Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 99: Everyone eats his own melon

Chapter 99: To each their own

The three platoons of officers and soldiers waiting in the trenches had no chance to help their platoon leader block the pursuing Japanese troops.

 The closest the Japanese troops came to this side was 250 meters away.

The officers and soldiers in the third platoon knew that the Japanese army may not be afraid of the submachine guns and machine guns that were already waiting here, but because the ruins illuminated by flares would burst into flames and loud bangs from time to time.

The three rows of officers and soldiers who were watching nervously from a distance felt pain for the Japanese soldiers just by looking at them.

How uncomfortable it feels to have dozens of people chasing one person and still being beaten like this!

I really want to hold these poor babies in my arms, pat their little heads, and comfort them: They are so stupid, so they should go home and read more!

While escaping from the battlefield, a certain battlefield protagonist who did not forget to carry his small package, carry a submachine gun and wear a shit-yellow military uniform was not as relaxed as his subordinates who started to light up cigarettes and waited for his return with a smile.

He did not rush back to the warehouse. Instead, he fired into the sky from a distance of nearly 100 meters and shouted angrily: "Everyone takes cover! Prevent shelling!"

"What did your platoon leader shout?" Lieutenant Leng Feng, Tang Dao's little fan, didn't see Tang Dao's figure, but heard Tang Dao's voice, and patted Niu Er with some confusion.

 “It seems to be something hidden?” Niu Er’s hearing is very good.

 “Damn it! Bombardment! Everyone lie down!” Leng Feng’s soul suddenly appeared.

 It’s just that he is obviously the slowest to respond.

There was a piece of chicken jumping in the trenches, making birds and beasts.

The third platoon has been following Tang Dao for a long time. They know Tang Dao's style well. It can make the calm and cold Commander Tang shout so far away. The Japanese army's revenge will definitely be extremely ferocious.

 Lying down in a trench 1.5 meters deep is never a good idea.

Leng Feng was certainly not stupid. He chased the veteran Youzi and ran from the traffic ditch to the warehouse while rolling and crawling.

In less than twenty seconds, dozens of meters in front of the warehouse were blown into a sea of ​​​​fire by a violent explosion of "Boom! Boom!", followed by the scream of artillery shells piercing the night sky.

The Japanese army's retaliation came quickly and fiercely, using at least ten infantry guns and six mountain guns, covering the entire area 200 meters from the front of the warehouse. Their attitude of demolishing the ruins at all costs was comparable to that of the Japanese army. The army lieutenant colonel who bought sixty rounds of artillery shells has lost a lot of money.

For more than half an hour, the sixteen cannons fired at least 300 rounds of artillery shells.

The rumbling sound of artillery alarmed most of the concession. No one could understand what China and Japan were doing. So why did the artillery battle start before dawn?

Even the Brigadier General of the Sun Never Sets Empire, who has extremely rich combat experience, looked out the window at half of the sky in the distance that was reddened by the firelight. He faced Colonel James's somewhat naive and eager eyes. After holding back for a while, he asked a few uncertain questions: " Maybe he has lost his patience due to the harassment by the Chinese? Or maybe the Japanese have arrived with heavy supplies?”

Then, the experienced commander of the Western Allied Forces may feel that his question is indeed difficult to convince even himself. He pondered for a while and finally gave an affirmative sentence: "Today's battlefield will be more cruel than yesterday."

Little white James.

 I have the urge to roll my eyes to His Excellency the Commander, if I were not afraid of being misunderstood by His Excellency the Commander.

Of course, this is just a Western-style joke about the uncertainty of the answer in their hearts. Two veteran soldiers with battlefield experience really didn't understand what the Japanese front-line commanders were thinking. The ruins before the warehouse are actually very important, especially to For the offensive side.

At least, those ruins can help their infantry avoid bullets fired from the warehouse. If the Chinese had enough artillery or ammunition, they would have plowed the ruins.

 As a result, the Japanese themselves did what the Chinese failed to do.

Through yesterday's daytime battlefield, although the Japanese front-line commanders and the Chinese commanders were slightly worse at adapting to the situation, they definitely cannot be said to be stupid, but why are their IQs so off-line at this moment?

This question has been lingering in the brigadier general's mind, and the Japanese army will naturally not tell him the answer.

It was not until a few years later that Japan was beaten into a **** by the United States. The Lieutenant General of the Sun Never Sets Empire, who set foot on the main island of Japan as a victor, checked the confidential files of the Japanese army and saw with his own eyes that the 36th Infantry Regiment dumped it in the early morning of October 28. Only through the battle reports of the bombardment with all our strength can we know the truth.

That was actually for just one person.

