Rise of Empires: Spain

Chapter 112 Military and Industrial Assistance

One of the most important things in the bank reorganization is to integrate some existing small banks into a large joint bank controlled by the government.

Those private capitals can choose to continue to join the large joint bank. Such banks controlled by the government will also receive support policies, and their future development will definitely not lose money.

Or they can choose to withdraw in time. After the integration, their shares will also be acquired by the government and the royal family, which can also guarantee their own costs.

As for whether they can make a fortune by taking advantage of the reorganization of the banking industry, it is basically impossible. The royal family and the government are not fools, and naturally it is impossible for these private bank capitals to find opportunities to exploit loopholes in this major reorganization.

While reorganizing the bank, the government is also preparing to establish the Spanish National Bank. Since its establishment, the Royal United Bank has been welcomed by a large number of Spaniards, and the government naturally cannot give up this opportunity to make a lot of money.

In addition, a bank with a real official background can not only serve as a benchmark for the financial industry, but also realize the control of the banking industry. Therefore, an official bank is very necessary.

After discussing with Carlo, the Spanish National Bank officially entered the preparation stage. The royal family will invest 8.5 million pesetas and hold 45% of the shares in the upcoming national bank.

The Spanish government will invest 10 million pesetas and hold 55% of the shares in the national bank. The operation of the national bank is supervised by the government, and the royal family does not participate.

The Spanish National Bank and the Royal United Bank will join the Spanish Currency Issuance Committee, which will control the issuance of Spanish pesetas.

In other words, the National Bank and the Royal United Bank will be the two major official banks in parallel in Spain, and will obtain the power to issue and control currency.

The government will not interfere with the operation of the Royal United Bank, and the royal family will not interfere with the operation of the National Bank. However, both parties can control the issuance of Spanish currency through the Currency Issuance Committee, with the aim of achieving win-win cooperation in the financial industry.

The purpose of doing so is, of course, to completely control the Spanish financial industry through the cooperation of the two official banks.

No matter how powerful the bank capital is in the future, it will not be stronger than the combination of the two official banks. The royal family and the government control the capital of the two major banks. The royal capital and the national capital will become the largest capital in Spain, thereby preventing the infiltration of capital into the country.

For Carlo, although the establishment of the National Bank will affect the business of the Royal United Bank to a certain extent, it is still not a loss overall.

After all, he also owns 45% of the shares of the National Bank, and 45% of the National Bank's income belongs to the royal family.

Moreover, the development of the banking industry also requires competition. If the Royal United Bank is the only one, it will not be a good thing for the development of the Spanish financial industry, and it is more likely to breed corruption and embezzlement.

Of course, even with competition, it is inevitable that corruption and embezzlement will breed. In order to prevent this phenomenon from harming the two major banks, in addition to the two official banks, the Currency Issuance Committee also has controls from the royal family and government departments to eliminate the scum in the bank at any time.

That is, Carlo's influence on the government is not high at present, otherwise the supervision of government officials should also be put on the agenda.

Corruption will occur in every national government, which is fundamentally impossible to eliminate and avoid. Although the current government originated from the revolutionary government, sitting in a high position for a long time will definitely produce other ideas.

In the future, after Carlo has certain power, he will formulate more stringent policies and play a more supervisory role on the government.

In addition to the development of the banking industry, Carlo is more concerned about the development of the military industry.

After receiving the military support of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Spain will also usher in a golden period of development in the military industry.

The development of the military industry certainly cannot rely solely on the Royal Military Factory. Military factories under various government backgrounds and private military factories are also very important.

In the military industry, the most important thing is innovation and improvement. It is still necessary to develop more military factories to form a competitive situation, at least to ensure that Spanish weapons will continue to be updated and iterated in a competitive environment.

If the competition is not strong, the Royal Military Factory will not be so strong in its attitude towards the development of new weapons. After all, selling old weapons can also make money, so why bother to develop those more expensive new weapons?

Therefore, for the development of the country, there must be competition in the military industry, and the competition can only be high, not low.

Carlo would rather see his Royal Military Factory at a disadvantage in the competition than see the Royal Military Factory dominate alone, which will eventually make Spain's weapons development fall behind.

Regarding the Austro-Hungarian Empire's assistance in the military industry, it is divided into two parts.

