Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 101 Influence

“Education is the foundation of a strong nation, and industry is the foundation of a strong nation.

From the Age of Discovery to the present, Spain has experienced ups and downs, and it is time to unite and rediscover the light that belongs to Spain.

While European powers such as Britain, France, Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire continued to popularize education and develop industry, Queen Isabel lived a luxurious and chaotic life in the Royal Palace of Madrid.

We finally got rid of Queen Isabel, ushered in the rule of His Majesty Carlo and Prime Minister Primo, and faced the problem of Spanish illiteracy rate as high as 70%.

We call on Spanish people to voluntarily join the free scanning education, which can not only improve their cultural level, but also effectively increase our own annual income.

According to the survey results of this newspaper, among more than 70% of the illiterate people in Spain, only 42% have an annual income of more than 80 pesetas, and nearly 52% of the illiterate people have an annual income below the national average.

Among the less than 30% of the non-literate people, 64% have an annual income of more than 80 pesetas, and less than 36% of the non-literate people have an income of less than 80 pesetas, including many elderly people and children.

In order for Spain to be strong again, to increase our income, and for the future of our children, please actively participate in literacy education, make Spain's future brighter, and make Spain great again! "

Similar reports have been appearing in newspapers in various cities since January 1, 1871, and became known to people through various communication channels.

If we just promote the idea of ​​a powerful country through education, it may not have a deep impact on the people. But if the income difference between illiterate and non-illiterate people is pointed out directly, it will naturally arouse people's attention.

In fact, no matter which country or period it is, there are only two issues that the people at the bottom are most concerned about, and that is to have enough food and clothing and to carry on the family line.

As for who the king is, it is actually not that important to the people. As long as the people at the bottom can survive, most of the time they will not oppose the government.

"Pablo, have you heard about today's news? It seems that starting from today, His Majesty the King will provide a dinner for those who have not participated in literacy education every day." In a factory outside Madrid, two workers took advantage of their work During the period, I was also having my own chat.

"Marbury, where did you get this news?" The middle-aged man named Pablo was a little surprised. Even if literacy education is free, why would he provide a free dinner? Is there really such a good thing?

"The news has been published in the Spanish Sun, man." Marbury knew that his friend would question the news, because he was also skeptical when he heard the news.

If this news hadn't been told by the newspaper owner himself, and he took the Spanish Sun newspaper and swore that such news was in the newspaper, Marbury would never believe such news.

Because from the time he was born to now, after experiencing so many Spanish governments, he had never heard of a policy of free education and free dinners.

Seeing the hesitant look on his friend Pablo's face, Marbury began to persuade: "Man, I know what you are thinking. We don't have to be illiterate, but these children have to learn something, right?

His Majesty the King not only allows children to participate in free education, but also provides a free dinner. He has done a lot, hasn't he?

Even if you don't think about us, you have to think more about Patrick's future, right?

Today I heard from the newsstand owner that most of us illiterate people with no knowledge and culture have an annual income of less than 80 pesetas, while most of the educated people have an annual income of more than 80 pesetas.

Old man, if you don't want Patrick to follow your old path, it's better for him to learn something. Literacy is better than illiteracy. "

In order to expand the impact of this report on the people, Carlo had specially ordered some newspaper sellers to promote the free literacy education and free dinner policy.

There are all kinds of other news in the newspaper, which will not affect those who want to buy newspapers in the first place.

But for those who are not willing to buy a newspaper, they can also get the news from the newspaper and spread it to more people.

Carlo's original intention is to influence as many people as possible. Maybe among these Spaniards who have shed their illiterate status, there may be a few people who have some talent for learning?

Spain in this world has attached greater importance to education earlier, and it should not be as shabby in terms of high-end talents as Spain in history.

Carlo's ambitions were not great either. If Spain can produce more than ten Nobel Prize-level talents in the next 30 years, it will already meet Carlo's initial expectations for Spanish education.

After hearing the persuasion of his good friend Marbury, Pablo also hesitated. After thinking about it carefully, he gritted his teeth and said: "I will ask when I have a rest another day. If there is really a free dinner, how can I say it?" Let Patrick study for a while.”