However, after seeing the number of casualties that one person caused to the Japanese army at the time, Lieutenant General of the Imperial Army The Sun Never Sets believed that Colonel Jiro Wakiita made the right choice.

If it were him, he would never let such a terrifying guy go back alive.

 But now, two senior Western officers who have been concerned about this war can only be confused and anxious.

  The Japanese were beaten into fools by the Chinese. This is by no means good news for the concession.     . . . . . . .

 “What’s going on? Why hasn’t the officer come back yet?” Liu Datou, who was hiding in the warehouse and watching the blazing gunfire outside, was so anxious that he uttered his native dialect.

"What are you worrying about? Didn't you see that the commander just yelled at this side and the person disappeared?" Veteran Youzi was not worried at all. He glanced outside and leaned back against the wall comfortably: "It's just you and me. In this way, even if the bones are broken, the boss will still be alive and flirting with beautiful reporters every day."

"What do you mean? Do you know where the commander has gone?" Liu Datou thought about it.

"Nonsense, if I can guess the officer's intention, then wouldn't I be your officer Liu Datou?" Old Soldier Youzi lazily lit up a cigarette.

"However, I know that the commander must not have run towards the warehouse, otherwise the cannonballs could have been outrun there. What's the saying? Just run in the opposite direction, that's it."

"Wait a minute, squad leader, what did you mean when you said the commander was teasing a beautiful reporter? Did you see something?" Yang Xiaoshan, who came from outside, came over with a torch and lit a cigarette for veteran Youzi. , but it diverted the topic of discussing the safety of a certain officer.

 The most indispensable thing in human society is curiosity about gossip, especially those related to romance.

“Yes! Squad Leader Li, tell me quickly, did you see something?”

"If you ask me, our platoon leader is really worthy of that moon reporter. You don't know, that person with white skin is whiter than the moon on the 15th day of the lunar month."

“Did the sir touch the reporter’s hand?”

  A group of soldiers with obvious excess hormones in the room expressed their various imaginations about this **** incident led by veteran Youzi.

"Bah! Sir, you are as low-level as you, and you just touch your hands when you come up." Old Soldier Youzi spat, and continued to gossip triumphantly: "Sir, in fact, he didn't pay much attention to the big reporter at all, and he didn't even look at us when he looked at her. So kind!”

“Squad Leader Li, do you mean that the commander likes men?”

Li Jijin’s words contained a lot of information, which made Erya, who was originally attentive, dumbfounded.

"Erya! You are still too young and don't understand women! I tell you, especially those arrogant women. The more you get up, the less they want to talk to you." Veteran Youzi shook his head and said , looking very experienced.

 “What should we do?” Someone suddenly interrupted and asked.

"Do it the way our commander wants! Don't look at it directly. Based on my experience, Lao Li, I have already seen that the beautiful reporter looks at our commander differently, and her eyebrows are almost dripping with water." Lao Li puffed happily. Yan closed his eyes and reminisced, while boasting.

 “Tsk, tsk, sir, you are indeed an extraordinary person. He is awesome at everything he does.”

There should be an inhaling sound here! But there was silence, as if everyone was stunned.

“Are you scared by my careful observation?” Veteran Youzi opened his eyes, only to find a bunch of melon-eating people standing up straight! Stand up straight.

 Turning his head suddenly, he saw Tang Dao, wearing only a white shirt stained red with blood, looking at him with a playful expression.

 “Come on, keep editing for me!”

  . . . . . . . . . .

PS: In the early stage of the new book, some classic plots from the old book Si Xing Warehouse may be reproduced. This is in response to the requests of many old readers. After all, the old book is over, but the feelings remain the same. They hope that those classics will be preserved.

 But after four lines, there will be no more. It is a brand new story, and it is not a continuation of the old book. After all, Tang Dao is not Lang Tuan Zao. Leaving Songhu and going to Jinling, there will be more exciting stories. Fengyue will not spoil it here, just keep reading.

If you like Fengyue's story, please give Fengyue a recommendation vote and a monthly vote. Also, read more in the new book period, which is also considered as continuing to read. This way you can recommend it to Sanjiang, so that Fengyue, a little Feng Yue, can do better and write with high emotions. It can also be more burning, right? Thanks to all the book friends for their help, I would like to express my gratitude.

Also, I received bad news today. My cousin’s youngest daughter, my niece, is only four years old. She has a tumor. I don’t know what type it is. We will have to undergo surgery to find out. As an uncle, Fengyue feels very special. I’m sad that I can’t do much. I wish my niece health and safety!

 I'm in a bad mood, so I'm verbose, sorry!

 (End of this chapter)

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