadron was in a mood other than pure sadness. Even though the casualties under his command were close to 20, the squadron deputy was gone, and he also saved the First Lieutenant. If nothing else, this position is very good. Eighty-nine are his.

 Especially when you see the flames rising into the sky outside the battlefield a few minutes later.

 The casualties of the 3rd Infantry Squadron arrived right in front of his eyes.

It’s really a mixed bag!

 But this emotion must not be known to his sluggish boss.

Yes, the Japanese captain, who had worked hard for a long time to accept the fact that his men had suffered heavy casualties, finally couldn't control the sadness he had been suppressing when he looked at the battlefield in the distance.

Two tears streaked down his cheeks through the edge of the telescope placed in front of the captain's eyes, flowing down unbridled.

That Chinese devil actually has even more terrifying devilish methods.

 (End of this chapter)

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