The first part is that the Austro-Hungarian Empire will provide Spain with production lines for existing rifles and artillery technology. The reason why the Austro-Hungarian Empire is willing to provide production lines for rifles and artillery is actually because it has seen the backwardness of existing rifles and artillery.

The Austro-Prussian War and the Franco-Prussian War have proved that muzzle-loading guns are already backward products, and now it is the era of breech-loading guns.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire is also developing products related to breech-loading guns, so it naturally doesn't matter about the existing muzzle-loading guns. Although the Austro-Hungarian Empire is not behind the world in artillery, it is at least behind the Prussians.

The steel cannons used in large quantities by the Prussians played a huge role in the Franco-Prussian War, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire also had the idea of ​​imitating them.

This is also the reason why the Austro-Hungarian Empire is willing to share these technologies. After all, these technologies will be completely outdated in a few years.

In addition, as agreed with the Spanish government before, Spain's progress in these weapons in the next ten years should also be shared with the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which can be regarded as an investment by the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Of course, since it is an investment, the Austro-Hungarian Empire must have paid more than this.

In addition to the production lines and related technologies of rifles and artillery, the Austro-Hungarian Empire will also provide a hundred-person weapon technology experts to be stationed in Spain for five years.

This is the real investment made by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, helping Spain to quickly master the technology of rifles and artillery, and at the same time jointly develop new rifles and artillery.

Such cooperation is not a loss for the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Use outdated products and technologies plus some technical experts in exchange for the progress of the entire Spain in military industry in the next ten years.

Although Spain is not a great power and does not have too strong strength in military industry, it at least has a certain foundation.

Moreover, it is a technological advancement in the next ten years. With the help of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Spain may be able to make certain breakthroughs in weapons technology.

Of course, even if Spain does not make much breakthrough in military industry, the Austro-Hungarian Empire will not lose much. After all, these backward products are not worth much, and more than 100 technical experts only need to be stationed in Spain for five years.

In Carlo's view, Spain and the Austro-Hungarian Empire can achieve a win-win situation through military cooperation with the Austro-Hungarian Empire. First of all, the more than 100 technical experts provided by the Austro-Hungarian Empire are crucial to the development of the Spanish military industry.

Even with these more than 100 technical experts, Carlo is confident that he can develop Spain's own bolt-action rifle in advance.

Of course, these technical experts will definitely not be exposed to Spain's research on machine guns. The machine gun was developed by Maxim, the father of automatic weapons, and his brother, so Carlo is still relatively relieved.

There is no need for the help of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in this regard, so there is naturally no need to share technology with the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The technology in rifles and artillery can still be shared with the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Especially in the artillery field, the technical experts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire are still very much needed to help Spain learn the more advanced artillery design ideas.

Carlo naturally did not want to let go of these more than 100 Austro-Hungarian experts. Without saying too much, at least half of them will stay in Spain to work in 5 years. This is Carlo's plan.

Although it is somewhat unethical to poach people like this, these more than 100 people are all technical experts in weapons design from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which is very helpful to Spain.

Moreover, when the Austro-Hungarian Empire sent these more than 100 people, it was naturally prepared for these people to be won over. The Austro-Hungarian Empire could not turn against Spain for these more than 100 people, so the people who should be won over still had to be won over.

According to the information provided by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, most of these technical experts are engaged in rifle and artillery design. If Spain can be won over in the future, some people can be selected to join the research and development of machine guns.

I believe that with the help of more talents, the development of the Maxim machine gun will also speed up. I believe that the Maxim machine gun in this world will be born earlier, and will burst out with its own brilliance before the First World War.

The bad news is that the Royal Arsenal is destined to be unable to allocate all weapons and technical experts. For the development of other military factories, it is necessary to keep enough technical experts for other military factories.

Because there are only more than 100 technical experts, the value of these more than 100 people will definitely be squeezed dry. They will go to several larger military factories in Spain to help these military factories master the technology of rifles and artillery from the source of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Then these technical experts will be allocated according to the scale of the major military factories, and the major military factories will develop new rifle and artillery technology.

Considering the scale of the Royal Arsenal, the number of technical experts that can be allocated in the end is definitely the largest. In the future, the standard rifles used by the Spanish army will be selected step by step from the products of these military factories, and the best rifles will be selected.

The reason for letting several other military factories participate is to cultivate more military factories to compete with each other. Only competition can make this industry continuously generate innovation and make weapons technology continue to progress.

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