"Don't worry, man. His Majesty Carlo is different from the previous kings. He is a good king who truly cares for the common people.

It is fortunate that if Prime Minister Primo had not chosen His Majesty Carlo to become the King of Spain, how could we have such a good life? " Marbury said with a smile.

He and Pablo are both employees of a small factory under the royal industry. Although the income is not too high, the advantage is that there is not so much exploitation of workers.

They only work about 11 hours a day and have one day off every month, which is much better than some other private factory workers.

Especially on Christmas and New Year's Day, the factory gave them a day off. This made Marbury and Pablo happy for a long time, because on such an important holiday, they also wanted to spend more time with their families.

Hearing his friend Marbury's praise for Carlo, Pablo not only did not object at all, but also had an expression of approval on his face: "That's right, Marbury. His Majesty Carlo and Prime Minister Primo both provide free education and dinner, what else is there to hesitate about?

Don't think too much, let Patrick go to the literacy point to ask tomorrow, if they still accept people, then go to study tomorrow.

I can take care of the household expenses. I don't believe that we will starve if there is one less person earning money. ”

Hearing that his buddy Pablo agreed to let his son Patrick go to the literacy center for education, Marbury nodded happily.

The two have been friends since childhood, so their relationship is naturally very good. Marbury really didn't want to see his friend stop Patrick from studying because of such a small income. Now that he finally succeeded in persuading him, he was relieved.

Such scenes happened in factories, farms and families in Madrid and all over Spain.

Whenever the government's policies are mentioned, the people are always grateful to Carlo and Prime Minister Primo.

Especially when they learned that the free dinner was jointly provided by the royal family and the government, the Spaniards finally began to have a good impression of the young king from Italy.

In fact, providing a free dinner is nothing, after all, even literacy education is free. The problem is that as long as compared with Carlo's predecessor Queen Isabel, the Spaniards were surprised to find that the current King Carlo is even more holy than the saint.

Thinking about the oppression of farmers by the Spanish government during the reign of Queen Isabel, and the government's continuous reduction of agricultural taxes during Carlo's reign, the two are simply There is a huge difference between the two.

No matter which country it is, the people's hearts are accumulated bit by bit.

It is impossible for the people to suddenly express strong love and support for someone. They gradually change their attitude towards a person or a force under the influence of long-term subtle influence.

Carlo did not expect the Spaniards to love him fanatically in a short period of time. The short-term goal is to make Spain recognize himself as a foreign king and be willing to accept and obey Carlo's rule.

The long-term goal is to win the hearts of the people bit by bit through various policies and systems, so that the Spaniards will gradually change their attitude towards themselves under the influence of long-term influence.

Although the progress of doing so may be slow, when the Spaniards truly recognize themselves, neither the Bourbon Dynasty nor other opposition forces will be able to affect their ruling position in Spain.

The future Savoy Dynasty is also destined to leave a strong mark in Spain. Savoy and Spain will be tied together and become a legendary story with the revival of Spain.

"Your Majesty, your propaganda is so effective. "Just a few days after Carlo's public opinion offensive was launched, Prime Minister Primo came to Carlo with a smile on his face to report on the progress of the literacy campaign in the past few days.

"In the first ten days of this year, the number of people who signed up for free literacy education in various places has exceeded 100,000, and currently there are at least 300,000 people undergoing literacy education.

This data has increased too much compared to the same period last year. If all goes well, the number of people receiving literacy education this year may exceed 2 million. "Primo Prime Minister reported the number of people participating in literacy education, and the smile on his face could not be suppressed at all.

"2 million people? "Carlo nodded. This number of people is still affordable. According to the previous estimate of 1 million people, the cost of providing free dinners is at least 5 million pesetas.

If it increases to 2 million people, the cost of providing free dinners will be as high as 10 million pesetas. However, since it is jointly funded by the royal family and the government, the royal family only needs to pay half, which is actually 5 million pesetas, which is a completely affordable expense for Carlo.

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